942 resultados para Applications of Ceria Based Materials


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In this project we developed conductive thermoplastic resins by adding varying amounts of three different carbon fillers: carbon black (CB), synthetic graphite (SG) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNT) to a polypropylene matrix for application as fuel cell bipolar plates. This component of fuel cells provides mechanical support to the stack, circulates the gases that participate in the electrochemical reaction within the fuel cell and allows for removal of the excess heat from the system. The materials fabricated in this work were tested to determine their mechanical and thermal properties. These materials were produced by adding varying amounts of single carbon fillers to a polypropylene matrix (2.5 to 15 wt.% Ketjenblack EC-600 JD carbon black, 10 to 80 wt.% Asbury Carbon's Thermocarb TC-300 synthetic graphite, and 2.5 to 15 wt.% of Hyperion Catalysis International's FIBRILTM multi-walled carbon nanotubes) In addition, composite materials containing combinations of these three fillers were produced. The thermal conductivity results showed an increase in both through-plane and in-plane thermal conductivities, with the largest increase observed for synthetic graphite. The Department of Energy (DOE) had previously set a thermal conductivity goal of 20 W/m·K, which was surpassed by formulations containing 75 wt.% and 80 wt.% SG, yielding in-plane thermal conductivity values of 24.4 W/m·K and 33.6 W/m·K, respectively. In addition, composites containing 2.5 wt.% CB, 65 wt.% SG, and 6 wt.% CNT in PP had an in–plane thermal conductivity of 37 W/m·K. Flexural and tensile tests were conducted. All composite formulations exceeded the flexural strength target of 25 MPa set by DOE. The tensile and flexural modulus of the composites increased with higher concentration of carbon fillers. Carbon black and synthetic graphite caused a decrease in the tensile and flexural strengths of the composites. However, carbon nanotubes increased the composite tensile and flexural strengths. Mathematical models were applied to estimate through-plane and in-plane thermal conductivities of single and multiple filler formulations, and tensile modulus of single-filler formulations. For thermal conductivity, Nielsen's model yielded accurate thermal conductivity values when compared to experimental results obtained through the Flash method. For prediction of tensile modulus Nielsen's model yielded the smallest error between the predicted and experimental values. The second part of this project consisted of the development of a curriculum in Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technologies to address different educational barriers identified by the Department of Energy. By the creation of new courses and enterprise programs in the areas of fuel cells and the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier, we introduced engineering students to the new technologies, policies and challenges present with this alternative energy. Feedback provided by students participating in these courses and enterprise programs indicate positive acceptance of the different educational tools. Results obtained from a survey applied to students after participating in these courses showed an increase in the knowledge and awareness of energy fundamentals, which indicates the modules developed in this project are effective in introducing students to alternative energy sources.


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This dissertation involves study of various aspects of sulfoxide chemistry. Specifically designed t-butyl and propanenitrile sulfoxides tethered to indole-2-carboxamide were used as a source of intramolecular sulfenylating agents to synthesize novel indolo[3,2-b]-1-5-benzothiazepinones which are structurally analogous to the other biologically active benzothiazepinones. This study reveals that the intramolecular cyclization of sulfoxide follows an electrophilic sulfenylation (Sulfoxide Electrophilic Sulfenylation, SES) reaction pathway. Evidence of the absence of sulfenic acid as a transient reactive intermediate in such intramolecular cyclization is also provided. In another study, sulfoxide was used as a “protecting group” of thioether to synthesize 8-membered, indole substituted, thiazocine-2-acetic acid derivative via Ring Closing Metathesis (RCM). Protection (oxidation) of inert (to RCM) sulfide to sulfoxide followed by RCM produced cyclized product in good yields. Deprotection (reduction) of sulfoxide was achieved using Lawessons Reagent (L.R.). Application of the sulfide-sulfoxide redox cycle to solve the existing difficulties in using RCM methodology to thioethers is illustrated. A new design of a “molecular brake”, based on the sulfide-sulfoxide redox cycle is described. N-Ar rotation in simple isoindolines is controlled by the oxidation state of the proximate sulfur atom. Sulfide [S(II)] shows “free” [brake OFF] N-Ar rotation whereas sulfoxide displayed hindered [brake ON] N-Ar rotation. The semi-empirical molecular orbital (PM3) calculations revealed concerted pyramidalization of amidic nitrogen with N-Ar rotation.


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We used active remote sensing technology to characterize forest structure in a northern temperate forest on a landscape- and local-level in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Specifically, we used a form of active remote sensing called light detection and ranging (e.g., LiDAR) to aid in the depiction of current forest structural stages and total canopy gap area estimation. On a landscape-level, LiDAR data are shown not only to be a useful tool in characterizing forest structure, in both coniferous and deciduous forest cover types, but also as an effective basis for data-driven surrogates for classification of forest structure. On a local-level, LiDAR data are shown to be a benchmark reference point to evaluate field-based canopy gap area estimations, due to the highly accurate nature of such remotely sensed data. The application of LiDAR remote sensed data can help facilitate current and future sustainable forest management.


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Hardwoods comprise about half of the biomass of forestlands in North America and present many uses including economic, ecological and aesthetic functions. Forest trees rely on the genetic variation within tree populations to overcome the many biotic, abiotic, anthropogenic factors which are further worsened by climate change, that threaten their continued survival and functionality. To harness these inherent genetic variations of tree populations, informed knowledge of the genomic resources and techniques, which are currently lacking or very limited, are imperative for forest managers. The current study therefore aimed to develop genomic microsatellite markers for the leguminous tree species, honey locust, Gleditsia triacanthos L. and test their applicability in assessing genetic variation, estimation of gene flow patterns and identification of a full-sib mapping population. We also aimed to test the usefulness of already developed nuclear and gene-based microsatellite markers in delineation of species and taxonomic relationships between four of the taxonomically difficult Section Lobatae species (Quercus coccinea, Q. ellipsoidalis, Q. rubra and Q. velutina. We recorded 100% amplification of G. triacanthos genomic microsatellites developed using Illumina sequencing techniques in a panel of seven unrelated individuals with 14 of these showing high polymorphism and reproducibility. When characterized in 36 natural population samples, we recorded 20 alleles per locus with no indication for null alleles at 13 of the 14 microsatellites. This is the first report of genomic microsatellites for this species. Honey locust trees occur in fragmented populations of abandoned farmlands and pastures and is described as essentially dioecious. Pollen dispersal if the main source of gene flow within and between populations with the ability to offset the effects of random genetic drift. Factors known to influence gene include fragmentation and degree of isolation, which make the patterns gene flow in fragmented populations of honey locust a necessity for their sustainable management. In this follow-up study, we used a subset of nine of the 14 developed gSSRs to estimate gene flow and identify a full-sib mapping population in two isolated fragments of honey locust. Our analyses indicated that the majority of the seedlings (65-100% - at both strict and relaxed assignment thresholds) were sired by pollen from outside the two fragment populations. Only one selfing event was recorded confirming the functional dioeciousness of honey locust and that the seed parents are almost completely outcrossed. From the Butternut Valley, TN population, pollen donor genotypes were reconstructed and used in paternity assignment analyses to identify a relatively large full-sib family comprised of 149 individuals, proving the usefulness of isolated forest fragments in identification of full-sib families. In the Ames Plantation stand, contemporary pollen dispersal followed a fat-tailed exponential-power distribution, an indication of effective gene flow. Our estimate of δ was 4,282.28 m, suggesting that insect pollinators of honey locust disperse pollen over very long distances. The high proportion of pollen influx into our sampled population implies that our fragment population forms part of a large effectively reproducing population. The high tendency of oak species to hybridize while still maintaining their species identity make it difficult to resolve their taxonomic relationships. Oaks of the section Lobatae are famous in this regard and remain unresolved at both morphological and genetic markers. We applied 28 microsatellite markers including outlier loci with potential roles in reproductive isolation and adaptive divergence between species to natural populations of four known interfertile red oaks, Q. coccinea, Q. ellpsoidalis, Q. rubra and Q. velutina. To better resolve the taxonomic relationships in this difficult clade, we assigned individual samples to species, identified hybrids and introgressive forms and reconstructed phylogenetic relationships among the four species after exclusion of genetically intermediate individuals. Genetic assignment analyses identified four distinct species clusters, with Q. rubra most differentiated from the three other species, but also with a comparatively large number of misclassified individuals (7.14%), hybrids (7.14%) and introgressive forms (18.83%) between Q. ellipsoidalis and Q. velutina. After the exclusion of genetically intermediate individuals, Q. ellipsoidalis grouped as sister species to the largely parapatric Q. coccinea with high bootstrap support (91 %). Genetically intermediate forms in a mixed species stand were located proximate to both potential parental species, which supports recent hybridization of Q. velutina with both Q. ellipsoidalis and Q. rubra. Analyses of genome-wide patterns of interspecific differentiation can provide a better understanding of speciation processes and taxonomic relationships in this taxonomically difficult group of red oak species.


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Current advanced cloud infrastructure management solutions allow scheduling actions for dynamically changing the number of running virtual machines (VMs). This approach, however, does not guarantee that the scheduled number of VMs will properly handle the actual user generated workload, especially if the user utilization patterns will change. We propose using a dynamically generated scaling model for the VMs containing the services of the distributed applications, which is able to react to the variations in the number of application users. We answer the following question: How to dynamically decide how many services of each type are needed in order to handle a larger workload within the same time constraints? We describe a mechanism for dynamically composing the SLAs for controlling the scaling of distributed services by combining data analysis mechanisms with application benchmarking using multiple VM configurations. Based on processing of multiple application benchmarks generated data sets we discover a set of service monitoring metrics able to predict critical Service Level Agreement (SLA) parameters. By combining this set of predictor metrics with a heuristic for selecting the appropriate scaling-out paths for the services of distributed applications, we show how SLA scaling rules can be inferred and then used for controlling the runtime scale-in and scale-out of distributed services. We validate our architecture and models by performing scaling experiments with a distributed application representative for the enterprise class of information systems. We show how dynamically generated SLAs can be successfully used for controlling the management of distributed services scaling.


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Background: High and ultra-high dilutions of various starting materials, e.g. copper sulfate, Hypericum perforatum and sulfur, showed significant differences in ultraviolet light (UV) transmission from controls and amongst different dilution levels [1,2]. Verum and placebo globules of Aconitum napellus 30c or calcium carbonate/quercus e cortice 6x from the same packs as used in previous clinical trials and dissolved in water could be distinguished by UV spectroscopy [3]. However, it was unclear whether the differences in UV absorbance originated from specific characteristics of the starting materials, from differences in the production of verum and placebo globules, and/or other unknown interference factors. Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate whether globules produced with high and ultra-high dilutions (6x, 12x, 30c, 200c, 200CF (centesimal discontinuous fluxion), 10,000CF) of various starting materials (Aconitum napellus, Atropa belladonna, phosphorus, sulfur, Apis mellifica, quartz) could be distinguished by UV spectroscopy. Methodology: The globules were specially produced for this study by Spagyros AG (Gümligen, Switzerland) and differed only in the starting materials of the dilutions (but not in the batch of globules or ethanol used). Globules were dissolved in water at 10 mg/ml, in quadruplicates, approximately 22 h prior to the measurements. Absorbance of the samples in the UV range (from 190 to 340 nm) was measured in a randomized order with a Shimadzu double beam UV-1800 spectrophotometer equipped with an auto sampler. Samples of each starting material were prepared and measured on 5 independent days. The daily variations of the spectrophotometer as well as the drift during the measurements were corrected for. The average absorbance from 200 to 340 nm was compared among various starting materials within equal dilution levels using a Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: Statistically significant differences were found among 30c (Figure 1), 200c and 200CF dilutions of the various starting materials. No differences were found among 6x, 12x and 10,000CF dilutions. Conclusions: Globules prepared from high dilutions of various starting materials may show significantly different UV absorbance when dissolved in water. References [1] Wolf U, Wolf M, Heusser P, Thurneysen A, Baumgartner S. Homeopathic preparations of quartz, sulfur and copper sulfate assessed by UV-spectroscopy. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011;2011:692798. [2] Klein SD, Sandig A, Baumgartner S, Wolf U. Differences in median ultraviolet light transmissions of serial homeopathic dilutions of copper sulfate, Hypericum perforatum, and sulfur. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013;2013:370609. [3] Klein SD, Wolf U. Investigating homeopathic verum and placebo globules with ultraviolet spectroscopy. Forsch Komplementmed. 2013, accepted.


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Aromatic pi–pi stacking interactions are ubiquitous in nature, medicinal chemistry and materials sciences. They play a crucial role in the stacking of nucleobases, thus stabilising the DNA double helix. The following paper describes a series of chimeric DNA–polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) hybrids. The PAH building blocks are electron-rich pyrene and electron-poor perylenediimide (PDI), and were incorporated into complementary DNA strands. The hybrids contain different numbers of pyrene–PDI interactions that were found to directly influence duplex stability. As the pyrene–PDI ratio approaches 1:1, the stability of the duplexes increases with an average value of 7.5 °C per pyrene–PDI supramolecular interaction indicating the importance of electrostatic complementarity for aromatic pi–pi stacking interactions.


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Noble gas radionuclides, including 81Kr (t1/2 = 229,000 years), 85Kr (t1/2 = 10.8 years), and 39Ar (t1/2 = 269 years), possess nearly ideal chemical and physical properties for studies of earth and environmental processes. Recent advances in Atom Trap Trace Analysis (ATTA), a laser-based atom counting method, have enabled routine measurements of the radiokrypton isotopes, as well as the demonstration of the ability to measure 39Ar in environmental samples. Here we provide an overview of the ATTA technique, and a survey of recent progress made in several laboratories worldwide.We review the application of noble gas radionuclides in the geosciences and discuss how ATTA can help advance these fields, specifically: determination of groundwater residence times using 81Kr, 85Kr, and 39Ar; dating old glacial ice using 81Kr; and an 39Ar survey of the main water masses of the oceans, to study circulation pathways and estimate mean residence times. Other scientific questions involving a deeper circulation of fluids in the Earth's crust and mantle are also within the scope of future applications. We conclude that the geoscience community would greatly benefit from an ATTA facility dedicated to this field, with instrumentation for routine measurements, as well as for research on further development of ATTA methods.


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PURPOSE To evaluate technical complications and failures of zirconia-based fixed prostheses supported by implants. MATERIALS AND METHODS Consecutive patients received zirconia-based single crowns (SCs) and fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) on implants in a private clinical setting between 2005 and 2010. One dentist performed all surgical and prosthetic procedures, and one master technician performed and coordinated all laboratory procedures. One-piece computer-aided design/ computer-assisted manufacture technology was used to fabricate abutments and frameworks, which were directly connected at the implant level, where possible. All patients were involved in a recall maintenance program and were finally reviewed in 2012. Data on framework fractures, chipping of veneering ceramics, and other technical complications were recorded. The primary endpoint was failure of the prostheses, ie, the need for a complete remake. A life table analysis was calculated. RESULTS A total of 289 implants supported 193 zirconia-based prostheses (120 SCs and 73 FDPs) in 127 patients (51 men, 76 women; average age: 62.5 ± 13.4 years) who were reviewed in 2012. Twenty-five (13%) prostheses were cemented on 44 zirconia abutments and 168 (87%) prostheses were screw-retained directly at the implant level. Fracture of 3 frameworks (1 SC, 2 FDPs) was recorded, and significant chipping resulted in the remake of 3 prostheses (1 SC, 2 FDPs). The 7-year cumulative survival rate was 96.4% ± 1.99%. Minor complications comprised 5 loose screws (these were retightened), small chips associated with 3 prostheses (these were polished), and dislodgement of 3 prostheses (these were recemented). Overall, 176 prostheses remained free of technical problems. CONCLUSIONS Zirconia-based prostheses screwed directly to implants are clinically successful in the short and medium term.


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Two highly efficient (K2CO3/sludge carbon and ZnCl2/sludge carbon) solids were prepared by chemical addition following carbonization at 800 °C and were tested for anaerobic reduction of tartrazine dye in a continuous upflow packed-bed biological reactor, and their performance was compared to that of commercial activated carbon (CAC). The chemical and structural information of the solids was subjected to various characterizations in order to understand the mechanism for anaerobic decolorization, and efficiency for SBCZN800 and SBCPC800 materials was 87% and 74%, respectively, at a short space time (τ) of 2.0 min. A first-order kinetic model fitted the experimental points and kinetic constants of 0.40, 0.92 and 1.46 min(-1) were obtained for SBCZN800, SBCPC800 and CAC, respectively. The experimental results revealed that performance of solids in the anaerobic reduction of tartrazine dye can depend on several factors including chemical agents, carbonization, microbial population, chemical groups and surface chemistry. The Langmuir and Freundlich models are successfully described in the batch adsorption data. Based on these observations, a cost-effective sludge-based catalyst can be produced from harmful sewage sludge for the treatment of industrial effluents.


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The International FusionMaterials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) is a future neutron source based on the D-Li stripping reaction, planned to test candidate fusionmaterials at relevant fusion irradiation conditions. During the design of IFMIF special attention was paid to the structural materials for the blanket and first wall, because they will be exposed to the most severe irradiation conditions in a fusion reactor. Also the irradiation of candidate materials for solid breeder blankets is planned in the IFMIF reference design. This paper focuses on the assessment of the suitability of IFMIF irradiation conditions for testing functionalmaterials to be used in liquid blankets and diagnostics systems, since they are been also considered within IFMIF objectives. The study has been based on the analysis and comparison of the main expected irradiation parameters in IFMIF and DEMO reactor.


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InN layers: MBE growth issues Growth of InN-based thin films: InN/InGaN QWS on GaN Growth of InN-based nanorods ● Self Self-assembled assembled InN InN nanorods nanorods onon different different substrates substrates ● Self-assembled InGaN nanorods ● Broad- Broad-emission emission nanostructures ● Self Self--assembled assembled InGaN InGaN--based based Qdisks Qdisks ● Selective area growth (SAG) of InGaN Qdisks


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Infrared thermography IR is a technique, which allows us to get rapidly and non-invasive thermal images from objects or human beings. (Barnes, 1967). In Medicine, its usefulness as diagnosis tool was accepted decades ago (BenEliyahu, 1990), but other techniques with a higher efficiency -such as magnetic resonance or x-rays- ousted it. Nevertheless, the technological improvements on thermographic cameras and new studies on sport injuries are reinforcing new applications (Ring, 2006)


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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are spearheading the efforts taken to build and deploy systems aiming to accomplish the ultimate objectives of the Internet of Things. Due to the sensors WSNs nodes are provided with, and to their ubiquity and pervasive capabilities, these networks become extremely suitable for many applications that so-called conventional cabled or wireless networks are unable to handle. One of these still underdeveloped applications is monitoring physical parameters on a person. This is an especially interesting application regarding their age or activity, for any detected hazardous parameter can be notified not only to the monitored person as a warning, but also to any third party that may be helpful under critical circumstances, such as relatives or healthcare centers. We propose a system built to monitor a sportsman/woman during a workout session or performing a sport-related indoor activity. Sensors have been deployed by means of several nodes acting as the nodes of a WSN, along with a semantic middleware development used for hardware complexity abstraction purposes. The data extracted from the environment, combined with the information obtained from the user, will compose the basis of the services that can be obtained.


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This paper presents a numerical implementation of the cohesive crack model for the anal-ysis of quasibrittle materials based on the strong discontinuity approach in the framework of the finite element method. A simple central force model is used for the stress versus crack opening curve. The additional degrees of freedom defining the crack opening are determined at the crack level, thus avoiding the need for performing a static condensation at the element level. The need for a tracking algorithm is avoided by using a consistent pro-cedure for the selection of the separated nodes. Such a model is then implemented into a commercial program by means of a user subroutine, consequently being contrasted with the experimental results. The model takes into account the anisotropy of the material. Numerical simulations of well-known experiments are presented to show the ability of the proposed model to simulate the fracture of quasibrittle materials such as mortar, concrete and masonry.