1000 resultados para Administración pública-Investigación
Political actors use ICTs in a different manner and in different degrees when it comes to achieving a closer relationship between the public and politicians. Usually, political parties develop ICT strategies only for electoral campaigning and therefore restrain ICT usages to providing information and establishing a few channels of communication. By contrast, local governments make much more use of ICT tools for participatory and deliberative purposes. These differences in usages have not been well explained in the literature because of a lack of a comprehensive explanatory model. This chapter seeks to build the basis for this model, that is, to establish which factors affect and condition different political uses of ICTs and which principles underlie that behaviour. We consider that political actors are intentional and their behaviour is mediated by the political institutions and the socioeconomic context of the country. Also, though, the actor¿s own characteristics, such as the type and size of the organization or the model of e-democracy that the actor upholds, can have an influence in launching ICT initiatives for approaching the public.
Technology has had a prevalent impact on nearly all social domains, one being the judicial system. Advancements such as computer-generated demonstrations and electronic filing can enhance presentations and give a clearer, well-organized case.E-Justice: Using Information Communication Technologies in the Court System presents the most relevant experiences and best practices concerning the use and impact of ICTs in the courtroom. This groundbreaking title draws upon the leading academic and practicing perspectives from around the globe to provide academics and professionals throughout the legal system with the most comprehensive overview of present developments in e-justice.
[spa] Las distintas aproximaciones al absentismo que se han realizado desde diferentes ramas del conocimiento: económico, legal, médico y psicosocial, no sólo no han ayudado a definir el concepto sino que han aportado una considerable confusión. Las múltiples invocaciones al término se mueven en una escala de generalidad en la que la mayor intensión correlaciona negativamente con la extensión. Porque cuando se asimila cualquier ausencia del puesto de trabajo con el absentismo, casi todo cabe; pero el concepto se vuelve vago y se pierde en una mezcolanza de adjetivos que no permiten avanzar en su comprensión. Si por el contrario, sólo denominamos absentismo a las conductas que tengan los atributos básicos, muchas de las definiciones que hemos analizado no versarán sobre absentismo. Pero como contrapartida, tendremos una referencia conceptual desde la que estudiar y afrontar el fenómeno. Para nosotros son tres las condiciones necesarias, aunque no suficientes por sí mismas, que permiten afrontar el absentismo como un fenómeno de interés politológico: la ausencia, la inexistencia de causa habilitante y la improductividad.
Las familias españolas cuidan, alimentan y atienden a ancianos, niños, parados21, minusválidos, enfermos de distinta gravedad, en muchos casos contando con servicios de apoyo muy escasos. La familia (si queremos ser precisas, la mujer) realiza una función de provisora de servicios sociales, que influye sobre la división de tareas en las familias y sobre las posibilidades de producción de nuevos roles familiares. Todo esto tiene la consecuencia de que el Estado se ve eximido, o al menos poco presionado, para solucionar activamente una larga lista de problemas sociales.
Traditionally, school efficiency has been measured as a function of educational production. In the last two decades, however, studies in the economics of education have indicated that more is required to improve school efficiency: researchers must explore how significant changes in school organization affect the performance of at-risk students. In this paper we introduce Henry Levin’s adoption of the X-efficiency approach to education and we describe the efficient and cost-effective characteristics of one Learning Communities Project School that significantly improved its student outcomes and enrollment numbersand reduced its absenteeism rate to zero. The organizational change that facilitatedthese improvements defined specific issues to address. Students’ school success became the focus of the school project, which also offered specific incentives, selected teachers, involved parents and community members in decisions, and used the most efficient technologies and methods. This case analysis reveals new two elements—family training and community involvement—that were not explicit parts of Levin’s adaptation. The case of the Antonio Machado Public School should attract the attention of both social scientists and policy makers
This article examines the education of children and young people in public care and the available data about their situation from several conceptual perspectives.We present a qualitative empirical study on how a sample of care leavers perceives this situation as well as the stakeholders involved in the public care process: managers of services and nominated adults by young people. We present results from a total of 96 interviews conducted in Catalonia. The young people interviewed (N = 35) were between 19 and 22 years old and were selected among those who at the age of 16 were still in care and had good academic results and the capacity andmotivation to continue studying. These young people were interviewed twice, the second a year after to follow the achievement of their training plans. The resultsshow their perception concerning the circumstances that make it easier or difficult to continue studying. Moreover, the results show the matches, mismatches anddiversity among their answers and those of other stakeholders interviewed about what factors facilitate and difficult the education. These results suggest the need for an in-depth review on the representations about the formal education of children in care from professionals and care policies, and how they address the support they need to participate in education
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Tesis (Maestría en Administración Pública) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Contaduría Pública con Especialidad en Auditoría) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Administración Pública con Especialidad en Area Administrativa) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Administración Pública) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Administración con Especialidad en Sistemas) UANL