875 resultados para Communication-research
Social movement theories offer useful conceptual and analytical tools to the study and research of global media reform movements. This article is a critical analysis of the Communication Rights in the Information Society (CRIS) campaign. It explores its successes and blind-spots in the light of social movement theory, in particular resource mobilization theory (RMT), and offers practical directions for the movement to move on from where it is to where it ought to be.
In this paper we report on a qualitative study into the influence of personal and non-personal communication sources in creating, sustaining and/or mediating people's perceptions of risk about purchasing online. In terms of non-personal communication sources, our findings suggest that the popular media significantly influence both purchasers and nonpurchasers’ perceptions of risk about using the Web for purchasing. Despite these negative perceptions, those who have purchased online appear to pay little attention to change agent communications on websites, such as logos, icons and statements about secure payment systems, which are designed to alleviate these concerns. In terms of inter-personal communication sources, our findings suggest that while there is evidence that to some degree, friends or peers influenced the interviewees about purchasing online, the purchasers in our study indicated that they would not influence others to do the same. We conclude our paper with suggestions for future interpretive research into the influence of communication sources on acceptance of the Web for purchasing.
This paper describes methods used to support collaboration and communication between practitioners, designers and engineers when designing ubiquitous computing systems. We tested methods such as “Wizard of Oz” and design games in a real domain, the dental surgery, in an attempt to create a system that is: affordable; minimally disruptive of the natural flow of work; and improves human-computer interaction. In doing so we found that such activities allowed the practitioners to be on a ‘level playing ground’ with designers and engineers. The findings we present suggest that dentists are willing to engage in detailed exploration and constructive critique of technical design possibilities if the design ideas and prototypes are presented in the context of their work practice and are of a resolution and relevance that allow them to jointly explore and question with the design time. This paper is an extension of a short paper submitted to the Participatory Design Conference, 2004.
Globalizing cultures challenge: The ethics, strategy and outcomes of research processes defining IPR
The present research examines employee identification and communication in organisations. In Study 1, 2229 soldiers from a military organisation completed measures of perceived status and strength of identification with their unit, employment category and their brigade. As predicted, the status of a key organisational group influenced reactions to different organisational groups: full-time soldiers evaluated their work unit and the organisation as being lower in status and identified less strongly with both of these groups than part-time soldiers. The second study extended these findings to a different research context: a large psychiatric hospital undergoing downsizing and restructuring. Surprisingly, there were no differences in survivors' and victims' levels of identification with organisational groups. Instead, and consistent with Study 1, there was evidence to suggest that employees adjusted their patterns of identification and perceptions of group status through a compensatory mechanism that maximised opportunities for selfenhancement and positive distinctiveness. In the third study, employees from a public hospital (N = 142) rated communication from double ingroup members (same work unit/same occupational group) more favourably than communication from partial group members (same work unit/different occupational group). These results are considered in terms of their practical implications for identity management in organisations.
The current paper presents a qualitadve study of the role of different sources of communicadon in reducing change-related uncertaintj' experienced by employees during organisadonal change. The paper examines the role of trust in influencing how employees' appraise informadon from different sources within organisadons. Interviews with 19 employees from a range of organisadons idendfy the different types of change-related uncertaindes experienced during change. In addidon, the different sources of communicadon utilised by employees are idendfied and the role each source plays in reducing the different t}'pes of uncertaint}' invesdgated. From employee responses it is evident that t)'pically supervisors are the best source of change informadon, while communicadon from senior management usually focuses on strategic issues. Employees indicate that communicadon with coworkers operates as a support mechanism providing an avenue to share grievances arising from the change. Finally, trust is idendfied as playing an important role in influencing who employees go to for informadon when experiencing uncertainty'. ImpUcadons for change management research in addidon to pracdcal implicadons are discussed.
Attempting to solve the complex problems of the 21st century requires research graduates that have developed a sophisticated array of interdisciplinary teamwork and communication skills. Although universities, governments, industry and the professions have emphasised the need to break down disciplinary silos in order to produce graduates, who can respond more effectively to the needs of the knowledge economy, much of this work has centred on undergraduate programs. While there are some research higher degree students who choose to work on interdisciplinary research topics, very little has been done to develop interdisciplinary research education systematically. This paper explores the educational opportunities and dilemmas involved in developing systematic programs of interdisciplinary research activities in two research centres at the University of Queensland. Framed by Bruhn's (2000, p. 58) theoretical discourse about interdisciplinary research as 'a philosophy, an art form, an artifact, and an antidote', this paper emphasises the need for such programs to embed the development of students' interdisciplinary research skills and attitudes within their research projects. The two diverse programs also emphasise experiential, active and interactive learning techniques and are centred upon the development of students' reflective practice skills.