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We study unsupervised learning in a probabilistic generative model for occlusion. The model uses two types of latent variables: one indicates which objects are present in the image, and the other how they are ordered in depth. This depth order then determines how the positions and appearances of the objects present, specified in the model parameters, combine to form the image. We show that the object parameters can be learnt from an unlabelled set of images in which objects occlude one another. Exact maximum-likelihood learning is intractable. However, we show that tractable approximations to Expectation Maximization (EM) can be found if the training images each contain only a small number of objects on average. In numerical experiments it is shown that these approximations recover the correct set of object parameters. Experiments on a novel version of the bars test using colored bars, and experiments on more realistic data, show that the algorithm performs well in extracting the generating causes. Experiments based on the standard bars benchmark test for object learning show that the algorithm performs well in comparison to other recent component extraction approaches. The model and the learning algorithm thus connect research on occlusion with the research field of multiple-causes component extraction methods.


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OBJECTIVE: A standard view in health economics is that, although there is no market that determines the "prices" for health states, people can nonetheless associate health states with monetary values (or other scales, such as quality adjusted life year [QALYs] and disability adjusted life year [DALYs]). Such valuations can be used to shape health policy, and a major research challenge is to elicit such values from people; creating experimental "markets" for health states is a theoretically attractive way to address this. We explore the possibility that this framework may be fundamentally flawed-because there may not be any stable values to be revealed. Instead, perhaps people construct ad hoc values, influenced by contextual factors, such as the observed decisions of others. METHOD: The participants bid to buy relief from equally painful electrical shocks to the leg and arm in an experimental health market based on an interactive second-price auction. Thirty subjects were randomly assigned to two experimental conditions where the bids by "others" were manipulated to follow increasing or decreasing price trends for one, but not the other, pain. After the auction, a preference test asked the participants to choose which pain they prefer to experience for a longer duration. RESULTS: Players remained indifferent between the two pain-types throughout the auction. However, their bids were differentially attracted toward what others bid for each pain, with overbidding during decreasing prices and underbidding during increasing prices. CONCLUSION: Health preferences are dissociated from market prices, which are strongly referenced to others' choices. This suggests that the price of health care in a free-market has the capacity to become critically detached from people's underlying preferences.


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Biofuels are increasingly promoted worldwide as a means for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transport. However, current regulatory frameworks and most academic life cycle analyses adopt a deterministic approach in determining the GHG intensities of biofuels and thus ignore the inherent risk associated with biofuel production. This study aims to develop a transparent stochastic method for evaluating UK biofuels that determines both the magnitude and uncertainty of GHG intensity on the basis of current industry practices. Using wheat ethanol as a case study, we show that the GHG intensity could span a range of 40-110 gCO2e MJ-1 when land use change (LUC) emissions and various sources of uncertainty are taken into account, as compared with a regulatory default value of 44 gCO2e MJ-1. This suggests that the current deterministic regulatory framework underestimates wheat ethanol GHG intensity and thus may not be effective in evaluating transport fuels. Uncertainties in determining the GHG intensity of UK wheat ethanol include limitations of available data at a localized scale, and significant scientific uncertainty of parameters such as soil N2O and LUC emissions. Biofuel polices should be robust enough to incorporate the currently irreducible uncertainties and flexible enough to be readily revised when better science is available. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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This paper establishes a global contraction property for networks of phase-coupled oscillators characterized by a monotone coupling function. The contraction measure is a total variation distance. The contraction property determines the asymptotic behavior of the network, which is either finite-time synchronization or asymptotic convergence to a splay state. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structure of water confined in nanometer-sized cavities is important because, at this scale, a large fraction of hydrogen bonds can be perturbed by interaction with the confining walls. Unusual fluidity properties can thus be expected in the narrow pores, leading to new phenomena like the enhanced fluidity reported in carbon nanotubes. Crystalline mica and amorphous silicon dioxide are hydrophilic substrates that strongly adsorb water. Graphene, on the other hand, interacts weakly with water. This presents the question as to what determines the structure and diffusivity of water when intercalated between hydrophilic substrates and hydrophobic graphene. Using atomic force microscopy, we have found that while the hydrophilic substrates determine the structure of water near its surface, graphene guides its diffusion, favouring growth of intercalated water domains along the C-C bond zigzag direction. Molecular dynamics and density functional calculations are provided to help understand the highly anisotropic water stripe patterns observed.


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The variety of laser systems available to industrial laser users is growing and the choice of the correct laser for a material target application is often based on an empirical assessment. Industrial master oscillator power amplifier systems with tuneable temporal pulse shapes have now entered the market, providing enormous pulse parameter flexibility in an already crowded parameter space. In this paper, an approach is developed to design interaction parameters based on observations of material responses. Energy and material transport mechanisms are studied using pulsed digital holography, post process analysis techniques and finite-difference modelling to understand the key response mechanisms for a variety of temporal pulse envelopes incident on a silicon (1/1/1) substrate. The temporal envelope is shown to be the primary control parameter of the source term that determines the subsequent material response and the resulting surface morphology. A double peak energy-bridged temporal pulse shape designed through direct application of holographic imaging data is shown to substantially improve surface quality. © 2014 IEEE.


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Intertidal seaweeds experience periodical desiccation and rehydration to different extents due to the tidal cycles and their vertical distributions. Their photosynthetic recovery process during the rehydration may show different patterns among the seaweeds from different zonations or depths at intertidal zone. In this study 12 species of seaweeds collected from the upper, middle, lower and sublittoral zones were examined. The relationship of the photosynthetic recovery to vertical distribution was assessed by comparing their patterns of photosynthetic and respiratory performances after rehydration following desiccation. Both the photosynthesis and dark respiration declined during emersion, showing certain degrees of recovery after re-immersion into seawater for most species, but the extents were markedly different from one species to the other. The species from upper intertidal zone after being rehydrated for 1 hour, following 2 hours of desiccation, achieved 100 % recovery of their initial physiological activity, while most of the lower or sublittoral species did not achieve full recovery. It is the ability to withstand desiccation stress (fast recovery during rehydration), but not that to avoid desiccation (water retaining ability) that determines the distribution of intertidal seaweeds. Such physiological behavior during rehydration after desiccation reflects the adaptive strategy of intertidal seaweeds against desiccation and their capability of primary production in the process of rehydration.


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The reaction between MgO and microsilica has been studied by many researchers, who confirmed the formation of magnesium silicate hydrate. The blend was reported to have the potential as a novel material for construction and environment purposes. However, the characteristics of MgO vary significantly, e.g., reactivity and purity, which would have an effect on the hydration process of MgO-silica blend. This paper investigated the strength and hydration products of reactive MgO and silica blend at room temperature up to 90 days. The existence of magnesium silicate hydrate after 7 days' curing was confirmed with the help of infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and X-ray diffraction. The microstructural and elemental analysis of the resulting magnesium silicate hydrate was conducted using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy. In addition, the effect of characteristics of MgO on the hydration process was discussed. It was found that the synthesis of magnesium silicate hydrate was highly dependent on the reactivity of the precursors. MgO and silica with higher reactivity resulted in higher formation rate of magnesium silicate hydrate. In addition, the impurity in the MgO affects the pH value of the blends, which in turn determines the solubility of silica and the formation of magnesium silicate hydrate. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mode characteristics of a square microcavity with an output waveguide on the middle of one side, laterally confined by an insulating layer SiO2 and a p-electrode metal Au, are investigated by two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain technique. The mode quality (Q) factors versus the width of the output waveguide are calculated for Fabry-Peacuterot type and whispering-gallery type modes in the square cavity. Mode coupling between the confined modes in the square cavity and the guided modes in the output waveguide determines the mode Q factors, which is greatly influenced by the symmetry behaviors of the modes. Fabry-Peacuterot type modes can also have high Q factors due to the high reflectivity of the Au layer for the vertical incident mode light rays. For the square cavity with side length 4 mu m and refractive index 3.2, the mode Q factors of the Fabry-Peacuterot type modes can reach 10(4) at the mode wavelength of 1.5 mu m as the output waveguide width is 0.4 mu m.


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Three types of defects, namely defect I, defect 11, defect 111, in the 4H-SiC homoepilayer were investigated by micro-raman scattering measurement. These defects all originate from a certain core and are composed of (1) a wavy tail region, (11) two long tails, the so called comet and (111) three plaits. It was found that there are 3C-SiC inclusions in the cores of defect 11 and defect III and the shape of inclusion determines the type of defect II or defect III. If the core contains a triangle-shaped inclusion, the defect III would be formed; otherwise, the defect 11 was formed. No inclusion was observed in the core of the defect I. The mechanisms of these defects are discussed.


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It is a typical multiphase flow process for hydrate formation in seeping seafloor sediments. Free gas can not only be present but also take part in formation of hydrate. The volume fraction of free gas in local pore of hydrate stable zone (HSZ) influences the formation of hydrate in seeping seafloor area, and methane flux determines the abundance and resource of hydrate-bearing reservoirs. In this paper, a multiphase flow model including water (dissolved methane and salt)-free gas hydrate has been established to describe this kind of flow-transfer-reaction process where there exists a large scale of free gas migration and transform in seafloor pore. In the order of three different scenarios, the conversions among permeability, capillary pressure, phase saturations and salinity along with the formation of hydrate have been deducted. Furthermore, the influence of four sorts of free gas saturations and three classes of methane fluxes on hydrate formation and the resource has also been analyzed and compared. Based on the rules drawn from the simulation, and combined information gotten from drills in field, the methane hydrate(MH) formation in Shenhu area of South China Sea has been forecasted. It has been speculated that there may breed a moderate methane flux below this seafloor HSZ. If the flux is about 0.5 kg m-2 a-1, then it will go on to evolve about 2700 ka until the hydrate saturation in pore will arrive its peak (about 75%). Approximately 1.47 109 m3 MH has been reckoned in this marine basin finally, is about 13 times over preliminary estimate.


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A critical Biot number, which determines both the sensitivity of spherical ceramics to quenching and the durations of the temperature-wave propagation and the thermal stresses in the ceramics subjected to thermal shock, is theoretically obtained. The results prove that once the Biot number of a ceramic sphere is greater than the critical number, its thermal shock failure will be such a rapid process that the failure only occurs in the initial regime of heat conduction, whereas the thermal shock failure of the ceramic sphere is uncertain in the course of heat conduction. The presented results provide a guide to the selection of the ceramics applied in the thermostructural engineering with thermal shock.


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A universal Biot number, which not only describes the susceptibility of ceramic cylinders to quenching but also determines the duration that ceramic cylinders are subjected to thermal stress during thermal shock, is theoretically obtained. The analysis proves that thermal shock failure of ceramic cylinders with a Biot number greater than the critical value is a rapid process, which only occurs in the initial heat conduction regime. The results provide a guide to the selection of ceramic materials for thermostructural engineering, with particular reference to thermal shock.


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胶体粒子聚集速率常数实验值远低于理论值一直是被普遍关注的问题.聚集速率常数的理论推导是基于粒子的几何半径来考虑的,但决定粒子扩散速率及聚集速率的应该是粒子的流体力学半径(大于几何半径),因而它是使聚集速率常数实验值低于理论值的因素之一.影响流体力学半径的因素很多,其中,带电粒子在溶液中因表面存在双电层,会明显增大流体力学半径,造成聚集速率减慢.而双电层的厚度又随溶液中离子强度的不同而改变.本工作在聚集速率的公式中引入了修正因子,即几何半径与其流体力学半径之比,以修正由于用几何半径代替流体力学半径带来的误差.其中几何半径和流体力学半径可以分别用扫描电镜(SEM)和动态光散射(DLS)来测定.以两种粒径的聚苯乙烯带电微球为例,考察了在不同离子强度下,该误差的大小.结果发现,对于半径为30 nm的微球,用流体力学半径计算的慢聚集速率常数比理论值偏低约8%.该误差随离子强度增加而减少.对于快聚集情况,流体力学半径对聚集速率基本没有影响.


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Single crystals of alpha-alumina were irradiated at room temperature with 1.157 (GeVFe)-Fe-56, 1.755 (GeVXe)-Xe-136 and 2.636 (GeVU)-U-238 ions to fluences range from 8.7 x 10(9) to 6 x 10(12) ions/cm(2). Virgin and irradiated samples were investigated by ultraviolet visible absorption measurements. The investigation reveals the presence of various color centers (F, F+, F-2(2+), F-2(+) and F-2 centers) appearing in the irradiated samples. It is found that the ratio of peak absorbance of F-2 to F centers increases with the increase of the atomic numbers of the incident ions from Fe, Xe to U ions, so do the absorbance ratio of F-2(2+) to F+ centers and of large defect cluster to F centers, indicating that larger defect clusters are preferred to be produced under heavier ion irradiation. Largest color center production cross-section was found for the U ion irradiation. The number density of single anion vacancy scales better with the energy deposition through processes of nuclear stopping, indicating that the nuclear energy loss processes determines the production of F-type defects in heavy ion irradiated alpha-alumina.