982 resultados para DISK GALAXIES
We consider the hydrodynamic evolution of gas in the interstellar medium of the host galaxy of a quasar due to Compton heating by the QSO radiation. We show that a Lagrangean formulation of the problem is necessary. It is found that the "hydrodynamic time scale" becomes important compared to the Compton heating time scale. We also relax the "single fluid" approximation by considering the existence of clouds and taking into account the mass loss from stars. The results predict star burst activity, and thus we explain the blue colors of the active galaxies.
We study the dynamical properties of the homogeneous shear flow of inelastic dumbbells in two dimensions as a first step towards examining the effect of shape on the properties of flowing granular materials. The dumbbells are modelled as smooth fused disks characterized by the ratio of the distance between centres (L) and the disk diameter (D), with an aspect ratio (L/D) varying between 0 and 1 in our simulations. Area fractions studied are in the range 0.1-0.7, while coefficients of normal restitution (e(n)) from 0.99 to 0.7 are considered. The simulations use a modified form of the event-driven methodology for circular disks. The average orientation is characterized by an order parameter S, which varies between 0 (for a perfectly disordered fluid) and 1 (for a fluid with the axes of all dumbbells in the same direction). We investigate power-law fits of S as a function of (L D) and (1 - e(n)(2)) There is a gradual increase in ordering as the area fraction is increased, as the aspect ratio is increased or as the coefficient of restitution is decreased. The order parameter has a maximum value of about 0.5 for the highest area fraction and lowest coefficient of restitution considered here. The mean energy of the velocity fluctuations in the flow direction is higher than that in the gradient direction and the rotational energy, though the difference decreases as the area fraction increases, due to the efficient collisional transfer of energy between the three directions. The distributions of the translational and rotational velocities are Gaussian to a very good approximation. The pressure is found to be remarkably independent of the coefficient of restitution. The pressure and dissipation rate show relatively little variation when scaled by the collision frequency for all the area fractions studied here, indicating that the collision frequency determines the momentum transport and energy dissipation, even at the lowest area fractions studied here. The mean angular velocity of the particles is equal to half the vorticity at low area fractions, but the magnitude systematically decreases to less than half the vorticity as the area fraction is increased, even though the stress tensor is symmetric.
Hamiltonian systems in stellar and planetary dynamics are typically near integrable. For example, Solar System planets are almost in two-body orbits, and in simulations of the Galaxy, the orbits of stars seem regular. For such systems, sophisticated numerical methods can be developed through integrable approximations. Following this theme, we discuss three distinct problems. We start by considering numerical integration techniques for planetary systems. Perturbation methods (that utilize the integrability of the two-body motion) are preferred over conventional "blind" integration schemes. We introduce perturbation methods formulated with Cartesian variables. In our numerical comparisons, these are superior to their conventional counterparts, but, by definition, lack the energy-preserving properties of symplectic integrators. However, they are exceptionally well suited for relatively short-term integrations in which moderately high positional accuracy is required. The next exercise falls into the category of stability questions in solar systems. Traditionally, the interest has been on the orbital stability of planets, which have been quantified, e.g., by Liapunov exponents. We offer a complementary aspect by considering the protective effect that massive gas giants, like Jupiter, can offer to Earth-like planets inside the habitable zone of a planetary system. Our method produces a single quantity, called the escape rate, which characterizes the system of giant planets. We obtain some interesting results by computing escape rates for the Solar System. Galaxy modelling is our third and final topic. Because of the sheer number of stars (about 10^11 in Milky Way) galaxies are often modelled as smooth potentials hosting distributions of stars. Unfortunately, only a handful of suitable potentials are integrable (harmonic oscillator, isochrone and Stäckel potential). This severely limits the possibilities of finding an integrable approximation for an observed galaxy. A solution to this problem is torus construction; a method for numerically creating a foliation of invariant phase-space tori corresponding to a given target Hamiltonian. Canonically, the invariant tori are constructed by deforming the tori of some existing integrable toy Hamiltonian. Our contribution is to demonstrate how this can be accomplished by using a Stäckel toy Hamiltonian in ellipsoidal coordinates.
The energy input to giant molecular clouds is recalculated, using the proper linearized equations of motion, including the Coriolis force and allowing for changes in the guiding center. Perturbation theory yields a result in the limit of distant encounters and small initial epicyclic amplitudes. Direct integration of the motion equations allows the strong encounter regime to be studied. The present perturbation theory result differs by a factor of order unity from that of Jog and Ostriker (1988). The result of present numerical integrations for the 2D (planar) velocity dispersion is presented. The accretion rate for a molecular cloud in the Galactic disk is calculated.
A study of the correlations between material properties and normalized erosion resistance (inverse of erosion rates) of various materials tested in the rotating disk and the flow venturi at various intensities indicates that different individual properties influence different stages of erosion. At high and low intensities of erosion, energy properties predominate the phenomenon, whereas at intermediate intensities strength and acoustic properties become more significant. However, both strength and energy properties are significant in the correlations for the entire spectrum of erosion when extensive cavitation and liquid impingement data from several laboratories involving different intensities and hydrodynamic conditions are considered. The use of true material properties improved the statistical parameters by 3 to 37%, depending on the intensity of erosion. It is possible to evaluate qualitatively the erosion resistances of materials based on the true stress-true strain curves.
An investigation of the initiation and growth of erosion and of the effect of velocity and pressure on erosion in a rotating disk is presented. Also, the role of an intervening noncavitating period on erosion is studied. The results indicate that at high intensities the peak rate of erosion decreases with increases in pressure. The erosion rate/time curves obtained for metallic materials are explained by the eroded particle distribution and the cavity size. The average size of the eroded particles decreased when pressure and tensile strength of the material were increased. The erosion rate peaked after an intervening noncavitating period. The use of the rate of erosion, defined as an average over the entire test duration, in the equation governing the theory of erosion resulted in reasonably good correlations. The correlations reveal that it is possible to predict the length, width, and area of a cavity when the cavitation parameter σ is known. The normalized width of a cavity may be estimated if its normalized length is known.
We study the following problem: given a geometric graph G and an integer k, determine if G has a planar spanning subgraph (with the original embedding and straight-line edges) such that all nodes have degree at least k. If G is a unit disk graph, the problem is trivial to solve for k = 1. We show that even the slightest deviation from the trivial case (e.g., quasi unit disk graphs or k = 1) leads to NP-hard problems.
In lake-rich regions, the gathering of information about water quality is challenging because only a small proportion of the lakes can be assessed each year by conventional methods. One of the techniques for improving the spatial and temporal representativeness of lake monitoring is remote sensing from satellites and aircrafts. The experimental material included detailed optical measurements in 11 lakes, air- and spaceborne remote sensing measurements with concurrent field sampling, automatic raft measurements and a national dataset of routine water quality measurements from over 1100 lakes. The analyses of the spatially high-resolution airborne remote sensing data from eutrophic and mesotrophic lakes showed that one or a few discrete water quality observations using conventional monitoring can yield a clear over- or underestimation of the overall water quality in a lake. The use of TM-type satellite instruments in addition to routine monitoring results substantially increases the number of lakes for which water quality information can be obtained. The preliminary results indicated that coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) can be estimated with TM-type satellite instruments, which could possibly be utilised as an aid in estimating the role of lakes in global carbon budgets. Based on the results of reflectance modelling and experimental data, MERIS satellite instrument has optimal or near-optimal channels for the estimation of turbidity, chlorophyll a and CDOM in Finnish lakes. MERIS images with a 300 m spatial resolution can provide water quality information in different parts of large and medium-sized lakes, and in filling in the gaps resulting from conventional monitoring. Algorithms that would not require simultaneous field data for algorithm training would increase the amount of remote sensing-based information available for lake monitoring. The MERIS Boreal Lakes processor, trained with the optical data and concentration ranges provided by this study, enabled turbidity estimations with good accuracy without the need for algorithm correction with field measurements, while chlorophyll a and CDOM estimations require further development of the processor. The accuracy of interpreting chlorophyll a via semi empirical algorithms can be improved by classifying lakes prior to interpretation according to their CDOM level and trophic status. Optical modelling indicated that the spectral diffuse attenuation coefficient can be estimated with reasonable accuracy from the measured water quality concentrations. This provides more detailed information on light attenuation from routine monitoring measurements than is available through the Secchi disk transparency. The results of this study improve the interpretation of lake water quality by remote sensing and encourage the use of remote sensing in lake monitoring.
The origin of hydrodynamic turbulence in rotating shear flow is a long standing puzzle. Resolving it is especially important in astrophysics when the flow's angular momentum profile is Keplerian which forms an accretion disk having negligible molecular viscosity. Hence, any viscosity in such systems must be due to turbulence, arguably governed by magnetorotational instability, especially when temperature T greater than or similar to 10(5). However, such disks around quiescent cataclysmic variables, protoplanetary and star-forming disks, and the outer regions of disks in active galactic nuclei are practically neutral in charge because of their low temperature, and thus are not expected to be coupled with magnetic fields enough to generate any transport due to the magnetorotational instability. This flow is similar to plane Couette flow including the Coriolis force, at least locally. What drives their turbulence and then transport, when such flows do not exhibit any unstable mode under linear hydrodynamic perturbation? We demonstrate that the three-dimensional secondary disturbance to the primarily perturbed flow that triggers elliptical instability may generate significant turbulent viscosity in the range 0.0001 less than or similar to nu(t) less than or similar to 0.1, which can explain transport in accretion flows.
It is well known that dark matter dominates the dynamics of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Its constituents remain a mystery despite an assiduous search for them over the past three decades. Recent results from the satellite-based PAMELA experiment show an excess in the positron fraction at energies between 10 and 100 GeV in the secondary cosmic ray spectrum. Other experiments, namely ATIC, HESS and FERMI, show an excess in the total electron (e(+) + e(-)) spectrum for energies greater than 100 GeV. These excesses in the positron fraction as well as the electron spectrum can arise in local astrophysical processes like pulsars, or can be attributed to the annihilation of the dark matter particles. The latter possibility gives clues to the possible candidates for the dark matter in galaxies and other astrophysical systems. In this article, we give a report of these exciting developments.
The outer atmosphere of the sun called the corona has been observed during total solar eclipse for short periods (typically <6 min), from as early as the eighteenth century. In the recent past, space-based instruments have permitted us to study the corona uninterruptedly. In spite of these developments, the dynamic corona and its high temperature (1-2 million K) are yet to be Ally understood. It is conjectured that their dynamic nature and associated energetic events are possible reasons behind the high temperature. In order to study these in detail, a visible emission line space solar coronagraph is being proposed as a payload under the small-satellite programme of the Indian Space Research Organisation. The satellite is named as Aditya-1 and the scientific objectives of this payload are to study: (i) the existence of intensity oscillations for the study of wave-driven coronal heating; (ii) the dynamics and formation of coronal loops and temperature structure of the coronal features; (iii) the origin, cause and acceleration of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and other solar active features, and (iv) coronal magnetic field topology and three-dimensional structures of CMEs using polarization information. The uniqueness of this payload compared to previously flown space instruments is as follows: (a) observations in the visible wavelength closer to the disk (down to 1.05 solar radii); (b) high time cadence capability (better than two-images per second), and (c) simultaneous observations of at least two spectral windows all the time and three spectral windows for short durations.
We have modeled the rotation curves of 21 galaxies observed by Amram et al. (1992), by combining the effects of rigid rotation, gravity, and turbulence. The main motivation behind such modeling is to study the formation of coherent structures in turbulent media and explore its role in the large-scale structures of the universe. The values of the parameters such as mass, turbulent velocity, and angular velocity derived from the rotation curve fits are in good agreement with those derived from the prevalent models.
Star formation properties in Giant Extragalactic H II Regions (GEHRs) are investigated using optical photometry and evolutionary population synthesis models. Photometric data in $BVR$ bands and in the emission line of H-alpha are obtained by CCD imaging at Vainu Bappu Observatory, Kavalur. Aperture photometry is performed for 180 GEHRs in galaxies NGC 1365, 1566, 2366, 2903, 2997, 3351, 4303, 4449, 4656 and 5253. Thirty six of these GEHRs having published spectroscopic data are studied for star formation properties. The population synthesis model is constructed based on Maeder's stellar evolutionary and Kurucz stellar atmosphere models, to synthesize observational quantities of embedded clusters in GEHRs. The observed H-alpha luminosity is a measure of the number of massive stars while the contribution to BVR bands is from intermediate mass (5-15 solar mass) stars when the cluster is young and from evolving supergiants when the cluster is old (age >/= 6~Myr). Differential reddening between gas and embedded stars is essential to constrain the dereddened cluster colors within the range of youngest clusters. Obscuring dust closely associated with gas, which is distributed in filaments and clumps, as in the case of 30 Doradus, is the most likely configuration giving rise to net reduction of extinction towards stars. The fraction of the stellar photons escaping the nebula unattenuated is estimated to be 50%. GEHRs are rarely found to be simple systems containing stars from single generation. In the present sample such regions in addition to being older than 3~Myr, have their Lyman continuum luminosity reduced by as much as 60%, compared to the observed $B$ band luminosity for a normal IMF. The missing ionizing photons may be escaping the nebula, leading to the ionization of extra-H II region ionized medium. Co-existence of young (age = 5 Myr; stars producing ionizing photons) and old populations (~10~Myr; Red Supergiants) is found to be common in GEHRs. The emission and continuum knots are seen spatially separated (40-100 pc) on CCD images in NGC 2997, 4303 and 4449 and may be direct evidences for the co-existence of young and old populations in giant star forming complexes. Triggering of star formation from earlier bursts is the most likely cause of new generation of stars, and may be a common phenomenon in GEHRs. Spatial separation between the young and old stars (~30 pc) had been earlier reported in 30 Doradus. Thus GEHRs in nearby galaxies share many of the properties shown by 30 Dor, the nearest GEHR. (SECTION: Dissertation Summaries)
Many physical problems can be modeled by scalar, first-order, nonlinear, hyperbolic, partial differential equations (PDEs). The solutions to these PDEs often contain shock and rarefaction waves, where the solution becomes discontinuous or has a discontinuous derivative. One can encounter difficulties using traditional finite difference methods to solve these equations. In this paper, we introduce a numerical method for solving first-order scalar wave equations. The method involves solving ordinary differential equations (ODEs) to advance the solution along the characteristics and to propagate the characteristics in time. Shocks are created when characteristics cross, and the shocks are then propagated by applying analytical jump conditions. New characteristics are inserted in spreading rarefaction fans. New characteristics are also inserted when values on adjacent characteristics lie on opposite sides of an inflection point of a nonconvex flux function, Solutions along characteristics are propagated using a standard fourth-order Runge-Kutta ODE solver. Shocks waves are kept perfectly sharp. In addition, shock locations and velocities are determined without analyzing smeared profiles or taking numerical derivatives. In order to test the numerical method, we study analytically a particular class of nonlinear hyperbolic PDEs, deriving closed form solutions for certain special initial data. We also find bounded, smooth, self-similar solutions using group theoretic methods. The numerical method is validated against these analytical results. In addition, we compare the errors in our method with those using the Lax-Wendroff method for both convex and nonconvex flux functions. Finally, we apply the method to solve a PDE with a convex flux function describing the development of a thin liquid film on a horizontally rotating disk and a PDE with a nonconvex flux function, arising in a problem concerning flow in an underground reservoir.