980 resultados para C source


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Bibliographies: p. 184-212.


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"In cooperation with the agricultural experiment stations of Alabama, Arizona, California, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New York (Cornell), North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming."


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Sturgis' source: Mrs. A.L. Nue; Original photo by Revenaugh & Co., Photographic & Portrait Studio, No. 28 Huron St., upstairs


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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Two experiments investigated the extent of message processing of a persuasive communication proposed by either a numerical majority or minority. Both experiments crossed source status (majority versus minority) with message quality (strong versus weak arguments) to determine which source condition is associated with systematic processing. The first experiment showed a reliable difference between strong and weak messages, indicating systematic processing had occurred, for a minority irrespective of message direction (pro- versus counter-attitudinal), but not for a majority. The second experiment showed that message outcome moderates when a majority or a minority leads to systematic processing. When the message argued for a negative personal outcome, there was systematic processing only for the majority source; but when the message did not argue for a negative personal outcome, there was systematic processing only for the minority source. Thus one key moderator of whether a majority or minority source leads to message processing is whether the topic induces defensive processing motivated by self-interest. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Three experiments examined the extent to which attitudes following majority and minority influence are resistant to counter-persuasion. In Experiment 1, participants' attitudes were measured after being exposed to two messages which argued opposite positions (initial pro-attitudinal message and subsequent, counter-attitudinal counter-message). Attitudes following minority endorsement of the initial message were more resistant to a (second) counter-message than attitudes following majority endorsement of the initial message. Experiment 2 replicated this finding when the message direction was reversed (counter-attitudinal initial message and pro-attitudinal counter-message) and showed that the level of message elaboration mediated the amount of attitude resistance. Experiment 3 included conditions where participants received only the counter-message and showed that minority-source participants had resisted the second message (counter-message) rather than being influenced by it. These results show that minority influence induces systematic processing of its arguments which leads to attitudes which are resistant to counter-persuasion. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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A semiconductor based scheme has been proposed for generating entangled photon pairs from the radiative decay of an electrically pumped biexciton in a quantum dot. Symmetric dots produce polarization entanglement, but experimentally realized asymmetric dots produce photons entangled in both polarization and frequency. In this work, we investigate the possibility of erasing the “which-path” information contained in the frequencies of the photons produced by asymmetric quantum dots to recover polarization-entangled photons. We consider a biexciton with nondegenerate intermediate excitonic states in a leaky optical cavity with pairs of degenerate cavity modes close to the nondegenerate exciton transition frequencies. An open quantum system approach is used to compute the polarization entanglement of the two-photon state after it escapes from the cavity, measured by the visibility of two-photon interference fringes. We explicitly relate the two-photon visibility to the degree of the Bell-inequality violation, deriving a threshold at which Bell-inequality violations will be observed. Our results show that an ideal cavity will produce maximally polarization-entangled photon pairs, and even a nonideal cavity will produce partially entangled photon pairs capable of violating a Bell-inequality.


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Commonly recommended plant sources of provitamin A, such as dark green leafy vegetables, are not acceptable in many population groups. The objective of this study was to identify other indigenous foods that may be effectively promoted to alleviate vitamin A deficiency (VAD) and to gather information relevant to identification, production, acquisition, and consumption of foods relevant to a food-based VAD prevention strategy in the Federated States of Micronesia. An ethnographic study on edible pandanus cultivars, involving key informant interviews and observation was carried out. Analyses revealed a great range in carotenoid content. Several orange-coloured pandanus cultivars, all highly acceptable, contained high levels of carotenoid, almost meeting daily requirements in usual consumption patterns, whereas light yellow-coloured cultivars contained low levels. Availability has decreased substantially in recent years due to increased consumption of imported foods and general neglect of indigenous foods. High-carotenoid pandanus should be promoted for general enjoyment and health benefits.


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An enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) system was developed in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) using propionate as the sole carbon source. The microbial community was followed using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques and Candidatus 'Accumulibacter phosphatis' were quantified from the start up of the reactor until steady state. A series of SBR cycle studies was performed when 55% of the SBR biomass was Accumulibacter, a confirmed polyphosphate accumulating organism (PAO) and when Candidatus 'Competibacter phosphatis,' a confirmed glycogen-accumulating organism (GAO), was essentially undetectable. These experiments evaluated two different carbon sources (propionate and acetate), and in every case, two different P-release rates were detected. The highest rate took place while there was volatile fatty acid (VFA) in the mixed liquor, and after the VFA was depleted a second P-release rate was observed. This second rate was very similar to the one detected in experiments performed without added VFA. A kinetic and stoichiometric model developed as a modification of Activated Sludge Model 2 (ASM2) including glycogen economy, was fitted to the experimental profiles. The validation and calibration of this model was carried out with the cycle study experiments performed using both VFAs. The effect of pH from 6.5 to 8.0 on anaerobic P-release and VFA-uptake and aerobic P-uptake was also studied using propionate. The optimal overall working pH was around 7.5. This is the first study of the microbial community involved in EBPR developed with propionate as a sole carbon source along with detailed process performance investigations of the propionate-utilizing PAOs. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The bimodal NW Etendeka province is located at the continental end of the Tristan plume trace in coastal Namibia. It comprises a high-Ti (Khumib type) and three low-Ti basalt (Tafelberg, Kuidas and Esmeralda types) suites, with, at stratigraphically higher level, interstratified high-Ti latites (three units) and quartz latites (five units), and one low-Ti quartz latite. Khumib basalts are enriched in high field strength elements and light rare earth elements relative to low-Ti types and exhibit trace element affinities with Tristan da Cunha lavas. The unradiogenic Pb-206/Pb-204 ratios of Khumib basalts are distinctive, most plotting to the left of the 132 Ma Geochron, together with elevated Pb-207/Pb-204 ratios, and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions plotting in the lower Nd-143/Nd-144 part of mantle array (EM1-like). The low-Ti basalts have less coherent trace element patterns and variable, radiogenic initial Sr (similar to0.707-0.717) and Pb isotope compositions, implying crustal contamination. Four samples, however, have less radiogenic Pb and Sr that we suggest approximate their uncontaminated source. All basalt types, but particularly the low-Ti types, contain samples with trace element characteristics (e.g. Nb/Nb-*) suggesting metasediment input, considered source-related. Radiogenic isotope compositions of these samples require long-term isolation of the source in the mantle and depletions (relative to unmodified sediment) in certain elements (e.g. Cs, Pb, U), which are possibly subduction-related. A geodynamic model is proposed in which the emerging Tristan plume entrained subducted material in the Transition Zone region, and further entrained asthenosphere during plume head expansion. Mixing calculations suggest that the main features of the Etendeka basalt types can be explained without sub-continental lithospheric mantle input. Crustal contamination is evident in most low-Ti basalts, but is distinct from the incorporation of a metasedimentary source component at mantle depths.


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This study was undertaken to assess the impact of dietary carbohydrate source on food intake, body composition, glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and glucose and insulin concentrations in overweight and obese cats with reduced insulin sensitivity. Sixteen overweight and obese cats were divided into two groups and randomly allocated one of two extruded diets formulated to contain similar starch content (33%) from different cereal sources (sorghum and corn versus rice). Meal response, glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity tests were performed before and after a 6-week weight-maintenance phase and after an additional 8-week free-access feeding phase. Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)-derived body composition was determined in each cat before the study and after each test phase. Food intake was measured daily and body weight measured twice weekly for the duration of the study. When compared with the sorghum/corn-based diet, cats fed the rice-based diet consumed more energy and gained more weight in response to free-access feeding. Cats fed the rice-based diet also tended to have higher glucose concentrations and insulin secretion in response to a glucose load or a test meal. We conclude that a sorghum and corn blend is a superior carbohydrate source than rice for overweight cats with glucose intolerance and reduced insulin sensitivity. Such a diet may help to minimize overeating and additional weight gain, and may also reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Adult neural progenitors have been isolated from diverse regions of the CNS using methods which primarily involve the enzymatic digestion of tissue pieces; however, interpretation of these experiments can be complicated by the loss of anatomical resolution during the isolation procedures. We have developed a novel, explant-based technique for the isolation of neural progenitors, Living CNS regions were sectioned using a vibratome and small, well-defined discs of tissue punched out. When Cultured. explants from the cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, spinal cord, hypothalamus, and caudate nucleus all robustly gave rise to proliferating progenitors. These progenitors were similar in behaviour and morphology to previously characterised multipotent hippocampal progenitor lines. Clones from all regions examined could proliferate from single cells and give rise to secondary neurospheres at a low but consistent frequency. Immunostaining demonstrated that clonal cortical progenitors were able to differentiate into both neurons and glial cells, indicating their multipotent characteristics. These results demonstrate it is possible to isolate anatomically resolved adult neural progenitors from small amounts of tissue throughout the CNS, thus, providing a tool for investigating the frequency and characteristics of progenitor cells from different regions. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.