970 resultados para Experimental factors


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Foram avaliados dois protocolos de administração, em ratos sadios, de uma solução de fatores hepatotróficos (FH), composta por aminoácidos, vitaminas, sais minerais, glicose, insulina, glucagon e triiodotironina (T3). A solução foi administrada durante 10 dias, 40mg/kg/dia, i.p., em duas, grupo 2xFH (n=15), ou três doses, grupo 3xFH (n=15), diárias. Foram observados os efeitos na proliferação celular dos hepatócitos, na angiogênese e na matriz extracelular hepática, assim como as possíveis reações adversas. Os animais dos grupos 2xFH e 3xFH apresentaram aumento da massa hepática de 30,1% e 22,5%, respectivamente, em relação ao grupo-controle (CT; n=15). O índice de proliferação hepatocelular foi maior nos grupos 2xFH (1,4%) e 3xFH (1,2%) em relação ao grupo CT (0,53%), e a densitometria relativa do fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular pelo imunoblot não revelou diferença estatística entre os três grupos. Nos grupos 2xFH e 3xFH, houve redução do colágeno intersticial em relação ao grupo CT. A solução de FH estimulou o crescimento hepático e reduziu o volume de colágeno perissinusoidal. A administração em três doses diárias resultou em mortalidade de 26,7%, possivelmente pelo excessivo estresse da manipulação e pela menor adaptação fisiológica dos ratos, o que não ocorreu nos grupos 2xFH e CT. Para esse tipo de abordagem em ratos, o procedimento experimental mais apropriado, seguro, com melhor chance de adaptação dos animais e com resultados significativos é a aplicação dos FH em duas doses diárias.


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Background: To estimate the prevalence of and identify factors associated with physical activity in leisure, transportation, occupational, and household settings. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study aimed at investigating living and health conditions among the population of São Paulo, Brazil. Data on 1318 adults aged 18 to 65 years were used. To assess physical activity, the long version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire was applied. Multivariate analysis was conducted using a hierarchical model. Results: The greatest prevalence of insufficient activity related to transportation (91.7%), followed by leisure (77.5%), occupational (68.9%), and household settings (56.7%). The variables associated with insufficient levels of physical activity in leisure were female sex, older age, low education level, nonwhite skin color, smoking, and self-reported poor health; in occupational settings were female sex, white skin color, high education level, self-reported poor health, nonsmoking, and obesity; in transportation settings were female sex; and in household settings, with male sex, separated, or widowed status and high education level. Conclusion: Physical activity in transportation and leisure settings should be encouraged. This study will serve as a reference point in monitoring different types of physical activities and implementing public physical activity policies in developing countries


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In order to assess the prevalence of and risk factors for aminoglycoside-associated nephrotoxicity in intensive care units (ICUs), we evaluated 360 consecutive patients starting aminoglycoside therapy in an ICU. The patients had a baseline calculated glomerular filtration rate (cGFR) of ?30 ml/min/1.73 m2. Among these patients, 209 (58 per cent) developed aminoglycoside-associated nephrotoxicity (the acute kidney injury [AKI] group, which consisted of individuals with a decrease in cGFR of >20 per cent from the baseline cGFR), while 151 did not (non-AKI group). Both groups had similar baseline cGFRs. The AKI group developed a lower cGFR nadir (45 ± 27 versus 79 ± 39 ml/min/1.73 m2 for the non-AKI group; P < 0.001); was older (56 ± 18 years versus 52 ± 19 years for the non-AKI group; P = 0.033); had a higher prevalence of diabetes (19.6 per cent versus 9.3 per cent for the non-AKI group; P = 0.007); was more frequently treated with other nephrotoxic drugs (51 per cent versus 38 per cent for the non-AKI group; P = 0.024); used iodinated contrast more frequently (18 per cent versus 8 per cent for the non-AKI group; P = 0.0054); and showed a higher prevalence of hypotension (63 per cent versus 44 per cent for the non-AKI group; P = 0.0003), shock (56 per cent versus 31 per cent for the non-AKI group; P < 0.0001), and jaundice (19 per cent versus 8 per cent for the non-AKI group; P = 0.0036). The mortality rate was 44.5 per cent for the AKI group and 29.1 per cent for the non-AKI group (P = 0.0031). A logistic regression model identified as significant (P < 0.05) the following independent factors that affected aminoglycoside-associated nephrotoxicity: a baseline cGFR of <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 (odds ratio [OR], 0.42), diabetes (OR, 2.13), treatment with other nephrotoxins (OR, 1.61) or iodinated contrast (OR, 2.13), and hypotension (OR, 1.83). (To continue) In conclusion, AKI was frequent among ICU patients receiving an aminoglycoside, and it was associated with a high rate of mortality. The presence of diabetes or hypotension and the use of other nephrotoxic drugs and iodinated contrast were independent risk factors for the development of aminoglycoside-associated nephrotoxicity


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Com objetivo de observar os efeitos da infecção parasitária na biologia de B. tenagophila, foram realizadas infecções experimentais em populações de campo e laboratório, ambas procedentes de Itariri, Vale do Ribeira, Brasil. Cada molusco recebeu 10 miracídios de Schistosoma mansoni (linhagem SJ), sendo observado durante o desenvolvimento dos parasitos. As variáveis biológicas foram comparadas segundo os critérios "grupo" e "fase de infecção". Os principais danos decorrentes do parasitismo se manifestaram na reprodução, na longevidade e em lesões na concha dos moluscos na fase patente. Foi encontrada uma taxa de infecção de 58,8 por cento. O estudo microanatômico da glândula digestiva e do ovoteste do molusco revelou a presença de formas larvárias em evolução e cercárias. Concluiu-se que os efeitos da infecção parasitária, sobre as duas populações, foram moderados, uma vez que os danos não impediram a reprodução e a eliminação de cercárias que se manteve por um longo período, apesar da baixa sobrevivência dos moluscos parasitados


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We estimated the sensitivity, i.e., the proportion of all cases of adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) reported to the Brazilian passive surveillance for adverse events following immunization (PSAEFI) with the diphtheria-tetanus-whole-cell pertussis-Haemophilus influenzae type b (DTwP-Hib) vaccine, as well as investigating factors associated with AEFIs reporting. During 2003–2004, 8303 AEFIs associated with DTwP-Hib were reported; hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes (HHEs), fever and convulsions being the most common. Cure without sequel was achieved in 98.4 per cent of the cases. The mean sensitivity of the PSAEFI was 22.3 per cent and 31.6 per cent, respectively, for HHE and convulsions, varying widely among states. Reporting rates correlated positively with the Human Development Index and coverage of adequate prenatal care, correlating negatively with infant mortality rates. Quality of life indicators and the degree of organization of health services are associated with greater PSAEFI sensitivity. In addition to consistently describing the principal AEFIs, PSAEFI showed the DTwP/Hib vaccine to be safe and allayed public fears related to its use


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OBJETIVOS: Evaluar los factores de riesgo de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (ECNT) e identificar las desigualdades sociales relacionadas con su distribución en la población adulta brasileña.MÉTODOS: Se estudiaron los factores de riesgo de ECNT (entre ellos el consumo de tabaco, el sobrepeso y la obesidad, el bajo consumo de frutas y vegetales [BCFV], la insuficiente actividad física en el tiempo de ocio [IAFTO], el estilo de vida sedentario y el consumo excesivo de alcohol) en una muestra probabilística de 54369 adultos de 26 capitales estatales de Brasil y el Distrito Federal en 2006. Se utilizó el Sistema de Vigilancia de los Factores Protectores y de Riesgo para Enfermedades Crónicas No Transmisibles por Entrevistas Telefónicas (VIGITEL), un sistema de encuestas telefónicas asistido por computadora, y se calcularon las prevalencias ajustadas por la edad para las tendencias en cuanto al nivel educacional mediante la regresión de Poisson con modelos lineales. RESULTADOS: Los hombres informaron mayor consumo de tabaco, sobrepeso, BCFV, estilo de vida sedentario y consumo excesivo de alcohol que las mujeres, pero menos IAFTO. En los hombres, la educación se asoció con un mayor sobrepeso y un estilo de vida sedentario, pero con un menor consumo de tabaco, BCFV e IAFTO. En las mujeres, la educación se asoció con un menor consumo de tabaco, sobrepeso, obesidad, BCFV e IAFTO, pero aumentó el estilo de vida sedentario CONCLUSIONES: En Brasil, la prevalencia de factores de riesgo para ECNT (excepto IAFTO) es mayor en los hombres que en las mujeres. En ambos sexos, el nivel de educación influye en la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo para ECNT


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Previous studies found students who both work and attend school undergo a partial sleep deprivation that accumulates across the week. The aim of the present study was to obtain information using a questionnaire on a number of variables (e.g., socio-demographics, lifestyle, work timing, and sleep-wake habits) considered to impact on sleep duration of working (n=51) and non-working (n=41) high-school students aged 14-21 yrs old attending evening classes (19:00-22:30 h) at a public school in the city of So Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected for working days and days off. Multiple linear regression analyses were performed to assess the factors associated with sleep duration on weekdays and weekends. Work, sex, age, smoking, consumption of alcohol and caffeine, and physical activity were considered control variables. Significant predictors of sleep duration were: work (p < 0.01), daily work duration (8-10 h/day; p < 0.01), sex (p=0.04), age 18-21 yrs (0.01), smoking (p=0.02) and drinking habits (p=0.03), irregular physical exercise (p < 0.01), ease of falling asleep (p=0.04), and the sleep-wake cycle variables of napping (p < 0.01), nocturnal awakenings (p < 0.01), and mid-sleep regularity (p < 0.01). The results confirm the hypotheses that young students who work and attend school showed a reduction in night-time sleep duration. Sleep deprivation across the week, particularly in students working 8-10 h/day, is manifested through a sleep rebound (i.e., extended sleep duration) on Saturdays. However, the different roles played by socio-demographic and lifestyle variables have proven to be factors that intervene with nocturnal sleep duration. ) The variables related to the sleep-wake cycle naps and night awakenings proved to be associated with a slight reduction in night-time sleep, while regularity in sleep and wake-up schedules was shown to be associated with more extended sleep duration, with a distinct expression along the week and the weekend. Having to attend school and work, coupled with other socio-demographic and lifestyle factors, creates an unfavorable scenario for satisfactory sleep duration


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Foram analisados fatores associados ao início da vida sexual de adolescentes na Ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde, segundo sexo. Estudo realizado com amostra probabilística e representativa de 768 adolescentes, age 13-17 anos, de escolas secundárias públicas da Ilha de Santiago em 2007. A associação foi testada pelo teste de proporção, qui-quadrado de Pearson ou Fisher e regressão logística. Nos rapazes, os fatores associados ao início da vida sexual foram: idade maior que 14 anos, ser católico e consumo de bebidas alcoólicas. Para meninas: escolaridade maior que nove anos e ter parceiro afetivo-sexual. Ao contrário de outros contextos da África Subsaariana, foram constatadas taxas elevadas de uso de preservativo por adolescentes no início da vida sexual. Os adolescentes podem iniciar a vida sexual de maneira mais segura se tiverem informação, educação sexual e acesso a métodos de prevenção à gravidez e às DST. Este artigo oferece elementos para a reflexão sobre o delineamento de políticas de redução da vulnerabilidade dos jovens às DST/AIDS e sobre os limites e desafios da promoção do uso do preservativo e educação sexual, focando as relações desiguais de gênero


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Background: To estimate the prevalence of and identify factors associated with physical activity in leisure, transportation, occupational, and household settings. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study aimed at investigating living and health conditions among the population of So Paulo, Brazil. Data on 1318 adults aged 18 to 65 years were used. To assess physical activity, the long version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire was applied. Multivariate analysis was conducted using a hierarchical model. Results: The greatest prevalence of insufficient activity related to transportation (91.7%), followed by leisure (77.5%), occupational (68.9%), and household settings (56.7%). The variables associated with insufficient levels of physical activity in leisure were female sex, older age, low education level, nonwhite skin color, smoking, and self-reported poor health; in occupational settings were female sex, white skin color, high education level, self-reported poor health, nonsmoking, and obesity; in transportation settings were female sex; and in household settings, with male sex, separated, or widowed status and high education level. Conclusion: Physical activity in transportation and leisure settings should be encouraged. This study will serve as a reference point in monitoring different types of physical activities and implementing public physical activity policies in developing countries.


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Purpose: Potentially Inappropriate Medications (PIM) use in elderly people may be responsible for the development of Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) which, when severe, leads to hospital admissions. Objectives: to estimate the prevalence of elderly who had used PIM before being admitted to hospital and to identify the risk factors and the hospitalizations related to ADR arising from PIM. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed in the internal medicine ward of a teaching hospital (Brazil), in 2008. With the aid of a validated form, patients aged >= 60 years, with length of hospital stay >= 24 hours, were interviewed about drugs taken prior to the hospital admission and the complaints/reasons for hospitalization. Results: 19.1% (59/308) of older patients had taken PIM before hospital admission and in 4.9%; there were a causal relation between the PIM taken and the complaint reported. PIM responsible for admissions were: amiodarone, amitriptyline, cimetidine, clonidine, diazepam, digoxin, estrogen, fluoxetine, lorazepam, short-acting nifedipine and propranolol. 47.0% of the clinical manifestations of PIM-related ADR were: dizziness, fatigue, digoxin toxicity and erythema. Only polypharmacy was detected as a risk factor for the occurrence of ADR of PIM (p = 0.02). Conclusion: PIM use in elderly people is not a risk factor for ADR-related hospital admission. Probably, severe ADR, which lead to hospitalizations of older people, can be explained by idiosyncratic response or the predisposition of these patients to develop adverse drug events, whether or not drugs are classed as PIM.


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The alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) is a chemical reaction that provokes a heterogeneous expansion of concrete and reduces important properties such as Young's modulus, leading to a reduction in the structure's useful life. In this study, a parametric model is employed to determine the spatial distribution of the concrete expansion, combining normalized factors that influence the reaction through an AAR expansion law. Optimization techniques were employed to adjust the numerical results and observations in a real structure. A three-dimensional version of the model has been implemented in a finite element commercial package (ANSYS(C)) and verified in the analysis of an accelerated mortar test. Comparisons were made between two AAR mathematical descriptions for the mechanical phenomenon, using the same methodology, and an expansion curve obtained from experiment. Some parametric studies are also presented. The numerical results compared very well with the experimental data validating the proposed method.


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Carrying out information about the microstructure and stress behaviour of ferromagnetic steels, magnetic Barkhausen noise (MBN) has been used as a basis for effective non-destructive testing methods, opening new areas in industrial applications. One of the factors that determines the quality and reliability of the MBN analysis is the way information is extracted from the signal. Commonly, simple scalar parameters are used to characterize the information content, such as amplitude maxima and signal root mean square. This paper presents a new approach based on the time-frequency analysis. The experimental test case relates the use of MBN signals to characterize hardness gradients in a AISI4140 steel. To that purpose different time-frequency (TFR) and time-scale (TSR) representations such as the spectrogram, the Wigner-Ville distribution, the Capongram, the ARgram obtained from an AutoRegressive model, the scalogram, and the Mellingram obtained from a Mellin transform are assessed. It is shown that, due to nonstationary characteristics of the MBN, TFRs can provide a rich and new panorama of these signals. Extraction techniques of some time-frequency parameters are used to allow a diagnostic process. Comparison with results obtained by the classical method highlights the improvement on the diagnosis provided by the method proposed.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), endemic in Latin America, is a progressive systemic mycosis caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (P. brasiliensis), which primarily attacks lung tissue. Dendritic cells (DCs) are able to initiate a response in naive T cells, and they also participate in Th-cell education. Furthermore, these cells have been used for therapy in several disease models. Here we transfected DCs with a plasmid (pMAC/PS-scFv) encoding a single chain variable fragment (scFv) of an anti-Id antibody that is capable of mimicking gp43, the main antigenic component of P. brasiliensis. First, Balb/c mice were immunized subcutaneously with pMAC/PS-scFv and, after seven days, scFv protein was presented to the regional lymph nodes cells. Moreover, we showed that the DCs transfected with scFv were capable of efficiently activating proliferation of total lymph node cells and inducing a decrease in lung infection. Therefore, our results suggested that the use of scFv-transfected DCs may be a promising therapy in the paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) model.


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Previously, we isolated two strains of spontaneous oxidative (SpOx2 and SpOx3) stress mutants of Lactococcus lactis subsp cremoris. Herein, we compared these mutants to a parental wild- type strain (J60011) and a commercial starter in experimental fermented milk production. Total solid contents of milk and fermentation temperature both affected the acidification profile of the spontaneous oxidative stress- resistant L. lactis mutants during fermented milk production. Fermentation times to pH 4.7 ranged from 6.40 h (J60011) to 9.36 h (SpOx2); V(max) values were inversely proportional to fermentation time. Bacterial counts increased to above 8.50 log(10) cfu/mL. The counts of viable SpOx3 mutants were higher than those of the parental wild strain in all treatments. All fermented milk products showed post-fermentation acidification after 24 h of storage at 4 degrees C; they remained stable after one week of storage.