937 resultados para Endosomal Trafficking
The intracellular location of nucleic acid sensors prevents recognition of extracellular self-DNA released by dying cells. However, on forming a complex with the endogenous antimicrobial peptide LL37, extracellular DNA is transported into endosomal compartments of plasmacytoid dendritic cells, leading to activation of Toll-like receptor-9 and induction of type I IFNs. Whether LL37 also transports self-DNA into nonplasmacytoid dendritic cells, leading to type I IFN production via other intracellular DNA receptors is unknown. Here we found that LL37 very efficiently transports self-DNA into monocytes, leading the production of type I IFNs in a Toll-like receptor-independent manner. This type I IFN induction was mediated by double-stranded B form DNA, regardless of its sequence, CpG content, or methylation status, and required signaling through the adaptor protein STING and TBK1 kinase, indicating the involvement of cytosolic DNA sensors. Thus, our study identifies a novel link between the antimicrobial peptides and type I IFN responses involving DNA-dependent activation of cytosolic sensors in monocytes.
Remorins (REMs) are proteins of unknown function specific to vascular plants. We have used imaging and biochemical approaches and in situ labeling to demonstrate that REM clusters at plasmodesmata and in approximately 70-nm membrane domains, similar to lipid rafts, in the cytosolic leaflet of the plasma membrane. From a manipulation of REM levels in transgenic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants, we show that Potato virus X (PVX) movement is inversely related to REM accumulation. We show that REM can interact physically with the movement protein TRIPLE GENE BLOCK PROTEIN1 from PVX. Based on the localization of REM and its impact on virus macromolecular trafficking, we discuss the potential for lipid rafts to act as functional components in plasmodesmata and the plasma membrane.
El narcotráfico se instaló en la región de Tierra Caliente desde los años sesentas y se ha mantenido como una forma viable y legitima de empleo alternativo en las áreas rurales de la región. El narcotráfico es un fenómeno principalmente androcéntrico, pero ¿cuál es el papel que juegan las mujeres jóvenes en éste? Si bien la vinculación directa en las actividades de distribución de droga no es frecuente entre las jóvenes calentanas su participación a través de las relaciones que establecen con los hombres involucrados en estas actividades promueve la movilidad social y el mantenimiento de las estructuras sociales y familiares al interior de las comunidades rurales
Purpose: The exact role of individual T cell-subsets in the development of rejection is not clearly defined. Given their distinct phenotypes, effector functions and trafficking patterns, naïve (CD45RBhiCD44lo) and memory (CD45RBloCD44hi) T cells may play distinct roles in anti-donor immunity after transplantation. Furthermore, only the CD4+CD45RBlo population contains CD4+CD25+ T cells, a subset with suppressive functions playing a major role in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance. The aim of this work was to study the contribution of these individual subsets in alloresponses via the direct and indirect pathways using a murine experimental model. Methods and materials: Purified naïve or memory CD4+ T cells were adoptively transferred into lymphopenic mice undergoing a skin allograft. Donor to recipient MHC combinations were chosen in order to study the direct and the indirect pathways of allorecognition separately. Graft survival and in vivo expansion, effector function and trafficking of the transferred T cells was assessed at different time points after transplantation. Results: We found that the cross-reactive CD4+CD45RBlo memory T-cell pool was heterogeneous and contained cells with regulatory potentials, both in the CD4+CD25+ and CD4+CD25-populations. CD4+ T cells capable of inducing strong primary alloreactive responses in vitro and rejection of a first allograft in vivo were mainly contained within the CD45RBhi naïve CD4+ T-cell compartment. CD4+CD45RBlo T cells proliferated less abundantly to allogeneic stimulation than their naïve counterparts both in vitro and in vivo, and allowed prolonged allograft survival even after the depletion of the CD4+CD25+ subset. Interestingly, CD4+CD25-CD45RBlo T cells were capable of prolonging allograft survival, mainly when the indirect pathway was the only mechanism of allorecognition. The indirect pathway response, which was shown to drive true chronic rejection and contribute to chronic allograft dysfunction, was predominantly mediated by naïve CD4+ T cells. Conclusion: This work provides new insights into the mechanisms that drive allograft rejection and should help develop new clinical immunosuppressive protocols. In particular, our results highlight the importance of selectively targeting individual T-cell subsets to prevent graft rejection but at the same time maintain immune protective responses to common pathogens.
We investigated how synaptic plasticity is related to the neurodegeneration process in the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Pre- and postsynaptic proteins of Brodmann's area 9 from patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and age-matched controls were quantified by immunohistochemical methods and Western blots. The main finding was a significant increase in the expression of postsynaptic density protein PSD-95 in AD brains, revealed on both sections and immunoblots, while the expression of spinophilin, associated to spines, remained quantitatively unchanged despite qualitative changes with age and disease. Presynaptic protein alpha-synuclein indicated an increased immunohistochemical level, while synaptophysin remained unchanged. MAP2, a somatodendritic microtubule protein, as well as AD markers such as amyloid-beta protein and phosphorylated protein tau showed an increased expression on immunosections in AD. Altogether these changes suggest neuritic and synaptic reorganization in the process of AD. In particular, the significant increase in PSD-95 expression suggests a change in NMDA receptors trafficking and may represent a novel marker of functional significance for the disease.
The pathogenesis of hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma (HSTL), a rare entity mostly derived from γδ T cells and usually with a fatal outcome, remains largely unknown. In this study, HSTL samples (7γδ and 2αβ) and the DERL2 HSTL cell line were subjected to combined gene-expression profiling and array-based comparative genomic hybridization. Compared with other T-cell lymphomas, HSTL had a distinct molecular signature irrespective of TCR cell lineage. Compared with peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified and normal γδ T cells, HSTL overexpressed genes encoding NK-cell-associated molecules, oncogenes (FOS and VAV3), the sphingosine-1-phosphatase receptor 5 involved in cell trafficking, and the tyrosine kinase SYK, whereas the tumor-suppressor gene AIM1 (absent in melanoma 1) was among the most down-expressed. We found highly methylated CpG islands of AIM1 in DERL2 cells, and decitabine treatment induced a significant increase in AIM1 transcripts. Syk was present in HSTL cells and DERL2 cells contained phosphorylated Syk and were sensitive to a Syk inhibitor in vitro. Genomic profiles confirmed recurrent isochromosome 7q (n = 6/9) without alterations at the SYK and AIM1 loci. Our results identify a distinct molecular signature for HSTL and highlight oncogenic pathways that offer rationale for exploring new therapeutic options such as Syk inhibitors and demethylating agents.
The demonstration of beneficial effects of cell therapy despite the persistence of only few transplanted cells in vivo suggests secreted factors may be the active component of this treatment. This so-called paracrine hypothesis is supported by observations that culture media conditioned by progenitor cells contain growth factors that mediate proangiogenic and cytoprotective effects. Cardiac progenitor cells in semi-suspension culture form spherical clusters (cardiospheres) that deliver paracrine signals to neighboring cells. A key component of paracrine secretion is exosomes, membrane vesicles that are stored intracellularly in endosomal compartments and are secreted when these structures fuse with the cell plasma membrane. Exosomes have been identified as the active component of proangiogenic effects of bone marrow CD34(+) stem cells in mice and the regenerative effects of embryonic mesenchymal stem cells in infarcted hearts in pigs and mice. Here, we provide electron microscopic evidence of exosome secretion by progenitor cells in mouse myocardium and human cardiospheres. Exosomes are emerging as an attractive vector of paracrine signals delivered by progenitor cells. They can be stored as an "off-the-shelf" product. As such, exosomes have the potential for circumventing many of the limitations of viable cells for therapeutic applications in regenerative medicine.
Mutations in SH3TC2 trigger autosomal recessive demyelinating Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 4C (CMT4C) neuropathy. Sh3tc2 is specifically expressed in Schwann cells and is necessary for proper myelination of peripheral axons. In line with the early onset of neuropathy observed in patients with CMT4C, our analyses of the murine model of CMT4C revealed that the myelinating properties of Sh3tc2-deficient Schwann cells are affected at an early stage. This early phenotype is associated with changes in the canonical Nrg1/ErbB pathway involved in control of myelination. We demonstrated that Sh3tc2 interacts with ErbB2 and plays a role in the regulation of ErbB2 intracellular trafficking from the plasma membrane upon Nrg1 activation. Interestingly, both the loss of Sh3tc2 function in mice and the pathological mutations present in CMT4C patients affect ErbB2 internalization, potentially altering its downstream intracellular signaling pathways. Altogether, our results indicate that the molecular mechanism for the axonal size sensing is disturbed in Sh3tc2-deficient myelinating Schwann cells, thus providing a novel insight into the pathophysiology of CMT4C neuropathy.
Studies on the cellular disposition of targeted anticancer tyrosine kinases inhibitors (TKIs) have mostly focused on imatinib while the functional importance of P-glycoprotein (Pgp) the gene product of MDR1 remains controversial for more recent TKIs. By using RNA interference-mediated knockdown of MDR1, we have investigated and compared the specific functional consequence of Pgp on the cellular disposition of the major clinically in use TKIs imatinib, dasatinib, nilotinib, sunitinib and sorafenib. siRNA-mediated knockdown in K562/Dox cell lines provides a unique opportunity to dissect the specific contribution of Pgp to TKIs intracellular disposition. In these conditions, abrogating specifically Pgp-mediated efflux in vitro revealed the remarkable and statistically significant cellular accumulation of imatinib (difference in cellular levels between Pgp-expressing and silenced cells, at high and low incubation concentration, respectively: 6.1 and 6.6), dasatinib (4.9 and 5.6), sunitinib (3.7 and 7.3) and sorafenib (1.2 and 1.4), confirming that these TKIs are all substrates of Pgp. By contrast, no statistically significant difference in cellular disposition of nilotinib was observed as a result of MDR1 expression silencing (differences: 1.1 and 1.5) indicating that differential expression and/or function of Pgp is unlikely to affect nilotinib cellular disposition. This study enables for the first time a direct estimation of the specific contribution of one transporter among the various efflux and influx carriers involved in the cellular trafficking of these major TKIs in vitro. Knowledge on the distinct functional consequence of Pgp expression for these various TKIs cellular distribution is necessary to better appreciate the efficacy, toxicity, and potential drug-drug interactions of TKIs with other classes of therapeutic agents, at the systemic, tissular and cellular levels.
NHA2 was recently identified as a novel sodium/hydrogen exchanger which is strongly upregulated during RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation. Previous in vitro studies suggested that NHA2 is a mitochondrial transporter required for osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption. Due to the lack of suitable antibodies, NHA2 was studied only on RNA level thus far. To define the protein's role in osteoclasts in vitro and in vivo, we generated NHA2-deficient mice and raised several specific NHA2 antibodies. By confocal microscopy and subcellular fractionation studies, NHA2 was found to co-localize with the late endosomal and lysosomal marker LAMP1 and the V-ATPase a3 subunit, but not with mitochondrial markers. Immunofluorescence studies and surface biotinylation experiments further revealed that NHA2 was highly enriched in the plasma membrane of osteoclasts, localizing to the basolateral membrane of polarized osteoclasts. Despite strong upregulation of NHA2 during RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation, however, structural parameters of bone, quantified by high-resolution microcomputed tomography, were not different in NHA2-deficient mice compared to wild-type littermates. In addition, in vitro RANKL stimulation of bone marrow cells isolated from wild-type and NHA2-deficient mice yielded no differences in osteoclast development and activity. Taken together, we show that NHA2 is a RANKL-induced plasmalemmal sodium/hydrogen exchanger in osteoclasts. However, our data from NHA2-deficient mice suggest that NHA2 is dispensable for osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption both in vitro and in vivo.
Here we report that the kinesin-5 motor Klp61F, which is known for its role in bipolar spindle formation in mitosis, is required for protein transport from the Golgi complex to the cell surface in Drosophila S2 cells. Disrupting the function of its mammalian orthologue, Eg5, in HeLa cells inhibited secretion of a protein called pancreatic adenocarcinoma up-regulated factor (PAUF) but, surprisingly, not the trafficking of vesicular stomatitis virus G protein (VSV-G) to the cell surface. We have previously reported that PAUF is transported from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to the cell surface in specific carriers called CARTS that exclude VSV-G. Inhibition of Eg5 function did not affect the biogenesis of CARTS; however, their migration was delayed and they accumulated near the Golgi complex. Altogether, our findings reveal a surprising new role of Eg5 in nonmitotic cells in the facilitation of the transport of specific carriers, CARTS, from the TGN to the cell surface.
Endosomal and cytosolic nucleic acid receptors are important immune sensors required for the detection of infecting or replicating viruses. The intracellular location of these receptors allows viral recognition and, at the same time, avoids unnecessary immune activation to self-nucleic acids that are continuously released by dying host cells. Recent evidence, however, indicates that endogenous factors such as anti-microbial peptides have the ability to break this protective mechanism. Here, we discuss these factors and illustrate how they drive inflammatory responses by promoting immune recognition of self-nucleic acids in skin wounds and inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis and lupus.
In adipocytes and muscle cells, the GLUT4 glucose transporter isoform is present in intracellular vesicles which continuously recycle between an intracytoplasmic location and the plasma membrane. It is not clear whether the GLUT4-vesicles represent a specific kind of vesicle or resemble typical secretory granules or synaptic-like microvesicles. To approach this question, we expressed GLUT4 in the beta cell line RINm5F and determined its intracellular localization by subcellular fractionation and by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. GLUT4 was not found in insulin granules but was associated with a subpopulation of smooth-surface vesicles present in the trans-Golgi region and in vesicular structures adjacent to the plasma membrane. In the trans-Golgi region, GLUT4 did not colocalize with synaptophysin or TGN38. Incubation of the cells with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) led to colocalization of HRP and GLUT4 in some endosomal structures adjacent to the plasma membrane and in occasional trans-Golgi region vesicles. When cells were incubated in the presence of Bafilomycin A, analysis by confocal microscopy revealed GLUT4 in numerous large spots present throughout the cytoplasm, many of which costained for TGN38 and synaptophysin. By immunoelectron microscopy, numerous endosomes were observed which stained strongly for GLUT4. Together our data demonstrate that ectopic expression of GLUT4 in insulinoma cells reveals the presence of a subset of vesicular structures distinct from synaptic-like vesicles and insulin secretory granules. Furthermore, they indicate that GLUT4 constitutively recycles between the plasma membrane and its intracellular location by an endocytic route also taken by TGN38 and synaptophysin.
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are pattern recognition receptors playing a fundamental role in sensing microbial invasion and initiating innate and adaptive immune responses. TLRs are also triggered by danger signals released by injured or stressed cells during sepsis. Here we focus on studies developing TLR agonists and antagonists for the treatment of infectious diseases and sepsis. Positioned at the cell surface, TLR4 is essential for sensing lipopolysaccharide of Gram-negative bacteria, TLR2 is involved in the recognition of a large panel of microbial ligands, while TLR5 recognizes flagellin. Endosomal TLR3, TLR7, TLR8, TLR9 are specialized in the sensing of nucleic acids produced notably during viral infections. TLR4 and TLR2 are favorite targets for developing anti-sepsis drugs, and antagonistic compounds have shown efficient protection from septic shock in pre-clinical models. Results from clinical trials evaluating anti-TLR4 and anti-TLR2 approaches are presented, discussing the challenges of study design in sepsis and future exploitation of these agents in infectious diseases. We also report results from studies suggesting that the TLR5 agonist flagellin may protect from infections of the gastrointestinal tract and that agonists of endosomal TLRs are very promising for treating chronic viral infections. Altogether, TLR-targeted therapies have a strong potential for prevention and intervention in infectious diseases, notably sepsis.
Forensic intelligence is a distinct dimension of forensic science. Forensic intelligence processes have mostly been developed to address either a specific type of trace or a specific problem. Even though these empirical developments have led to successes, they are trace-specific in nature and contribute to the generation of silos which hamper the establishment of a more general and transversal model. Forensic intelligence has shown some important perspectives but more general developments are required to address persistent challenges. This will ensure the progress of the discipline as well as its widespread implementation in the future. This paper demonstrates that the description of forensic intelligence processes, their architectures, and the methods for building them can, at a certain level, be abstracted from the type of traces considered. A comparative analysis is made between two forensic intelligence approaches developed independently in Australia and in Europe regarding the monitoring of apparently very different kind of problems: illicit drugs and false identity documents. An inductive effort is pursued to identify similarities and to outline a general model. Besides breaking barriers between apparently separate fields of study in forensic science and intelligence, this transversal model would assist in defining forensic intelligence, its role and place in policing, and in identifying its contributions and limitations. The model will facilitate the paradigm shift from the current case-by-case reactive attitude towards a proactive approach by serving as a guideline for the use of forensic case data in an intelligence-led perspective. A follow-up article will specifically address issues related to comparison processes, decision points and organisational issues regarding forensic intelligence (part II).