995 resultados para Collaborative Production
Extracellular-(E-PPS) and intracellular-protein-polysaccharides (I-PPS) complexes were produced by Trametes versicolor in submerged cultures with different carbon sources. The highest extracellular-(EPS) and intracellular-polysaccharide (IPS) concentration in the complexes was obtained with tomato pomace culture. DPPH radical scavenging for E-PPS and I-PPS produced by liter of culture was equivallent to 2.115 +/- A 0.227 and 1.374 +/- A 0.364 g of ascorbic acid, respectively. These complexes showed a protector effect in the oxidation of erythrocyte membranes and had ability to inhibit the hemolysis and methemoglobin synthesis in stressed erythrocytes. These results suggest that extracellular- and intracellular- polysaccharides produced are important bioactive compounds with medicinal potential.
We show that a light charged Higgs boson signal via tau(+/-)nu decay can be established at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) also in the case of single top production. This process complements searches for the same signal in the case of charged Higgs bosons emerging from t (t) over bar production. The models accessible include the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) as well a variety of 2-Higgs Doublet Models (2HDMs). High energies and luminosities are however required, thereby restricting interest on this mode to the case of the LHC running at 14TeV with design configuration.
We present a generator for single top-quark production via flavour-changing neutral currents. The MEtop event generator allows for Next-to-Leading-Order direct top production pp -> t and Leading-Order production of several other single top processes. A few packages with definite sets of dimension six operators are available. We discuss how to improve the bounds on the effective operators and how well new physics can be probed with each set of independent dimension six operators.
Com o crescimento da informação disponível na Web, arquivos pessoais e profissionais, protagonizado tanto pelo aumento da capacidade de armazenamento de dados, como pelo aumento exponencial da capacidade de processamento dos computadores, e do fácil acesso a essa mesma informação, um enorme fluxo de produção e distribuição de conteúdos audiovisuais foi gerado. No entanto, e apesar de existirem mecanismos para a indexação desses conteúdos com o objectivo de permitir a pesquisa e acesso aos mesmos, estes apresentam normalmente uma grande complexidade algorítmica ou exigem a contratação de pessoal altamente qualificado, para a verificação e categorização dos conteúdos. Nesta dissertação pretende-se estudar soluções de anotação colaborativa de conteúdos e desenvolver uma ferramenta que facilite a anotação de um arquivo de conteúdos audiovisuais. A abordagem implementada é baseada no conceito dos “Jogos com Propósito” (GWAP – Game With a Purpose) e permite que os utilizadores criem tags (metadatos na forma de palavras-chave) de forma a atribuir um significado a um objecto a ser categorizado. Assim, e como primeiro objectivo, foi desenvolvido um jogo com o propósito não só de entretenimento, mas também que permita a criação de anotações audiovisuais perante os vídeos que são apresentados ao jogador e, que desta forma, se melhore a indexação e categorização dos mesmos. A aplicação desenvolvida permite ainda a visualização dos conteúdos e metadatos categorizados, e com o objectivo de criação de mais um elemento informativo, permite a inserção de um like num determinado instante de tempo do vídeo. A grande vantagem da aplicação desenvolvida reside no facto de adicionar anotações a pontos específicos do vídeo, mais concretamente aos seus instantes de tempo. Trata-se de uma funcionalidade nova, não disponível em outras aplicações de anotação colaborativa de conteúdos audiovisuais. Com isto, o acesso aos conteúdos será bastante mais eficaz pois será possível aceder, por pesquisa, a pontos específicos no interior de um vídeo.
Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia from Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the degree of Master in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Thesis for the Degree of Master of Science in Biotechnology Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Web-based course management and delivery is regarded by many institutions as a key factor in an increasingly competitive education and training world, but the systems currently available are largely unsatisfactory in terms of supporting collaborative work and access to practical science facilities. These limitations are less important in areas where “pen-and-paper” courseware is the mainstream, but become unacceptably restrictive when student assignments require real-time teamwork and access to laboratory equipment. This paper presents a web-accessible workbench for electronics design and test, which was developed in the scope of an European IST project entitled PEARL, with the aim of supporting two main features: full web access and collaborative learning facilities.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
In this study, the added value resultant from the incorporation of pultrusion production waste into polymer based concretes was assessed. For this purpose, different types of thermoset composite scrap material, proceeding from GFRP pultrusion manufacturing process, were mechanical shredded and milled into a fibrous-powdered material. Resultant GFRP recyclates, with two different size gradings, were added to polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements, at various load contents between 4% up to 12% in weight of total mass. Flexural and compressive loading capacities were evaluated and found better than those of unmodified polymer mortars. Obtained results highlight the high potential of recycled GFRP pultrusion waste materials as efficient and sustainable admixtures for concrete and mortar-polymer composites, constituting an emergent waste management solution.
This paper reports on the design and development of an Android-based context-aware system to support Erasmus students during their mobility in Porto. It enables: (i) guest users to create, rate and store personal points of interest (POI) in a private, local on board database; and (ii) authenticated users to upload and share POI as well as get and rate recommended POI from the shared central database. The system is a distributed client / server application. The server interacts with a central database that maintains the user profiles and the shared POI organized by category and rating. The Android GUI application works both as a standalone application and as a client module. In standalone mode, guest users have access to generic info, a map-based interface and a local database to store and retrieve personal POI. Upon successful authentication, users can, additionally, share POI as well as get and rate recommendations sorted by category, rating and distance-to-user.
Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
Proceedings of tile 1" R.C.A.N.S. Congress, Lisboa, October 1992
19-22 June 2012 Madrid, Spain
Relatório de Estágio submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Produção.
Four Cynara cardunculus clones, two from Portugal and two from Spain were studied for biomass production and their lignin was characterized. The clones differed in biomass partitioning: Spanish clones produced more capitula (54.5% vs. 43.9%), and Portuguese clones more stalks (37.2% vs. 25.6%). The heating values (HHV0) of the stalks were similar, ranging from 17.1 to 18.4 MJ/kg. Lignin was studied by analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS(FID)), separately in depithed stalks (stalksDP) and pith. StalksDP had in average higher relative proportions of lignin derived compounds than pith (23.9% vs. 21.8%) with slightly different lignin monomeric composition: pith samples were richer in syringyl units as compared to stalksDP (64% vs. 53%), with S/G ratios of 2.1 and 1.3, respectively. The H:G:S composition was 7:40:53 in stalksDP and 7:29:64 in pith. The lignin content ranged from 18.8% to 25.5%, enabling a differentiation between clones and provenances. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.