998 resultados para Brasil. [Lei de anistia (1979)]


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Esta pesquisa trata de um grande projeto hidrelétrico, Inambari, que estava se transformando em realidade como parte de acordos entre o governo do Brasil no sendo período de Lula (2006-2010) e do governo peruano de Alan GarciaAG (2006-2011). Inambari é um dos mais recentes projetos hidrelétricos peruanos feitos para exportar ao Brasil. Mas, apesar de formar parte de um acordo entre esses países, por agora está detido devido a protestos e mobilizações da população dos territ´porios de Inambari contra a política hegenica de AG. Analogamente ao caso da estrada Interoceãnica Sul, a construção e operação da Usina Inambari pode ser entendida como um caso embletico no cenário Latino Americano atual. Esta não seria apenas o maior projeto hidrelétrico da amania peruana, custando aproximadamente 4 biles de dolares e prometendo um potencial de geração de energia elétrica de cerca de 2.200 MW para exportar ao Brasil por ano, mas também concretizaria o vínculo energético estratégico entre estes dois países atras de um complexo de usinas e linhas de transmissão interconectados. Para sua concretização se conta com o amparo financeiro e legislativo dos dois governos e suas instituições de fomento, além de instituições de internacionais de investimento (como o BID e o BM) e do capital internacional (este útlimo proveniente principalmente de empreiteiras brasileiras beneficiárias do modelo de concessões federais). Aqui se estudam os potenciais impactos na economia amanica do modelo vigente de exploração de recursos naturaisdricos amanicos atras do caso INAMBARI. A conclusão aponta que inexistência de participação popular como o maior entrave ao desenvolvimento amanico e tenta explicar a novaconfiguração dos movimentos sociais que buscam voz para os povos da Amania bem como o pioneirismo peruano em relação a lei de consulta prévia


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s-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Recently, some countries outside the Triad (Japan, Europe and the United States) have assumed an important role in the pharmaceutical scenario, as large producers, among them stand out Brazil. In the 90s, there were major institutional transformations and the pharmaceutical industry has undergone a reverse specialization process, because liberalization has discouraged production of pharmaceutical chemicals and dependence of imports increased. The law of generics medicines in 1999 emerged as an attempt to increase the population's access to medicines equivalent to ones with brand, with more affordable prices. As a result of this law there was a strengthening of the national capital and a major attraction for foreign companies to brazilian market. This study aims to assess the development trajectory of the country, showing how path-dependence has culminated in greater empowerment of national pharmaceutical industries after the Generics Law in 1999


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This article presents a reflection on the historical aspects and legislation on Distance Learning (DL). For this, a bibliographic and documentary research was performed with the goal of raising the necessary notes for discussion. The text begins with the characterization of the current society, the Information Society, which supports the modern distance education, which uses information and communication technologies (ICTs) to establish the process of learning teaching. Five stages of the EAD are identified. Later, the Brazilian legislation concerning the DL is punctuated, starting with the passage by Article 80 of the Guidelines and Bases Law-LBD (Law 9394/96) along with the critical analysis of Decree 5,622/05. Finally, in the final considerations is discussed the negative image that the DL carries by the Brazilian population and obstacles in the existing rules that hinder the democratization of access to education that aims DL.


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O artigo é uma reflexão a partir da pesquisa desenvolvida junto a professores da rede municipal de Várzea Paulista (SP) no que diz respeito ao conhecimento deles sobre a lei 10639/2003, tendo por base um questionário e o desenvolvimento de um curso sobre o assunto.


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The objective of this study is to examine if economic growth in Brazil was blocking due to external constraints, that is, in consequence of its Balance of Payments. We work with the approach first proposed by Thirlwall (1979) which was later modified by Lima and Carvalho (2009). We can conclude that economic growth was restricted by the external sector, which is consistent with the economic history of Brazil, and verify that the real exchange rate, and to influence the trade balance in the course run, also excerce some influence on this account balance of payments in the long run.


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The present study, theoretical, aims to talk about educational policies in Brazil, aiming to unveil what they say these policies, the legitimacy and visibility that give coverage of sexuality in schools. Both sexuality and gender relations have gained attention in a Brazilian educational research in the mid-90th century. These policies have been the National Curricular Parameters (PCN). They present the cross-cutting themes: ethics, health, environment, cultural diversity and sexual orientation, which should be integrated into conventional areas of the school said. Another document of this same decade of education is the National Education Plan (PNE), however this encompasses so hidden sexuality and gender relations. In fact, both the new Law of Directives and Bases (LDB), the PNE in these subjects are veiled. An interesting initiative is happening in Brazil is the project Gender and Sexual Diversity (GDE) for the training of professionals in education issues of gender, sexuality and sexual orientation and ethnic-racial relations, is entering the national perspective of implementation public policy of equality and respect for diversity. However, much remains to be done thinking about the effectiveness of public policies that are effective with respect to space and visibility for the treatment of sexuality. We must also articulate the integration of these themes in these policies, strategies to raise awareness of education professionals in order to secure that they are actually implemented.


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Bajo la perspectiva discursiva, específicamente francesa y sen estudios realizados por Hall (2002), Souza Santos (2005) entre otros, que están analizando el concepto de identidad, como los estudios de Celada (2002, 2009, 2010), Serrani (1997, 2003, 2005) y Zoppi-Fontana (2009), con relación al proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de Lengua Extranjera, verificamos que la construcción de la identidad se da en proceso de constante reconfiguración, visto que aprender otra lengua implica entrar en contacto con otros modos de ver y de nombrar el mundo, y de este modo es necesario “desplazarsede sí mismo y reconfigurarse con relación a otro(s) hablante(s) de esta nueva lengua a ser aprendida. En nuestro caso se trata de aprender y enseñar lenguas próximas: portugués y español, con rasgos lingüístico-discursivos de aproximaciones y de distanciamientos. Para tanto, este estudio preliminar tiene como objetivos: verificar como acontece actualmente la constitución de la(s) identidad(es) en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de Español Lengua Extranjera (ELE) en Brasil y de Portugués Lengua Extranjera (PLE) en Argentina, en especial en la formación del profesor de estas lenguas; observar contextos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, los que posibilitan la inserción del profesor de Portugués (PLE) en Argentina y del profesor de Español (ELE) en las regiones enfocadas, considerando las Leyes brasileña y argentina que determinan la oferta de la enseñanza de las referidas lenguas: Ley 26.468, de enero de 2009, que determina la oferta obligatoria del Portugués en Argentina y la Ley no. 11.161, de agosto de 2005, sobre la enseñanza de la Lengua Española en Brasil. La metodología, de tipo interpretativista, presupone como instrumentos la realización de análisis de las Leyes que promueven la enseñanza de ELE en Brasil y de PLE en Argentina, así como de entrevistas, preguntas e análisis de los datos levantados.


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This research aims to analyze the behavior of the central legislature in five key moments in the institutionalization of defense policy in Brazil: (i) the approval of the first version of the National Defense Policy, (ii) the creation of the Ministry of Defence (iii) the approval of the second version of the National Defense Policy, (iv) the approval of the National Defense Strategy, and (v) the approval of the Supplementary Law No. 136 of 2010 which, among other things, provides for the creation of the Book white National Defense. This process covers the mandates of the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (1995-2010). Besides the description of each of the above moments, we discuss the performance of the country on the agenda of regional and international security and are raised the resources available to Congress in order to strengthen their participation in the formulation of defense policy. The approval processes for each of the policies and laws are related to provide a view of the Legislative Power's capacity or not to change matters that in general have been proposed by the Executive Power. Finally, the study identifies how the progress in the participation of the Legislative Power in matters of defense policy was shy, but important because it signifies the increase of representation in popular theme


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The theme of African-Brazilian culture is still little explored in the school environment, in spite of the 10.639/03 law which prescribes its mandatory teaching as well as that of African-Brazilian history and African culture in all schools, public and private, from the Elementary School level to High School. Moreover, this law emphasizes the importance that these cultures had in the formation of Brazilian society. Considering this issue, this paper aims to analyze the work Ts anjos mulatos do Brasil (2011), by Rui de Oliveira, which brings together three sensitive and touching biographies, followed by beautiful and artistic pictures. hese narratives address the genius of three great artistsAleijadinho, Mestre Valentim and Father José Maurício–, their styles, their creations and struggle for recognition, as well as the sufering they experienced, primarily caused by racial discrimination. Also, we intend to present in this text a suggested pedagogical use of the work by Oliveira, by applying the “Recepcional” method, as it was deined by Bordini and Aguiar (1993).


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This article makes a historiography discussion about slavery, indicates the advances in combats for an afro-brasilian history and, in view of cultural re-sense shows a need to consider the students prior knowledge and content of teaching History. These knowledges are essential to move beyond the denunciation of the violence of slavery and lead to the classroom buildings of the recent historiography on slavery in Brazil in view of breaking of stereotypes and changing attitudes.


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s-graduação em Direito - FCHS