955 resultados para Carbonaceous skeleton
La present tesi, tot i que emmarcada dins de la teoria de les Mesures Semblança Molecular Quántica (MQSM), es deriva en tres àmbits clarament definits: - La creació de Contorns Moleculars de IsoDensitat Electrònica (MIDCOs, de l'anglès Molecular IsoDensity COntours) a partir de densitats electròniques ajustades. - El desenvolupament d'un mètode de sobreposició molecular, alternatiu a la regla de la màxima semblança. - Relacions Quantitatives Estructura-Activitat (QSAR, de l'anglès Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships). L'objectiu en el camp dels MIDCOs és l'aplicació de funcions densitat ajustades, ideades inicialment per a abaratir els càlculs de MQSM, per a l'obtenció de MIDCOs. Així, es realitza un estudi gràfic comparatiu entre diferents funcions densitat ajustades a diferents bases amb densitats obtingudes de càlculs duts a terme a nivells ab initio. D'aquesta manera, l'analogia visual entre les funcions ajustades i les ab initio obtinguda en el ventall de representacions de densitat obtingudes, i juntament amb els valors de les mesures de semblança obtinguts prèviament, totalment comparables, fonamenta l'ús d'aquestes funcions ajustades. Més enllà del propòsit inicial, es van realitzar dos estudis complementaris a la simple representació de densitats, i són l'anàlisi de curvatura i l'extensió a macromolècules. La primera observació correspon a comprovar no només la semblança dels MIDCOs, sinó la coherència del seu comportament a nivell de curvatura, podent-se així observar punts d'inflexió en la representació de densitats i veure gràficament aquelles zones on la densitat és còncava o convexa. Aquest primer estudi revela que tant les densitats ajustades com les calculades a nivell ab initio es comporten de manera totalment anàloga. En la segona part d'aquest treball es va poder estendre el mètode a molècules més grans, de fins uns 2500 àtoms. Finalment, s'aplica part de la filosofia del MEDLA. Sabent que la densitat electrònica decau ràpidament al allunyar-se dels nuclis, el càlcul d'aquesta pot ser obviat a distàncies grans d'aquests. D'aquesta manera es va proposar particionar l'espai, i calcular tan sols les funcions ajustades de cada àtom tan sols en una regió petita, envoltant l'àtom en qüestió. Duent a terme aquest procés, es disminueix el temps de càlcul i el procés esdevé lineal amb nombre d'àtoms presents en la molècula tractada. En el tema dedicat a la sobreposició molecular es tracta la creació d'un algorisme, així com la seva implementació en forma de programa, batejat Topo-Geometrical Superposition Algorithm (TGSA), d'un mètode que proporcionés aquells alineaments que coincideixen amb la intuïció química. El resultat és un programa informàtic, codificat en Fortran 90, el qual alinea les molècules per parelles considerant tan sols nombres i distàncies atòmiques. La total absència de paràmetres teòrics permet desenvolupar un mètode de sobreposició molecular general, que proporcioni una sobreposició intuïtiva, i també de forma rellevant, de manera ràpida i amb poca intervenció de l'usuari. L'ús màxim del TGSA s'ha dedicat a calcular semblances per al seu ús posterior en QSAR, les quals majoritàriament no corresponen al valor que s'obtindria d'emprar la regla de la màxima semblança, sobretot si hi ha àtoms pesats en joc. Finalment, en l'últim tema, dedicat a la Semblança Quàntica en el marc del QSAR, es tracten tres aspectes diferents: - Ús de matrius de semblança. Aquí intervé l'anomenada matriu de semblança, calculada a partir de les semblances per parelles d'entre un conjunt de molècules. Aquesta matriu és emprada posteriorment, degudament tractada, com a font de descriptors moleculars per a estudis QSAR. Dins d'aquest àmbit s'han fet diversos estudis de correlació d'interès farmacològic, toxicològic, així com de diverses propietats físiques. - Aplicació de l'energia d'interacció electró-electró, assimilat com a una forma d'autosemblança. Aquesta modesta contribució consisteix breument en prendre el valor d'aquesta magnitud, i per analogia amb la notació de l'autosemblança molecular quàntica, assimilar-la com a cas particular de d'aquesta mesura. Aquesta energia d'interacció s'obté fàcilment a partir de programari mecanoquàntic, i esdevé ideal per a fer un primer estudi preliminar de correlació, on s'utilitza aquesta magnitud com a únic descriptor. - Càlcul d'autosemblances, on la densitat ha estat modificada per a augmentar el paper d'un substituent. Treballs previs amb densitats de fragments, tot i donar molt bons resultats, manquen de cert rigor conceptual en aïllar un fragment, suposadament responsable de l'activitat molecular, de la totalitat de l'estructura molecular, tot i que les densitats associades a aquest fragment ja difereixen degut a pertànyer a esquelets amb diferents substitucions. Un procediment per a omplir aquest buit que deixa la simple separació del fragment, considerant així la totalitat de la molècula (calcular-ne l'autosemblança), però evitant al mateix temps valors d'autosemblança no desitjats provocats per àtoms pesats, és l'ús de densitats de Forats de fermi, els quals es troben definits al voltant del fragment d'interès. Aquest procediment modifica la densitat de manera que es troba majoritàriament concentrada a la regió d'interès, però alhora permet obtenir una funció densitat, la qual es comporta matemàticament igual que la densitat electrònica regular, podent-se així incorporar dins del marc de la semblança molecular. Les autosemblances calculades amb aquesta metodologia han portat a bones correlacions amb àcids aromàtics substituïts, podent així donar una explicació al seu comportament. Des d'un altre punt de vista, també s'han fet contribucions conceptuals. S'ha implementat una nova mesura de semblança, la d'energia cinètica, la qual consisteix en prendre la recentment desenvolupada funció densitat d'energia cinètica, la qual al comportar-se matemàticament igual a les densitats electròniques regulars, s'ha incorporat en el marc de la semblança. A partir d'aquesta mesura s'han obtingut models QSAR satisfactoris per diferents conjunts moleculars. Dins de l'aspecte del tractament de les matrius de semblança s'ha implementat l'anomenada transformació estocàstica com a alternativa a l'ús de l'índex Carbó. Aquesta transformació de la matriu de semblança permet obtenir una nova matriu no simètrica, la qual pot ser posteriorment tractada per a construir models QSAR.
O interesse pela Osteoartrite, ou Doença Degenerativa das Articulações em felinos, é relativamente recente. É um assunto pouco investigado e sub-diagnosticado na clínica de animais de companhia no nosso país. O objectivo deste estudo é o de determinar a incidência de sinais radiográficos da doença numa amostra aleatória de gatos domésticos. Foi, deste modo, realizado um estudo transversal numa amostra de 50 gatos, sem sinais aparentes de doença ortopédica, inseridos em 4 faixas etárias (0-5 anos, 6-10,11-15 e 16-20 anos). Realizaram-se cerca de 16 projecções radiográficas em cada paciente, observando e analisando as articulações dos esqueletos apendicular e axial. Nenhum dos animais foi sedado para as projecções radiográficas. Foi ainda feita uma análise estatística para investigar uma possível relação entre os dados dos pacientes, análises bioquímicas, hemograma, I-STAT e urianálise e a severidade da doença. Este estudo permitiu mostrar que 74% dos animais possuíam evidência radiográfica da doença. As articulações mais afectadas em ordem decrescente foram a escapulo-umeral, a úmero-radio-ulnar, a tarso-metatarso-falângica e a coxo-femoral. Foram encontradas relações estatisticamente significativas com a idade e com valores alterados de glucose e eosinófilos. Foi possível concluir que a Doença Degenerativa das Articulações é uma doença comum nos gatos domésticos e requer mais investigação.
La autora analiza tres textos latinoamericanos que muestran construcciones del imaginario andino, extendidas a ciertos estereotipos sobre la corporalidad andina: frágil, dolorida, para la cual la esperanza de liberación radica en un azar. En «Boletín y Elegía de las Mitas», César Dávila presenta una versión del cuerpo indio «exclusivamente centrada en la vejación de lo anatómico» (de su cabeza y genitales, de órganos tan profundos como el corazón y el esqueleto), con lo que el cuerpo desnudo y forzado se convierte en ajeno. En «El sueño del Pongo», de José María Arguedas, el cuerpo del indio oprimido es diminuto, y porta una «gestualidad comprimida que se pone en juego a partir de posturas humilladas». Pese al final aparentemente optimista de ambos textos, se trata de productos culturales que cumplen un rol en el ejercicio de control social. En «Barraquera», de José de la Cuadra, el cuerpo de esta mujer es fundado a partir de violaciones, muertes y migraciones forzadas: habituado a sufrir y callar, para este cuerpo el dolor se convierte en la única vía posible de acceso al placer. Se remarca que el tiempo cronológico de los tres relatos es el de la espera, el tiempo del destino. Para estos cuerpos-lugares siempre vulnerables y violentados, burlados o invisibilizados, lo fatal fundamentaría un cierre de lo histórico.
The Wnt family of secreted signalling molecules controls a wide range of developmental processes in all metazoans. In this investigation we concentrate on the role that members of this family play during the development of (1) the somites and (2) the neural crest. (3) We also isolate a novel component of the Wnt signalling pathway called Naked cuticle and investigate the role that this protein may play in both of the previously mentioned developmental processes. (1) In higher vertebrates the paraxial mesoderm undergoes a mesenchymal-to-epithelial transformation to form segmentally organised structures called somites. Experiments have shown that signals originating from the ectoderm overlying the somites or from midline structures are required for the formation of the somites, but their identity has yet to be determined. Wnt6 is a good candidate as a somite epithelialisation factor from the ectoderm since it is expressed in this tissue. In this study we show that injection of Wnt6-producing cells beneath the ectoderm at the level of the segmental plate or lateral to the segmental plate leads to the formation of numerous small epithelial somites. We show that Wnts are indeed responsible for the epithelialisation of somites by applying Wnt antagonists which result in the segmental plate being unable to form somites. These results show that Wnt6, the only member of this family to be localised to the chick paraxial ectoderm, is able to regulate the development of epithelial somites and that cellular organisation is pivotal in the execution of the differentiation programmes. (2) The neural crest is a population of multipotent progenitor cells that arise from the neural ectoderm in all vertebrate embryos and form a multitude of derivatives including the peripheral sensory neurons, the enteric nervous system, Schwann cells, pigment cells and parts of the craniofacial skeleton. The induction of the neural crest relies on an ectodermally derived signal, but the identity of the molecule performing this role in amniotes is not known. Here we show that Wnt6, a protein expressed in the ectoderm, induces neural crest production. (3) The intracellular response to Wnt signalling depends on the choice of signalling cascade activated in the responding cell. Cells can activate either the canonical pathway that modulates gene expression to control cellular differentiation and proliferation, or the non-canonical pathway that controls cell polarity and movement (Pandur et al. 2002b). Recent work has identified the protein Naked cuticle as an intracellular switch promoting the non-canonical pathway at the expense of the canonical pathway. We have cloned chick Naked cuticle-1 (cNkd1) and demonstrate that it is expressed in a dynamic manner during early embryogenesis. We show that it is expressed in the somites and in particular regions where cells are undergoing movement. Lastly our study shows that the expression of cNkd1 is regulated by Wnt expression originating from the neural tube. This study provides evidence that non-canonical Wnt signalling plays a part in somite development.
Maculalactones A, B and C from the marine cyanobacterium Kyrtuthrix maculans are amongst the only compounds based on the tribenzylbutyrolactone skeleton known in nature and (+) maculalactone A from the natural source possesses significant biological activity against various marine herbivores and marine settlers. We now report a concise synthesis of racemic maculalactone A in five steps from inexpensive starting materials. Maculalactones B and C were synthesized by a minor modification to this procedure, and the synthetic design also permitted an asymmetric synthesis of maculalactone A to be achieved in around 85% ee. The (+) and (-) enantiomers of maculalactone A were assigned, respectively, to the S and R configurations on the basis of the chiral selectivity expected for catecholborane reduction of an unsymmetrical ketone in the presence of Corey's oxazoborolidine catalyst. Surprisingly, it appeared that natural (+) maculalactone A was biosynthesized in K. maculans in a partially racemic form, comprising ca. 90-95% of the (S) enantiomer and 5-10% of its (R) enantiomer. Coincidentally therefore, the percentage enantiomeric excess of the product obtained from asymmetric synthesis almost exactly matched that found in nature. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The linking of orthopalladated ferrocenylene units by parabanato(2-) ligands results in enantiospecific assembly of a hexanuclear complex in which (i) the steric bulk of the ferrocenylene moiety, (ii) the folded configuration dictated by the imidato(2-) bridging ligand, and (iii) the strong preference for a trans arrangement of the carbonyl oxygen and ferrocenyl carbon atoms, combine to ensure that only ferrocenylene-palladium units with the same chirality can be located at adjacent positions in the assembled complex. The resulting tris-parabanato(2-)-bridged, hexapalladium complex is thus homochiral (R,R,R,R,R,R or S,S,S,S,S,S), as demonstrated by H-1 NMR spectroscopy and by X-ray analysis of a racemic crystal which shows the complex to possess a tapering, twisted, trigonal-prismatic skeleton of palladium atoms with threefold crystallographic symmetry. ((C) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2009)
Thyroid hormones show fluctuating levels during the post-hatching development of birds. In this paper we report the results of the first mechanical tests to quantify the effect of hypothyroidism, during post-natal development, on the skeletal properties of a precocial bird, the barnacle goose, as determined by microhardness testing. The effect of hypothyroidism is tissue-specific; bone from the femora of birds is not significantly affected by induced hypothyroidism, however, there is a strong positive relationship between the levels of circulating thyroid hormones and the mechanical properties of bone from humeri. In the barnacle goose the development of the wing skeleton and musculature depends on an increase in circulating thyroid hormones and our analysis shows that, in its absence, the mechanical competence of the bone mineral itself is reduced in addition to the decreased bone length and muscle development previously reported in the literature. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Bone metabolism involves a complex balance between the deposition of matrix and mineralization and resorption. There is now good evidence that dietary components and herbal products can influence these processes, particularly by inhibiting bone resorption, thus having beneficial effects on the skeleton. For example, it has been reported that a number of common vegetables, including onion, garlic and parsley, can inhibit bone resorption in ovariectomized rats. Essential oils derived from sage, rosemary, thyme and other herbs inhibit osteoclast activity in vitro and in vitro and leading to an increase in bone mineral density. Soya, a rich source of isoflavones, has shown promising results and epidemiological evidence to support a use in maintaining bone health, and various traditional herbal formulae in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine also have demonstrable effects in pharmacological models of osteoporosis. Recently, cannabinoids have been described as having positive effects on osteoblast differentiation, and the presence of cannabinoid receptors in bone tissue indicates a more complex role in bone metabolism than previously thought. The first part of this review briefly discusses normal bone metabolism and disorders caused by its disruption, with particular reference to osteoporosis and current pharmacological treatments. The effects of natural products on bone and connective tissue are then discussed, to include items of diet, herbal extracts and food supplements, with evidence for their efficacy outlined. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Replicate lines of Drosophila melanogaster have been selected for increased resistance against one of two species of parasitoid wasp, Asobara tabida and Leptopilina boulardi. In both cases, it has been shown that an improved ability to mount an immunological defense against the parasitoid's egg is associated with reduced survival when the larvae are reared under conditions of low resource availability and thus high competition. We show here that in both sets of selected lines, lower competitive ability is associated with reduced rates of larval feeding, as measured by the frequency of retractions of the cephalopharyngeal skeleton. This suggests that the same or similar physiological processes are involved in the trade-off between competition and resistance against either parasitoid and shows how the interaction between adaptations for competition and natural enemy resistance may be mediated.
Simultaneous observations of cloud microphysical properties were obtained by in-situ aircraft measurements and ground based Radar/Lidar. Widespread mid-level stratus cloud was present below a temperature inversion (~5 °C magnitude) at 3.6 km altitude. Localised convection (peak updraft 1.5 m s−1) was observed 20 km west of the Radar station. This was associated with convergence at 2.5 km altitude. The convection was unable to penetrate the inversion capping the mid-level stratus.
The mid-level stratus cloud was vertically thin (~400 m), horizontally extensive (covering 100 s of km) and persisted for more than 24 h. The cloud consisted of supercooled water droplets and small concentrations of large (~1 mm) stellar/plate like ice which slowly precipitated out. This ice was nucleated at temperatures greater than −12.2 °C and less than −10.0 °C, (cloud top and cloud base temperatures, respectively). No ice seeding from above the cloud layer was observed. This ice was formed by primary nucleation, either through the entrainment of efficient ice nuclei from above/below cloud, or by the slow stochastic activation of immersion freezing ice nuclei contained within the supercooled drops. Above cloud top significant concentrations of sub-micron aerosol were observed and consisted of a mixture of sulphate and carbonaceous material, a potential source of ice nuclei. Particle number concentrations (in the size range 0.1
Using the virtual porous carbon model proposed by Harris et al, we study the effect of carbon surface oxidation on the pore size distribution (PSD) curve determined from simulated Ar, N(2) and CO(2) isotherms. It is assumed that surface oxidation is not destructive for the carbon skeleton, and that all pores are accessible for studied molecules (i.e., only the effect of the change of surface chemical composition is studied). The results obtained show two important things, i.e., oxidation of the carbon surface very slightly changes the absolute porosity (calculated from the geometric method of Bhattacharya and Gubbins (BG)); however, PSD curves calculated from simulated isotherms are to a greater or lesser extent affected by the presence of surface oxides. The most reliable results are obtained from Ar adsorption data. Not only is adsorption of this adsorbate practically independent from the presence of surface oxides, but, more importantly, for this molecule one can apply the slit-like model of pores as the first approach to recover the average pore diameter of a real carbon structure. For nitrogen, the effect of carbon surface chemical composition is observed due to the quadrupole moment of this molecule, and this effect shifts the PSD curves compared to Ar. The largest differences are seen for CO2, and it is clearly demonstrated that the PSD curves obtained from adsorption isotherms of this molecule contain artificial peaks and the average pore diameter is strongly influenced by the presence of electrostatic adsorbate-adsorbate as well as adsorbate-adsorbent interactions.
Plane wave discontinuous Galerkin methods for the 2D Helmholtz equation: analysis of the $p$-version
Plane wave discontinuous Galerkin (PWDG) methods are a class of Trefftz-type methods for the spatial discretization of boundary value problems for the Helmholtz operator $-\Delta-\omega^2$, $\omega>0$. They include the so-called ultra weak variational formulation from [O. Cessenat and B. Després, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 35 (1998), pp. 255–299]. This paper is concerned with the a priori convergence analysis of PWDG in the case of $p$-refinement, that is, the study of the asymptotic behavior of relevant error norms as the number of plane wave directions in the local trial spaces is increased. For convex domains in two space dimensions, we derive convergence rates, employing mesh skeleton-based norms, duality techniques from [P. Monk and D. Wang, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 175 (1999), pp. 121–136], and plane wave approximation theory.
In this paper, we extend to the time-harmonic Maxwell equations the p-version analysis technique developed in [R. Hiptmair, A. Moiola and I. Perugia, Plane wave discontinuous Galerkin methods for the 2D Helmholtz equation: analysis of the p-version, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 49 (2011), 264-284] for Trefftz-discontinuous Galerkin approximations of the Helmholtz problem. While error estimates in a mesh-skeleton norm are derived parallel to the Helmholtz case, the derivation of estimates in a mesh-independent norm requires new twists in the duality argument. The particular case where the local Trefftz approximation spaces are built of vector-valued plane wave functions is considered, and convergence rates are derived.
By using simulation methods, we studied the adsorption of binary CO2-CH4 mixtures on various CH4 preadsorbed carbonaceous materials (e.g., triply periodic carbon minimal surfaces, slit-shaped carbon micropores, and Harris's virtual porous carbons) at 293 K. Regardless of the different micropore geometry, two-stage mechanism of CH4 displacement from carbon nanospaces by coadsorbed CO2 has been proposed. In the first stage, the coadsorbed CO2 molecules induced the enhancement of CH4 adsorbed amount. In the second stage, the stronger affinity of CO2 to flat/curved graphitic surfaces as well as CO2-CO2 interactions cause the displacement of CH4 molecules from carbonaceous materials. The operating conditions of CO2-induced cleaning of the adsorbed phase from CH4 mixture component strongly depend on the size of the carbon micropores, but, in general, the enhanced adsorption field in narrow carbon ultramicropores facilitates the nonreactive displacement of CH4 by coadsorbed CO2. This is because in narrow carbon ultramicropores the equilibrium CO2/CH4 selectivity (i.e., preferential adsorption toward CO2) increased significantly. The adsorption field in wider micropores (i.e., the overall surface energy) for both CO2 and CH4 is very similar, which decreases the preferential CO2 adsorption. This suppresses the displacement of CH4 by coadsorbed CO2 and assists further adsorption of CH4 from the bulk mixture (i.e., CO2/CH4 mixing in adsorbed phase).
Synergetic effect of carbon nanopore size and surface oxidation on CO2 capture from CO2/CH4 mixtures
We have studied the synergetic effect of confinement (carbon nanopore size) and surface chemistry (the number of carbonyl groups) on CO2 capture from its mixtures with CH4 at typical operating conditions for industrial adsorptive separation (298 K and compressed CO2CH4 mixtures). Although both confinement and surface oxidation have an impact on the efficiency of CO2/CH4 adsorptive separation at thermodynamics equilibrium, we show that surface functionalization is the most important factor in designing an efficient adsorbent for CO2 capture. Systematic Monte Carlo simulations revealed that adsorption of CH4 either pure or mixed with CO2 on oxidized nanoporous carbons is only slightly increased by the presence of functional groups (surface dipoles). In contrast, adsorption of CO2 is very sensitive to the number of carbonyl groups, which can be examined by a strong electric quadrupolar moment of CO2. Interestingly, the adsorbed amount of CH4 is strongly affected by the presence of the co-adsorbed CO2. In contrast, the CO2 uptake does not depend on the molar ratio of CH4 in the bulk mixture. The optimal carbonaceous porous adsorbent used for CO2 capture near ambient conditions should consist of narrow carbon nanopores with oxidized pore walls. Furthermore, the equilibrium separation factor was the greatest for CO2/CH4 mixtures with a low CO2 concentration. The maximum equilibrium separation factor of CO2 over CH4 of ∼18–20 is theoretically predicted for strongly oxidized nanoporous carbons. Our findings call for a review of the standard uncharged model of carbonaceous materials used for the modeling of the adsorption separation processes of gas mixtures containing CO2 (and other molecules with strong electric quadrupolar moment or dipole moment).