995 resultados para Chemical affinity


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Biochemical pathways involving chemical kinetics in medium concentrations (i.e., at mesoscale) of the reacting molecules can be approximated as chemical Langevin equations (CLE) systems. We address the physically consistent non-negative simulation of the CLE sample paths as well as the issue of non-Lipschitz diffusion coefficients when a species approaches depletion and any stiffness due to faster reactions. The non-negative Fully Implicit Stochastic alpha (FIS alpha) method in which stopped reaction channels due to depleted reactants are deleted until a reactant concentration rises again, for non-negativity preservation and in which a positive definite Jacobian is maintained to deal with possible stiffness, is proposed and analysed. The method is illustrated with the computation of active Protein Kinase C response in the Protein Kinase C pathway. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We have studied the kinetics of photoinduced effects in nanolayered Se/As2S3 film by in situ optical absorption measurements, which reveal that photodarkening in these films is followed by photoinduced diffusion. An increase in disorder during photodarkening and its subsequent decrease during photoinduced diffusion were also observed. The observation of photodarkening of Se at room temperature when confined between As2S3 layers suggests that the glass transition temperature of Se shifts to higher energy. The analysis shows that the atoms which take part in photodarkening play a vital role in photoinduced diffusion. The x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements show the atomic movements during photoinduced diffusion. It also shows that some of the As–S bonds are converted into As–Se bonds. Since it is energetically difficult to break an As–S bond to form an As–Se bond, we assume that the new bond formations are taking place by the bond rearrangement mechanism.


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Structural and electrical properties of Eu2O3 films grown on Si(100) in 500–600 °C temperature range by low pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition are reported. As-grown films also possess the impurity Eu1−xO phase, which has been removed upon annealing in O2 ambient. Film’s morphology comprises uniform spherical mounds (40–60 nm). Electrical properties of the films, as examined by capacitance-voltage measurements, exhibit fixed oxide charges in the range of −1.5×1011 to −6.0×1010 cm−2 and dielectric constant in the range of 8–23. Annealing has resulted in drastic improvement of their electrical properties. Effect of oxygen nonstoichiometry on the film’s property is briefly discussed.


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We demonstrate a simple strategy of obtaining clean, ultrathin single crystal Au nanowires on substrates and interconnecting pre-defined contacts with an insight into the growth mechanism. The pristine nature enables electron transport measurement through such ultrathin wires and opens up possibilities of exploring its properties for a wide range of applications.


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Interaction between the hepatitis C virus (HCV) envelope protein E2 and the host receptor CD81 is essential for HCV entry into target cells. The number of E2-CD81 complexes necessary for HCV entry has remained difficult to estimate experimentally. Using the recently developed cell culture systems that allow persistent HCV infection in vitro, the dependence of HCV entry and kinetics on CD81 expression has been measured. We reasoned that analysis of the latter experiments using a mathematical model of viral kinetics may yield estimates of the number of E2-CD81 complexes necessary for HCV entry. Here, we constructed a mathematical model of HCV viral kinetics in vitro, in which we accounted explicitly for the dependence of HCV entry on CD81 expression. Model predictions of viral kinetics are in quantitative agreement with experimental observations. Specifically, our model predicts triphasic viral kinetics in vitro, where the first phase is characterized by cell proliferation, the second by the infection of susceptible cells and the third by the growth of cells refractory to infection. By fitting model predictions to the above data, we were able to estimate the threshold number of E2-CD81 complexes necessary for HCV entry into human hepatoma-derived cells. We found that depending on the E2-CD81 binding affinity, between 1 and 13 E2-CD81 complexes are necessary for HCV entry. With this estimate, our model captured data from independent experiments that employed different HCV clones and cells with distinct CD81 expression levels, indicating that the estimate is robust. Our study thus quantifies the molecular requirements of HCV entry and suggests guidelines for intervention strategies that target the E2-CD81 interaction. Further, our model presents a framework for quantitative analyses of cell culture studies now extensively employed to investigate HCV infection.


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In this paper, a comparative study of thin films of Er2O3 and Gd2O3 grown on n-type Si(100) by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) under the identical conditions has been presented. beta-Diketonate complex of rate earth metals was used as precursor. Description on the evolution of the morphology, structure, optical, and electrical characteristics of films with respect to growth parameters and post-deposition annealing process has been presented. As-gown Gd2O3 films grow with <111> texture, whereas the texture of Er2O3 films strongly depends on the growth temperature (either <100> or <111>). Compositional analysis reveals that the Gd2O3 films grown at or above 500degreesC are carbon free whereas Er2O3 films at upto 525degreesC show the presence of heteroatoms and Er2O3 films grown above 525degreesC are carbon five. The effective dielectric constant is in the range of 7-24, while the fixed charge density is in the range - 10(11) to 10(10) CM-2 as extracted from the C-V characteristics. DC I-V study was carried out to examine the leakage behaviour of films. It reveals that the as-grown Gd2O3 film was very leakey in nature. Annealing of the films in oxidizing ambient for a period of 20 min results in a drastic improvement in the leakage behaviour. The presence of heteroatoms (such as carbon) and their effect on the properties of films are discussed.


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We report the results of the electrical switching studies performed on the bulk Al20GexTe80-x (2.5 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 15) chalcogenide glasses. The well known topological features, mechanical and chemical thresholds are observed. Mechanical threshold is seen at a mean coordination number of atoms, < r > = 2.50 (x = 5) a clear shift rom the mean field value of < r > = 2.4 whereas the chemical threshold is observed at < r > = 2.65 (x = 12.5) as predicted by the chemically ordered covalent network model These experiments are a sequel to similar experiments on Al20AsxTe80-x glasses in which mechanical threshold was seen at < r > = 2.60 and no chemical threshold was observed These results am well understood by a chemical bond picture developed in this article.


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Adhesion of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans to pyrite and chalcopyrite in relation to its importance in bioleaching and bioflotation has been studied. Electrokinetic studies as well as FT-IR spectra suggest that the surface chemistry of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans depends on bacterial growth conditions. Sulfur-,Pyrite- and chalcopyrite-grown Thiobacillus ferrooxidans were found to be relatively more hydrophobic. The altered surface chemistry of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was due to secretion of newer and specific proteinaceous compounds. The adsorption density corresponds to a monolayer coverage in a horizontal orientation of the cells. The xanthate flotation of pyrite in presence of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans is strongly depressed where as the cells have insignificant effect on chalcopyrite flotation. This study demonstrate that: (a)Thiobacillus ferrooxidans cells can be used for selective flotation of chalcopyrite from pyrite and importantly at natural pH values. (b)Sulfur-grown cells exhibits higher leaching kinetics than ferrous ion-grown cells.


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Most HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies are directed against the gp120 subunit of the env surface protein. Native env consists of a trimer of gp120-gp41 heterodimers, and in contrast to monomeric gp120, preferentially binds CD4 binding site (CD4bs)-directed neutralizing antibodies over non-neutralizing ones. Some cryo-electron tomography studies have suggested that the V1V2 loop regions of gp120 are located close to the trimer interface. We have therefore designed cyclically permuted variants of gp120 with and without the h-CMP and SUMO2a trimerization domains inserted into the V1V2 loop. h-CMP-V1cyc is one such variant in which residues 153 and 142 are the N- and C-terminal residues, respectively, of cyclically permuted gp120 and h-CMP is fused to the N-terminus. This molecule forms a trimer under native conditions and binds CD4 and the neutralizing CD4bs antibodies b12 with significantly higher affinity than wild-type gp120. It binds non-neutralizing CD4bs antibody F105 with lower affinity than gp120. A similar derivative, h-CMP-V1cycl, bound the V1V2 loop-directed broadly neutralizing antibodies PG9 and PG16 with similar to 20-fold higher affinity than wild-type JRCSF gp120. These cyclic permutants of gp120 are properly folded and are potential immunogens. The data also support env models in which the V1V2 loops are proximal to the trimer interface.


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Carbon nanosheets (CNSs) have been synthesized by electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) using a mixture of acetylene and argon gases on copper foil as the substrate. Micrometer-wide carbon sheets consisting of several atomic layers thick graphene sheets have been synthesized by controlled decomposition of carbon radicals in ECR-PECVD. Raman spectroscopy of these films revealed characteristics of a disordered graphitic sheet. Thick folded carbon-sheets and a semi transparent freestanding CNSs have been observed by scanning electron microscopy. This is a promising technique to synthesize free standing CNSs and can be used in the fabrication of nanoelecronic devices in future. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.