976 resultados para Blast furnace slag
Diplomityössä päivitetään voimalaitoksen ympäristöntarkkailusuunnitelma vastaamaan uudistuneen ympäristöluvan ja lainsäädännön edellytyksiä. Työssä tutkitaan leijupetikatti-loiden tulipesän lämpötiloja, savukaasun viipymäaikoja tulipesässä, leijukerroskattiloiden päästöjä, päästöjen jatkuvatoimista mittaamista sekä päästöjen seurantaa ja raportointia. Tulipesän lämpötiloja mitattiin kupla- ja kiertoleijukattiloilla. Tuloksien perusteella havait-tiin kiertoleijukattilan tulipesän alaosan lämpötilojen olevan lähes riippumaton pedin lämpötilasta ja höyrykuormasta. Tulipesän yläosassa lämpötilat nousevat höyrykuorman kasvaessa, mutta pedin lämpötilalla ei havaittu vaikutusta tulipesän yläosassakaan. Molemmilla kattiloilla havaittiin voimakas vaakatasoinen lämpötilaprofiili. Kuplaleijukattilalla sekä höyrykuorma että pedin lämpötila vaikuttivat tulipesän lämpötilaan. Savukaasun teoreettiset viipymäajat laskettiin kiertoleijukattilalle. Laskelmien ja mittauksien perusteella havaittiin kattilalla mahdollisuus saavuttaa savukaasun kahden sekunnin viipymäaika 850 ºC lämpötilassa. Kattilan käyttäytymisen aukottomaksi selvittämiseksi kaikilla polttoaineseoksilla ja höyrykuormilla tarvitaan lisää toimenpiteitä kattilalla ja lisää tulipesän lämpötilamittauksia. Leijukerroskattiloiden päästöjen syntymistä ja hallintaa tutkittiin teoreettisesti kirjallisuustutkimuksena. Tutkittuihin päästöihin kuuluivat typen oksidit, rikkidioksidi, hiukkaset, hiilimonoksidi, orgaaninen kokonaishiili, suolahappo, fluorivety, raskasmetallit sekä dioksiinit ja furaanit. Jatkuvatoimisten päästömittausmittauslaitteiden toimintaperiaatteita selvitettiin kirjalli-suustutkimuksena. Samoin selvitettiin jatkuvatoimisten päästömittauslaitteiden virhelähtei-tä. Päästömittauslaitteille laadittiin pitkän ja lyhyen ajan laadunvarmistussuunnitelma. Ha-vaittiin, että nykyiset jatkuvatoimiset päästömittauslaitteet eivät täytä kaikkia uusia laatu-kriteereitä. Päästöjen jatkuvatoimiseen seuraamiseen työssä suunniteltiin uusi valvomonäyttö. Uuden näytön avulla tehostetaan päästöjen valvontaa. Päästöjen raportointiin työssä suunniteltiin vuorokausiraportti. Raporttiin kerätään jatkuva-toimisten päästömittauslaitteiden puolen tunnin keskiarvot. Raportin tarkastaa, allekirjoittaa ja arkistoi vuorossa oleva operaattori.
Työn tavoite oli kehittää karakterisointimenetelmät kalkkikiven ja polttoaineen tuhkan jauhautumisen ennustamiselle kiertoleijukattilan tulipesässä. Kiintoainekäyttäytymisen karakterisoinnilla ja mallintamisella voidaan tarkentaa tulipesän lämmönsiirron ja tuhkajaon ennustamista. Osittain kokeelliset karakterisointimenetelmät perustuvat kalkkikiven jauhautumiseen laboratoriokokoluokan leijutetussa kvartsiputkireaktorissa ja tuhkan jauhatumiseen rotaatiomyllyssä. Karakterisointimenetelmät ottavat huomioon eri-laiset toimintaolosuhteet kaupallisen kokoluokan kiertoleijukattiloissa. Menetelmät kelpoistettiin kaupallisen kokoluokan kiertoleijukattiloista mitattujen ja fraktioittaisella kiintoainemallilla mallinnettujen taseiden avulla. Kelpoistamistaseiden vähäisyydestä huolimatta karakterisointimenetelmät arvioitiin virhetarkastelujen perusteella järkeviksi. Karakterisointimenetelmien kehittämistä ja tarkentamista tullaan jatkamaan.
Dioxins and furans, PCDD/Fs, are highly toxic substances formed in post combustion zones in furnaces. PCDD/F emissions are regulated by a waste incineration directive which relates also to co-incineration plants. Several observations of dioxin and furan enhancements in wet scrub- bers have been reported previously. This is thought to be due to the so-called "memory effect" which occurs when dioxins and furans absorb into plastic material in scrubbers and desorb when ambient circumstances alter significantly. At the co-incineration plant involved, dioxins and furans are controlled with a wet scrubber, the tower packing of which is made of plastic in which activated carbon particles are dispersed. This should avoid the memory effect and act as a dioxin and furan sink since dioxins and furans are absorbed irreversibly into the packing ma- terial. In this case, the tower packing in the scrubber is covered with a white layer that has been found to be mainly aluminium. The aim of this thesis was to determine the aluminium balance and the dioxin and furan behaviour in the scrubber and, thus, the impacts that the foul- ing has on dioxin and furan removal. The source of aluminium, reasons for fouling and further actions to minimize its impacts on dioxin and furan removal were also to be discovered. Measurements in various media around the scrubber and in fuels were made and a profile analysis of PCDD/F and mass balance calculations were carried out. PCDD/F content de- creased in the scrubber. The reduced PCDD/F was not discharged into scrubbing water. The removal mechanism seems to work in spite of the fouling, at least with low PCDD/F loads. Most of the PCDD/F in excess water originates from the Kymijoki River which is used as feeding water in the scrubber. Fouling turned out to consist mainly of aluminium hydroxides. Sludge combusted in the furnace was found to be a significant source of aluminium. Ways to minimize the fouling would be adjustment of pH to a proper lever, installation of a mechanical filter to catch the loose material from the scrubbing water and affecting the aluminium content of the sludge.
Most aerial parts of the plants are covered by a hydrophobic coating called cuticle. The cuticle is formed of cutin, a complex mixture of esterified fatty acids that are embedded and associated with waxes. The cuticle often appears as a superposition of layers of different composition: The cuticle proper formed of cutin and a mixture of waxes and underneath, the cuticle layer containing cutin, intracuticular waxes and polysaccharides of the cell wall. In addition to its involvement in plant development by preventing organ fusions, the cuticle acts as a barrier to prevent water loss and protect plants against environmental aggressions such as excessive radiation or pathogens attacks. PEC1/AtABCG32 is an ABC transporter from the PDR family involved in cutin biosynthesis. Characterization of the peci mutant in Arabidopsis thaliana showed that PEC1 plays a significant role in the diffusion barrier formation in leaves and petals. The cuticles of leaves and flowers of peci are permeable and the cuticular layer rather than the cuticular proper was altered in the petals, underlining the importance of this particular layer in the maintenance of the diffusion barrier. Chemical analysis on the flower cutin monomer composition of ped mutant revealed a decrease in hydroxylated cutin monomers, suggesting a function of PEC1 in the incorporation of these monomers in the polymer cutin. However, the exact nature of the substrates of PEC1 remained elusive. PEC1 homologues in barley and rice, respectively HvABCG31/EIBI1 and OsABCG31, are also implicated in cuticle biosynthesis. Interestingly, the rice mutant displays more severe phenotypes such as dwarfism and spreading necrosis conducting to the seedling death. In this work, we further characterized osabcg31 mutant and hairpin-RNAi downregulated OsABCG31 plant lines showing reduced growth and cuticle permeability. Our analysis showed a decrease in hydroxylated cutin monomers and severe disruptions in the cuticle, which explain the permeability. Further insights into the function of the cuticle in rice resistance/susceptibility to Pathogens were obtained after inoculation with Magnaporthe oryzae, the fungus responsible for the rice blast disease. Osabcg31 as well as the transgenic lines downregulating OsABCG31 showed increased resistance to the fungus. However, only later steps of infection are reduced . and no impact is obseived on the germination or penetration stages, suggesting that the cuticle disruption per se is not responsible for the resistance. We further investigated the cause of the resistance by analyzing the expression of defense related gene in osabcg31 prior to infection. We found that osabcg31 constitutively express defense related genes, which may explain the resistance, the dwarfism and the cell death. osabcg31 is thus a tool to study the connection between cuticle, plant development and defense signaling networks in rice. The transport function of PEC1 family members is still unknown. In order to link cutin biosynthesis and transport activity, we combined ped mutation with mutations in cutin synthesis related genes. Here, we show that PEC1 acts independently from GPAT4 and GPAT8 pathway and partially overlaps with GPAT6 biosynthesis pathway that leads to the production of hydroxylated C16 cutin precursor 2-Mono(10,16-dihydroxyhexadecanoylJglycerol (2-MHG). In addition, we noticed that despite a comparable cutin monomer composition, ped mutant leaves cuticle are permeable while that of gpat6 mutant are not. This finding raises the possibility of PEC1 being required for the incorporation of C16 hydroxylated monomers and their structural arrangement rather than their direct transport towards the cuticle. A careful investigation of the cuticle permeability, cutin composition and ultrastructure during leave development in Wt plants and ped mutants revealed a possible different regulation of several pathways of cutin biosynthesis and showed the importance of PEC1 function early during leave cuticle maturation. In order to elucidate the transport activity of PEC1, we successfully expressed PEC1 in Nicotiana benthamiana plant system for direct transport experiments. This system will be used to test the PEC 1-dependent transport of potential substrates such as sn-2-monoacylglycerol loaded with a hydroxylated C16 fatty acid. -- Toutes les parties aériennes des plantes sont recouvertes d'une couche hydrophobe appelée «cuticule». Cette cuticule est composée de cutine, un polymère d'acides gras estérifiés, et de cires. La cuticule apparaît souvent sous forme de couches superposées: une première couche extérieure appelée «cuticle proper» formée de cutine et d'un mélange de cires, et une deuxième couche, la «cuticle layer», formée de cutine associée à des cires intracuticulaires et des polysaccharides pariétaux. La cuticule joue le rôle de barrière prévenant contre la perte d'eau et les agressions environnementales. AtABCG32/PEC1 est un transporteur ABC de la famille des PDR impliqué dans la synthèse de la cutine. L'étude du mutant peci d'Arabidopsis thaliana a révélé une fonction de PEC1 dans la formation de la barrière de diffusion. La cuticule des feuilles et fleurs de peci est perméable. Des altérations de la «cuticle layer» ont été démontrées, soulignant son importance dans le maintien de la barrière. L'analyse de la composition de la cutine de peci a montré une réduction spécifique en monomères hydroxylés, suggérant un rôle de PEC1 dans leur incorporation dans la cuticule. Cependant, la nature exacte des substrats de PEC1 n'a pas été identifiée. PEC1 possède deux homologues chez l'orge et le riz, respectivement HvABCG31 et OsABCG31, et qui sont impliqués dans la biosynthèse de la cuticule. Chez le riz, des phénotypes plus sévères ont été observés tels que nanisme et nécroses conduisant à la mort des jeunes plants. Dans cette étude, nous avons continué la caractérisation de osabcg31 ainsi que des lignées de riz sous exprimant le gène OsABCG31 et présentant une cuticule perméable tout en ayant une meilleure croissance. Notre étude a démontré une réduction des monomères hydroxylés de cutine et une désorganisation de la structure de la cuticule, aggravée dans le mutant osabcg31. Ce résultat explique la perméabilité observée. Des mformations P|us approfondies sur l'implication de la cuticule dans la résistance aux pathogènes ont été obtenues après inoculation du mutant osabcg31 et les lignées sous- exprimant OsABCG31 avec une souche virulente de Magnaporthe Oryzae, le champignon responsable de la pyriculariose du riz. Les différentes lignées testées ont démontré une résistance au pathogène. Cependant, seules les étapes tardives de l'infection sont réduites et aucun impact n'est observé sur la germination des spores ou la pénétration du champignon, suggérant que les modifications de la cuticule ne sont pas directement à l'origine de la résistance. L'analyse de l'expression de gènes impliqués dans la résistance à Magnaporthe.oryzae a mis en évidence l'expression constitutive de ces gènes en l'absence de tout contact avec le pathogène. Ceci explique la résistance, le nanisme et la mort cellulaire observés. Ainsi, osabcg31 représente un outil efficace pour l'étude intégrée des systèmes de régulation de la défense, de développement des plantes et la cuticule. La nature des substrats transportés par PEC1/AtABCG32 reste inconnue. Dans le but d'établir une liaison entre biosynthèse de cutine et transport des précurseurs par PEC1, la mutation peci a été combinée avec des mutants impliqués dans différentes voies de biosynthèse. Cette étude a démontré une fonction indépendante de PEC1 de la voie de biosynthèse impliquant les enzymes GPAT4 et GPAT8, et une fonction partiellement indépendante de la voie impliquant GPAT6 qui mène à la production de précurseurs sn-2- monoacylglycerol chargés en acides gras en C16 (2-MHG). De plus, malgré un profil similaire en monomères de cutine, gpat6 conserve une cuticule imperméable alors que celle de PEC1 est perméable. Ceci suggère que PEC1 est nécessaire à l'incorporation des monomères en C16 et leur arrangement structurel plutôt que simplement à leur transport direct. L'étude approfondie de la perméabilité cuticulaire, de la structure ainsi que de la composition en cutine pendant le développement des feuilles de peci et la plante sauvage a révélé l'existence de différentes régulations des voies de biosynthèses des monomères et a démontré l'importance de PEC1 dans les premières étapes de la mise en place de la cuticule. Pour identifier les substrats transportés, l'expression de PEC1 chez le système hétérologue Nicotiana benthamiana a été conduite avec succès. Ce système sera utilisé pour tester le transport de substrats potentiels tels que le sn-2-monoacylglycerol chargé en acide gras en C16.
A method for the determination of phosphorus in steel samples by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, using the Zeeman effect background correction and the STPF conditions is proposed. The effect of iron (III) on the phosphorus signal was studied. It was verified, through the pyrolysis temperature curves, that iron (III) is an efficient chemical modifier, thermically stabilizing phosphorus up to 1400ºC. The phosphorus signal increases with the iron (III) concentration, but in the range, which corresponds to the usual concentrations of iron in the sample solutions, the increase is small. Phosphorus was determined in three standard reference materials, after its dissolution in a mixture of hydrochloric and perchloric acids in a PTFE bomb. The agreement with the certified concentration values was excellent. Iron (III) was added to the reference analytical solutions prepared in the blank of the dissolution, while the sample solutions were measured directly, since they already contained the modifier. The detection limit (k = 2) was 0.0042% of phosphorus in the steel sample.
Better models are needed for radiative heat transfer in boiler furnaces. If the process is known better, combustion in the furnace can be optimized to produce low emissions. It makes the process to be environmental friendly. Furthermore, if there is a better model of the furnace it can more fully explain what is happening inside the furnace. Using of the model one can quickly and easily analyze how it operates with bio fuels, moist fuels or difficult fuels and improve the operation. Models helps with better estimation of furnace dimensions and result in more accurate understanding of operation. Key component lacking in these models is radiative heat transfer in particle laden gases. If there are no particles than radiative heat transfer can be calculated approximately. There are two problems with current models when used with flow modeling. The first one is a need to account for a particle laden gas and the second one is an absence of a fast algorithm. Fast calculation is needed if radiative heat transfer calculation is done for a large CDF model. Computations slow down if time is required for calculating radiative properties over and over again. This thesis presents a band model for radiative heat transfer in boiler furnaces. Advantage is a quickness of calculation and account of particles in the process.
An automatic system for the direct determination of lead and tin by atomic absorption spectrometry is described. The on-line treatment of the metallic samples was obtained by anodic electrodissolution in a flow injection system. Lead was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) and tin by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS). A computer program managed the current source and the solenoid valves that direct the fluids. Good linear correlations between absorbance and current intensity for lead and tin were observed. Results were in agreement with the certified values. Precision was always better than 5%. The recommended procedure allows the direct determination of 60 or 30 elements/h using FAAS or GFAAS, respectively.
A fast and direct method for the determination of Cr in milk and cane sugar suspensions using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman-effect background correction is described. No sample pre-treatment was necessary, minimizing the risk of contamination. The concentration of chromium in cane sugar was evaluated using Cr reference solutions prepared in 1% v/v HNO3 solution. The milk samples were introduced into the furnace with a mixture of amines for avoiding the autosampler blockage and foaming of milk. Chromium determination in milk was based on the standard additions method (SAM). The limit of detection and characteristic mass for cane sugar sample (30 muL) were 0,13 ng/ml and 4,3 pg, and for milk sample (10 muL) were 0,23 ng/ml and 7,8 pg, respectively. The graphite tube lifetime was 300 firings for sugar-cane sample and 100 firings for milk sample. The heating program was implemented in 68 s.
Selenium is both essential and toxic to man and animals, depending on the concentration and the ingested form. Most fruits and vegetables are poor sources of selenium, but coconut can be a good selenium source. Samples were suspended (1 + 4 v/v) in a mixture of tertiary amines soluble in water (10% v/v CFA-C). This simple sample treatment avoided contamination and decreased the analysis time. The standard additions method was adopted for quantification. The action of the autosampler was improved by the presence of the amines mixture in the suspension. A Varian model AA-800 atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with a graphite furnace and a GTA 100 autosampler was used for selenium determination in coconut water and coconut milk. Background correction was performed by means of the Zeeman effect. Pyrolytically coated graphite tubes were employed. Using Pd as chemical modifier, the pyrolysis and the atomization temperatures were set at 1400 and 2200ºC, respectively. For six samples, the selenium concentration in coconut water varied from 6.5 to 21.0 mug L-1 and in coconut milk from 24.2 to 25.1 mug L-1. The accuracy of the proposed method was evaluated by an addition-recovery experiment and all recovered values are in the 99.5-102.3% range. The main advantage of the proposed method is that it can be directly applied without sample decomposition.
A tungsten coil atomizer was used to investigate the effect of heating programs with constant or variable drying temperatures on the atomization of Al, Cd, Cr and Pb. The variation of the surface temperature in the tungsten coil furnace can occur during each heating step due to the design of the power supply, that may apply constant voltages during a programmed time. For volatile elements (Cd), losses in sensitivity were observed when the program with a variable temperature was used. On the other hand, these effects are negligible for less volatile elements (Al and Cr) and any tested program, in different acidic media, could be used without appreciable changes in sensitivities. The results allow the establishment of proper heating programs for elements with different thermochemical behavior in the tungsten coil atomizer.
Marketta Sundman är en uppskattad forskare och en ansedd akademisk lärare. Till hennes forskningsintressen hör framför allt nusvenskansgrammatiska struktur, tvåspråkighet och inlärning av svenska som främmande språk. Det grammatiska studiet av svenskan representeras i hennes vetenskapliga produktion först och främst av den gedigna doktorsavhandlingen Subjektsval och diates i svenskan (1987). Problem kring tvåspråkighet har hon behandlat ingående t.ex. i monografierna Tvåspråkigheten i skolan: en undersökning av språkfärdigheten hos en- och tvåspråkiga grundskoleelever i Finland (1994) och Barnet, skolan och tvåspråkigheten (1998). Under de senaste åren har hon intresserat sig för inlärning av svenska som främmande språk och för närvarande leder hon ett av Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland finansierat forskningsprojekt med titeln På väg mot kommunikativ kompetens: Tillägnandet av svenskans struktur hos finska inlärare Marketta Sundmans vetenskapliga verksamhet har uppmärksammats även i Sverige; år 2008 tilldelades hon av Svenska Akademien ett pris som årligen tillerkänns en person som ”genom sin verksamhet har gjort särskilt viktiga insatser för svenska språket.” Artiklarna i denna festskrift är skrivna av personer som har anknytning till olika tidsperioder under Markettas akademiska bana – hennes ”färd i språket”. En del av dem kan karakteriseras som akademiska mentorer, en del som kolleger – tidigare eller nuvarande – och en del som adepter till henne. Detta har också varit vårt mål; vi ville bjuda in både namnkunniga nordister och unga forskare från jubilarens närmaste bekantskapskrets. Vi riktar ett stort tack till artikelförfattarna som trots den kärva tidtabellen ville ställa upp! Festskriften publiceras endast i elektroniskt format. Vid Åbo universitet är den därmed den första av sitt slag. Vår förhoppning är att artiklarna tack vare det nya mediet kommer att få stor spridning och vara lättillgängliga för alla intresserade.
Macroscopic samples of fullerene nanostructures are obtained in a modified arc furnace using the electric arc method with a Helium atmosphere at low pressures. High purity graphite rods are used as electrodes but, when drilled and the orifices filled with powders of transition metals (Fe, Co, Ni) acting as catalysts, the resulting particles are carbon nanostructures of the fullerene family, known as Single Wall Nanotubes (SWNTs). They have typical diameters of 1.4 nm, lengths up to tenths of microns and they are arranged together in bundles containing several SWNTs. Those samples are observed and analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) techniques.
The historical development of atomic spectrometry techniques based on chemical vapor generation by both batch and flow injection sampling formats is presented. Detection via atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), microwave induced plasma optical emission spectrometry (MIP-OES), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) , inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and furnace atomic nonthermal excitation spectrometry (FANES) are considered. Hydride generation is separately considered in contrast to other methods of generation of volatile derivatives. Hg ¾ CVAAS (cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry) is not considered here. The current state-of-the-art, including extension, advantages and limitations of this approach is discussed.
A model to solve heat and mass balances during the offdesign load calculations was created. These equations are complex and nonlinear. The main new ideas used in the created offdesign model of a kraft recovery boiler are the use of heat flows as torn iteration variables instead of the current practice of using the mass flows, vectorizing equation solving, thus speeding up the process, using non dimensional variables for solving the multiple heat transfer surface problem and using a new procedure for calculating pressure losses. Recovery boiler heat and mass balances are reduced to vector form. It is shown that these vectorized equations can be solved virtually without iteration. The iteration speed is enhanced by the use of the derived method of calculating multiple heat transfer surfaces simultaneously. To achieve this quick convergence the heat flows were used as the torn iteration parameters. A new method to handle pressure loss calculations with linearization was presented. This method enabled less time to be spent calculating pressure losses. The derived vector representation of the steam generator was used to calculate offdesign operation parameters for a 3000 tds/d example recovery boiler. The model was used to study recovery boiler part load operation and the effect of the black liquor dry solids increase on recovery boiler dimensioning. Heat flows to surface elements for part load calculations can be closely approximated with a previously defined exponent function. The exponential method can be used for the prediction of fouling in kraft recovery boilers. For similar furnaces the firing of 80 % dry solids liquor produces lower hearth heat release rate than the 65 % dry solids liquor if we fire at constant steam flow. The furnace outlet temperatures show that capacity increase with firing rate increase produces higher loadings than capacity increase with dry solids increase. The economizers, boiler banks and furnaces can be dimensioned smaller if we increase the black liquor dry solids content. The main problem with increased black liquor dry solids content is the decrease in the heat available to superheat. Whenever possible the furnace exit temperature should be increased by decreasing the furnace height. The increase in the furnace exit temperature is usually opposed because of fear of increased corrosion.
Thermospray flame furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (TS-FF-AAS) was used for the total determination of Cd, Pb and Zn in fresh water and seawater samples at µg L-1 levels, and in marine sediment samples at µg g-1 levels. Using a sample loop of 50 µL and a peristaltic pump the samples were transported into the metallic tube placed over an air/acetylene flame, through a ceramic capillary (o.d. = 3.2 mm) containing two parallel internal orifices (i.d = 0.5 mm). The detection limits determined for Cd, Pb and Zn using a synthetic water matrix (2.5% m/v NaCl, 0.5% m/v MgCl2 and 0.8% m/v CaCl2) were 0.32 µg L-1; 2.6 µg L-1 and 0.21 µg L-1 respectively. The methodology by TS-FF-AAS was validated by determination of Cd, Pb and Zn in certified reference materials of water and marine sediment, and the t-test for differences between means was applied. No statistically significant differences were established in fresh water and seawater (p>0.05), whereas differences became apparent in marine sediment (p<0.03).