957 resultados para Degradation of phenols


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The diglycidyl ether of tetrabromobisphenol A, the diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A and their mixture was cured by 4,4'-diaminodiphenyl methane. The pyrolysis of the obtained epoxy resins was studied by TG, DSC, TG/FTIR as well as FTIR characterization of pyrolysis residues. The gaseous and high boiling pyrolysis products were collected, characterized by GC/MS and their formation is discussed. The brominated epoxy resins are thermally less stable than the non-brominated ones. This effect is caused by the amine-containing hardener. The degradation initiation reaction is associated with the formation of hydrogen bromide which further destabilizes the epoxy network. The effect of the curing agent can be used in recycling of epoxy resins to separate brominated pyrolysis products from non-brominated ones.


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An investigation, employing edge-on transmission electron microscopy, of the microstructure of aluminide diffusion coatings on a single crystal y' strengthened nickel base super alloy is reported. An examination has been made of the effect of postcoating exposure at 1100°C on the stability of the coating matrix, a B2 type phase, nominally NiAl. Precipitation in the coating is considered with respect to both decomposition of the B2 matrix to other Ni-Al (plus titanium) phases and the formation of chromium bearing precipitates. A comparison is drawn with behaviour at lower temperatures (850-950°C). © 1995 The Institute of Materials.


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High quality CuS and CuS/ZnS core/shell nanocrystals (NCs) were synthesized in a large quantity using a facile hydrothermal method at low temperatures of 60 C and evaluated in the photodegradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) under visible light irradiation. Synthesis time plays an important role in controlling the morphology, size and photocatalytic activity of both CuS and CuS/ZnS core/shell NCs which evolve from spherical shaped particles to form rods with increasing reaction time, and after 5 h resemble "flower" shaped morphologies in which each "flower" is composed of many NCs. Photocatalytic activity originates from photo-generated holes in the narrow bandgap CuS, with encapsulation by large bandgap ZnS layers used to form the core/shell structure that improves the resistance of CuS towards photocorrosion. Such CuS/ZnS core/shell structures exhibit much higher photocatalytic activity than CuS or ZnS NCs alone under visible light illumination, and is attributed to higher charge separation rates for the photo-generated carriers in the core/shell structure. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Two studies were performed to obtain fundamental mechanistic information on the TiO2 catalyzed degradation of organic substrates irradiated at 350 nm in dilute aqueous solutions under oxygenated conditions: (a) The photodecomposition of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and its intermediate products from β-oxidation, 2-methoxy-2-methylpropanol and 2-methoxy-2-methylpropanol. (b) The photodecomposition of two haloethers, bis-(2-chloroethyl) ether, and bis-(2-chloroisopropyl) ether. Controls were carried out throughout the two studies in the absence of light, and without the semiconductor in order to evaluate the role of photolysis. ^ The syntheses of proposed intermediate products, 2-methoxy-2-methylpropanol, 2-methoxy-2-methylpropanal, 2-methoxy-2-methylpropanoic acid, 2-chloroethyl formate, and 1-chloro-2-propyl acetate, were performed. The formation of these products in the titanium dioxide photocatalytic oxidation of the substrates of interest was also confirmed. TiO2 photocatalysis is a very effective method for the mineralization of aliphatic ethers and their primary oxidation products. ^


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Gasoline oxygenates (MTBE, methyl tert-butyl ether; DIPE, di-isopropyl ether; ETBE, ethyl tert-butyl ether; TAME, tert-amyl ether) are added to gasoline to boost octane and enhance combustion. The combination of large scale use, high water solubility and only minor biodegradability has now resulted in a significant gasoline oxygenate contamination occurring in surface, ground, and drinking water systems. Combination of hydroxyl radical formation and the pyrolytic environment generated by ultrasonic irradiation (665 kHz) leads to the rapid degradation of MTBE and other gasoline oxygenates in aqueous media. ^ The presence of oxygen promotes the degradation processes by rapid reaction with carbon centered radicals indicating radical processes involving O 2 are significant pathways. A number of the oxidation products were identified. The formation of products (alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, esters, peroxides, etc) could be rationalized by mechanisms which involve hydrogen abstraction by OH radical and/or pyrolysis to form carboncentered radicals which react with oxygen and follow standard oxidation chain processes. ^ The reactions of N-substituted R-triazolinediones (RTAD; R = CH 3 or phenyl) have attracted considerable interest because they exhibit a number of unusual mechanistic characteristics that are analogous to the reactions of singlet oxygen (1O2) and offer an easy way to provide C-N bond(s) formation. The reactions of triazolinedione with olefins have been widely studied and aziridinium imides are generally accepted to be the reactive intermediates. ^ We observed the rapid formation of an unusual intermediate upon mixing tetracyclopropylethylene with 4-methyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione in CDCl 3. Detailed characterization by NMR (proton, 13C, 2-D NMRs) indicates the intermediate is 5,5,6,6-tetracyclopropyl-3-methyl-5,6-dihydro-oxazolo[3,2- b][1,2,4]-triazolium-2-olate. Such products are extremely rare and have not been studied. Upon warming the intermediate is converted to 2 + 2 diazetidine (major) and ene product (minor). ^ To further explore the kinetics and dynamics of the reaction activation energies were obtained using Arrhenius plots. Activation energies for the formation of the intermediate from reactants, and 2+2 adduct from the intermediate were determined as 7.48 kcal moll and 19.8 kcal mol−1 with their pre-exponential values of 2.24 × 105 dm 3 mol−1 sec−1 and 2.75 × 108 sec−1, respectively, meaning net slow reactions because of low pre-exponential values caused by steric hindrance. ^


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Chloroperoxidase (CPO), secreted by marine fungus Caldariomyces fumago, is the most versatile catalyst among known heme enzymes. Chloroperoxidase can catalyze epoxidation reactions with high enantioselectivity and high yield, which makes CPO an attractive candidate for both industrial and medicinal chiral synthesis. Toward this end, we have constructed two CPO mutants, F103A and N74V. Chiral HPLC was used to evaluate the enantioselectivity and yield of CPO and the mutants toward the epoxidation of styrene and its derivatives. Both of the mutants show dramatically changed epoxidation profiles compared to the parent protein. This information provided fresh insight into the mechanism through which CPO achieves its enantioselectivity. Furthermore, effort was made to understand the biological function of CPO through characterization of CPO catalyzed oxidation of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), a secondary metabolite of many marine algal species that plays a pivotal role in marine ecology and global climate.^


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Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) are continuously being released into the environment mainly because of their incomplete removal in the sewage treatment plants (STPs). The CECs selected for the study include antibiotics (macrolides, sulfonamides and ciprofloxacin), sucralose (an artificial sweetener) and dioctyl sulfosuccinate (DOSS, chemical dispersant used in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill). After being discharged into waterways from STPs, photo degradation is a key factor in dictating the environmental fate of antibiotics and sucralose. Photodegradation efficiency depends on many factors such as pH of the matrix, matrix composition, light source and structure of the molecule. These factors exert either synergistic or antagonistic effects in the environment and thus experiments with isolated factors may not yield the same results as the natural environmental processes. Hence in the current study photodegradation of 13 CECs (antibiotics, sucralose and dicotyl sulfosuccinate) were evaluated using natural water matrices with varying composition (deionized water, fresh water and salt water) as well as radiation of different wavelengths (254 nm, 350 nm and simulated solar radiation) in order to mimic natural processes. As expected the contribution of each factor on the overall rate of photodegradation is contaminant specific, for example under similar conditions, the rate in natural waters compared to pure water was enhanced for antibiotics (2-11 fold), significantly reduced for sucralose (no degradation seen in natural waters) and similar in both media for DOSS. In general, it was observed that the studied compounds degraded faster at 254 nm, while when using a simulated sunlight radiation the rate of photolysis of DOSS increased and the rates for antibiotics decreased in comparison to the 350 nm radiation. The photo stability of the studied CECs followed the order sucralose > DOSS > macrolides > sulfonamides > ciprofloxacin and a positive relationship was observed between photo stability and their ubiquitous presence in natural aquatic matrices. An online LC-MS/MS method was developed and validated for sucralose and further applied to reclaimed waters (n =56) and drinking waters (n = 43) from South Florida. Sucralose was detected in reclaimed waters with concentrations reaching up to 18 μg/L. High frequency of detection (> 80%) in drinking waters indicate contamination of ground waters in South Florida by anthropogenic activity.^


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Recent attention has focused on the high rates of annual carbon sequestration in vegetated coastal ecosystems—marshes, mangroves, and seagrasses—that may be lost with habitat destruction (‘conversion’). Relatively unappreciated, however, is that conversion of these coastal ecosystems also impacts very large pools of previously-sequestered carbon. Residing mostly in sediments, this ‘blue carbon’ can be released to the atmosphere when these ecosystems are converted or degraded. Here we provide the first global estimates of this impact and evaluate its economic implications. Combining the best available data on global area, land-use conversion rates, and near-surface carbon stocks in each of the three ecosystems, using an uncertainty-propagation approach, we estimate that 0.15–1.02 Pg (billion tons) of carbon dioxide are being released annually, several times higher than previous estimates that account only for lost sequestration. These emissions are equivalent to 3–19% of those from deforestation globally, and result in economic damages of $US 6–42 billion annually. The largest sources of uncertainty in these estimates stems from limited certitude in global area and rates of land-use conversion, but research is also needed on the fates of ecosystem carbon upon conversion. Currently, carbon emissions from the conversion of vegetated coastal ecosystems are not included in emissions accounting or carbon market protocols, but this analysis suggests they may be disproportionally important to both. Although the relevant science supporting these initial estimates will need to be refined in coming years, it is clear that policies encouraging the sustainable management of coastal ecosystems could significantly reduce carbon emissions from the land-use sector, in addition to sustaining the well-recognized ecosystem services of coastal habitats.


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The impact of ultrasound on improving the performance of a granular iron Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) in the degradation of Trichloroethylene (TCE) was evaluated. Two treatment columns made of clear Plexiglas with a height of 1ft and a diameter of 2 inches and filled with granular iron were used. One was fitted with 25Khz ultrasound probes. A solution of TCE was run through at constant flow rate. Samples obtained from the column at different residence times before and after sonication were analyzed for concentrations of TCE and used to generate concentration profiles to obtain rate constants, which were compared. An improvement of 23.4% in the reaction rate of TCE degradation was observed after sonication of the iron media suggesting that ultrasound may contribute to improving the performance of PRBs in the degradation of TCE in contaminated groundwater.


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Produced water constitutes the largest volume of waste from offshore oil and gas operations and is composed of a wide range of organic and inorganic compounds. Although treatment processes have to meet strict oil in water regulations, the definition of “oil” is a function of the analysis process and may include aliphatic hydrocarbons which have limited environmental impact due to degradability whilst ignoring problematic dissolved petroleum species. This thesis presents the partitioning behavior of oil in produced water as a function of temperature and salinity to identify compounds of environmental concern. Phenol, p-cresol, and 4-tert-butylphenol were studied because of their xenoestrogenic power; other compounds studied are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon PAHs which include naphthalene, fluorene, phenanthrene, and pyrene. Partitioning experiments were carried out in an Innova incubator for 48 hours, temperature was varied from 4゚C to 70゚C, and two salinity levels of 46.8‰ and 66.8‰ were studied. Results obtained showed that the dispersed oil concentration in the water reduces with settling time and equilibrium was attained at 48 h settling time. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) partitions based on dispersed oil concentration whereas phenols are not significantly affected by dispersed oil concentration. Higher temperature favors partitioning of PAHs into the water phase. Salinity has negligible effect on partitioning pattern of phenols and PAHs studied. Simulation results obtained from the Aspen HYSYS model shows that temperature and oil droplet distribution greatly influences the efficiency of produced water treatment system.


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Glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT) lipids are part of the cellular membranes of Thaumarchaeota, an archaeal phylum composed of aerobic ammonia oxidizers, and are used in the paleotemperature proxy TEX86. GDGTs in live cells possess polar head groups and are called intact polar lipids (IPL-GDGTs). Their transformation to core lipids (CL) by cleavage of the head group was assumed to proceed rapidly after cell death but it has been suggested that some of these IPL-GDGTs can, just like the CL-GDGTs, be preserved over geological timescales. Here, we examined IPL-GDGTs in deeply buried (0.2-186 mbsf, ~2.5 Myr) sediments from the Peru Margin. Direct measurements of the most abundant IPL-GDGT, IPL-crenarchaeol, specific for Thaumarchaeota, revealed depth profiles which differed per head group. Shallow sediments (<1 mbsf) contained IPL-crenarchaeol with both glycosidic- and phosphate headgroups, as also observed in thaumarchaeal enrichment cultures, marine suspended particulate matter and marine surface sediments. However, hexose, phosphohexose-crenarchaeol is not detected anymore below 6 mbsf (~7 kyr), suggesting a high lability. In contrast, IPL-crenarchaeol with glycosidic head groups is preserved over time scales of Myr. This agrees with previous analyses of deeply buried (>1 m) marine sediments, which only reported glycosidic and no phosphate-containing IPL-GDGTs. TEX86 values of CL-GDGTs did not markedly change with depth, and the TEX86 of IPL-derived GDGTs decreased only when the proportions of monohexose- to dihexose-GDGTs changed, likely due to the enhanced preservation of the monohexose GDGTs. Our results support the hypothesis that in situ GDGT production and differential IPL degradation in sediments is not substantially affecting TEX86 paleotemperature estimations based on CL GDGTs and indicate that likely only a small amount of IPL-GDGTs present in deeply buried sediments is part of cell membranes of active Archaea. The amount of archaeal biomass in the deep biosphere based on these IPLs may have been substantially overestimated.


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HIV-1 integrase, the viral enzyme responsible for provirus integration into the host genome, can be actively degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Here, we identify von Hippel-Lindau binding protein 1(VBP1), a subunit of the prefoldin chaperone, as an integrase cellular binding protein that bridges interaction between integrase and the cullin2 (Cul2)-based von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) ubiquitin ligase. We demonstrate that VBP1 and Cul2/VHL are required for proper HIV-1 expression at a step between integrase-dependent proviral integration into the host genome and transcription of viral genes. Using both an siRNA approach and Cul2/VHL mutant cells, we show that VBP1 and the Cul2/VHL ligase cooperate in the efficient polyubiquitylation of integrase and its subsequent proteasome-mediated degradation. Results presented here support a role for integrase degradation by the prefoldin-VHL-proteasome pathway in the integration-transcription transition of the viral replication cycle.


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Brassicales species rich in glucosinolates are used for biofumigation, a process based on releasing enzymatically toxic isothiocyanates into the soil. These hydrolysis products are volatile and often reactive compounds. Moreover, glucosinolates can be degraded also without the presence of the hydrolytic enzyme myrosinase which might contribute to bioactive effects. Thus, in the present study the stability of Brassicaceae plant-derived and pure glucosinolates hydrolysis products was studied using three different soils ( model biofumigation). In addition, the degradation of pure 2-propenyl glucosinolate was investigated with special regard to the formation of volatile breakdown products. Finally, the influence of pure glucosinolate degradation on the bacterial community composition was evaluated using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rRNA gene amplified from total community DNA. The model biofumigation study revealed that the structure of the hydrolysis products had a significant impact on their stability in the soil but not the soil type. Following the degradation of pure 2-propenyl glucosinolate in the soils, the nitrile as well as the isothiocyanate can be the main degradation products, depending on the soil type. Furthermore, the degradation was shown to be both chemically as well as biologically mediated as autoclaving reduced degradation. The nitrile was the major product of the chemical degradation and its formation increased with iron content of the soil. Additionally, the bacterial community composition was significantly affected by adding pure 2-propenyl glucosinolate, the effect being more pronounced than in treatments with myrosinase added to the glucosinolate. Therefore, glucosinolates can have a greater effect on soil bacterial community composition than their hydrolysis products.