783 resultados para ARIA (Academic Research Information Access)


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Meeting European emissions targets is reliant on innovative renewable technologies, particularly ‘renewable heat’ from heat pumps. Heat pump performance is driven by Carnot efficiency and optimum performance requires the lowest possible space heating flow temperatures leading to greater sensitivity to poor design, installation and operation. Does sufficient training and installer capacity exist for this technology? This paper situates the results of heat pump field trial performance in a socio-technical context, identifying how far installer competence requirements are met within the current vocational education and training (VET) system and considers possible futures. Few UK installers have formal heat pump qualifications at National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 3 and heat pump VET is generally through short-course provision where the structure of training is largely unregulated with no strict adherence to a common syllabus or a detailed training centre specification. Prerequisites for short-course trainees, specifically the demand for heating system knowledge based on metric design criteria, is limited and proof of ‘experience’ is an accepted alternative to formal educational qualifications. The lack of broader educational content and deficiencies in engineering knowledge will have profound negative impacts on both the performance and market acceptance of heat pumps. Possible futures to address this problem are identified.


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The idea behind creating this special issue on real world applications of intelligent tutoring systems was to bring together in a single publication some of the most important examples of success in the use of ITS technology. This will serve as a reference to all researchers working in the area. It will also be an important resource for the industry, showing the maturity of ITS technology and creating an atmosphere for funding new ITS projects. Simultaneously, it will be valuable to academic groups, motivating students for new ideas of ITS and promoting new academic research work in the area.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria Auditoria, sob orientação de Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Eletrónica e Telecomunicações


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização, sob orientação da Professora Doutora Maria Clara Ribeiro


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Em cooperação com Glorianna Davenport do M.I.T. Media Lab


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O presente relatório descreve a atividade realizada na Biblioteca de Arte da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, no âmbito do Mestrado em Ciências da Informação e da Documentação, tendo por tema o acesso à informação pelos leitores com deficiência visual. Nele procura-se abordar que medidas têm sido tomadas para assegurar a integração destes leitores, tendo em vista alcançar a sua autonomia a nível de utilização dos serviços disponíveis. Nesse sentido, explicitam-se os conceitos inerentes a esta temática (biblioteca inclusiva e acessibilidade), destaca-se a importância da interação com outros utilizadores como forma de integração, refere-se a importância da cooperação interinstitucional, salienta-se o papel do bibliotecário e das tecnologias de informação e da comunicação, como meio de permitir ao deficiente visual aceder a um conjunto diversificado de serviços, através da utilização de equipamentos e software específicos. Através da aplicação de uma metodologia de pesquisa bibliográfica, observação direta e entrevista, efetua-se um estudo de caso com uma análise detalhada ao nível da acessibilidade física e dos recursos materiais assim como da atitude e preparação dos profissionais para lidar com a deficiência. Conclui-se que a Biblioteca de Arte deve continuar a investir na exploração de novos recursos e potencialidades, de modo a disponibilizar todo o tipo de meios humanos e tecnológicos para apoiar os leitores com deficiência visual, promovendo a sua inclusão e participação na sociedade da informação e do conhecimento.


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There is general consensus nowadays that CSR is not just altruistic do-gooding but rather a way for both companies and society to prosper. Companies themselves increasingly recognize that their sustainability depends on their willingness to assume responsibility for social and environmental issues. Academic research has, in the past, tried to theorize exactly how CSR improves business, employee satisfaction and productivity. However, few studies have a) separated the different effects of internal CSR and external CSR and b) studied these effects in times of internal organizational distrust. Hence, this paper examines the relationship between each type of CSR with two outcome variables related to employee attitudes: affective organizational commitment (AOC) and turnover intentions (TI). Furthermore, it investigates whether organizational distrust works as a moderator in each of these relationships by testing the hypothesis using a sample of 212 employees from a company that is currently going through a moment of internal crisis. Findings suggest that although all variables are strongly correlated, distrust works as a moderator for external CSR but not for internal CSR. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings conclude the paper.


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Many impact-seeking organisations cannot measure and demonstrate their social impact because they either lack technical expertise or requisite financial and human resources. This report clarifies the process of social impact measurement to help these organisations engage in social impact measurement practices. It presents a simple guideline to create a measurement approach based on the Tableau de Board. The guideline has been developed through a theoretical revision of best practices in social impact measurement, academic research and the author's individual thoughts and ideas. While a first testing of the approach revealed positive feedback, only future broad-scale testing will demonstrate the approach’s validity and feasibility.


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The evolution of a technology and the understanding of the moment in its life cycle is of the utmost importance to the entry strategy devised by any company. Having the entry of EDP Brazil on the micro-generation market as background, the present workproject attempts to summarize the most important topics in management literature concerning the theory of technology life-cycles and the updated literature on developments of photovoltaic technology to infer the current positioning of this technology in the theoretical models. The need for this type of work stems from the very common lack of bridging between the academic research of economic aspects relevant to the evolution of technologies and the agents of research on specific technological issues. When this occurs, namely due to the external nature of research to companies, thereby escaping the harsh economic controls of a profit seeking enterprise, the evolution many times lacks the appropriate framework to be studied on a more forward looking manner and to allow for management decisions to be based on.


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This qualitative study focuses on the role of play in primary education, and was designed to determine and understand the perceptions of play among primary educators who are teachers in kindergarten and grade one classrooms. In attempting to understand how primary educators use play in their classrooms, the following findings emerged. Educators struggle in primary grades to support play in the classroom because of a lack of a clear understanding of what play is. Further, teachers face several oppositions to using play in the classroom. Much of the opposition arises from a concern for classroom management as well as negative parental views towards play. Additionally, the teachers from this study feel that there is limited support available for them to implement a curriculum that includes play. Despite support from academic research, indicating that children, particularly in the primary grades, benefit greatly from play, the place for play in the curriculum is not secure. In this study, strategies that would assist and support primary educators in using play in their classrooms are suggested.


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An Entrepreneurship Centre was established at Brock University in 1988 as a joint venture between the University and the City of St. Catharines. In Januaray 1989, a generous donation was made to the Centre by the Burgoyne family, proprietors of the St. Catharines Standard. The Centre subsequently became known as the Burgoyne Centre for Entrepreneurship (BCE). The Centre’s mission was to “promote excellence in research, education and training for entrepreneur development and new venture creation”. To achieve this objective, it was necessary for the BCE to become a community focal point and serve as a link between academic, private and government sectors in the Niagara Region that were involved in entrepreneurial activities. This was primarily done with the provision of educational programs offered through cooperating organizations. Funding for the Centre came from multiple sources, including fees for services and contract research, endowments and grants, as well as Brock University. An Advisory Council, composed of local prominent businesspeople and chaired by Henry Burgoyne, assisted the Centre with promotion and fundraising. The partnerships established by the BCE with other community bodies such as the Lincoln County Board of Education and the Niagara Region Development Corporation resulted in important collaborative community initiatives such as the Niagara Enterprise Agency and the New Enterprise Store. Such collaborations increased the Centre’s profile without duplicating or competing with services offered by existing agencies. The BCE was also instrumental in establishing an entrepreneurship curriculum for secondary school students, and collaborated with the Faculty of Education at Brock University to offer an Ontario Secondary School Entrepreneurship Specialist Teaching Certificate Program to teachers. As the BCE became more prolific in the community, and the iniatives it fostered in the community began to thrive, the Centre’s leadership required the authority to make instantaneous decisions. This was at odds with the hierarchical structure of the University, to which the BCE was accountable. Ultimately, this situation led to the demise of the Centre. The university focused its efforts on academic research and undergraduate courses, while the community partners took responsibility for any joint programs.


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La ligne directrice de notre recherche est de questionner l'évidence d'une distinction disciplinaire entre la sociologie et l'histoire. Vue l'étendue du sujet, nous avons adopté une posture exploratoire en suivant deux pistes. La première consiste à interroger un critère de distinction courant et selon lequel la sociologie serait davantage explicative alors que l'histoire serait essentiellement descriptive. À la lumière d'une mise en débat des positions de Durkheim et Weber pour la sociologie et de celles de l'histoire traditionnelle et des Annales pour l'histoire, nous avons noté une tendance à la diversité des conceptions disciplinaires qui semblent confirmée par certains travaux de recherche des auteurs discutés. Constatant un décalage entre les discours de définition disciplinaire et les recherches à proprement parler, la seconde piste d'exploration s'attarde à l'analyse des disciplines à l'oeuvre. À travers une sélection de trois études d'histoire et trois études de sociologie, nous avons cherché à identifier ce qui pourrait être considéré comme des fondements d'une distinction disciplinaire. Loin de fournir une ligne de démarcation claire, les oeuvres analysées semblent plutôt indiquer que l'histoire et la sociologie participent à une pratique analytique commune guidée par un processus d'interrogation complexe. Nous avançons que l'analyse des distinctions disciplinaires devrait se poursuivre par la recherche de postures interrogatives propres à chacune de l'histoire et de la sociologie.


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Certains territoires caractérisés par une concentration et une intensification de l’agriculture se trouvent aujourd’hui devant des défis environnementaux et sociaux, notamment en ce qui a trait à la qualité des cadres de vie. À cet effet, une panoplie de mesures agroenvironnementales et de cohabitation (lois, programmes, etc.) sont aujourd’hui à la disposition des professionnels de l’aménagement au Québec. Cette recherche s’interroge sur le potentiel de ces outils à réintroduire le caractère multifonctionnel des territoires, c'est-àdire à assurer la prise en compte simultanée de plusieurs fonctions. Pour ce faire, la mise en oeuvre hypothétique de scénarios d’aménagement multifonctionnel issus d’une recherche antérieure est utilisée comme test. La première étape identifie et analyse les outils favorisant la multifonctionnalité des territoires agricoles et formule des hypothèses quant aux blocages qui pourraient limiter la mise en oeuvre des scénarios multifonctionnels. La deuxième étape teste ces hypothèses en faisant intervenir des groupes de discussion rassemblant divers professionnels de l’aménagement à l’échelle supra locale (municipalité régionale de comté). Les résultats témoignent du potentiel des projets d’aménagement conçus à l’échelle du territoire, notamment ceux visant des regroupements de producteurs. Toutefois, l’étude montre que les blocages ne tiennent pas seulement aux caractéristiques des outils en place, mais aussi à la réticence des professionnels à prendre en compte la notion de cadre de vie en zone d’intensification agricole. Quant à l’utilité pour le monde de la pratique de scénarios d’aménagement multifonctionnel issus d’une recherche universitaire, elle s’en trouverait grandement accrue dans un contexte où les professionnels de l’aménagement participeraient à leur construction.


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Nous assistons depuis quelques années à une commercialisation de la recherche académique. Celle-ci est principalement due à une déficience marquée du financement public. Par conséquent,  les universités se tournent vers d’autres sources de financement, tels les brevets et l’industrie privée. En parallèle, les gouvernements et les organismes subventionnaires favorisent cette commercialisation par la promotion de programmes de partenariats université-industrie et par la mise en place de stratégies pour l’innovation et le transfert des technologies. Prenant comme modèle le chercheur académique dans le domaine de la santé, nous avons évalué l’impact de cette commercialisation sur les responsabilités du chercheur envers la science et la société. Ce nouveau mode de fonctionnement comporte certes des avantages. Par exemple, il résulte en une injection de fonds nouveaux pour la recherche, un développement des infrastructures universitaires et  un transfert de technologies plus efficace, permettant ainsi à la population de bénéficier plus rapidement des bienfaits de la recherche. Cependant, notre réflexion révèle que cette commercialisation comporte aussi des impacts négatifs sur la recherche académique. En effet, on observe l’apparition de conflits d’intérêts pour le chercheur. En plus de constituer une menace pour la sécurité de la population, ces situations causent l’effritement du lien de confiance entre la société et les chercheurs académiques, lien qui est essentiel pour assurer la progression du savoir humain. La commercialisation porte aussi atteinte à la liberté académique, effet que l’on peut observer tant au plan de l’orientation des recherches qu’à celui de la diffusion de ses résultats. Or, la liberté académique est une valeur fondamentale qui a été défendue depuis le Moyen Âge comme étant essentielle pour la progression du savoir humain. Le potentiel commercial devient un facteur dans l’évaluation des projets de recherche académique alors que, traditionnellement, l’avancement des connaissances la guidait essentiellement. Ainsi, la recherche appliquée devient favorisée au détriment de la recherche fondamentale. Ce virage commercial peut bénéficier à la société à court terme mais, à long terme, l’évolution de la société est menacée. La recherche appliquée et la recherche fondamentale sont toutes deux essentielles à l’avancement de la société, apportant chacune leur lot de bénéfices pour cette dernière. La commercialisation de la recherche académique ne doit donc pas résulter en une diminution progressive de la recherche fondamentale au profit de la recherche appliquée.  Bien que les chercheurs académiques soient conscients de l’importance de préserver la recherche fondamentale, cette protection ne peut s’opérer sans le support actif des organismes subventionnaires, des gouvernements et de la société en général.