710 resultados para Facilitation
Birds that remove ectoparasites and other food material from their hosts are iconic illustrations of mutualistic-commensalistic cleaning associations. To assess the complex pattern of food resource use embedded in cleaning interactions of an assemblage of birds and their herbivorous mammal hosts in open habitats in Brazil, we used a network approach that characterized their patterns of association. Cleaning interactions showed a distinctly nested pattern, related to the number of interactions of cleaners and hosts and to the range of food types that each host species provided. Hosts that provided a wide range of food types (flies, ticks, tissue and blood, and organic debris) were attended by more species of cleaners and formed the core of the web. On the other hand, core cleaner species did not exploit the full range of available food resources, but used a variety of host species to exploit these resources instead. The structure that we found indicates that cleaners rely on cleaning interactions to obtain food types that would not be available otherwise (e.g., blood-engorged ticks or horseflies, wounded tissue). Additionally, a nested organization for the cleaner bird mammalian herbivore association means that both generalist and selective species take part in the interactions and that partners of selective species form an ordered subset of the partners of generalist species. The availability of predictable protein-rich food sources for birds provided by cleaning interactions may lead to an evolutionary pathway favoring their increased use by birds that forage opportunistically. Received 30 June 2011, accepted 10 November 2011.
A growing body of evidence indicates that facilitation of serotonin-2C receptor (5-HT2CR)-mediated neurotransmission in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) is involved in anxiety generation. We investigated here whether BLA 5-HT(2C)Rs exert a differential role in the regulation of defensive behaviours related to generalized anxiety (inhibitory avoidance) and panic (escape) disorders. We also evaluated whether activation of BLA 5-HT(2C)Rs accounts for the anxiogenic effect caused by acute systemic administration of the antidepressants imipramine and fluoxetine. Male Wistar rats were tested in the elevated T-maze after intra-BLA injection of the endogenous agonist 5-HT, the 5-HT2CR agonist MK-212 or the 5-HT2CR antagonist SB-242084. This test allows the measurement of inhibitory avoidance acquisition and escape expression. We also investigated whether intra-BLA administration of SB-242084 interferes with the acute anxiogenic effect caused by imipramine and fluoxetine in the Vogel conflict test, and imipramine in the elevated T-maze. While intra-BLA administration of 5-HT and MK-212 facilitated inhibitory avoidance acquisition, suggesting an anxiogenic effect, SB-242084 had the opposite effect. None of these drugs affected escape performance. Intra-BLA injection of a sub-effective dose of SB-242084 fully blocked the anxiogenic effect caused either by the local microinjection of 5-HT or the systemic administration of imipramine and fluoxetine. Our findings indicate that 5-HT(2C)Rs in BLA are selectively involved in the regulation of defensive behaviours associated with generalized anxiety, but not panic. The results also provide the first direct evidence that activation of BLA 5-HT(2C)Rs accounts for the short-term aversive effect of antidepressants.
Questions Does the spatial association between isolated adult trees and understorey plants change along a gradient of sand dunes? Does this association depend on the life form of the understorey plant? Location Coastal sand dunes, southeast Brazil. Methods We recorded the occurrence of understorey plant species in 100 paired 0.25 m2 plots under adult trees and in adjacent treeless sites along an environmental gradient from beach to inland. Occurrence probabilities were modelled as a function of the fixed variables of the presence of a neighbour, distance from the seashore and life form, and a random variable, the block (i.e. the pair of plots). Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) were fitted in a backward step-wise procedure using Akaike's information criterion (AIC) for model selection. Results The occurrence of understorey plants was affected by the presence of an adult tree neighbour, but the effect varied with the life form of the understorey species. Positive spatial association was found between isolated adult neighbour and young trees, whereas a negative association was found for shrubs. Moreover, a neutral association was found for lianas, whereas for herbs the effect of the presence of an adult neighbour ranged from neutral to negative, depended on the subgroup considered. The strength of the negative association with forbs increased with distance from the seashore. However, for the other life forms, the associational pattern with adult trees did not change along the gradient. Conclusions For most of the understorey life forms there is no evidence that the spatial association between isolated adult trees and understorey plants changes with the distance from the seashore, as predicted by the stress gradient hypothesis, a common hypothesis in the literature about facilitation in plant communities. Furthermore, the positive spatial association between isolated adult trees and young trees identified along the entire gradient studied indicates a positive feedback that explains the transition from open vegetation to forest in subtropical coastal dune environments.
The escape response to electrical or chemical stimulation of the dorsal periaqueductal gray matter (DPAG) has been associated with panic attacks. In order to explore the validity of the DPAG stimulation model for the study of panic disorder, we determined if the aversive consequences of the electrical or chemical stimulation of this midbrain area can be detected subsequently in the elevated T-maze. This animal model, derived from the elevated plus-maze, permits the measurement in the same rat of a generalized anxiety- and a panic-related defensive response, i.e., inhibitory avoidance and escape, respectively. Facilitation of inhibitory avoidance, suggesting an anxiogenic effect, was detected in male Wistar rats (200-220 g) tested in the elevated T-maze 30 min after DPAG electrical stimulation (current generated by a sine-wave stimulator, frequency at 60 Hz) or after local microinjection of the GABA A receptor antagonist bicuculline (5 pmol). Previous electrical (5, 15, 30 min, or 24 h before testing) or chemical stimulation of this midbrain area did not affect escape performance in the elevated T-maze or locomotion in an open-field. No change in the two behavioral tasks measured by the elevated T-maze was observed after repetitive (3 trials) electrical stimulation of the DPAG. The results indicate that activation of the DPAG caused a short-lived, but selective, increase in defensive behaviors associated with generalized anxiety.
The effect produced by a warning stimulus(i) (WS) in reaction time (RT) tasks is commonly attributed to a facilitation of sensorimotor mechanisms by alertness. Recently, evidence was presented that this effect is also related to a proactive inhibition of motor control mechanisms. This inhibition would hinder responding to the WS instead of the target stimulus (TS). Some studies have shown that auditory WS produce a stronger facilitatory effect than visual WS. The present study investigated whether the former WS also produces a stronger inhibitory effect than the latter WS. In one session, the RTs to a visual target in two groups of volunteers were evaluated. In a second session, subjects reacted to the visual target both with (50% of the trials) and without (50% of the trials) a WS. During trials, when subjects received a WS, one group received a visual WS and the other group was presented with an auditory WS. In the first session, the mean RTs of the two groups did not differ significantly. In the second session, the mean RT of the two groups in the presence of the WS was shorter than in their absence. The mean RT in the absence of the auditory WS was significantly longer than the mean RT in the absence of the visual WS. Mean RTs did not differ significantly between the present conditions of the visual and auditory WS. The longer RTs of the auditory WS group as opposed to the visual WS group in the WS-absent trials suggest that auditory WS exert a stronger inhibitory influence on responsivity than visual WS.
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a responsabilidade do médico dentro do contexto doutrinário e jurisprudencial da atualidade e demonstrar, a partir da análise de ações judiciais por alegado erro médico, propostas perante o Poder Judiciário, que os direitos atribuídos ao consumidor pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor, bem como as prerrogativas de facilitação do acesso ao Judiciário atualmente são aplicados pelos profissionais do Direito ao exercício da atividade médica de forma generalizada, ou seja, tanto em relação às sociedades empresárias – hospitais, clínicas e planos de saúde, quanto aos profissionais liberais, sem considerar que o § 4º do art. 14 do Código de Defesa do Consumidor, ao estabelecer como requisito para a responsabilidade do profissional liberal a comprovação de culpa (imprudência, negligência e imperícia), determina, a contrario sensu, a aplicação das normas do Código Civil, de forma que, também as prerrogativas de facilitação de acesso ao Judiciário, exclusivas da legislação de consumo, não poderiam ser aplicadas ao exercício da atividade pelo profissional liberal.
Too Big to Ignore (TBTI; www.toobigtoignore.net) is a research network and knowledge mobilization partnership established to elevate the profile of small-scale fisheries (SSF), to argue against their marginalization in national and international policies, and to develop research and governance capacity to address global fisheries challenges. Network participants and partners are conducting global and comparative analyses, as well as in-depth studies of SSF in the context of local complexity and dynamics, along with a thorough examination of governance challenges, to encourage careful consideration of this sector in local, regional and global policy arenas. Comprising 15 partners and 62 researchers from 27 countries, TBTI conducts activities in five regions of the world. In Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region, we are taking a participative approach to investigate and promote stewardship and self-governance in SSF, seeking best practices and success stories that could be replicated elsewhere. As well, the region will focus to promote sustainable livelihoods of coastal communities. Key activities include workshops and stakeholder meetings, facilitation of policy dialogue and networking, as well as assessing local capacity needs and training. Currently, LAC members are putting together publications that examine key issues concerning SSF in the region and best practices, with a first focus on ecosystem stewardship. Other planned deliverables include comparative analysis, a regional profile on the top research issues on SSF, and a synthesis of SSF knowledge in LAC
This thesis was aimed at verifying the role of the superior colliculus (SC) in human spatial orienting. To do so, subjects performed two experimental tasks that have been shown to involve SC’s activation in animals, that is a multisensory integration task (Experiment 1 and 2) and a visual target selection task (Experiment 3). To investigate this topic in humans, we took advantage of neurophysiological finding revealing that retinal S-cones do not send projections to the collicular and magnocellular pathway. In the Experiment 1, subjects performed a simple reaction-time task in which they were required to respond as quickly as possible to any sensory stimulus (visual, auditory or bimodal audio-visual). The visual stimulus could be an S-cone stimulus (invisible to the collicular and magnocellular pathway) or a long wavelength stimulus (visible to the SC). Results showed that when using S-cone stimuli, RTs distribution was simply explained by probability summation, indicating that the redundant auditory and visual channels are independent. Conversely, with red long-wavelength stimuli, visible to the SC, the RTs distribution was related to nonlinear neural summation, which constitutes evidence of integration of different sensory information. We also demonstrate that when AV stimuli were presented at fixation, so that the spatial orienting component of the task was reduced, neural summation was possible regardless of stimulus color. Together, these findings provide support for a pivotal role of the SC in mediating multisensory spatial integration in humans, when behavior involves spatial orienting responses. Since previous studies have shown an anatomical asymmetry of fibres projecting to the SC from the hemiretinas, the Experiment 2 was aimed at investigating temporo-nasal asymmetry in multisensory integration. To do so, subjects performed monocularly the same task shown in the Experiment 1. When spatially coincident audio-visual stimuli were visible to the SC (i.e. red stimuli), the RTE depended on a neural coactivation mechanism, suggesting an integration of multisensory information. When using stimuli invisible to the SC (i.e. purple stimuli), the RTE depended only on a simple statistical facilitation effect, in which the two sensory stimuli were processed by independent channels. Finally, we demonstrate that the multisensory integration effect was stronger for stimuli presented to the temporal hemifield than to the nasal hemifield. Taken together, these findings suggested that multisensory stimulation can be differentially effective depending on specific stimulus parameters. The Experiment 3 was aimed at verifying the role of the SC in target selection by using a color-oddity search task, comprising stimuli either visible or invisible to the collicular and magnocellular pathways. Subjects were required to make a saccade toward a target that could be presented alone or with three distractors of another color (either S-cone or long-wavelength). When using S-cone distractors, invisible to the SC, localization errors were similar to those observed in the distractor-free condition. Conversely, with long-wavelength distractors, visible to the SC, saccadic localization error and variability were significantly greater than in either the distractor-free condition or the S-cone distractors condition. Our results clearly indicate that the SC plays a direct role in visual target selection in humans. Overall, our results indicate that the SC plays an important role in mediating spatial orienting responses both when required covert (Experiments 1 and 2) and overt orienting (Experiment 3).
Sigma (σ) receptors are well established as a non-opioid, non-phencyclidine, and haloperidol-sensitive receptor family with its own binding profile and a characteristic distribution in the central nervous system (CNS) as well as in endocrine, immune, and some peripheral tissues. Two σ receptors subtypes, termed σ1 and σ2, have been pharmacologically characterized, but, to date, only the σ1 has also been cloned. Activation of σ1 receptors alter several neurotransmitter systems and dopamine (DA) neurotrasmission has been often shown to constitute an important target of σ receptors in different experimental models; however the exact role of σ1 receptor in dopaminergic neurotransmission remains unclear. The DA transporter (DAT) modulates the spatial and temporal aspects of dopaminergic synaptic transmission and interprer the primary mechanism by wich dopaminergic neurons terminate the signal transmission. For this reason present studies have been focused in understanding whether, in cell models, the human subtype of σ1 (hσ1) receptor is able to directly modulate the human DA transporter (hDAT). In the first part of this thesis, HEK-293 and SH-SY5Y cells were permanently transfected with the hσ1 receptor. Subsequently, they were transfected with another plasmid for transiently expressing the hDAT. The hDAT activity was estimated using the described [3H]DA uptake assay and the effects of σ ligands were evaluated by measuring the uptaken [3H]DA after treating the cells with known σ agonists and antagonists. Results illustrated in this thesis demonstrate that activation of overexpressed hσ1 receptors by (+)-pentazocine, the σ1 agonist prototype, determines an increase of 40% of the extracellular [3H]DA uptake, in comparison to non-treated controls and the σ1 antagonists BD-1047 and NE-100 prevent the positive effect of (+)-pentazocine on DA reuptake DA is likely to be considered a neurotoxic molecule. In fact, when levels of intracellular DA abnormally invrease, vescicles can’t sequester the DA which is metabolized by MAO (A and B) and COMT with consequent overproduction of oxygen reactive species and toxic catabolites. Stress induced by these molecules leads cells to death. Thus, for the second part of this thesis, experiments have been performed in order to investigate functional alterations caused by the (+)-pentazocine-mediated increase of DA uptake; particularly it has been investigated if the increase of intracellular [DA] could affect cells viability. Results obtained from this study demonstrate that (+)-pentazocine alone increases DA cell toxicity in a concentration-dependent manner only in cells co-expressing hσ1 and hDAT and σ1 antagonists are able to revert the (+)-pentazocine-induced increase of cell susceptibility to DA toxicity. In the last part of this thesis, the functional cross-talking between hσ1 receptor and hDAT has been further investigated using confocal microscopy. From the acquired data it could be suggested that, following exposure to (+)-pentazocine, the hσ1 receptors massively translocate towards the plasma membrane and colocalize with the hDATs. However, any physical interaction between the two proteins remains to be proved. In conclusion, the presented study shows for the first time that, in cell models, hσ1 receptors directly modulate the hDAT activity. Facilitation of DA uptake induced by (+)-pentazocine is reflected on the increased cell susceptibility to DA toxicity; these effects are prevented by σ1 selective antagonists. Since numerous compounds, including several drugs of abuse, bind to σ1 receptors and activating them could facilitate the damage of dopaminergic neurons, the reported protective effect showed by σ1 antagonists would represent the pharmacological basis to test these compounds in experimental models of dopaminergic neurodegenerative diseases (i.e. Parkinson’s Disease).
The present thesis investigates the issue of work-family conflict and facilitation in a sanitarian contest, using the DISC Model (De Jonge and Dormann, 2003, 2006). The general aim has been declined in two empirical studies reported in this dissertation chapters. Chapter 1 reporting the psychometric properties of the Demand-Induced Strain Compensation Questionnaire. Although the empirical evidence on the DISC Model has received a fair amount of attention in literature both for the theoretical principles and for the instrument developed to display them (DISQ; De Jonge, Dormann, Van Vegchel, Von Nordheim, Dollard, Cotton and Van den Tooren, 2007) there are no studies based solely on psychometric investigation of the instrument. In addition, no previous studies have ever used the DISC as a model or measurement instrument in an Italian context. Thus the first chapter of the present dissertation was based on psychometric investigation of the DISQ. Chapter 2 reporting a longitudinal study contribution. The purpose was to examine, using the DISC model, the relationship between emotional job characteristics, work-family interface and emotional exhaustion among a health care population. We started testing the Triple Match Principle of the DISC Model using solely the emotional dimension of the strain-stress process (i.e. emotional demands, emotional resources and emotional exhaustion). Then we investigated the mediator role played by w-f conflict and w-f facilitation in relation to emotional job characteristics and emotional exhaustion. Finally we compared the mediator model across workers involved in chronic illness home demands and workers who are not involved. Finally, a general conclusion, integrated and discussed the main findings of the studies reported in this dissertation.
Die Mitglieder der Neurotrophin-Familie (NGF, BDNF, NT-3 und NT-4) sind sekretierte Neuropeptide, die eine bedeutende Rolle bei der Entwicklung von Nervenzellen und bei der Modulation der synaptischen Transmission spielen. Wenngleich eine aktivitätsabhängige Sekretion von BDNF bereits gezeigt werden konnte, wurden die subzelluläre Expression und die Ausschüttung der anderen Neurotrophine bislang nur unzureichend charakterisiert. Um die Expression und die Ausschüttung aller Neurotrophine unter identischen Bedingungen untersuchen zu können, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit das Expressionsmuster und die synaptische Ausschüttung GFP-markierter Neurotrophine in dissoziierten hippokampalen Neuronen mit Hilfe der konfokalen Fluoreszenz-Videomikroskopie zeitaufgelöst untersucht. Zwei Phänotypen konnten unterschieden werden: der distale vesikuläre Expressionstyp mit Neurotrophin-beinhaltenden Vesikeln in distalen Neuriten, und der proximale Expressionstyp mit einer diffusen Neurotrophin-Verteilung in den Neuriten und Neurotrophin-beinhaltenden Vesikeln im Soma des Neurons und in den proximalen Dendriten. Der distale vesikuläre Phänotyp entsprach einer Verteilung des entsprechenden Neurotrophins in die sekretorischen Granula des aktivitätsabhängigen Sekretionsweges, während der proximale Phänotyp den Transport eines Neurotrophins in den konstitutiven Sekretionsweg widerspiegelte. Alle Neurotrophine erreichten in hippokampalen Neuronen prinzipiell beide Sekretionswege. Jedoch gelangten BDNF und NT-3 mit einer größeren Effizienz in den regulierten Sekretionsweg als NT-4 und NGF (BDNF: in 98% aller Zellen, NT-3: 85%, NT-4: 23% und NGF: 46%). Neurotrophine besitzen, wie es für sekretorische Peptide üblich ist, eine Vorläufersequenz, die während der Reifung des Proteins proteolytisch abgespalten wird. Die Fusion dieser Präpro-Sequenz von BDNF mit der Sequenz des maturen NT-4 bewirkte einen effizienteren Transport von NT-4 in die sekretorischen Granula des regulierten Sekretionsweges, und zeigte die große Bedeutung der Präpro-Sequenz für das zelluläre Verteilungsmuster von Neurotrophinen. In Neuronen, in denen die Neurotrophine in den regulierten Sekretionsweg transportiert wurden, konnte eine aktivitätsabhängige Sekretion der Neurotrophine an postsynaptische Strukturen glutamaterger Synapsen beobachtet werden. Die aktivitätsabhängige postsynaptische Ausschüttung der Neurotrophine zeigte eine Heterogenität in der Kinetik der Sekretion (exponentieller Abfall des Neurotrophin-Signals mit Zeitkonstanten von tau = 121 bis 307s). Die Präinkubtion mit dem Protonen-Ionophor Monensin, welcher die Neutralisation des intragranulären pH-Wertes und somit die Solubilisierung der dicht gepackten Proteinstrukturen in den Vesikeln erzwingt, erhöhte die Geschwindigkeit der Neurotrophin-Ausschüttung auf den Wert des unter physiologischen Bedingungen schnellsten Neurotrophins NT-4. Dennoch blieb die Geschwindigkeit der Neurotrophin-Ausschüttung im Vergleich zur Neurotransmitter-Ausschüttung langsam (tau = 13 ± 2 s). Diese Daten belegen eindeutig, dass die Neutralisation der sekretorischen Granula die Geschwindigkeit der Neurotrophin-Ausschüttung kritisch determiniert und die Geschwindigkeit der Neurotrophin-Ausschüttung im Vergleich zur konventionellen Neurotransmitter-Ausschüttung langsam erfolgt. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Neurotrophin BDNF effizient in distale vesikuläre Strukturen von CA1 Pyramidenzellen organotypischer Schnittkulturen des Hippokampus sortiert wird. Die basalen elektrischen Eigenschaften von CA1 Pyramidenzellen BDNF-defizienter Mäuse sind vergleichbar zu den Eigenschaften von Wildtyp Mäusen. Sowohl das Eigenpotential der CA1 Pyramidenzellen, die Form der Aktionspotentiale als auch die evozierten Antworten der CA1 Pyramdenzellen auf eine gepaarte präsynaptische Stimulation der Schaffer-Kollateralen zeigten bei BDNF-/- -, BDNF+/- - und BDNF+/+ -Mäusen keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Die Fähigkeit der CA1 Pyramidenzellen auf eine hochfrequente Reizung mit einer Langzeitpotenzierung (LTP) der postsynaptischen Ströme zu reagieren ist jedoch bei den BDNF-defizienten Mäusen beinträchtigt. Eine verminderte Induktion von LTP war in den BDNF-defizienten Mäusen nach tetanischer Stimulation der präsynaptischen Schaffer-Kollateralen und simultaner postsynaptischer Depolarisation der CA1 Pyramidenzelle zu beobachten.
Im Zentralnervensystem der Säuger steuern N-Methyl-D-Aspartat-(NMDA)-Rezeptoren viele neuronale Prozesse, insbesondere während der Ontogenese sowie bei Lern- und Gedächtnisvorgängen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Bedeutung dieser Rezeptoren während der Kortexentwicklung und bei Lernvorgängen mittels elektrophysiologischer, molekularbiologischer, pharmakologischer, histologischer, genetischer und verhaltensbiologischer Methoden an der Maus untersucht. Oszillatorische Netzwerkaktivität ist für die gesunde Entwicklung des Kortex essentiell. Mittels gepaarter patch-clamp Experimente an neonatalen Subplattenzellen wurde festgestellt, dass diese Neurone elektrisch gekoppelt sind. Damit könnten sie einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Entstehung bzw. Verstärkung von Netzwerkoszillationen leisten. Subplattenzellen erhalten afferenten Eingang aus dem Thalamus sowie von benachbarten Subplattenzellen. Die funktionellen und molekularen Eigenschaften dieser Synapsen differierten in eingangsspezifischer Weise. Subplatteninterne Verbindungen besaßen Integrations- und Summationsfähigkeiten, wenig synaptische Ermüdung, Paarpulsfazilitierung und einen erhöhten NR2D-Anteil in ihren NMDA-Rezeptoren. CA1-Pyramidenzellen des adulten Hippocampus zeigten eine den Subplattenzellen vergleichbare eingangsspezifische Verteilung der NMDA-Rezeptor-Untereinheiten. Synapsen von Schaffer-Kollateralen besaßen einen höheren NR2B-Anteil als temporo-ammonische Verbindungen. Die Aktivierung von Dopamin-Rezeptoren potenzierte NR2B-vermittelte synaptische Ströme in CA1-Neuronen. Bei komplexen Lernvorgängen, wie der Extinktion einer traumatischen Erinnerung, spielten NMDA-Rezeptoren von hippocampalen CA1-Zellen eine entscheidende Rolle. CA1-NMDA-Rezeptor-ko-Mäuse zeigten erhebliche Extinktionsdefizite nach Angstkonditionierung. Zudem entwickelten diese Mäuse erhöhte Ängstlichkeit und Hyperaktivität. Das sind beim Menschen Symptome für psychiatrische Angststörungen. Daher könnten CA1-NMDA-Rezeptor-ko-Mäuse als neues Tiermodell für solche Störungen dienen, die durch ein traumatisches Erlebnis ausgelöst werden, wie beim Posttraumatischen Stresssyndrom (PTSD).
La sintomatologia ansiosa materna nel periodo prenatale risulta influire negativamente non sullo stato materno ma anche sul successivo sviluppo infantile, Tuttavia, sono limitati gli studi che hanno considerato lo specifico contributo dei disturbi d’ansia nel periodo prenatale. L’obiettivo generale dello studio è quello di indagare nel primo periodo post partum la relazione tra psicopatologia ansiosa materna e: temperamento e sviluppo neonatale, qualità del caregiving materno e dei pattern interattivi madre-bambino. 138 donne sono state intervistate utilizzando SCID-I (First et al., 1997) durante il terzo trimestre di gravidanza. 31 donne (22,5%) presentano disturbo d’ansia nel periodo prenatale. A 1 mese post partum il comportamento del neonato è stato valutato mediante NBAS (Brazelton, Nugent, 1995), mentre le madri hanno compilato MBAS (Brazelton, Nugent, 1995). A 3 mesi postpartum, una sequenza interattiva madre-bambino è stata videoregistrata e codificata utilizzando GRS (Murray et al., 1996). La procedura dello Stranger Episode (Murray et al., 2007) è stata utilizzata per osservare i pattern interattivi materni e infantili nell’interazione con una persona estranea. I neonati di madri con disturbo d’ansia manifestano alle NBAS minori capacità a livello di organizzazione di stati comportamentali, minori capacità attentive e di autoregolazione. Le madri ansiose si percepiscono significativamente meno sicure nell’occuparsi di loro, valutando i propri figli maggiormente instabili e irregolari. Nell’interazione face to face, esse mostrano comportamenti significativamente meno sensibilI, risultando meno coinvolte attivamente con il proprio bambino. Durante lo Stranger Episode, le madri con fobia sociale presentano maggiori livelli di ansia e incoraggiando in modo significativamente inferiore l’interazione del bambino con l’estraneo. I risultati sottolineano l’importanza di valutare in epoca prenatale la psicopatologia ansiosa materna. Le evidenze confermano la rilevanza che può assumere un modello multifattoriale di rischio in cui i disturbi d’ansia prenatali e la qualità del caregiving materno possono agire in modo sinergico nell’influire sugli esiti infantili.
It has been shown in the study that glutamate transporters (EAAT) are capable to modulate GABA transports (GAT). Here we also report that DL-TBOA, a non-transportable glutamate uptake blocker, eliminates GAT-mediated GABA release, while D-aspartate, an EAAT substrate, does not block the latter. The strength or even the operating mode of GABA uptake/release could be influenced by the work of EAATs. Considering the interaction between EAATs and GATs we can conclude that ambient glutamate and GABA levels are mutually dependent. The EAAT-GAT crosstalk observed in this work is mediated by EAAT1 and GAT-2/3. Since both transporters are Na+ dependent and mainly glial, next we investigated the role of [Na+]i in astrocytic-mediated glutamate uptake. We tested whether [Na+]i changes affect paired-pulse plasticity of STCs recorded from cortical layer 2/3 astrocytes. We report that an elevation of [Na+]i induced either by using a high [Na+]i intrapipette solution or by application of GABA slows STCs kinetics and decrease paired-pulse facilitation (PPF) of STCs at short inter-stimulus intervals. Moreover, GAT inhibitors decrease PPF of STCs under control conditions, suggesting that endogenous GABA operating via GATs influences EAAT-mediated transport
National studies indicate that approximately 25 percent of women have been sexually assaulted by the time they finish college. Although male peers are often the perpetrators, women also engage in behaviors with their female peers that may increase the risk of sexualassault. In the present study, we sought to determine how often college women engaged in these behaviors (i.e. “female facilitation”). Participants were 373 female students (sophomorethrough senior; Greek and independent) who completed an online survey containing measures of sexual assault, alcohol consumption, and female facilitation. The female facilitation measure indexed both “facilitator” behaviors (those directed toward others thatlikely increase the risk of sexual assault victimization) and “facilitatee” behaviors (those that may increase risk of sexual assault victimization), and the two sets of items werecounterbalanced across participants. Descriptive statistics showed an overall prevalence rate for any type of sexual assault was 44.2%. Scores on the facilitator and facilitatee versions ofthe female facilitation measure were highly correlated. Facilitation was highly correlated with alcohol consumption, and being a faciltatee was moderately correlated with sexual assault. Results were consistent with some of our expectations regarding the relationships among facilitation, alcohol consumption, sexual assault, and demographic variables. Limitations of the methods and the implications of the findings for understanding campussexual assault will be discussed.