965 resultados para Backward linkage


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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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We have identified an allelic deletion common region in the q26 region of chromosome 10 in endometrial carcinomas, which has been reported previously as a potential target of genetic alterations related to this neoplasia. An allelotyping analysis of 19 pairs of tumoral and non-tumoral samples was accomplished using seven microsatellite polymorphic markers mapping in the 10q26 chromosomal region. Loss of heterozygosity for one or more loci was detected in 29% of the endometrial carcinoma samples. The observed pattern of loss enabled the identification of a 3.5 Mb common deleted region located between the D10S587 and D10S186 markers. An additional result from an endometrial sample with evidence of a RER phenotype may suggest a more centromeric region of loss within the above-mentioned interval. This 401.84 Kb interval flanked by the D10S587 and D10S216 markers may be a plausible location for a putative suppressor gene involved in early stage endometrial carcinogenesis.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores socioeconômicos e demográficos associados ao nível de atividade física de trabalhadores. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado no Distrito Federal, de 2000 a 2001, com amostra representativa de trabalhadores de ambos os sexos, vinculados ao Programa de Alimentação do Trabalhador, envolvendo 1.044 trabalhadores. Utilizou-se a regressão logística binária para determinação dos possíveis fatores de risco associados ao nível de atividade física e selecionados pelo processo de "backward elimination". Efeitos interativos das variáveis foram verificados no modelo final por meio da razão de chances, para nível de atividade física >1,4. RESULTADOS: O modelo final incluiu o sexo, a renda e a escolaridade. Indivíduos do sexo masculino que cursaram apenas o primeiro grau e ganhavam menos de quatro salários mínimos eram os que tinham mais chances de apresentar nível de atividade física >1,4. A estimativa das razões de chances indicou que os homens tinham cinco vezes mais chances de apresentar nível de atividade física >1,4, níveis inferiores aos das mulheres. Indivíduos que cursaram apenas o primeiro grau e com renda igual ou inferior a quatro salários mínimos tinham duas vezes mais chances de nível de atividade física >1,4 do que indivíduos com renda superior a quatro salários mínimos e curso superior ou pós-graduação. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados indicam que os fatores associados ao nível de atividade física de trabalhadores são: sexo masculino, escolaridade primeiro grau e renda menor que quatro salários mínimos.


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This article is is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon work non-commercially, and although the new works must also acknowledge & be non-commercial.


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3rd SMTDA Conference Proceedings, 11-14 June 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar os fatores de risco associados aos óbitos neonatais em crianças com baixo peso ao nascer. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um estudo de coorte, composto pelos nascidos vivos com peso entre 500 g e 2.499 g, residentes no Recife (PE), entre 2001 e 2003, produtos de gestação única e sem anencefalia. Os dados sobre os 5.687 nascidos vivos e 499 óbitos neonatais, provenientes do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos e do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade, foram integrados pela técnica de linkage. Em modelo hierarquizado, as variáveis dos níveis distal (fatores socioeconômicos), intermediário (fatores de atenção à saúde) e proximal (fatores biológicos) foram submetidas à análise univariada e regressão logística multivariada. RESULTADOS: Com o ajuste das variáveis na regressão logística multivariada, as variáveis do nível distal que permaneceram significantemente associadas com o óbito neonatal foram: a coabitação dos pais, número de filhos vivos e tipo de hospital de nascimento; no nível intermediário: número de consultas no pré-natal, complexidade do hospital de nascimento e tipo de parto; e no nível proximal: sexo, idade gestacional, peso ao nascer, índice de Apgar e presença de malformação congênita. CONCLUSÕES: Os principais fatores associados à mortalidade neonatal nos nascidos vivos com baixo peso estão relacionados com a atenção à gestante e ao recém-nascido, redutíveis pela atuação do setor saúde.


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Projeto de Intervenção apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Didática da Língua Portuguesa no 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico


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This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a viabilidade de estratégia de relacionamento probabilístico de bases de dados na identificação de óbitos de pacientes submetidos a procedimentos de alta complexidade em cardiologia. MÉTODOS: O custo de processamento foi estimado com base em 1.672 registros de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio, relacionados com todos os registros de óbito no Brasil em 2005. A acurácia do relacionamento baseou-se em linkage probabilístico entre 99 registros de autorização de internação hospitalar de pacientes submetidos a cirurgias cardíacas em instituto de referência em cardiologia, com status vital conhecido, e todos os registros de óbito do estado do Rio de Janeiro em 2005. O linkage foi realizado em quatro etapas: padronização das bases, blocagem, pareamento e classificação dos pares. Utilizou-se a blocagem em cinco passos, com chaves de blocagem com combinação de variáveis como soundex do primeiro e último nome, sexo e ano de nascimento. As variáveis utilizadas no pareamento foram "nome completo", com a utilização da distância de Levenshtein, e "data de nascimento". RESULTADOS: O segundo e o quinto passos de blocagem tiveram os maiores números de pares formados e os maiores tempos de processamento para o pareamento. O quarto passo demandou menor custo de processamento. No estudo de acurácia, após os cinco passos de blocagem, a sensibilidade do linkage foi de 90,6% e a especificidade foi de 100%. CONCLUSÕES: A estratégia de relacionamento probabilístico utilizada apresenta boa acurácia e poderá ser utilizada em estudos sobre a efetividade dos procedimentos de alta complexidade e alto custo em cardiologia.


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Tamoxifen is a selective estrogen receptor modulator that is used as an adjuvant and/or chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of all stages of hormone-dependent breast cancer. Currently there is a deep interest in the study of tamoxifen biotransformation and identification of metabolites since they can significantly contribute to the overall pharmacological or adverse effects of the drug. Accordingly, the study of the electrochemical behavior of tamoxifen in aqueous solution is reported. To clarify the occurring oxidative process and to assess the influence of the functional groups on the oxidation mechanism, the voltammetric assessment was extended to the study of tamoxifen’s analogues (E)-tamoxifen and dihydrotamoxifen, and to its main phase I oxidative metabolite, N-desmethyl tamoxifen. The data found shows that the oxidative processes occurring in tamoxifen are essentially related with the two chemical moieties present in the molecule: the substituted aromatic nucleus and the tertiary amine group. Moreover, the results obtained suggest that the ethylenic linkage is not critical for tamoxifen’s oxidation although it could play an important role in the course of the oxidation process. These results could contribute to highlight some remaining questions regarding tamoxifen’s metabolic behavior and to the development of new analytical strategies, based on electrochemical approaches.


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Securing group communication in wireless sensor networks has recently been extensively investigated. Many works have addressed this issue, and they have considered the grouping concept differently. In this paper, we consider a group as being a set of nodes sensing the same data type, and we alternatively propose an efficient secure group communication scheme guaranteeing secure group management and secure group key distribution. The proposed scheme (RiSeG) is based on a logical ring architecture, which permits to alleviate the group controller’s task in updating the group key. The proposed scheme also provides backward and forward secrecy, addresses the node compromise attack, and gives a solution to detect and eliminate the compromised nodes. The security analysis and performance evaluation show that the proposed scheme is secure, highly efficient, and lightweight. A comparison with the logical key hierarchy is preformed to prove the rekeying process efficiency of RiSeG. Finally, we present the implementation details of RiSeG on top of TelosB sensor nodes to demonstrate its feasibility.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) emerge as underlying infrastructures for new classes of large-scale networked embedded systems. However, WSNs system designers must fulfill the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements imposed by the applications (and users). Very harsh and dynamic physical environments and extremely limited energy/computing/memory/communication node resources are major obstacles for satisfying QoS metrics such as reliability, timeliness, and system lifetime. The limited communication range of WSN nodes, link asymmetry, and the characteristics of the physical environment lead to a major source of QoS degradation in WSNs-the ldquohidden node problem.rdquo In wireless contention-based medium access control (MAC) protocols, when two nodes that are not visible to each other transmit to a third node that is visible to the former, there will be a collision-called hidden-node or blind collision. This problem greatly impacts network throughput, energy-efficiency and message transfer delays, and the problem dramatically increases with the number of nodes. This paper proposes H-NAMe, a very simple yet extremely efficient hidden-node avoidance mechanism for WSNs. H-NAMe relies on a grouping strategy that splits each cluster of a WSN into disjoint groups of non-hidden nodes that scales to multiple clusters via a cluster grouping strategy that guarantees no interference between overlapping clusters. Importantly, H-NAMe is instantiated in IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee, which currently are the most widespread communication technologies for WSNs, with only minor add-ons and ensuring backward compatibility with their protocols standards. H-NAMe was implemented and exhaustively tested using an experimental test-bed based on ldquooff-the-shelfrdquo technology, showing that it increases network throughput and transmission success probability up to twice the values obtained without H-NAMe. H-NAMe effectiveness was also demonstrated in a target tracking application with mobile robots - over a WSN deployment.


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Timeliness guarantee is an important feature of the recently standardized IEEE 802.15.4 protocol, turning it quite appealing for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications under timing constraints. When operating in beacon-enabled mode, this protocol allows nodes with real-time requirements to allocate Guaranteed Time Slots (GTS) in the contention-free period. The protocol natively supports explicit GTS allocation, i.e. a node allocates a number of time slots in each superframe for exclusive use. The limitation of this explicit GTS allocation is that GTS resources may quickly disappear, since a maximum of seven GTSs can be allocated in each superframe, preventing other nodes to benefit from guaranteed service. Moreover, the GTS may be underutilized, resulting in wasted bandwidth. To overcome these limitations, this paper proposes i-GAME, an implicit GTS Allocation Mechanism in beacon-enabled IEEE 802.15.4 networks. The allocation is based on implicit GTS allocation requests, taking into account the traffic specifications and the delay requirements of the flows. The i-GAME approach enables the use of one GTS by multiple nodes, still guaranteeing that all their (delay, bandwidth) requirements are satisfied. For that purpose, we propose an admission control algorithm that enables to decide whether to accept a new GTS allocation request or not, based not only on the remaining time slots, but also on the traffic specifications of the flows, their delay requirements and the available bandwidth resources. We show that our approach improves the bandwidth utilization as compared to the native explicit allocation mechanism defined in the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. We also present some practical considerations for the implementation of i-GAME, ensuring backward compatibility with the IEEE 801.5.4 standard with only minor add-ons. Finally, an experimental evaluation on a real system that validates our theoretical analysis and demonstrates the implementation of i-GAME is also presented


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The IEEE 802.15.4 is the most widespread used protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and it is being used as a baseline for several higher layer protocols such as ZigBee, 6LoWPAN or WirelessHART. Its MAC (Medium Access Control) supports both contention-free (CFP, based on the reservation of guaranteed time-slots GTS) and contention based (CAP, ruled by CSMA/CA) access, when operating in beacon-enabled mode. Thus, it enables the differentiation between real-time and best-effort traffic. However, some WSN applications and higher layer protocols may strongly benefit from the possibility of supporting more traffic classes. This happens, for instance, for dense WSNs used in time-sensitive industrial applications. In this context, we propose to differentiate traffic classes within the CAP, enabling lower transmission delays and higher success probability to timecritical messages, such as for event detection, GTS reservation and network management. Building upon a previously proposed methodology (TRADIF), in this paper we outline its implementation and experimental validation over a real-time operating system. Importantly, TRADIF is fully backward compatible with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, enabling to create different traffic classes just by tuning some MAC parameters.


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The hidden-node problem has been shown to be a major source of Quality-of-Service (QoS) degradation in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) due to factors such as the limited communication range of sensor nodes, link asymmetry and the characteristics of the physical environment. In wireless contention-based Medium Access Control protocols, if two nodes that are not visible to each other transmit to a third node that is visible to the formers, there will be a collision – usually called hidden-node or blind collision. This problem greatly affects network throughput, energy-efficiency and message transfer delays, which might be particularly dramatic in large-scale WSNs. This technical report tackles the hidden-node problem in WSNs and proposes HNAMe, a simple yet efficient distributed mechanism to overcome it. H-NAMe relies on a grouping strategy that splits each cluster of a WSN into disjoint groups of non-hidden nodes and then scales to multiple clusters via a cluster grouping strategy that guarantees no transmission interference between overlapping clusters. We also show that the H-NAMe mechanism can be easily applied to the IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee protocols with only minor add-ons and ensuring backward compatibility with the standard specifications. We demonstrate the feasibility of H-NAMe via an experimental test-bed, showing that it increases network throughput and transmission success probability up to twice the values obtained without H-NAMe. We believe that the results in this technical report will be quite useful in efficiently enabling IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee as a WSN protocol.