993 resultados para Caries treatment
The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of pit and fissure sealants and the effectiveness of the two sealant methods applied in every-day practice in public dental health care in Finland. Two sealant methods were evaluated according to their effectiveness in preventing dentin caries and sealant retention. Application time with these sealant methods was compared. The survival rate of sealed first and second molars was followed for nine and 13 year periods, respectively. Caries risk evaluation and observed increased caries risk were the basis for considering sealant application. A questionnaire, sent to all public dental health centers in Finland, monitored the attitudes of the dental profession towards sealant application and explored the current policies used as well as changes noted in the sealant application protocol. DMFT (Decayed, Missing or Filled Teeth) index values collected from the health centers were evaluated. The difference in caries rate between two methods investigated was highly significant. When compared to the glass ionomer sealant method (GIC), the effectiveness of the resin-based method (RB) in preventing dentin caries was 74% and the rate difference 3%. The relative risk for RB-sealed surfaces vs. GIC-sealed surfaces of having detectable dentin caries was 0.3 (95% CI 0.12, 0.57). The retention rate of sealants was higher with RB than GIC (P<0.001). Application of RB sealant material was less time-consuming than application of GIC sealant. Occlusal dentin caries lesions were found in 4% and proximal caries in less than 2% of sealed teeth. The majority of respondents reported application of sealants on a systematic basis along with caries-risk evaluation. Those health centers sealing over suspected or detected enamel caries had lower average DMFT index values (1.0) when compared to DMFT values (1.2) of health centers applying sealants by alternative criteria. It is concluded that the RB sealant method is more effective than the GIC sealant method in preventing dentin caries. Sealant maintenance may increase the costs of a sealant program. Occlusal caries management may be improved if the applied sealant policies are changed towards an interceptive approach i.e. applying the sealants over detected or suspected enamel caries lesions instead of sealing sound teeth in a preventive manner.
Varhaislapsuuden karies ja sen ehkäisy kehittyvän terveydenhuollon maassa Varhaislapsuuden karies on merkittävä kansanterveysongelma varsinkin lapsirikkaissa maissa ja väestöissä. Karieksen hoitaminen vie paljon voimavaroja ja aiheuttaa mittavia taloudellisia seuraamuksia. Karies voi ilmaantua lapselle jo vauvaikäisenä, pian ensimmäisten maitohampaiden puhjettua suuhun. Alle 3-vuotiaiden karieksesta on kuitenkin niukasti tilastotietoja. Maailman terveysjärjestökin suosittaa tietojen keräämistä vasta 3-vuotiaiden ikäryhmästä. Heistä kariesta sairastaa Suomessa 16 %, Yhdysvalloissa 25 %, Englannissa 30 %, Iranissa 46 % ja Saudi-Arabiassa 61 %. Tämä väitöstutkimus selvitti karieksen esiintymistä ja sen vaaratekijöitä 1─3-vuotiailla Teheranissa. Lisäksi tutkimus arvioi perusterveydenhuoltoon sisällytetyn karieksen ehkäisyn tuloksellisuutta. Tutkimuskohteiksi arvottiin Teheranista 18 neuvolaa. Jokaisessa oltiin 4 päivää, jolloin kaikkia rokotuksiin tulleita 1─3-vuotiaita äiteineen pyydettiin osallistumaan tutkimukseen. Kahta lukuun ottamatta kaikki äidit suostuivat, ja aineistoon tuli kaikkiaan 504 lasta äiteineen. Kaikki 1-vuotiaat, 242 lasta äiteineen, valittiin karieksen ehkäisykokeiluun. Sitä varten neuvolat jaettiin kolmeen ryhmään, joista kaksi (A ja B) oli koeryhmiä ja yksi (C) oli vertailuryhmä. Tutkimus alkoi äidin haastattelulla. Siinä selvitettiin perheen koulutus- ja tulotaso sekä lapsen ruokinnasta imetyksen kesto, yösyötöt ja päiväaikaan nautitut makeat. Vielä kysyttiin lapsen ja äidin suuhygieniatavoista ja äidin kokemuksista lapsen suun puhdistamisessa. Sitten hammaslääkäri tutki lapsen suun ja kirjasi karieksen ja hammasplakin esiintymät. Suun tutkimuksen jälkeen äiti ja lapsi siirtyivät rokotushuoneeseen. Koeryhmissä (A ja B) äidit saivat terveydenhoitajalta suunterveyttä koskevan esitteen ja kehotuksen lukea se huolellisesti. Lisäksi ryhmässä A terveydenhoitaja kertoi suun ja hampaiden terveydenhoidosta saman esitteen avulla, ja neuvolan henkilökunta muistutti suunhoidon tärkeydestä puhelimitse kahdesti seuraavan puolen vuoden kuluessa. Vertailuryhmässä äideille ei annettu suunhoidon ohjeita. Kaikissa ryhmissä äitejä muistutettiin seuraavan rokotuskerran ajankohdasta, muttei mainittu tulevaa toista hammastarkastusta. Varhaislapsuuden kariesta sairasti ikäryhmästä riippuen 3─26 % tutkituista 1─3-vuotiaista, ja 65─76 %:lla oli hammasplakkia. Äideistä 68 % harjasi hampaansa päivittäin ja 39 % puhdisti lapsensa suun päivittäin. Mitä useammin äiti harjasi omat hampaansa, sitä paremmin hän huolehti lapsen suun puhtaudesta. Rintaruokinta oli yleistä eikä lisännyt kariesvaaraa. Yöllä pullomaitoa saavilla karies oli 5 kertaa yleisempää kuin muilla. Neuvolassa saatu ohjeistus ehkäisi selvästi karieksen syntyä puolen vuoden kokeessa.
The present cross-sectional study aimed to assess oral health behaviour, dental and periodontal conditions, dental care, and their relationships among elderly dentate patients in Lithuania. The target population in the study were dentate patients aged 60 and older attending public dental services in Kedainiai, Lithuania. The data collection took place between the autumn of 1999 and the winter of 2001. Data were collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire for all (n=174) and a clinical examination targeting about half of the subjects (n=100). The questionnaire inquired about oral health behaviour, the life-first and also the most recent dental treatments, sources on and self-assessed knowledge of oral self-care, a self-reported number of teeth, and socio-demographic information. The clinical examination included basic dental and periodontal conditions. A total of 82 women and 92 men completed the questionnaire; their mean age was 69.2 and their average number of teeth was 16.2 (CI 95% 15.4-17.1). In all, 25% had 21 or more teeth and 32% indicated wearing removable dentures. The oral health behaviour, the participants reported, was poor: 30% reported twice daily toothbrushing, 57% responded that they always use fluoride toothpaste, 19% indicated daily interdental cleaning, nearly all said they take sugar in their coffee and tea, and 30% indicated going for check-ups. As the main source of information on oral self-care, the subjects indicated health professionals (82%), followed by social contacts (72%), broadcasted media (58%), and printed media (42%). A total of 34% assessed their knowledge of oral self-care as good, and their self-assessed knowledge correlated (r=0.52) with professional guidance they had received about oral self-care. In their most recent treatment, conservative (39%) and non-conservative (34%) treatments dominated, and preventive ones were the least reported (7%). Regarding guidance in oral self-care, 54% reported having received such about toothbrushing, 32% about interdental cleaning, and 33% had been given visual information. Clinical examinations revealed the presence of plaque, calculus, bleeding on probing and deepened pockets in all of the subjects; 70% of the subjects were diagnosed with pockets of 6mm and deeper, 94% with caries, and 73% with overhangs of restorations. Those subjects assessing their knowledge of oral self-care as good and reporting a higher intensity of guidance in oral self-care as received, indicated practicing the recommended oral self-care more frequently. Twice daily toothbrushing was associated with good self-assessed knowledge of oral self-care (OR 4.1, p<0.001) and a university education (OR 5.6, p<0.001). Those subjects with better oral health behaviour had a greater number of teeth. Having 21 or more teeth was associated with good self-assessed knowledge of oral self-care (OR 4.1, p=0.03). Better periodontal conditions were associated with a higher frequency of toothbrushing. The presence of periodontal pockets of 6mm and deeper was associated with the level of self-assessed knowledge of oral self-care being below good (OR=3.0, p=0.04) and the level of dental cleanliness being poor (OR=2.7, p=0.02). To conclude, oral health behaviour and conditions call for improvement in elderly subjects in Lithuania. To improve the oral health of their elderly dentate patients, dentists should apply all the available tools of chair-side prevention and active guidance. The latter would be an effective means of updating the knowledge of oral self-care and supporting recommended oral health behaviour. A preventive approach should be strongly emphasized in countries with limited resources for oral health care, such as Lithuania. Author’s address: Sonata Vyšniauskaite, Department of Oral Public Health, Institute of Dentistry, University of Helsinki, P.O.Box 41, FI-00014 Helsinki, Finland. E-mail: sonata.vysniauskaite@helsinki.fi
The aim of the project is to prove that live vaccination on the farm will protect the piglets from heterologous challenge with H. parasuis. The steps to achieve the aim of the project are to find a dose rate on the farm which guarantees colonisation of the vaccine strain and is safe On farm vaccinated and unvaccinated pigs are then shifted to CAAS at three weeks of age and challenged with a heterologous strains. The method is then applied on a large piggery for a period of nearly 12 months. We will also develop a freeze drying method and a technical manual of procedures to identify serovars prevailing on pig farms and which serovar to include into the vaccine.
Vapour heat treatment of honey gold mango for access to the Japanese market.
This project aims to provide further data to support the winter window option for interstate marker access for strawberries from south east Queensland.
The changes in the tensile properties and fracture mode brought about by heat treatment of Fe-12Cr-6Al ferritic stainless steel have been studied. A favourable combination of high strength and good ductility is obtained by heating the material at 1370 K for 2 h followed by a water quench. The high-temperature treatment results in carbide dissolution as well as an increase in the grain size. The mechanism of strengthening has been evaluated from the apparent activation energy (28 kJ mol–1) and is identified to be the unpinning of dislocations from the atmosphere of carbon atoms. As the heat-treatment temperature is increased, the fracture behaviour changes from ductile to brittle mode and this is related to the changes in grain size and friction stress.
Virotherapy, the use of oncolytic properties of viruses for eradication of tumor cells, is an attractive strategy for treating cancers resistant to traditional modalities. Adenoviruses can be genetically modified to selectively replicate in and destroy tumor cells through exploitation of molecular differences between normal and cancer cells. The lytic life cycle of adenoviruses results in oncolysis of infected cells and spreading of virus progeny to surrounding cells. In this study, we evaluated different strategies for improving safety and efficacy of oncolytic virotherapy against human ovarian adenocarcinoma. We examined the antitumor efficacy of Ad5/3-Δ24, a serotype 3 receptor-targeted pRb-p16 pathway-selective oncolytic adenovirus, in combination with conventional chemotherapeutic agents. We observed synergistic activity in ovarian cancer cells when Ad5/3-Δ24 was given with either gemcitabine or epirubicin, common second-line treatment options for ovarian cancer. Our results also indicate that gemcitabine reduces the initial rate of Ad5/3-Δ24 replication without affecting the total amount of virus produced. In an orthotopic murine model of peritoneally disseminated ovarian cancer, combining Ad5/3-Δ24 with either gemcitabine or epirubicin resulted in greater therapeutic benefit than either agent alone. Another useful approach for increasing the efficacy of oncolytic agents is to arm viruses with therapeutic transgenes such as genes encoding prodrug-converting enzymes. We constructed Ad5/3-Δ24-TK-GFP, an oncolytic adenovirus encoding the thymidine kinase (TK) green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein. This novel virus replicated efficiently on ovarian cancer cells, which correlated with increased GFP expression. Delivery of prodrug ganciclovir (GCV) immediately after infection abrogated viral replication, which might have utility as a safety switch mechanism. Oncolytic potency in vitro was enhanced by GCV in one cell line, and the interaction was not dependent on scheduling of the treatments. However, in murine models of metastatic ovarian cancer, administration of GCV did not add therapeutic benefit to this highly potent oncolytic agent. Detection of tumor progression and virus replication with bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging provided insight into the in vivo kinetics of oncolysis in living mice. For optimizing protocols for upcoming clinical trials, we utilized orthotopic murine models of ovarian cancer to analyze the effect of dose and scheduling of intraperitoneally delivered Ad5/3-Δ24. Weekly administration of Ad5/3-Δ24 did not significantly enhance antitumor efficacy over a single treatment. Our results also demonstrate that even a single intraperitoneal injection of only 100 viral particles significantly increased the survival of mice compared with untreated animals. Improved knowledge of adenovirus biology has resulted in creation of more effective oncolytic agents. However, with more potent therapy regimens an increase in unwanted side-effects is also possible. Therefore, inhibiting viral replication when necessary would be beneficial. We evaluated the antiviral activity of chlorpromazine and apigenin on adenovirus replication and associated toxicity in fresh human liver samples, normal cells, and ovarian cancer cells. Further, human xenografts in mice were utilized to evaluate antitumor efficacy, viral replication, and liver toxicity. Our data suggest that these agents can reduce replication of adenoviruses, which could provide a safety switch in case of replication-associated side-effects. In conclusion, we demonstrate that Ad5/3-Δ24 is a useful oncolytic agent for treatment of ovarian cancer either alone or in combination with conventional chemotherapeutic drugs. Insertion of genes encoding prodrug-converting enzymes into the genome of Ad5/3-Δ24 might not lead to enhanced antitumor efficacy with this highly potent oncolytic virus. As a safety feature, viral activity can be inhibited with pharmacological substances. Clinical trials are however needed to confirm if these preclinical results can be translated into efficacy in humans. Promising safety data seen here, and in previous publications suggest that clinical evaluation of the agent is feasible.
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Rituximab, a monoclonal antibody against B-cell specific CD20 antigen, is used for the treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) and chronic lymphatic leukemia. In combination with chemotherapeutics rituximab has remarkably improved the outcome of NHL patients, but a vast variation in the lengths of remissions remains and the outcome of individual patients is difficult to predict. This thesis has searched for an explanation for this by studying the effector mechanisms of rituximab and by comparing gene expression in lymphoma tissue samples of patients with long- and short-term survival. This work demonstrated that activation of complement (C) system is in vitro more efficient effector mechanism of rituximab than cellular mechanisms or apoptosis. Activation of the C system was also shown in vivo during rituximab treatment. However, intravenously administered rituximab could not enter the cerebrospinal fluid, and neither C activation nor removal of lymphoma cells was observed in central nervous system. In vitro cytotoxicity assays showed that rituximab-induced cell killing could be markedly improved with simultaneous neutralization of the C regulatory proteins CD46 (Membrane cofactor protein), CD55 (Decay-accelerating factor), and CD59 (protectin). In a retrospective study of follicular lymphoma (FL) patients, low lymphoma tissue mRNA expressions of CD59 and CD55 were associated with a good prognosis and in a progressive flow cytometry study high expression of CD20 relative to CD55 was correlated to a longer progression free survival. Gene expression profile analysis revealed that expression of certain often cell cycle, signal transduction or immune response related genes correlate with clinical outcome of FL patients. Emphasizing the role of tumor microenvironment the best differentiating genes Smad1 and EphA1 were demonstrated to be mainly expressed in the non-malignant cells of tumors. In conclusion, this thesis shows that activation of the C system is a clinically important effector mechanism of rituximab and that microenvironment factor in tumors and expression of C regulatory proteins affect markedly the efficacy of immunochemotherapy. This data can be used to identify more accurately the patients for whom immunochemotherapy is given. It may also be beneficial in development of rituximab-containing and other monoclonal antibody therapies against cancer.
Metastatic kidney and breast cancer are devastating diseases currently lacking efficient treatment options. One promising developmental approach in cancer treatment are oncolytic adenoviruses, which have demonstrated excellent safety in many clinical trials. However, antitumor efficacy needs to be improved in order to make oncolytic viruses a viable treatment alternative. To be able to follow oncolytic virus replication in vivo, we set up a non-invasive imaging system based on coinjection of a replication deficient luciferase expressing virus and a replication competent virus. The system was validated in vitro and in vivo and used in other projects of the thesis. In another study we showed that capsid modifications on adenoviruses result in enhanced gene transfer and increased oncolytic effect on renal cancer cells in vitro. Moreover, capsid modified oncolytic adenoviruses demonstrated significantly improved antitumor efficacy in murine kidney cancer models. To transcriptionally target kidney cancer tissue we evaluated two hypoxia response elements for their usability as tissue specific promoters using a novel dual luciferase imaging system. Based on the results of the promoter evaluation and the studies on capsid modifications, we constructed a transcriptionally and transductionally targeted oncolytic adenovirus armed with an antiangiogenic transgene for enhanced renal cell cancer specificity and improved antitumor efficacy. This virus exhibited kidney cancer specific replication and significantly improved antitumor effect in a murine model of intraperitoneal disseminated renal cell cancer. Cancer stem cells are thought to be resistant to conventional cancer drugs and might play an important role in breast cancer relapse and the formation of metastasis. Therefore, we examined if capsid modified oncolytic adenoviruses are able to kill these cells proposed to be breast cancer initiating. Efficient oncolytic effect and significant antitumor efficacy on tumors established with breast cancer initiating cells was observed, suggesting that oncolytic adenoviruses might be able to prevent breast cancer relapse and could be used in the treatment of metastatic disease. In conclusion, the results presented in this thesis suggest that genetically engineered oncolytic adenoviruses have great potential in the treatment of metastatic kidney and breast cancer.