517 resultados para GABA A


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Nicotine administration in humans and rodents enhances memory and attention, and also has a positive effect in Alzheimer's Disease. The Medial Septum / Diagonal Band of Broca complex (MS/DBB) – a main cholinergic system – massively projects to the hippocampus through the fimbria-fornix, and this pathway is called the septohippocampal pathway. It has been demonstrated that the MS/DBB acts directly on the local field potential (LFP) rhythmic organization of the hippocampus, especially in the rhythmogenesis of Theta (4-8Hz) – an oscillation intrinsically linked to hippocampus mnemonic function. In vitro experiments gave evidence that nicotine applied to the MS/DBB generates a local network Theta rhythm within the MS/DBB. Thus, the present study proposes to elucidate the function of nicotine in the MS/DBB on the septo-hippocampal pathway. In vivo experiments compared the effect of MS/DBB microinfusion of saline (n=5) and nicotine (n=8) on Ketamine/Xylazine anaesthetized mice. We observed power spectrum density in the Gamma range (35 to 55 Hz) increasing in both structures (Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test, p=0.038) but with no change in coherence between these structures in the same range (Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test, p=0.60). There was also a decrease in power of the ketamineinduced Delta oscillation (1 to 3 Hz). We also performed in vitro experiments on the effect of nicotine on membrane voltage and action potential. We patch-clamped 22 neurons in current-clamp mode; 12 neurons were responsive to nicotine, half of them increased firing rate and other 6 decreased, and they significantly differed in action potential threshold (-47.3±0.9 mV vs. -41±1.9 mV, respectively, p=0.007) and halfwidth time (1.6±0.08 ms vs. 2±0.12 ms, respectively, p=0.01). Furthermore, we performed another set of in vitro experiments concerning the connectivity of the three major neuronal populations of MS/DBB that use acetylcholine, GABA or glutamate as neurotransmitter. Paired patch-clamp recordings found that glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons realize intra-septal connections that produce sizable currents in MS/DBB postsynaptic neurons. The probability of connectivity between different neuronal populations gave rise to a MS/DBB topology that was implemented in a realistic model, which corroborates that the network is highly sensitive to the generation of Gamma rhythm. Together, the data available in the full set of experiments suggests that nicotine may act as a cognitive enhancer, by inducing gamma oscillation in the local circuitry of the MS/DBB.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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The lateral septum is associated with the regulation of innate behavior, motivation, and locomotion. Its complex interconnections with cognitive and affective regions such as the hippocampus, hypothalamus, and medial septum have made it an attractive region for studying how motivation regulates behavior in context-specific settings. This GABAergic brain region’s main output is the lateral hypothalamus, which provides downstream signaling of motor commands. Even though stimulation of lateral septum projections to the hypothalamus have shown to decrease running speed in free behaving mice, characterizing movement kinematics due to LS activation has not been studied. GABAergic medium spiny neurons of the lateral septum were selectively activated through the use of optogenetic techniques in transgenic mice. Photostimulation of the lateral septum at theta frequencies caused a non-significant decrease in head and back speed. 3D motion analysis of body movement under photostimulation was quantified, revealing a slow, linear decrease of body speed as photostimulation progressed. These results support the role of lateral septum activation in movement regulation and shed light on the specific manner in which stimulation of the LS gradually decreases movement speed.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Predicted future CO2 levels have been found to alter sensory responses and behaviour of marine fishes. Changes include increased boldness and activity, loss of behavioural lateralization, altered auditory preferences and impaired olfactory function. Impaired olfactory function makes larval fish attracted to odours they normally avoid, including ones from predators and unfavourable habitats. These behavioural alterations have significant effects on mortality that may have far-reaching implications for population replenishment, community structure and ecosystem function. However, the underlying mechanism linking high CO2 to these diverse responses has been unknown. Here we show that abnormal olfactory preferences and loss of behavioural lateralization exhibited by two species of larval coral reef fish exposed to high CO2 can be rapidly and effectively reversed by treatment with an antagonist of the GABA-A receptor. GABA-A is a major neurotransmitter receptor in the vertebrate brain. Thus, our results indicate that high CO2 interferes with neurotransmitter function, a hitherto unrecognized threat to marine populations and ecosystems. Given the ubiquity and conserved function of GABA-A receptors, we predict that rising CO2 levels could cause sensory and behavioural impairment in a wide range of marine species, especially those that tightly control their acid-base balance through regulatory changes in HCO3 and Cl levels.


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Arginine vasopressin (AVP), a nine amino acid neuropeptide (CYFQNCPRG- NH2) fulfills a dual function: (i) in the periphery, AVP acts as a peptide hormone and (ii) in the CNS, AVP is a neuromodulatory peptide. AVP produces its effects through 3 AVP receptors (AVPRs). AVPR1a and AVPR1b are expressed in the CNS and periphery, whilst AVPR2 is not found centrally but instead solely expressed in the kidneys. Recent evidence revealed a high density of AVP-binding sites in the juxtacapsular nucleus of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (jxBNST). While in other regions of the brain, AVP acts at AVPRs to regulate an array of biological processes, including male-typical social behaviours, social memory, stress adaptation, fear, anxiety, and fluid homeostasis, its role in the jxBNST remains elusive. Furthermore, the neurophysiological properties of AVP in the jxBNST are unknown so this study aimed to examine how AVP modulates synaptic transmission in the rat jxBNST. The BNST being one of the most notable sexually dimorphic brain regions and AVPR expression being influenced by gonadal steroids, we investigated the putative influence of sex on the modulatory effects of AVP in the jxBNST. Finally, due to AVP being released at a substantially higher concentration following periods of water deprivation, we examined changes in AVPs modulatory role following water deprivation. Male and female Long Evans rats were euthanized and brain slice whole-cell voltage-clamp electrophysiology was done in the jxBNST to measure the effects of AVP on synaptic transmission of GABA synapses. Exogenous application of AVP produced three responses; either postsynaptic long-term potentiation (LTP) of GABAA-inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSC), postsynaptic long-term depression (LTD) of GABAA-IPSC, or no change in GABAA-IPSC amplitudes. Interestingly, the proportion of neurons responding in each of these ways did not differ between sexes and within females was not estrous cycle-dependent. Finally, although not statistically significant, 24-hour water deprivation abolished GABAA-LTD, an effect that was not a consequence of social isolation. Taken together, our data show that AVP modulates GABAA synaptic transmission in the jxBNST in fluid homeostasis- but not sex-dependent manner.


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The hypothesis that the same educational objective, raised as cooperative or collaborative learning in university teaching does not affect students’ perceptions of the learning model, leads this study. It analyses the reflections of two students groups of engineering that shared the same educational goals implemented through two different methodological active learning strategies: Simulation as cooperative learning strategy and Problem-based Learning as a collaborative one. The different number of participants per group (eighty-five and sixty-five, respectively) as well as the use of two active learning strategies, either collaborative or cooperative, did not show differences in the results from a qualitative perspective.


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Il est bien établi que le thalamus joue un rôle crucial dans la génération de l’oscillation lente synchrone dans le cortex pendant le sommeil lent. La puissance des ondes lente / delta (0.2-4 Hz) est un indicateur quantifiable de la qualité du sommeil. La contribution des différents noyaux thalamiques dans la génération de l’activité à ondes lentes et dans sa synchronisation n’est pas connue. Nous émettons l’hypothèse que les noyaux thalamiques de premier ordre (spécifiques) influencent localement l’activité à ondes lentes dans les zones corticales primaires, tandis que les noyaux thalamiques d’ordre supérieur (non spécifiques) synchronisent globalement les activités à ondes lentes à travers de larges régions corticales. Nous avons analysé les potentiels de champ locaux et les activités de décharges de différentes régions corticales et thalamiques de souris anesthésiées alors qu’un noyau thalamique était inactivé par du muscimol, un agoniste des récepteurs GABA. Les enregistrements extracellulaires multi-unitaires dans les noyaux thalamiques de premier ordre (VPM) et d’ordre supérieur (CL) montrent des activités de décharges considérablement diminuées et les décharges par bouffées de potentiels d’action sont fortement réduites après inactivation. Nous concluons que l’injection de muscimol réduit fortement les activités de décharges et ne potentialise pas la génération de bouffées de potentiel d’action à seuil bas. L’inactivation des noyaux thalamiques spécifiques avec du muscimol a diminué la puissance lente / delta dans la zone corticale primaire correspondante. L’inactivation d’un noyau non spécifique avec le muscimol a significativement réduit la puissance delta dans l’ensemble du cortex étudié. Nos expériences démontrent que le thalamus a un rôle crucial dans la génération de l’oscillation lente corticale.


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Cancer cells have been noted to have an altered metabolic phenotype for over ninety years. In the presence of oxygen, differentiated cells predominately utilise the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and oxidative phosphorylation to efficiently produce energy and the metabolites necessary for protein and lipid synthesis. However, in hypoxia, this process is altered and cells switch to a higher rate of glycolysis and lactate production to maintain their energy and metabolic needs. In cancer cells, glycolysis is maintained at a high rate, even in the presence of oxygen; a term described as “aerobic glycolysis”. Tumour cells are rapidly dividing and have a much greater need for anabolism compared to normal differentiated cells. Rapid glucose metabolism enables faster ATP production as well as a greater redistribution of carbons to nucleotide, protein, and fatty acid synthesis, thus maximising cell growth. Recently, other metabolic changes, driven by mutations in genes related to the TCA cycle, indicate an alternative role for metabolism in cancer, the “oncometabolite”. This is where a particular metabolite builds up within the cell and contributes to the tumorigenic process. One of these genes is isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) IDH is an enzyme that forms part of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and converts isocitrate to α-ketoglutarate (α-KG). It exists in three isoforms; IDH1, IDH2 and IDH3 with the former present in the cytoplasm and the latter two in the mitochondria. Point mutations have been identified in the IDH1 and IDH2 genes in glioma which result in a gain of function by converting α-KG to 2-hydroxyglutarate (2HG), an oncometabolite. 2HG acts as a competitive inhibitor of the α-KG dependent dioxygenases, a superfamily of enzymes that are involved in numerous cellular processes such as DNA and histone demethylation. It was hypothesised that the IDH1 mutation would result in other metabolic changes in the cell other than 2HG production, and could potentially identify pathways which could be targeted for therapeutic treatment. In addition, 2HG can act as a potential competitive inhibitor of α-KG dependent dioxygenases, so it was hypothesised that there would be an effect on histone methylation. This may alter gene expression and provide a mechanism for tumourogenesis and potentially identify further therapeutic targets. Metabolic analysis of clinical tumour samples identified changes associated with the IDH1 mutation, which included a reduction in α-KG and an increase in GABA, in addition to the increase in 2HG. This was replicated in several cell models, where 13C labelled metabolomics was also used to identify a possible increase in metabolic flux from glutamate to GABA, as well as from α-KG to 2HG. This may provide a mechanism whereby the cell can bypass the IDH1 mutation as GABA can be metabolised to succinate in the mitochondria by GABA transaminase via the GABA shunt. JMJ histone demethylases are a subset of the α-KG dependent dioxygenases, and are involved in removing methyl groups from histone tails. Changes in histone methylation are associated with changes in gene expression depending on the site and extent of chemical modification. To identify whether the increase in 2HG and fall in α-KG was associated with inhibition of histone demethylases a histone methylation screen was used. The IDH1 mutation was associated with an increase in methylation of H3K4, which is associated with gene activation. ChiP and RNA sequencing identified an increase in H3K4me3 at the transcription start site of the GABRB3 subunit, resulting in an increase in gene expression. The GABRB3 subunit forms part of the GABA-A receptor, a chloride channel, which on activation can reduce cell proliferation. The IDH1 mutation was associated with an increase in GABA and GABRB3 subunit of the GABA-A receptor. This raises the possibility of GABA transaminase as a potential therapeutic target. Inhibition of this enzyme could reduce GABA metabolism, potentially reducing any beneficial effect of the GABA shunt in IDH1 mutant tumours, and increasing activation of the GABA-A receptor by increasing the concentration of GABA in the brain. This in turn may reduce cell proliferation, and could be achieved by using Vigabatrin, a GABA transaminase inhibitor licensed for use in epilepsy.


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Introducción: La implementación de las nuevas Guías Alimentarias Basadas en Alimentos (GABA) para la población chilena, requiere el diseño de estrategias innovadoras y efectivas. Objetivo: Determinar las motivaciones y barreras de niños y madres de preescolares ante los nuevos mensajes de las GABA, para identificar amenazas y oportunidades a considerar en el diseño de estrategias de comunicación e implementación aceptables para ellos. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo, con 12 grupos focales de niños de 9 a 13 años y 6 grupos focales de madres de preescolares en el norte, centro y sur del país, para analizar su reacción ante cada uno de los 11 mensajes de las GABA 2013. Resultados y discusión: Las respuestas de los niños y madres no mostraron diferencias por género (en el caso de los niños) o región del país. Se presentan los comentarios más frecuentes y representativos ante cada mensaje. Como amenazas para reducir el consumo de alimentos de alta densidad energética, altos en grasas, azúcares y sal se identificó la publicidad, gran oferta y bajos precios de este tipo de alimentos en las escuelas y en la calle. Las oportunidades identificadas incluyeron la publicidad de frutas, verduras y lácteos como facilitadoras de su consumo, así como la próxima implementación de la Ley 20.606, que se espera represente un apoyo efectivo a esta iniciativa. Conclusión: Los resultados del presente estudio indican que el diseño de estrategias basadas en los valores, deseos y necesidades de los distintos grupos contribuirá a optimizar la implementación de las GABA en el país.


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Aunque hace más de 50 años que se describió que la glutamato descarboxilasa (GAD) lleva a cabo la descarboxilación del glutamato para producir GABA, y en animales ha sido muy estudiada debido al papel del GABA como neurotransmisor, la información disponible sobre las GADs de plantas es aún limitada, conociéndose sólo algunos aspectos de la regulación por calcio de su actividad enzimática o de expresión de algunos de los genes de su familia génica. El GABA es un metabolito que tradicionalmente se ha asociado a estrés, pero su papel en plantas todaa no está claro. En las últimas dos décadas los resultados experimentales obtenidos sobre la GAD y el GABA, destacando las alteraciones fenotípicas mostradas por plantas tratadas con GABA y por plantas transgénicas para GAD, han generado preguntas interesantes sobre el posible papel de este metabolito y la enzima en señalización en plantas. En plantas, son varios los papeles que se han propuesto para el metabolismo del GABA tales como su participación como componente del metabolismo del carbono y del nitrógeno (Fait y col., 2008), protección frente especies reactivas de oxigeno (Liu y col., 2011), regulación de la expresión génica incluyendo la regulación de genes implicados en la síntesis de hormonas (Khatiresan y col., 1997; Shi y col., 2010; Lancien y Roberts, 2006) y señalización a larga distancia (Beuve y col., 2004) y en gradiente guiando el crecimiento del tubo polínico (Palanivelu y col., 2013). Nuestro grupo de investigación ha sugerido un papel novedoso para la producción de GABA durante la xilogénesis en pino (Molina-Rueda y col., 2010, 2015). En base a estos antecedentes, los objetivos planteados para este trabajo han sido: la asignación de posibles funciones a las GADs de Populus en condiciones normales de crecimiento y en estrés abióticos, estudiar la adquisición del dominio de unión a calmodulina (CaMBD) de las GADs de plantas vasculares y analizar el efecto del GABA y del glutamato en las raíces de Populus. Las conclusiones que se derivan de los resultados de este trabajo se detallan a continuación. El dominio de unión a calmodulina de la GAD de plantas esta conservado en GADs de plantas consideradas ancestros de plantas vasculares y ausente en plantas no vasculares, lo que sitúa juntos en la evolución los eventos de adquisición del dominio de unión a CaM y el desarrollo del tejido vascular de plantas. Los resultados similares de la localización de GABA en xilema y una expresión GAD asociada a la formación de madera de reacción tanto en pino como en chopo apuntan a un papel relevante de la producción de GABA durante la xilogénesis en leñosas. La familia génica GAD posee seis genes codificando todos ellos para proteínas aparentemente funcionales y susceptibles de ser reguladas por calcio. Esta familia génica ha sufrido duplicaciones y eventos de especialización durante la evolución de Populus. Este trabajo ha posibilitado la asociación entre papeles específicos y los diferentes genes de esta familia. Beuvé N, Rispail N, Laine P, Cliquet J-B, Ourry A, Deunff F (2004) Putative role of Υ-aminobutyric acid as a long-distance signal in up-regulation of nitrate uptake in Brassica napus L. Plant Cell Environ. 27: 1035-1046 Fait A, Fromm H, Walter D, Galili G, Fernie AR (2008) Highway or byway: the metabolic role of the GABA shunt in plants. Trends in plant science 13: 14-19 Kathiresan A, Tung P, Chinnappa CC, Reid DM (1997) gamma-Aminobutyric acid stimulates ethylene biosynthesis in sunflower. Plant Physiol. 115: 129-135 Lancien M, Roberts MR (2006) Regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana 14-3-3 gene expression by ϒ-aminobutyric acid. Plant Cell Environ. 29: 1430-1436 Liu C, Zhao L, Yu G (2011) The dominant glutamic acid metabolic flux to produce gamma-amino butyric acid over proline in Nicotiana tabacum leaves under water stress relates to its significant role in antioxidant activity. Journal of integrative plant biology 53: 608-618 Molina-Rueda JJ, Pascual MB, Canovas FM, Gallardo F (2010) Characterization and developmental expression of a glutamate decarboxylase from maritime pine. Planta 232: 1471-1483 Molina-Rueda, J.J. y col., 2015. A putative role for γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in vascular development in pine seedlings. Planta 241: 257-267 Palanivelu R, Brass L, Edlund AF, D P (2003) Pollen tube growth and guidance is regulated by POP2, an Arabidopsis gene that controls GABA levels. Cell 114: 47-59 Shi SQ, Shi Z, Jiang ZP, Qi LW, Sun XM, Li CX, Liu JF, Xiao WF, Zhang SG (2010) Effects of exogenous GABA on gene expression of Caragana intermedia roots under NaCl stress: regulatory roles for H2O2 and ethylene production. Plant, cell & environment 33: 149-162


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Alcohol is one of the oldest and most widely used drugs on the planet, but the cellular mechanisms by which it affects neural function are still poorly understood. Unlike other drugs of abuse, alcohol has no specific receptor in the nervous system, but is believed to operate through GABAergic and serotonergic neurotransmitter systems. Invertebrate models offer circuits of reduced numerical complexity and involve the same cell types and neurotransmitter systems as vertebrate circuits. The well-understood neural circuits controlling crayfish escape behavior offer neurons that are modulated by GABAergic inhibition, thus making tail-flip circuitry an effective circuit model to study the cellular mechanisms of acute alcohol exposure. Crayfish are capable of two stereotyped, reflexive escape behaviors known as tail-flips that are controlled by two different pairs of giant interneurons, the lateral giants (LG) and the medial giants (MG). The LG circuit has been an established model in the neuroscience field for more than 60 years and is almost completely mapped out. In contrast, the MG is still poorly understood, but has important behavioral implications in social behavior and value-based decision making. In this dissertation, I show that both crayfish tail-flip circuitry are physiologically sensitive to relevant alcohol concentrations and that this sensitivity is observable on the single cell level. I also show that this ethyl alcohol (EtOH) sensitivity in the LG can be changed by altering the crayfish’s recent social experience and by removing descending inputs to the LG. While the MG exhibits similar physiological sensitivity, its inhibitory properties have never been studied before this research. Through the use of electrophysiological and pharmacological techniques, I show that the MG exhibits many similar inhibitory properties as the LG that appear to be the result of GABA-mediated chloride currents. Finally, I present evidence that the EtOH-induced changes in the MG are blocked through pre-treatment of the potent GABAA receptor agonist, muscimol, which underlines the role of GABA in EtOH’s effects on crayfish tail-flip circuitry. The work presented here opens the way for crayfish tail-flip circuitry to be used as an effective model for EtOH’s acute effects on aggression and value-based decision making.


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Prácticamente todas las escuelas del pensamiento económico reconocen que las economías no se mueven de forma lineal sino que siguen un patrón cíclico recurrente que alterna periodos de altos con bajos niveles de actividad. El análisis de la naturaleza, causas y consecuencias de tales expansiones y contracciones es el principal objetivo de la Teoría de los Ciclos de Negocios (CN).A pesar que la comprensión de la naturaleza, causas y dinámica de un ciclo es vital tanto para los formuladores de política como para el sector privado, son pocos los intentos por brindar una interpretación económica de tales fluctuaciones en países pequeños y abiertos como Costa Rica. Así, queda aun una importante brecha teórica y empírica que explique las regularidades cíclicas presenten a estas naciones.El presente artículo es un intento en ese sentido. El trabajo busca evaluar si el patrón observado en la economía costarricense pertenece a un CN, y si así fuese, explorar en la causa y origen de los impulsos que dan lugar a esos movimientos. Con ello se amplía y complementa algunas investigaciones hechas anteriormente por autores como Azofeifa y otros (1995) y Gaba y otros (1993), de corte más estadístico.La principal conclusión del artículo es que, efectivamente, el patrón cíclico de Costa Rica puede ser considerado como un CN cuya causa se encuentra en las variaciones de la inversión. Los cambios experimentados en ella están alta, pero no exclusivamente, condicionados por el ciclo de los Estados Unidos, el cual canaliza sus fluctuaciones por medio de cambios en exportaciones y tasas de interés. Para tal efecto, el trabajo La investigación se apoya en un modelo kaleckiano/keynesiano que describe la secuencia impulso, causa y ciclo. Empíricamente, se utilizan herramientas econométricas varias tales como Modelos ARIMA y Vectores Autorregresivos para extraer el componente cíclico y probar la relación entre EEUU y Costa Rica.


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Ion channels are a large class of integral membrane proteins that allow for the diffusion of ions across a cellular membrane and are found in all forms of life. Pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs) comprise a large family of proteins that include the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) and the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor. These ion channels are responsible for the fast synaptic transmission that occurs in humans and as a result are of fundamental biological importance. pLGICs bind ligands (neurotransmitters), and upon ligand-binding undergo activation. The activation event causes an ion channel to enter a new physical state that is able to conduct ions. Ion channels allow for the flux of ions across the membrane through a pore that is formed upon ion channel activation. For pLGICs to function properly both ligand-binding and ion channel activation must occur. The ligand-binding event has been studied extensively over the past few decades, and a detailed mechanism of binding has emerged. During activation the ion channel must undergo structural rearrangements that allow the protein to enter a conformation in which ions can flow through. Despite this great and ubiquitous importance, a fundamental understanding of the ion channel activation mechanism and kinetics, as well as concomitant structural arrangements, remains elusive.

This dissertation describes efforts that have been made to temporally control the activation of ligand-gated ion channels. Temporal control of ion channel activation provides a means by which to activate ion channels when desired. The majority of this work examines the use of light to activate ion channels. Several photocages were examined in this thesis; photocages are molecules that release a ligand under irradiation, and, for the work described here, the released ligand then activates the ion channel. First, a new water-soluble photoacid was developed for the activation of proton-sensitive ion channels. Activation of acid-sensing ion channels, ASIC2a and GLIC, was observed only upon irradiation. Next, a variety of Ru2+ photocages were also developed for the release of amine ligands. The Ru2+ systems interacted in a deleterious manner with a representative subset of biologically essential ion channels. The rapid mixing of ion channels with agonist was also examined. A detection system was built to monitor ion channels activation in the rapid mixing experiments. I have shown that liposomes, and functionally-reconstituted ELIC, are not destroyed during the mixing process. The work presented here provides the means to deliver agonist to ligand-gated ion channels in a controlled fashion.


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Purpose: To determine if the methanol extract of Pericarpium zanthoxyli exerts anti-anxiety effects and also to explore any probable anti-anxiety mechanism in vivo. Methods: The staircase test, elevated plus maze test, rota-rod treadmill test and convulsions induced by strychnine and picrotoxin on mice were tested to identify potential mechanism of anti-anxiety activity of the plant extract. Results: The plant extract (10 mg/kg, p.o.) significantly reduced rearing numbers in the staircase test while it increased the time spent in the open arms as well as the number of entries to the open arms in the elevated plus maze test, suggesting that it has significant anti-anxiety activity. Furthermore, the extract inhibited strychnine-induced convulsion. However, it had little effect on picrotoxin-induced convulsion, suggesting that its anti-anxiety activity may be linked to strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor and not GABA receptor. Conclusion: These results suggest that the Pericarpium zanthoxyli extract may be beneficial for the control of anxiety.