997 resultados para Electronics engineers


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Information available in frequency response data is equivalently available in the time domain as a response due to an impulse excitation. The idea to pursue this equivalence to estimate series capacitance is linked to the well-known fact that under impulse excitation, the line/neutral current in a transformer has three distinct components, of which, the initial capacitive component is the first to manifest, followed by the oscillatory and inductive components. Of these, the capacitive component is temporally well separated from the rest-a crucial feature permitting its direct access and analysis. Further, the winding initially behaves as a pure capacitive network, so the initial component must obviously originate from only the (series and shunt) capacitances. With this logic, it should therefore be possible to estimate series capacitance, just by measuring the initial capacitive component of line current and the total shunt capacitance. The principle of the method and details of its implementation on two actual isolated transformerwindings (uniformly wound) are presented. For implementation, a low-voltage recurrent surge generator, a current probe, and a digital oscilloscope are all that is needed. The method is simple and requires no programming and needs least user intervention, thus paving the way for its widespread use.


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We present a closed-form continuous model for the electrical conductivity of a single layer graphene (SLG) sheet in the presence of short-range impurities, long-range screened impurities, and acoustic phonons. The validity of the model extends from very low doping levels (chemical potential close to the Dirac cone vertex) to very high doping levels. We demonstrate complete functional relations of the chemical potential, polarization function, and conductivity with respect to both doping level and temperature (T), which were otherwise developed for SLG sheet only in the very low and very high doping levels. The advantage of the continuous conductivity model reported in this paper lies in its simple form which depends only on three adjustable parameters: the short-range impurity density, the long-range screened impurity density, and temperature T. The proposed theoretical model was successfully used to correlate various experiments in the midtemperature and moderate density regimes.


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In this paper, we propose an eigen framework for transmit beamforming for single-hop and dual-hop network models with single antenna receivers. In cases where number of receivers is not more than three, the proposed Eigen approach is vastly superior in terms of ease of implementation and computational complexity compared with the existing convex-relaxation-based approaches. The essential premise is that the precoding problems can be posed as equivalent optimization problems of searching for an optimal vector in the joint numerical range of Hermitian matrices. We show that the latter problem has two convex approximations: the first one is a semi-definite program that yields a lower bound on the solution, and the second one is a linear matrix inequality that yields an upper bound on the solution. We study the performance of the proposed and existing techniques using numerical simulations.


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Among the intelligent safety technologies for road vehicles, active suspensions controlled by embedded computing elements for preventing rollover have received a lot of attention. The existing models for synthesizing and allocating forces in such suspensions are conservatively based on the constraints that are valid until no wheels lift off the ground. However, the fault tolerance of the rollover-preventive systems can be enhanced if the smart/active suspensions can intervene in the more severe situation in which the wheels have just lifted off the ground. The difficulty in computing control in the last situation is that the vehicle dynamics then passes into the regime that yields a model involving disjunctive constraints on the dynamics. Simulation of dynamics with disjunctive constraints in this context becomes necessary to estimate, synthesize, and allocate the intended hardware realizable forces in an active suspension. In this paper, we give an algorithm for the previously mentioned problem by solving it as a disjunctive dynamic optimization problem. Based on this, we synthesize and allocate the roll-stabilizing time-dependent active suspension forces in terms of sensor output data. We show that the forces obtained from disjunctive dynamics are comparable with existing force allocations and, hence, are possibly realizable in the existing hardware framework toward enhancing the safety and fault tolerance.


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Adapting the power of secondary users (SUs) while adhering to constraints on the interference caused to primary receivers (PRxs) is a critical issue in underlay cognitive radio (CR). This adaptation is driven by the interference and transmit power constraints imposed on the secondary transmitter (STx). Its performance also depends on the quality of channel state information (CSI) available at the STx of the links from the STx to the secondary receiver and to the PRxs. For a system in which an STx is subject to an average interference constraint or an interference outage probability constraint at each of the PRxs, we derive novel symbol error probability (SEP)-optimal, practically motivated binary transmit power control policies. As a reference, we also present the corresponding SEP-optimal continuous transmit power control policies for one PRx. We then analyze the robustness of the optimal policies when the STx knows noisy channel estimates of the links between the SU and the PRxs. Altogether, our work develops a holistic understanding of the critical role played by different transmit and interference constraints in driving power control in underlay CR and the impact of CSI on its performance.


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A design methodology based on the Minimum Bit Error Ratio (MBER) framework is proposed for a non-regenerative Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) relay-aided system to determine various linear parameters. We consider both the Relay-Destination (RD) as well as the Source-Relay-Destination (SRD) link design based on this MBER framework, including the pre-coder, the Amplify-and-Forward (AF) matrix and the equalizer matrix of our system. It has been shown in the previous literature that MBER based communication systems are capable of reducing the Bit-Error-Ratio (BER) compared to their Linear Minimum Mean Square Error (LMMSE) based counterparts. We design a novel relay-aided system using various signal constellations, ranging from QPSK to the general M-QAM and M-PSK constellations. Finally, we propose its sub-optimal versions for reducing the computational complexity imposed. Our simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme indeed achieves a significant BER reduction over the existing LMMSE scheme.


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This brief presents the capturability analysis of a 3-D Retro-proportional navigation (Retro-PN) guidance law, which uses a negative navigation constant (as against the usual positive one), for intercepting targets having higher speeds than interceptors. This modification makes it possible to achieve collision conditions that were inaccessible to the standard PN law. A modified polar coordinate system, that makes the model more compact, is used in this brief for capturability analysis. In addition to the ratio of the target to interceptor speeds, the directional cosines of the interceptor, and target velocity vectors play a crucial role in the capturability. The existence of nontrivial capture zone of the Retro-PN guidance law and necessary and sufficient conditions, for capturing the target in finite time, are presented. A sufficient condition on the navigation constant is derived to ensure finiteness of the line-of-sight turn rate. The results are more extensive than those available for 2-D engagements, which can be obtained as special cases of this brief. Simulation results are given to support the analytical results.


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In this brief, decentralized sliding mode controllers that enable a connected and leaderless swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to reach a consensus in altitude and heading angle are presented. In addition, sliding mode control-based autopilot designs to control those states for which consensus is not required are also presented. By equipping each UAV with this combination of controllers, it can autonomously decide on being a member of the swarm or fly independently. The controllers are designed using a coupled nonlinear dynamic model, derived for the YF-22 aircraft, where the aerodynamic forces and moments are linear functions of the states and inputs.


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Multilevel inverters with dodecagonal (12-sided polygon) voltage space vector structure have advantages, such as complete elimination of fifth and seventh harmonics, reduction in electromagnetic interference, reduction in device voltage ratings, reduction of switching frequency, extension of linear modulation range, etc., making it a viable option for high-power medium-voltage drives. This paper proposes two power circuit topologies capable of generating multilevel dodecagonal voltage space vector structure with symmetric triangles (for the first time) with minimum number of dc-link power supplies and floating capacitor H-bridges. The first power topology is composed of two hybrid cascaded five-level inverters connected to either side of an open-end winding induction machine. Each inverter consists of a three-level neutral-point-clamped inverter, which is cascaded with an isolated H-bridge making it a five-level inverter. The second topology is for a normal induction motor. Both of these circuit topologies have inherent capacitor balancing for floating H-bridges for all modulation indexes, including transient operations. The proposed topologies do not require any precharging circuitry for startup. A simple pulsewidth modulation timing calculation method for space vector modulation is also presented in this paper. Due to the symmetric arrangement of congruent triangles within the voltage space vector structure, the timing computation requires only the sampled reference values and does not require any offline computation, lookup tables, or angle computation. Experimental results for steady-state operation and transient operation are also presented to validate the proposed concept.


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We address the problem of two-dimensional (2-D) phase retrieval from magnitude of the Fourier spectrum. We consider 2-D signals that are characterized by first-order difference equations, which have a parametric representation in the Fourier domain. We show that, under appropriate stability conditions, such signals can be reconstructed uniquely from the Fourier transform magnitude. We formulate the phase retrieval problem as one of computing the parameters that uniquely determine the signal. We show that the problem can be solved by employing the annihilating filter method, particularly for the case when the parameters are distinct. For the more general case of the repeating parameters, the annihilating filter method is not applicable. We circumvent the problem by employing the algebraically coupled matrix pencil (ACMP) method. In the noiseless measurement setup, exact phase retrieval is possible. We also establish a link between the proposed analysis and 2-D cepstrum. In the noisy case, we derive Cramer-Rao lower bounds (CRLBs) on the estimates of the parameters and present Monte Carlo performance analysis as a function of the noise level. Comparisons with state-of-the-art techniques in terms of signal reconstruction accuracy show that the proposed technique outperforms the Fienup and relaxed averaged alternating reflections (RAAR) algorithms in the presence of noise.


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A new generator topology for microhydel power plants, capable of unsupervised operation, is proposed. While conventional microhydel plants operate at constant speed with switched ballast loads, the proposed generator, based on the wound rotor induction machine, operates at variable speed and does away with the need for ballast loads. This increases reliability and substantially decreases system costs and setup times. The proposed generator has a simplified decoupled control structure with stator-referenced voltage control similar to a conventional synchronous generator, and rotor-side frequency control that is facilitated by rotating electronics mounted on the rotor. While this paper describes an isolated plant, the topology can also be tailored for distributed generation enabling conversion of the available hydraulic power into useful electrical power when the grid is present, and supplying local loads in the event of grid outage.


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Using the dynamic inversion philosophy, a nonlinear partial integrated guidance and control approach is presented in this paper for formation flying. It is based on the evolving philosophy of integrated guidance and control. However, it also retains the advantages of the conventional guidance then control philosophy by retaining the timescale separation between translational and rotational dynamics explicitly. Simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed technique is effective in bringing the vehicles into formation quickly and maintaining the formation.


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The sensing of relative humidity (RH) at room temperature has potential applications in several areas ranging from biomedical to horticulture, paper, and textile industries. In this paper, a highly sensitive humidity sensor based on carbon nanotubes (CNTs) coated on the surface of an etched fiber Bragg grating (EFBG) sensor has been demonstrated, for detecting RH over a wide range of 20%-90% at room temperature. When water molecules interact with the CNT coated EFBG, the effective refractive index of the fiber core changes, resulting in a shift in the Bragg wavelength. It has been possible to achieve a high sensitivity of similar to 31 pm/% RH, which is the highest compared with many of the existing FBG-based humidity sensors. The limit of detection in the CNT coated EFBG has been found to be similar to 0.03 RH. The experimental data shows a linear response of Bragg wavelength shift with increase in humidity. This novel method of incorporating CNTs on to the FBG sensor for humidity sensing has not been reported before.


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We present a computational study on the impact of line defects on the electronic properties of monolayer MoS2. Four different kinds of line defects with Mo and S as the bridging atoms, consistent with recent theoretical and experimental observations, are considered herein. We employ the density functional tight-binding (DFTB) method with a Slater-Koster-type DFTB-CP2K basis set for evaluating the material properties of perfect and the various defective MoS2 sheets. The transmission spectra are computed with a DFTB-non-equilibrium Green's function formalism. We also perform a detailed analysis of the carrier transmission pathways under a small bias and investigate the phase of the transmission eigenstates of the defective MoS2 sheets. Our simulations show a two to four fold decrease in carrier conductance of MoS2 sheets in the presence of line defects as compared to that for the perfect sheet.


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Acoustic rangerfinders are a promising technology for accurate proximity detection, a critical requirement for many emerging mobile computing applications. While state-of-the-art systems deliver robust ranging performance, the computational intensiveness of their detection mechanism expedites the energy depletion of the associated devices that are typically powered by batteries. The contribution of this article is fourfold. First, it outlines the common factors that are important for ranging. Second, it presents a review of acoustic rangers and identifies their potential problems. Third, it explores the design of an information processing framework based on sparse representation that could potentially address existing challenges, especially for mobile devices. Finally, it presents mu-BeepBeep: a low energy acoustic ranging service for mobile devices, and empirically evaluates its benefits.