521 resultados para Blast


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The main objective of blasting is to produce optimum fragmentation for downstream processing. Fragmentation is usually considered optimum when the average fragment size is minimum and the fragmentation distribution as uniform as possible. One of the parameters affecting blasting fragmentation is believed to be time delay between holes of the same row. Although one can find a significant number of studies in the literature, which examine the relationship between time delay and fragmentation, their results have been often controversial. The purpose of this work is to increase the level of understanding of how time delay between holes of the same row affects fragmentation. Two series of experiments were conducted for this purpose. The first series involved tests on small scale grout and granite blocks to determine the moment of burden detachment. The instrumentation used for these experiments consisted mainly of strain gauges and piezoelectric sensors. Some experiments were also recorded with a high speed camera. It was concluded that the time of detachment for this specific setup is between 300 and 600 μs. The second series of experiments involved blasting of a 2 meter high granite bench and its purpose was the determination of the hole-to-hole delay that provides optimum fragmentation. The fragmentation results were assessed with image analysis software. Moreover, vibration was measured close to the blast and the experiments were recorded with high speed cameras. The results suggest that fragmentation was optimum when delays between 4 and 6 ms were used for this specific setup. Also, it was found that the moment at which gases first appear to be venting from the face was consistently around 6 ms after detonation.


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Tyrpsine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) effectively target progenitors and mature leukaemic cells but prove less effective at eliminating leukaemic stem cells (LSCs) in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML). Several reports indicate that the TGFβ superfamily pathway is important for LSC survival and quiescence. We conducted extensive microarray analyses to compare expression patterns in normal haemopoietic stem cells (HSC) and progenitors with CML LSC and progenitor populations in chronic phase (CP), accelerated phase (AP) and blast crisis (BC) CML. The BMP/SMAD pathway and downstream signalling molecules were identified as significantly deregulated in all three phases of CML. The changes observed could potentiate altered autocrine signalling, as BMP2, BMP4 (p<0.05), and ACTIVIN A (p<0.001) were all down regulated, whereas BMP7, BMP10 and TGFβ (p<0.05) were up regulated in CP. This was accompanied by up regulation of BMPRI (p<0.05) and downstream SMADs (p<0.005). Interestingly, as CML progressed, the profile altered, with BC patients showing significant over-expression of ACTIVIN A and its receptor ACVR1C. To further characterise the BMP pathway and identify potential candidate biomarkers within a larger cohort, expression analysis of 42 genes in 60 newly diagnosed CP CML patient samples, enrolled on a phase III clinical trial (www.spirit-cml.org) with greater than 12 months follow-up data on their response to TKI was performed. Analysis revealed that the pathway was highly deregulated, with no clear distinction when patients were stratified into good, intermediate and poor response to treatment. One of the major issues in developing new treatments to target LSCs is the ability to test small molecule inhibitors effectively as it is difficult to obtain sufficient LSCs from primary patient material. Using reprogramming technologies, we generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from CP CML patients and normal donors. CML- and normal-derived iPSCs were differentiated along the mesodermal axis to generate haemopoietic and endothelial precursors (haemangioblasts). IPSC-derived haemangioblasts exhibited sensitivity to TKI treatment with increased apoptosis and reduction in the phosphorylation of downstream target proteins. 4 Dual inhibition studies were performed using BMP pathway inhibitors in combination with TKI on CML cell lines, primary cells and patient derived iPSCs. Results indicate that they act synergistically to target CML cells both in the presence and absence of BMP4 ligand. Inhibition resulted in decreased proliferation, irreversible cell cycle arrest, increased apoptosis, reduced haemopoietic colony formation, altered gene expression pattern, reduction in self-renewal and a significant reduction in the phosphorylation of downstream target proteins. These changes offer a therapeutic window in CML, with intervention using BMP inhibitors in combination with TKI having the potential to prevent LSC self-renewal and improve outcome for patients. By successfully developing and validating iPSCs for CML drug screening we hope to substantially reduce the reliance on animal models for early preclinical drug screening in leukaemia.


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Objetivo: Establecer la relación entre la exposición ocupacional a altas temperaturas o sobrecarga térmica con el comportamiento fisiológico, metabólico y electrocardiográfico. Métodos: estudio de corte transversal, donde se incluyeron dos grupos (expuesto y no expuesto a altas temperaturas) en una empresa minera, en el departamento de Boyacá, Colombia, en el año 2016. El número de participantes fue de 160 trabajadores del género masculino, grupo expuesto (n=86) y grupo no expuesto (n=74). La exposición ocupacional a sobrecarga térmica se evaluó con el índice de temperatura de globo y bulbo húmedo (TGBH), el comportamiento fisiológico con el índice de costo cardiaco relativo (ICCR) con mediciones de frecuencia cardiaca (FC), el comportamiento metabólico con la determinación del colesterol total (CT), colesterol de alta densidad (C-HDL), colesterol de baja densidad (C-LDL), triglicéridos (TG) y glicemia basal (GL). Las alteraciones electrocardiográficas con la toma de Electrocardiograma de 12 derivaciones. También fueron evaluadas variables antropométricas, tensión arterial, hábitos y antecedentes de enfermedad cardiovascular en ambos grupos. Resultados: incrementos significativos del ICCR (p<0.001) y la carga física (p<0.001) fueron encontrados en los trabajadores expuestos a altas temperaturas. Los índices lipídicos y glicemia, así como los antecedentes personales cardiovasculares, IMC, consumo de cigarrillo y consumo de alcohol, no mostraron significancia. El antecedente familiar de ACV (p=0.043) y el EKG alterado (p=0.011) mostraron una asociación significativa con la exposición a altas temperaturas. El modelo de regresión lineal múltiple explicó la relación entre el incremento del ICCR y la exposición a altas temperaturas (β=4,213, IC 95%: 1.57,6.85) ajustado por variables fisiológicas y electrocardiográficas. Conclusiones: La exposición ocupacional a altas temperaturas, presenta asociación con las alteraciones cardiovasculares a nivel fisiológico y electrocardiográfico, aumentando el ICCR y la carga física de trabajo (GE trabajo).


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Baking fun es una empresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de snacks saludables para niños. Sabemos que el momento de la comida no es fácil para los padres, y más aun cuando quieren alimentar con frutas y verduras a los más pequeños. Es por esto que nuestros snacks, a diferencia de los snacks tradicionales buscan combinar lo saludable con lo divertido, para que puedan alimentar balanceadamente a sus hijos mientras ellos se divierten y disfrutan nuestros snacks.


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