959 resultados para Corpus-based Translation Studies
The research, which was given the terms of reference, "To cut the lead time for getting new products into volume production", was sponsored by a company which develops and manufactures telecommunications equipment. The research described was based on studies made of the development of two processors which were designed to control telephone exchanges in the public network. It was shown that for each of these products, which were large electronic systems containing both hardware and software, most of their lead time was taken up with development. About half of this time was consumed by activities associated with redesign resulting from changes found to be necessary after the original design had been built. Analysing the causes of design changes showed the most significant to be Design Faults. The reasons why these predominated were investigated by seeking the collective opinion from design staff and their management using a questionnaire. Using the results from these studies to build upon the works of other authors, a model of the development process of large hierarchical systems is derived. An important feature of this model is its representation of iterative loops due to design changes. In order to reduce the development time, two closely related philosophies are proposed: By spending more time at the early stages of development (detecting and remedying faults in the design) even greater savings can be made later on, The collective performance of the development organisation would be improved by increasing the amount and speed of feedback about that performance. A trial was performed to test these philosophies using readily available techniques for design verification. It showed that about an 11 per cent saving would be made on the development time and that the philosophies might be equally successfully applied to other products and techniques.
Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Frage, in welchem Maße sich Institutionen, die niederdeutsche Kulturszene und individuelle Sprecher des Niederdeutschen moderne Kommunikationstechnologien wie das Internet zunutze machen und ob computervermittelte Kommunikation helfen kann, dem Rückgang des Niederdeutschen Einhalt zu gebieten. Die grundsätzliche Herangehensweise ist eine soziolinguistische, die das Internet als sozialen Handlungsraum versteht, in dem Individuen und Institutionen kommunizieren. Für eine derartige Perspektive stehen weniger das Medium oder das Genre im Mittelpunkt des Interesses als vielmehr das kommunizierende Individuum und die Sprachgemeinschaft, in diesem Fall die virtuelle Sprachgemeinschaft. Based on studies that analyse the potential of computer-mediated communication (cmc) to help fight language shift in lesser-used languages, this paper discusses the situation of Low German in Northern Germany. Over the last three decades, Low German has lost more than half of its active speakers. The article raises the question of whether and, if so, how Low German speakers make use of cmc to stem this tide. Following a sociolinguistic approach focussed on the individual speakers who use the Internet as a space for social interaction, it gives an overview of the discursive field of Low German on the internet and analyses in detail the most popular Low German discussion board. It shows that one of the main obstacles to a more successful use of cmc can be found in speakers' complex attitude toward written Low German. © Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart.
The purpose of this research has been to investigate the extent to which Lean techniques have been applied to indirect or White Collar activities within manufacturing operations. The work has been based on a systematic review of the literature and six UK based case studies. Both are described in the paper. The findings from this work include, for example, that there are few reports off the application of Lean in this context. The more substantive papers focus on NPI and Project Management, where as, Support and ‘Front Office’ activities are covered only briefly in ‘trade journal’ articles. These do demonstrate that Lean techniques can be applied successfully to non-production related activities, and there are significant opportunities for work in this area. However, the definition of Lean is evolving and practitioners do not share a common understanding of terminology. This may undermine their accuracy when reporting the application of Lean techniques.
Sentiment analysis concerns about automatically identifying sentiment or opinion expressed in a given piece of text. Most prior work either use prior lexical knowledge defined as sentiment polarity of words or view the task as a text classification problem and rely on labeled corpora to train a sentiment classifier. While lexicon-based approaches do not adapt well to different domains, corpus-based approaches require expensive manual annotation effort. In this paper, we propose a novel framework where an initial classifier is learned by incorporating prior information extracted from an existing sentiment lexicon with preferences on expectations of sentiment labels of those lexicon words being expressed using generalized expectation criteria. Documents classified with high confidence are then used as pseudo-labeled examples for automatical domain-specific feature acquisition. The word-class distributions of such self-learned features are estimated from the pseudo-labeled examples and are used to train another classifier by constraining the model's predictions on unlabeled instances. Experiments on both the movie-review data and the multi-domain sentiment dataset show that our approach attains comparable or better performance than existing weakly-supervised sentiment classification methods despite using no labeled documents.
The dipeptide carnosine (β-alanyl-L-histidine) has contrasting but beneficial effects on cellular activity. It delays cellular senescence and rejuvenates cultured senescent mammalian cells. However, it also inhibits the growth of cultured tumour cells. Based on studies in several organisms, we speculate that carnosine exerts these apparently opposing actions by affecting energy metabolism and/or protein homeostasis (proteostasis). Specific effects on energy metabolism include the dipeptide's influence on cellular ATP concentrations. Carnosine's ability to reduce the formation of altered proteins (typically adducts of methylglyoxal) and enhance proteolysis of aberrant polypeptides is indicative of its influence on proteostasis. Furthermore these dual actions might provide a rationale for the use of carnosine in the treatment or prevention of diverse age-related conditions where energy metabolism or proteostasis are compromised. These include cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and the complications of type-2 diabetes (nephropathy, cataracts, stroke and pain), which might all benefit from knowledge of carnosine's mode of action on human cells. © 2013 Hipkiss et al.; licensee Chemistry Central Ltd.
Motion is an important aspect of face perception that has been largely neglected to date. Many of the established findings are based on studies that use static facial images, which do not reflect the unique temporal dynamics available from seeing a moving face. In the present thesis a set of naturalistic dynamic facial emotional expressions was purposely created and used to investigate the neural structures involved in the perception of dynamic facial expressions of emotion, with both functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and Magnetoencephalography (MEG). Through fMRI and connectivity analysis, a dynamic face perception network was identified, which is demonstrated to extend the distributed neural system for face perception (Haxby et al.,2000). Measures of effective connectivity between these regions revealed that dynamic facial stimuli were associated with specific increases in connectivity between early visual regions, such as inferior occipital gyri and superior temporal sulci, along with coupling between superior temporal sulci and amygdalae, as well as with inferior frontal gyri. MEG and Synthetic Aperture Magnetometry (SAM) were used to examine the spatiotemporal profile of neurophysiological activity within this dynamic face perception network. SAM analysis revealed a number of regions showing differential activation to dynamic versus static faces in the distributed face network, characterised by decreases in cortical oscillatory power in the beta band, which were spatially coincident with those regions that were previously identified with fMRI. These findings support the presence of a distributed network of cortical regions that mediate the perception of dynamic facial expressions, with the fMRI data providing information on the spatial co-ordinates paralleled by the MEG data, which indicate the temporal dynamics within this network. This integrated multimodal approach offers both excellent spatial and temporal resolution, thereby providing an opportunity to explore dynamic brain activity and connectivity during face processing.
This article investigates the role of translation and interpreting in political discourse. It illustrates discursive events in the domain of politics and the resulting discourse types, such as jointly produced texts, press conferences and speeches. It shows that methods of Critical Discourse Analysis can be used effectively to reveal translation and interpreting strategies as well as transformations that occur in recontextualisation processes across languages, cultures, and discourse domains, in particular recontextualisation in mass media. It argues that the complexity of translational activities in the field of politics has not yet seen sufficient attention within Translation Studies. The article concludes by outlining a research programme for investigating political discourse in translation. ©2012 John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Los discursos teóricos de la actualidad conciben la traducción como un acto ideológico de mediación intercultural. De este modo, rechazan la supuesta neutralidad y fidelidad al texto original o a la intención autorial de antaño, subvirtiendo al mismo tiempo la tradicional jerarquía entre original y traducción. Sin embargo, en el presente artículo sostengo que estos discursos teóricos por lo general desatienden otras relaciones de poder jerárquicas que afectan a la traducción situándola en una posición de inferioridad respecto a la paratraducción (Garrido Vilariño 2005), definida ésta como un acto de mediación por el cual se decide la presentación final del libro traducido en la sociedad meta. Para ilustrar las implicaciones de esta nueva jerarquía recurro al conflicto ideológico originado a partir de la traducción y paratraducción del género en dos reescrituras en gallego de la novela de Mark Haddon The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Current theoretical debates on Translation Studies define translation as an ideological act of intercultural mediation. In this way, notions such as neutrality or fidelity to the original text or to the author’s intent prove untenable, challenging the traditional hierarchy between the original text and its translation. However, it is my contention that these theoretical discourses tend to disregard other hierarchical power relationships that also affect translation, placing it in a position of inferiority against paratranslation (Garrido Vilariño 2005), the latter being an activity that determines crucially the final presentation of the translated book in the target society. I will illustrate the implications of this new hierarchy through an analysis of the ideological struggle that emerged from the translation and paratranslation of gender in two rewritings into Galician of the book The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark Haddon.
Los feminismos son una de esas teorías marco cuyas contribuciones son perceptibles en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad, incluidos los estudios de traducción. La materialización más evidente de esta interacción es el surgimiento, en los 80, de una corriente de traducción feminista en Canadá, capaz de colocar el género en el centro del debate sobre traducción. En la actualidad, y pese a las críticas y posteriores redefiniciones del concepto de traducción feminista, la propuesta canadiense sigue concibiéndose por lo general como paradigma de interacción entre feminismos y traducción. En este artículo propongo nuevas aproximaciones a la práctica de traducir y paratraducir desde los feminismos, dentro de una tercera ola de traducción feminista. Además, pretendo abrir el debate (re)examinando áreas de interés mutuo para los estudios de traducción y los feminismos en el plano conceptual, historiográfico y crítico, con el propósito de que sugieran nuevas líneas de investigación futura. Feminisms are one of those framework theories that have contributed powerfully to all areas of society, including Translation Studies. The most evident outcome of this interplay is the emergence, in the 1980s, of a Feminist Translation school in Canada, which placed gender in the spotlight. Despite criticism and subsequent redefinitions of the notion of feminist translation, the Canadian school is still generally regarded as the paradigm of interaction between feminisms and translation. The aim of this article is two-fold: firstly, to advance new approaches to the practice of translation and paratranslation from a feminist perspective (within the context of a third wave of feminist translation). Secondly, to open new debates by means of (re)examining topics of mutual interest for both Translation Studies and Feminisms on a conceptual, historical and critical plane, so that subsequent studies can be fostered. Feminisms are one of those framework theories that have contributed powerfully to all areas of society, including Translation Studies. The most evident outcome of this interplay is the emergence, in the 1980s, of a Feminist Translation school in Canada, which placed gender in the spotlight. Despite criticism and subsequent redefinitions of the notion of feminist translation, the Canadian school is still generally regarded as the paradigm of interaction between feminisms and translation. The aim of this article is two-fold: firstly, to advance new approaches to the practice of translation and paratranslation from a feminist perspective (within the context of a third wave of feminist translation). Secondly, to open new debates by means of (re)examining topics of mutual interest for both Translation Studies and Feminisms on a conceptual, historical and critical plane, so that subsequent studies can be fostered.
Networked Learning, e-Learning and Technology Enhanced Learning have each been defined in different ways, as people's understanding about technology in education has developed. Yet each could also be considered as a terminology competing for a contested conceptual space. Theoretically this can be a ‘fertile trans-disciplinary ground for represented disciplines to affect and potentially be re-orientated by others’ (Parchoma and Keefer, 2012), as differing perspectives on terminology and subject disciplines yield new understandings. Yet when used in government policy texts to describe connections between humans, learning and technology, terms tend to become fixed in less fertile positions linguistically. A deceptively spacious policy discourse that suggests people are free to make choices conceals an economically-based assumption that implementing new technologies, in themselves, determines learning. Yet it actually narrows choices open to people as one route is repeatedly in the foreground and humans are not visibly involved in it. An impression that the effective use of technology for endless improvement is inevitable cuts off critical social interactions and new knowledge for multiple understandings of technology in people's lives. This paper explores some findings from a corpus-based Critical Discourse Analysis of UK policy for educational technology during the last 15 years, to help to illuminate the choices made. This is important when through political economy, hierarchical or dominant neoliberal logic promotes a single ‘universal model’ of technology in education, without reference to a wider social context (Rustin, 2013). Discourse matters, because it can ‘mould identities’ (Massey, 2013) in narrow, objective economically-based terms which 'colonise discourses of democracy and student-centredness' (Greener and Perriton, 2005:67). This undermines subjective social, political, material and relational (Jones, 2012: 3) contexts for those learning when humans are omitted. Critically confronting these structures is not considered a negative activity. Whilst deterministic discourse for educational technology may leave people unconsciously restricted, I argue that, through a close analysis, it offers a deceptively spacious theoretical tool for debate about the wider social and economic context of educational technology. Methodologically it provides insights about ways technology, language and learning intersect across disciplinary borders (Giroux, 1992), as powerful, mutually constitutive elements, ever-present in networked learning situations. In sharing a replicable approach for linguistic analysis of policy discourse I hope to contribute to visions others have for a broader theoretical underpinning for educational technology, as a developing field of networked knowledge and research (Conole and Oliver, 2002; Andrews, 2011).
False friends are pairs of words in two languages that are perceived as similar but have different meanings. We present an improved algorithm for acquiring false friends from sentence-level aligned parallel corpus based on statistical observations of words occurrences and co-occurrences in the parallel sentences. The results are compared with an entirely semantic measure for cross-lingual similarity between words based on using the Web as a corpus through analyzing the words’ local contexts extracted from the text snippets returned by searching in Google. The statistical and semantic measures are further combined into an improved algorithm for identification of false friends that achieves almost twice better results than previously known algorithms. The evaluation is performed for identifying cognates between Bulgarian and Russian but the proposed methods could be adopted for other language pairs for which parallel corpora and bilingual glossaries are available.
Technology discloses man’s mode of dealing with Nature, the process of production by which he sustains his life, and thereby also lays bare the mode of formation of his social relations, and of the mental conceptions that flow from them (Marx, 1990: 372) My thesis is a Sociological analysis of UK policy discourse for educational technology during the last 15 years. My framework is a dialogue between the Marxist-based critical social theory of Lieras and a corpus-based Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of UK policy for Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) in higher education. Embedded in TEL is a presupposition: a deterministic assumption that technology has enhanced learning. This conceals a necessary debate that reminds us it is humans that design learning, not technology. By omitting people, TEL provides a vehicle for strong hierarchical or neoliberal, agendas to make simplified claims politically, in the name of technology. My research has two main aims: firstly, I share a replicable, mixed methodological approach for linguistic analysis of the political discourse of TEL. Quantitatively, I examine patterns in my corpus to question forms of ‘use’ around technology that structure a rigid basic argument which ‘enframes’ educational technology (Heidegger, 1977: 38). In a qualitative analysis of findings, I ask to what extent policy discourse evaluates technology in one way, to support a Knowledge Based Economy (KBE) in a political economy of neoliberalism (Jessop 2004, Fairclough 2006). If technology is commodified as an external enhancement, it is expected to provide an ‘exchange value’ for learners (Marx, 1867). I therefore examine more closely what is prioritised and devalued in these texts. Secondly, I disclose a form of austerity in the discourse where technology, as an abstract force, undertakes tasks usually ascribed to humans (Lieras, 1996, Brey, 2003:2). This risks desubjectivisation, loss of power and limits people’s relationships with technology and with each other. A view of technology in political discourse as complete without people closes possibilities for broader dialectical (Fairclough, 2001, 2007) and ‘convivial’ (Illich, 1973) understandings of the intimate, material practice of engaging with technology in education. In opening the ‘black box’ of TEL via CDA I reveal talking points that are otherwise concealed. This allows me as to be reflexive and self-critical through praxis, to confront my own assumptions about what the discourse conceals and what forms of resistance might be required. In so doing, I contribute to ongoing debates about networked learning, providing a context to explore educational technology as a technology, language and learning nexus.