999 resultados para Cable-Driven Parallel Manipulator


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Laminar separation bubbles are thought to be highly non-parallel, and hence global stability studies start from this premise. However, experimentalists have always realized that the flow is more parallel than is commonly believed, for pressure-gradient-induced bubbles, and this is why linear parallel stability theory has been successful in describing their early stages of transition. The present experimental/numerical study re-examines this important issue and finds that the base flow in such a separation bubble becomes nearly parallel due to a strong-interaction process between the separated boundary layer and the outer potential flow. The so-called dead-air region or the region of constant pressure is a simple consequence of this strong interaction. We use triple-deck theory to qualitatively explain these features. Next, the implications of global analysis for the linear stability of separation bubbles are considered. In particular we show that in the initial portion of the bubble, where the flow is nearly parallel, local stability analysis is sufficient to capture the essential physics. It appears that the real utility of the global analysis is perhaps in the rear portion of the bubble, where the flow is highly non-parallel, and where the secondary/nonlinear instability stages are likely to dominate the dynamics.


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A new carbazole-based 90 degrees dipyridyl donor 3,6-di(4-pyridylethynyl)carbazole (L) containing carbazole-ethynyl functionality is synthesized in reasonable yield using the Sonagashira coupling reaction. Multinuclear NMR, electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), including single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis characterized this 90 degrees building unit. The stoichiometry combination of L with several Pd(II)/Pt(II)-based 90 degrees acceptors (1a-1d) yielded 2 + 2] self-assembled metallacycles (2a-2d) under mild conditions in quantitative yields 1a = cis-(dppf)Pd(OTf)(2); 1b = cis-(dppf)Pt(OTf)(2); 1c = cis-(tmen)Pd(NO3)(2); 1d = 3,6-bis{trans-Pt(C C) (PEt3)(2)(NO3))carbazole]. All these macrocycles were characterized by various spectroscopic techniques, and the molecular structure of 2a was unambiguously determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Incorporation of ethynyl functionality to the carbazole backbone causes the resulted macrocycles (2a-2d) to be pi-electron rich and thereby exhibit strong emission characteristics. The macrocycle 2a has a large internal concave aromatic surface. The fluorescence quenching study suggests that 2a forms a similar to 1:1 complex with C-60 with a high association constant of K-sv = 1.0 X 10(5) M-1.


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Many common activities, like reading, scanning scenes, or searching for an inconspicuous item in a cluttered environment, entail serial movements of the eyes that shift the gaze from one object to another. Previous studies have shown that the primate brain is capable of programming sequential saccadic eye movements in parallel. Given that the onset of saccades directed to a target are unpredictable in individual trials, what prevents a saccade during parallel programming from being executed in the direction of the second target before execution of another saccade in the direction of the first target remains unclear. Using a computational model, here we demonstrate that sequential saccades inhibit each other and share the brain's limited processing resources (capacity) so that the planning of a saccade in the direction of the first target always finishes first. In this framework, the latency of a saccade increases linearly with the fraction of capacity allocated to the other saccade in the sequence, and exponentially with the duration of capacity sharing. Our study establishes a link between the dual-task paradigm and the ramp-to-threshold model of response time to identify a physiologically viable mechanism that preserves the serial order of saccades without compromising the speed of performance.


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We report unusual jamming in driven ordered vortex flow in 2H-NbS2. Reinitiating movement in these jammed vortices with a higher driving force and halting it thereafter once again with a reduction in drive leads to a critical behavior centered around the depinning threshold via divergences in the lifetimes of transient states, validating the predictions of a recent simulation study Reichhardt and Olson Reichhardt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 168301 (2009)] which also pointed out a correspondence between plastic depinning in vortex matter and the notion of random organization proposed Corte et al., Nat. Phys. 4, 420 (2008)] in the context of sheared colloids undergoing diffusive motion.


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In this paper, we address a scheduling problem for minimizing total weighted flowtime, observed in automobile gear manufacturing. Specifically, the bottleneck operation of the pre-heat treatment stage of gear manufacturing process has been dealt with in scheduling. Many real-life scenarios like unequal release times, sequence dependent setup times, and machine eligibility restrictions have been considered. A mathematical model taking into account dynamic starting conditions has been proposed. The problem is derived to be NP-hard. To approach the problem, a few heuristic algorithms have been proposed. Based on planned computational experiments, the performance of the proposed heuristic algorithms is evaluated: (a) in comparison with optimal solution for small-size problem instances and (b) in comparison with the estimated optimal solution for large-size problem instances. Extensive computational analyses reveal that the proposed heuristic algorithms are capable of consistently yielding near-statistically estimated optimal solutions in a reasonable computational time.


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We present a critical investigation on the structural, magnetic, and magnetotransport properties of two sets of polycrystalline SrRuO3 samples with uniquely defined ferromagnetic transition temperatures. The ac magnetic susceptibility study exhibits the remarkable memory effect, a distinct characteristic of glassy behavior, at low temperatures. The transport study suggests a crossover from Fermi-liquid to non-Fermi-liquid behavior. Most strikingly, the temperature-dependent magnetoresistance exhibits two distinct dips (one around ferromagnetic ordering temperature and the other around 50 K), resembling a double-well potential in appearance. In addition, the temperature-dependent coercive field shows a plateau around 50 K. An attempt has been made to employ neutron diffraction to understand the genesis of such unusual low-temperature magnetic features. From the neutron-diffraction study, we find the evidence for changes in the unit-cell lattice parameters around 60 K and, thus, believe that the low-temperature anomalous magnetic response is closely intertwined to lattice-parameter change.


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The Morse-Smale complex is a topological structure that captures the behavior of the gradient of a scalar function on a manifold. This paper discusses scalable techniques to compute the Morse-Smale complex of scalar functions defined on large three-dimensional structured grids. Computing the Morse-Smale complex of three-dimensional domains is challenging as compared to two-dimensional domains because of the non-trivial structure introduced by the two types of saddle criticalities. We present a parallel shared-memory algorithm to compute the Morse-Smale complex based on Forman's discrete Morse theory. The algorithm achieves scalability via synergistic use of the CPU and the GPU. We first prove that the discrete gradient on the domain can be computed independently for each cell and hence can be implemented on the GPU. Second, we describe a two-step graph traversal algorithm to compute the 1-saddle-2-saddle connections efficiently and in parallel on the CPU. Simultaneously, the extremasaddle connections are computed using a tree traversal algorithm on the GPU.


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A decade since the availability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) genome sequence, no promising drug has seen the light of the day. This not only indicates the challenges in discovering new drugs but also suggests a gap in our current understanding of Mtb biology. We attempt to bridge this gap by carrying out extensive re-annotation and constructing a systems level protein interaction map of Mtb with an objective of finding novel drug target candidates. Towards this, we synergized crowd sourcing and social networking methods through an initiative `Connect to Decode' (C2D) to generate the first and largest manually curated interactome of Mtb termed `3interactome pathway' (IPW), encompassing a total of 1434 proteins connected through 2575 functional relationships. Interactions leading to gene regulation, signal transduction, metabolism, structural complex formation have been catalogued. In the process, we have functionally annotated 87% of the Mtb genome in context of gene products. We further combine IPW with STRING based network to report central proteins, which may be assessed as potential drug targets for development of drugs with least possible side effects. The fact that five of the 17 predicted drug targets are already experimentally validated either genetically or biochemically lends credence to our unique approach.


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Critical applications like cyclone tracking and earthquake modeling require simultaneous high-performance simulations and online visualization for timely analysis. Faster simulations and simultaneous visualization enable scientists provide real-time guidance to decision makers. In this work, we have developed an integrated user-driven and automated steering framework that simultaneously performs numerical simulations and efficient online remote visualization of critical weather applications in resource-constrained environments. It considers application dynamics like the criticality of the application and resource dynamics like the storage space, network bandwidth and available number of processors to adapt various application and resource parameters like simulation resolution, simulation rate and the frequency of visualization. We formulate the problem of finding an optimal set of simulation parameters as a linear programming problem. This leads to 30% higher simulation rate and 25-50% lesser storage consumption than a naive greedy approach. The framework also provides the user control over various application parameters like region of interest and simulation resolution. We have also devised an adaptive algorithm to reduce the lag between the simulation and visualization times. Using experiments with different network bandwidths, we find that our adaptive algorithm is able to reduce lag as well as visualize the most representative frames.


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The lead free ferroelectric Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 (NBT) is shown to exhibit electric-field-induced monoclinic (Cc) to rhombohedral (R3c) phase transformation at room temperature. This phenomenon has been analyzed both from the viewpoint of the intrinsic polarization rotation and adaptive phase models. In analogy with the morphotropic phase boundary systems, NBT seems to possess intrinsic competing ferroelectric instabilities near room temperature.


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This paper presents a decentralized/peer-to-peer architecture-based parallel version of the vector evaluated particle swarm optimization (VEPSO) algorithm for multi-objective design optimization of laminated composite plates using message passing interface (MPI). The design optimization of laminated composite plates being a combinatorially explosive constrained non-linear optimization problem (CNOP), with many design variables and a vast solution space, warrants the use of non-parametric and heuristic optimization algorithms like PSO. Optimization requires minimizing both the weight and cost of these composite plates, simultaneously, which renders the problem multi-objective. Hence VEPSO, a multi-objective variant of the PSO algorithm, is used. Despite the use of such a heuristic, the application problem, being computationally intensive, suffers from long execution times due to sequential computation. Hence, a parallel version of the PSO algorithm for the problem has been developed to run on several nodes of an IBM P720 cluster. The proposed parallel algorithm, using MPI's collective communication directives, establishes a peer-to-peer relationship between the constituent parallel processes, deviating from the more common master-slave approach, in achieving reduction of computation time by factor of up to 10. Finally we show the effectiveness of the proposed parallel algorithm by comparing it with a serial implementation of VEPSO and a parallel implementation of the vector evaluated genetic algorithm (VEGA) for the same design problem. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The fabrication of functional materials via grain growth engineering implicitly relies on altering the mobilities of grain boundaries (GBs) by applying external fields. Although computer simulations have alluded to kinetic roughening as a potential mechanism for modifying GB mobilities, its implications for grain growth have remained largely unexplored owing to difficulties in bridging the widely separated length and time scales. Here, by imaging GB particle dynamics as well as grain network evolution under shear, we present direct evidence for kinetic roughening of GBs and unravel its connection to grain growth in driven colloidal polycrystals. The capillary fluctuation method allows us to quantitatively extract shear-dependent effective mobilities. Remarkably, our experiments reveal that for sufficiently large strains, GBs with normals parallel to shear undergo preferential kinetic roughening, resulting in anisotropic enhancement of effective mobilities and hence directional grain growth. Single-particle level analysis shows that the mobility anisotropy emerges from strain-induced directional enhancement of activated particle hops normal to the GB plane. We expect our results to influence materials fabrication strategies for atomic and block copolymeric polycrystals as well.


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The origin of hydrodynamic turbulence in rotating shear flows is investigated, with particular emphasis on the flows whose angular velocity decreases but whose specific angular momentum increases with the increasing radial coordinate. Such flows are Rayleigh stable, but must be turbulent in order to explain the observed data. Such a mismatch between the linear theory and the observations/experiments is more severe when any hydromagnetic/magnetohydrodynamic instability and then the corresponding turbulence therein is ruled out. This work explores the effect of stochastic noise on such hydrodynamic flows. We essentially concentrate on a small section of such a flow, which is nothing but a plane shear flow supplemented by the Coriolis effect. This also mimics a small section of an astrophysical accretion disc. It is found that such stochastically driven flows exhibit large temporal and spatial correlations of perturbation velocities and hence large energy dissipations of perturbation, which presumably generate the instability. A range of angular velocity (Omega) profiles of the background flow, starting from that of a constant specific angular momentum (lambda = Omega r(2); r being the radial coordinate) to a constant circular velocity (v(phi) = Omega r), is explored. However, all the background angular velocities exhibit identical growth and roughness exponents of their perturbations, revealing a unique universality class for the stochastically forced hydrodynamics of rotating shear flows. This work, to the best of our knowledge, is the first attempt to understand the origin of instability and turbulence in three-dimensional Rayleigh stable rotating shear flows by introducing additive noise to the underlying linearized governing equations. This has important implications to resolve the turbulence problem in astrophysical hydrodynamic flows such as accretion discs.