939 resultados para Electric Quantities, Properties and Effects.
Effect of incorporation of amaranth on the physical properties and nutritional value of cheese bread
At the present celiac disease has no known cure, and its only treatment is a strict lifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet. Cheese bread is a traditional Brazilian product and a safe option for celiacs. However, like other gluten-free breads, it has inherent low levels of fibers and minerals. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of incorporation of whole amaranth flour on the physical properties and nutritional value of cheese bread. Amaranth flour was incorporated at 10, 15, and 20% proportions in different formulations. The increasing amaranth levels darkened the product, reduced specific volume, and increased compression force. Ten percent amaranth-content cheese breads exhibited slight differences in physical properties compared with the controls. These results demonstrated the possibility of incorporating 10% of whole amaranth flour in the formulation of cheese bread resulting in a product with higher dietary fiber and iron contents and the same level of acceptance as that of the conventional formulation. The aim of this approach is to increase the availability of gluten-free bakery products with added nutritional value contributing to increase the variety of the diet of celiac patients.
Regulation of corticosterone function during early weaning and effects on gastric cell proliferation
Objectives: The development of the gastrointestinal tract depends on many elements, including glucocorticoids. In the current study, we evaluated the effects of early weaning on corticosterone function and the growth of rat gastric mucosa. Methods: By using Wistar rats submitted to early weaning at 15 d, we analyzed plasma corticosterone, corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG), and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) distribution in the gastric epithelium. Results: With the use of radioimmunoassay, we found that early weaning increased corticosterone concentration at day 16 and 17 in test subjects as compared with controls, whereas it was equivalent between groups at day 18. CBG binding capacity decreased during treatment, and it was significantly lower at day 18. At this age, GR levels and distribution in the gastric mucosa were also reduced as compared with suckling counterparts. To reduce corticosterone activity during early weaning and to explore cell proliferation responses, we administered RU486 to 15-d-old pups. We found that cytoplasmic GR reached a peak after 48 h, whereas nuclear levels remained constant, thereby confirming the inhibition of receptor function. Next, by checking gastric proliferative responses, we observed that RU486 induced higher DNA synthesis and mitotic indices in test subjects as compared with control groups. Conclusions: We demonstrated that early weaning changed corticosterone activity by increasing hormone levels, reducing CBG binding capacity, and decreasing GR distribution in the gastric epithelium. These modifications seem to be important to the reorganization of gastric growth after the abrupt interruption of suckling.
This article is a continuation of our previous work [5], where we formulated general existence theorems for pullback exponential attractors for asymptotically compact evolution processes in Banach spaces and discussed its implications in the autonomous case. We now study properties of the attractors and use our theoretical results to prove the existence of pullback exponential attractors in two examples, where previous results do not apply.
The discovery and development of a new drug are time-consuming, difficult and expensive. This complex process has evolved from classical methods into an integration of modern technologies and innovative strategies addressed to the design of new chemical entities to treat a variety of diseases. The development of new drug candidates is often limited by initial compounds lacking reasonable chemical and biological properties for further lead optimization. Huge libraries of compounds are frequently selected for biological screening using a variety of techniques and standard models to assess potency, affinity and selectivity. In this context, it is very important to study the pharmacokinetic profile of the compounds under investigation. Recent advances have been made in the collection of data and the development of models to assess and predict pharmacokinetic properties (ADME - absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion) of bioactive compounds in the early stages of drug discovery projects. This paper provides a brief perspective on the evolution of in silico ADME tools, addressing challenges, limitations, and opportunities in medicinal chemistry.
Programa de doctorado: Oceanografía
[EN] This paper aims to contribute to clarify whether the use of battered piles has a positive or negative influence on the dynamic response of deep foundations and superstructures. For this purpose, the dynamic response of slender and non-slender structures supported on several configurations of 2X2 and 3X3 pile groups including battered elements is obtained through a procedure based on a substructuring model whick takes soil-structure interaction into account.
Organic electronics has grown enormously during the last decades driven by the encouraging results and the potentiality of these materials for allowing innovative applications, such as flexible-large-area displays, low-cost printable circuits, plastic solar cells and lab-on-a-chip devices. Moreover, their possible field of applications reaches from medicine, biotechnology, process control and environmental monitoring to defense and security requirements. However, a large number of questions regarding the mechanism of device operation remain unanswered. Along the most significant is the charge carrier transport in organic semiconductors, which is not yet well understood. Other example is the correlation between the morphology and the electrical response. Even if it is recognized that growth mode plays a crucial role into the performance of devices, it has not been exhaustively investigated. The main goal of this thesis was the finding of a correlation between growth modes, electrical properties and morphology in organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs). In order to study the thickness dependence of electrical performance in organic ultra-thin-film transistors, we have designed and developed a home-built experimental setup for performing real-time electrical monitoring and post-growth in situ electrical characterization techniques. We have grown pentacene TFTs under high vacuum conditions, varying systematically the deposition rate at a fixed room temperature. The drain source current IDS and the gate source current IGS were monitored in real-time; while a complete post-growth in situ electrical characterization was carried out. At the end, an ex situ morphological investigation was performed by using the atomic force microscope (AFM). In this work, we present the correlation for pentacene TFTs between growth conditions, Debye length and morphology (through the correlation length parameter). We have demonstrated that there is a layered charge carriers distribution, which is strongly dependent of the growth mode (i.e. rate deposition for a fixed temperature), leading to a variation of the conduction channel from 2 to 7 monolayers (MLs). We conciliate earlier reported results that were apparently contradictory. Our results made evident the necessity of reconsidering the concept of Debye length in a layered low-dimensional device. Additionally, we introduce by the first time a breakthrough technique. This technique makes evident the percolation of the first MLs on pentacene TFTs by monitoring the IGS in real-time, correlating morphological phenomena with the device electrical response. The present thesis is organized in the following five chapters. Chapter 1 makes an introduction to the organic electronics, illustrating the operation principle of TFTs. Chapter 2 presents the organic growth from theoretical and experimental points of view. The second part of this chapter presents the electrical characterization of OTFTs and the typical performance of pentacene devices is shown. In addition, we introduce a correcting technique for the reconstruction of measurements hampered by leakage current. In chapter 3, we describe in details the design and operation of our innovative home-built experimental setup for performing real-time and in situ electrical measurements. Some preliminary results and the breakthrough technique for correlating morphological and electrical changes are presented. Chapter 4 meets the most important results obtained in real-time and in situ conditions, which correlate growth conditions, electrical properties and morphology of pentacene TFTs. In chapter 5 we describe applicative experiments where the electrical performance of pentacene TFTs has been investigated in ambient conditions, in contact to water or aqueous solutions and, finally, in the detection of DNA concentration as label-free sensor, within the biosensing framework.
Kurzzusammenfassung Produktion, Reinigung, Eigenschaften und Anwendung von Cellulasen eines Wildtyp-Hefeisolates. Die effiziente Verwendung von Cellulose wird in naher Zukonft ein wichtiges Instrument zur Vermeidung einer Nahrungsmittel- und Energieknappheit werden. Deshalb haben wir uns intensiv mit Cellulasen befaßt, die aus Hefestämmen isoliert wurden. Die Fähigkeit der Cellulase-produktion eines Hefe-Stammes der Feuerwanze Pyrrhocoris apterus wurde genauer untersucht. Die systematische Stellung des Hefe-Isolates PAG1 wurde durch Sequenzierung der 18S rDNA bestimmt. Es zeigte eine nahe Verwandtschaft zu einem bereits beschriebenen Stämme der Gattung Trichosporon. Außerdem wurden die Wachstums-bedingungen für eine optimale CellulaseProduktion bestimmt. Anschließend konnte eine der produzierten Cellulasen mit FPLC aufgereinigt und deren biochemische Eigenschaften (z.B. Substratspezifität, Temperatur optimum, optimaler pH-Wert, Einfluß von Chemikalien) untersucht werden. Eine Analyse der Abbau-Produkte zeigte, daß kristalline Cellulose und CMC zu Cellobiose, Cellulotriose, Cellulotetraose und Cellulopentaose in einem molaren Verhältnis von 32:16:8:1 umgesetezt wurden. Bei Zusatz von ?-Glykosidase aus demselben Hefestamm entstand nur Glucose und Cellobiose in einem molaren Verhältnis von 1:10. Da bisher nur eine Publikation über Cellulase-produzierende Hefe-Stämme erschienen ist, zeigen auch unsere Untersuchungen, daß Wildtyp-Hefestämme Cellulasen mit interessanten Eigenschaften produzieren können.
Pharmaceutical residues contaminate aquatic ecosystems as a result of their widespread human and veterinary usage. Since continuously released and not efficiently removed, certain pharmaceuticals exhibit pseudo-persistence thus generating concerns for the health of aquatic wildlife. This work aimed at assessing on mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis, under laboratory conditions, the effects of three pharmaceuticals, carbamazepine (antiepileptic), propranolol (β-blocker) and oxytetracycline (antibiotic), to evaluate if the human-based mode of action of these molecules is conserved in invertebrates. Furthermore, in the framework of the European MEECE Programme, mussels were exposed to oxytetracycline and copper at increasing temperatures, simulating variations due to climate changes. The effects of these compounds were assessed evaluating a battery of biomarkers, the expression of HSP70 proteins and changes in cAMP-related parameters. A decrease in lysosomal membrane stability, induction of oxidative stress, alterations of cAMP-dependent pathway and the induction of defense mechanisms were observed indicating the development of a stress syndrome, and a worsening in mussels health status. Data obtained in MEECE Programme confirmed that the toxicity of substances can be enhanced following changes in temperature. The alterations observed were obtained after exposure to pharmaceuticals at concentrations sometimes lower than those detected in the aquatic environment. Hence, further research is advisable regarding subtle effects of pharmaceuticals on non-target organisms. Furthermore, results obtained during a research stay in the laboratories of Cádiz University (Spain) are presented. The project aimed at measuring possible effects of polluted sediments in Algeciras Bay (Spain) and in Cádiz Bay, by assessing different physiological parameters in caged crabs Carcinus maenas and clams Ruditapes decussatus exposed in situ for 28 days. The neutral red retention assay was adapted to these species and proved to be a sensitive screening tool for the assessment of sediment quality.
In this work, metal nanoparticles produced by nanosphere lithography were studied in terms of their optical properties (in connection to their plasmon resonances), their potential application in sensing platforms - for thin layer sensing and bio-recognition events -, and for a particular case (the nanocrescents), for enhanced spectroscopy studies. The general preparation procedures introduced early in 2005 by Shumaker-Parry et al. to produce metallic nanocrescents were extended to give rise to more complex (isolated) structures, and also, by combining colloidal monolayer fabrication and plasma etching techniques, to arrays of them. The fabrication methods presented in this work were extended not only to new shapes or arrangements of particles, but included also a targeted surface tailoring of the substrates and the structures, using different thiol and silane compounds as linkers for further attachment of, i.e. polyelectrolyte layers, which allow for a controlled tailoring of their nanoenvironment. The optical properties of the nanocrescents were studied with conventional transmission spectroscopy; a simple multipole model was adapted to explain their behaviour qualitatively. In terms of applications, the results on thin film sensing using these particles show that the crescents present an interesting mode-dependent sensitivity and spatial extension. Parallel to this, the penetrations depths were modeled with two simplified schemes, obtaining good agreement with theory. The multiple modes of the particles with their characteristic decay lengths and sensitivities represent a major improvement for particle-sensing platforms compared to previous single resonance systems. The nanocrescents were also used to alter the emission properties of fluorophores placed close to them. In this work, green emitting dyes were placed at controlled distances from the structures and excited using a pulsed laser emitting in the near infrared. The fluorescence signal obtained in this manner should be connected to a two-photon processes triggered by these structures; obtaining first insight into plasmon-mediated enhancement phenomena. An even simpler and faster approach to produce plasmonic structures than that for the crescents was tested. Metallic nanodiscs and nanoellipses were produced by means of nanosphere lithography, extending a procedure reported in the literature to new shapes and optical properties. The optical properties of these particles were characterized by extinction spectroscopy and compared to results from the literature. Their major advantage is that they present a polarization-dependent response, like the nanocrescents, but are much simpler to fabricate, and the resonances can be tailored in the visible with relative ease. The sensing capabilities of the metallic nanodiscs were explored in the same manner as for the nanocrescents, meaning their response to thin layers and to bio-recognition events on their surface. The sensitivity of these nanostructures to thin films proved to be lower than that of the crescents, though in the same order of magnitude. Experimental information about the near field extension for the Au nanodiscs of different sizes was also extracted from these measurements. Further resonance-tailoring approaches based on electrochemical deposition of metals on the nanodiscs were explored, as a means of modifying plasmon resonances by changing surface properties of the nanoparticles. First results on these experiments would indicate that the deposition of Ag on Au on a submonolayer coverage level can lead to important blue-shifts in the resonances, which would open a simple way to tailor resonances by changing material properties in a local manner.
In this work polymer brushes on both flat and curved substrates were prepared by grafting from and grafting to techniques. The brushes on flat substrates were patterned on the µm-scale with the use of an inkjet printer. Thus it was demonstrated that chemistry with an inkjet printer is feasible. The inkjet printer was used to deposit microdroplets of acid. The saponification of surface-immobilized ATRP initiators containing an ester bond occurred in these microdroplets. The changes in the monolayer of ester molecules due to saponification were amplified by SI-ATRP. It was possible to correlate the polymer brush thickness to effectiveness of saponification. The use of an inkjet printer allowed for simultaneously screening of parameters such as type of acid, concentration of acid, and contact time between acid and surface. A dip-coater was utilized in order to test the saponification independent of droplet evaporation. The advantage of this developed process is its versatility. It can be applied to all surface-immobilized initiators containing ester bonds. The technique has additionally been used to selectively defunctionalize the initiator molecules covering a microcantilever on one side of a cantilever. An asymmetric coating of the cantilever with polymer brushes was thus generated. An asymmetric coating allows the use of a microcantilever for sensing applications. The preparation of nanocomposites comprised of polyorganosiloxane microgel particles functionalized with poly(ethyl methacrylate) (PEMA) brushes and linear, but entangled, PEMA chains is described in the second major part of this thesis. Measurement of the interparticle distance was performed using scanning probe microscopy and grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering. The matrix molecular weight at which the nanocomposite showed microphase separation was related to abrupt changes in inter-particle distance. Microphase separation occurred once the matrix molecular exceeded the molecular weight of the brushes. The trigger for the microphase separation was a contraction of the polymer brushes, as the measurements of inter-particle distance have revealed. The brushes became impenetrable for the matrix chains upon contraction and thus behaved as hard spheres. The contraction led to a loss of anchoring between particles and matrix, as shown by nanowear tests using an atomic force microscope. Polyorganosiloxane microgel particles were functionalized with 13C enriched poly(ethyl methacrylate) brushes. New synthetic pathways were developed in order to enrich not the entire brush with 13C, but only exclusively selected regions. 13C chemical shift anisotropy, an advanced NMR technique, can thus be used in order to gather information about the extended conformations in the 13C enriched regions of the PEMA chains immobilized on the µ-gel-g-PEMA particles. The third part of this thesis deals with the grafting to of polymeric fullerene materials on silicon substrates. Active ester chemistry was employed in order to prepare the polymeric fullerene materials and graft these materials covalently on amino-functionalized silicon substrates.rn
The surface properties of minerals have important implications in geology, environment, industry and biotechnology and for certain aspects in the research on the origin of life. This research project aims to widen the knowledge on the nanoscale surface properties of chlorite and phlogopite by means of advanced methodologies, and also to investigate the interaction of fundamental biomolecules, such as nucleotides, RNA, DNA and amino acid glycine with the surface of the selected phyllosilicates. Multiple advanced and complex experimental approaches based on scanning probe microscopy and spatially resolved spectroscopy were used and in some cases specifically developed. The results demonstrate that chlorite exposes at the surface atomically flat terraces with 0.5 nm steps typically generated by the fragmentation of the octahedral sheet of the interlayer (brucitic-type). This fragmentation at the nanoscale generates a high anisotropy and inhomogeneity with surface type and isomorphous cationic substitutions determining variations of the effective surface potential difference, ranging between 50-100 mV and 400-500 mV, when measured in air, between the TOT surface and the interlayer brucitic sheet. The surface potential was ascribed to be the driving force of the observed high affinity of the surface with the fundamental biomolecules, like single molecules of nucleotides, DNA, RNA and amino acids. Phlogopite was also observed to present an extended atomically flat surface, featuring negative surface potential values of some hundreds of millivolts and no significant local variations. Phlogopite surface was sometimes observed to present curvature features that may be ascribed to local substitutions of the interlayer cations or the presence of a crystal lattice mismatch or structural defects, such as stacking faults or dislocation loops. Surface chemistry was found similar to the bulk. The study of the interaction with nucleotides and glycine revealed a lower affinity with respect to the brucite-like surface of chlorite.
In questo elaborato abbiamo analizzato un campione di 22 galssie early-type. Utilizzando una tecnica di cross-correlazione, abbiamo ottenuto profili radiali di rotazione e di dis- persione di velocitá. Questi dati ci hanno permesso di investigare molte delle proprietá dinamiche delle nostre galassie. Abbiamo ottenuto indizi sull’anisotropia orbitale e stimato le masse e il rapporto M/L del campione. Le masse misurate variano da 1010 a 1012 M , mentre i valori degli M/L, per cui abbiamo trovato una dipendenza del tipo Log M/L ∝ 0.28 Log L , sono dell’ordine dell’unitá. Abbiamo anche riprodotto le famose relazioni di scala e abbi- amo utlizzato un set di dati sugli indici di Lick/IDS per ricercare relazioni tra le proprietá chimiche e quelle dinamiche. In particolare, abbiamo riscontrato una correlazione tra molti degli indici dipendenti dalla metallicitá e la profonditá della buca di potenziale. Tali indici sembrano correlare anche con il M/L. La rotazione e la forma del profilo di dispersione di velocitá sembrano essere ininfluenti sulle proprietá chimiche. In ultima analisi, abbiamo considerato le implicazioni delle nostre misure riguardo la natura della popolazione stellare e dell’emissione X delle nostre galassie. L’indice di colore e il M/L sembrano indicare che la popolazione stellare delle nostre galassie é dominata da stelle appartenenti alle classi spettrali late-G e early-K. Sembra inoltre esserci una correlazione tra l’emissione X degli elementi del nostro campione e la profonditá della loro buca di potenziale.