891 resultados para AGED 50 YEARS
Performing Macroscopy in Pathology implies to plan and implement methods of selection, description and collection of biological material from human organs and tissues, actively contributing to the clinical pathology analysis by preparing macroscopic report and the collection and identification of fragments, according to the standardized protocols and recognizing the criteria internationally established for determining the prognosis. The Macroscopy in Pathology course is a full year program with theoretical and pratical components taught by Pathologists. It is divided by organ/system surgical pathology into weekly modules and includes a practical "hands-on" component in Pathology Departments. The students are 50 biomedical scientists aged from 22 to 50 years old from all across the country that want to acquire competences in macroscopy. A blended learning strategy was used in order to: give students the opportunity to attend from distance; support the contents, lessons and the interaction with colleagues and teachers; facilitate the formative/summative assessment.
BACKGROUND: Patients older than 65 years have traditionally not been considered candidates for heart transplantation. However, recent studies have shown similar survival. We evaluated immediate and medium-term results in patients older than 65 years compared with younger patients. METHODS: From November 2003 to December 2013, 258 patients underwent transplantation. Children and patients with other organ transplantations were excluded from this study. Recipients were divided into two groups: 45 patients (18%) aged 65 years and older (Group A) and 203 patients (81%) younger than 65 years (Group B). RESULTS: Patients differed in age (67.0 ± 2.2 vs. 51.5 ± 9.7 years), but gender (male 77.8 vs. 77.3%; p = 0.949) was similar. Patients in Group A had more cardiovascular risk factors and ischemic cardiomyopathy (60 vs. 33.5%; p < 0.001). Donors to Group A were older (38.5 ± 11.3 vs. 34.0 ± 11.0 years; p = 0.014). Hospital mortality was 0 vs. 5.9% (p = 0.095) and 1- and 5-year survival were 88.8 ± 4.7 versus 86.8 ± 2.4% and 81.5 ± 5.9 versus 77.2 ± 3.2%, respectively. Mean follow-up was 3.8 ± 2.7 versus 4.5 ± 3.1 years. Incidence of cellular/humoral rejection was similar, but incidence of cardiac allograft vasculopathy was higher (15.6 vs. 7.4%; p = 0.081). Incidence of diabetes de novo was similar (p = 0.632), but older patients had more serious infections in the 1st year (p = 0.018). CONCLUSION: Heart transplantation in selected older patients can be performed with survival similar to younger patients, hence should not be restricted arbitrarily. Incidence of infections, graft vascular disease, and malignancies can be reduced with a more personalized approach to immunosuppression. Allocation of donors to these patients does not appear to reduce the possibility of transplanting younger patients.
Objective: To verify the sociodemographic profile and the frequency of musculoskeletal injuries in elderly people who practice competitive and noncompetitive sports activities in the city of Pelotas, RS. Methods: Descriptive study, including 29 male subjects, aged 65 years or older, who practiced sports modalities in a competitive and noncompetitive way, in the city of Pelotas, in 2015. Data collection was performed through the application of a questionnaire with questions addressing economic, sociodemographic, nutritional and behavioral issues, and injuries sustained in sports activities. Statistical analysis was performed by calculating measures of central tendency for continuous variables and proportions for categorical variables. Results: The current practice of competitive sports was described by 58.6% (n=17) of the subjects, and the most practiced sports were 7-a-side football (53.0%, n=9), tennis (23.5%, n=4) and swimming (23.5%, n=4). Noncompetitive sports were practiced by 44.8% (n=13), and tennis was the most popular sport played (92.3%, n=12). The frequency of injuries among individuals practicing competitive and noncompetitive sports was, respectively, 35.3% (n=6), and 38.5% (n=5). The most frequent injuries were epicondylitis (50.0%, n=3) and meniscus injuries (60.0%, n=3), and the most affected body regions were knee (27.3%, n=3), elbow (27.3%, n=3), and shoulder (18.2%, n=2). The injuries occurred during the sports activities, and the dominant side was the one affected in 63.6% (n=7). Conclusion: This study verified that the occurrence of injuries in elderly individuals who practice sports is relevant, even among those who practice them noncompetitively, with epicondylitis as the most frequent among them, whereas meniscus injuries are the most frequent among those who practice competitive sports.
This study aims to quantify the phenomenon of the double epidemiological burden in Burkin-Faso. Data from Nouna Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) were used with a total of 4427 deaths among those aged 50 and over, between 1993 and 2012 (including 2323 for which a cause is clearly diagnosed). The share of deaths due to communicable diseases did not significantly decline over time (-13%; p-value=0.158) while the proportion of deaths from non-communicable causes increased significantly (+178%; p-value<0.001). This resulted primarily from a rise in mortality rates from cardiovascular disease, especially among men. The rise of cardiovascular diseases led to a reduction in the life expectancy at age 50 (-2.65 years) between 1997-2004 and 2005-2012. Mortality from cardiovascular diseases contributes to the double epidemiological burden among the elderly in Burkina Faso.
Introdução: Neste estudo será apresentado experimento sobre um programa de atividades físicas para diminuir os efeitos metabólicos da lipodistrofia, causada pela prescrição dos anti-retrovirais, medicamentos utilizados por portadores pelo vírus HIV\AIDIS. Objetivo: Investigar os benefícios dos exercícios físicos para indivíduos portadores do HIV\AIDS e combatendo doenças causadas pela lipodistrofia proveniente da terapia com anti-retrovirais. Metodologia: Foram 40 sujeitos divididos em grupo de exercício e grupo de controle. Os sujeitos participaram de palestra, exames e testes, tendo o grupo de exercício participado num programa de exército com duração de 24 semanas. As variáveis estudadas foram composição corporal, parâmetros bioquímicos e hemodinâmicos, e aptidão física e o questionário CEAT-VIH, versão em português do Brasil. Resultados: O programa de exercício apresentado foi positivo na composição corporal, parâmetros bioquímicos e hemodinâmicos e no questionário, CEAT-VIH, versão em português do Brasil. Na aptidão física o programa de exercício não obteve a resposta que esperávamos. Conclusão: O programa de exercício aplicado permitiu obter uma redução na massa corporal, IMC, glicose e colesterol, e melhoria ao nível da flexibilidade. Permitiu igualmente aumentar o cumprimento do seguimento da farmacologia prescrita pelos médicos; The Relevance of Physical Exercises for Individuals 30 to 50 years of Both Sexes Bearers of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV \ AIDS) with Lipodystrophy Caused by the use of Anti-Retroviral. Summary: Introduction: In this study will be presented experiment on a physical activity program to decrease the metabolic effects of lipodystrophy, caused by the prescription of anti-retroviral drugs used by patients with HIV \ AIDIS. Objective: To investigate the benefits of exercise for people living with HIV subjects \ AIDS and combating diseases caused by lipodystrophy from therapy with antiretrovirals. Methods: 40 subjects were divided into exercise group and control group. The subjects participated in lecture, exams and tests, and the exercise group participated in an army program of 24 weeks duration. The variables studied were body composition, biochemical and hemodynamic parameters, and physical fitness and the CEAT-HIV questionnaire, version in Portuguese of Brazil. Results: The submitted exercise program was positive in body composition, biochemical and hemodynamic parameters and questionnaire, CEAT-HIV, version in Portuguese of Brazil. Physical fitness exercise program did not get the answer we expected. Conclusion: The applied exercise program yielded a reduction in body weight, body mass index, glucose and cholesterol, and improved level of flexibility. It has also increase compliance of following the prescribed pharmacology by doctors.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
Mestrado em Economia Monetária e Financeira
Purpose: To assess the efficacy of the BARD scoring system in Saudi non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients attending Gizan General Hospital and to identify the clinical variables associated with advanced fibrosis. . Methods: The cross-sectional study involved 120 patients aged ≥ 18 years who attended the Ultrasound Department of Gizan General Hospital, Gizan, Saudi Arabia, during January – June 2013. BARD scoring system comprised the following variables: body mass index (BMI) ≥ 28 = 1 point, aspartate aminotransferase/alanine aminotransferase (AST/ALT) ratio ≥ 0.8 = 2 points, and type 2 diabetes mellitus = 1 point. Results: Patients with advanced fibrosis were older (55.0 years) than patients with no/mild fibrosis (48.6 years), albeit not significantly so. A higher BMI was associated with advanced fibrosis in males, females and all study participants (p = 0.013, 0.016 and 0.001, respectively). Advanced fibrosis was more common in older patients with a higher weight to height ratio. Logistic regression suggested that age ≥ 50 years was associated with a 2.52-fold increase in the risk of advanced fibrosis, but this did not have a significant clinical impact (p = 0.087). BMI > 28 was associated with a 26.73-fold increased risk of advanced fibrosis, while AST/ALT ≥ 0.8 was associated with an 18.46-fold increased risk of advanced liver fibrosis (p = 0.002 and 0.006, respectively). Conclusion: The major risk factors for advanced fibrosis using BARD scoring system in patients with NAFLD were old age, BMI > 28, and AST/ALT ≥ 0.8. In addition, grade 3 ultrasonographic fatty liver significantly correlated with advanced fibrosis.
ANTECEDENTES: La hemorragia uterina anormal (HUA) es un problema común de mujeres en edad reproductiva, perimenopáusica y menopausia, por lo cual se realizó el presente estudio para conocer las causas de la hemorragia uterina anormal en nuestra población además de sus características demográficas y consecuencia del sangrado. OBJETIVO GENERAL: Determinar las diferentes causas del sangrado uterino anormal en mujeres de 35 a 50 años del departamento de gineco-obstetricia del hospital José Carrasco Arteaga en el periodo de junio-diciembre del 2014. METODOLOGÍA: Es un estudio cuantitativo descriptivo donde se indagó las historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnósticos de hemorragia uterina anormal en el Hospital “José Carrasco Arteaga”, del departamento de Ginecología en el periodo junio-diciembre 2014. La recolección de variables fue procesada, elaborada y codificada en el programa SPSS. RESULTADOS: Se identificaron 178 casos, con una media de 43,47 años, de la región urbana (88,8%), la mayor frecuencia fue empleadas formal(72,5%), casadas (60,1%), con una media de gestas de 3, 91% con Papanicolaou en el ultimo año, 65,7% no tuvo planificación familiar, el principal diagnóstico fue hiperplasia endometrial (41%), segundo Leiomioma (36,7%), y el principal tratamiento fue: legrado (46,1%), seguida de histerectomía (43,3%), y 27,5% presento anemia moderada, a continuación, anemia leve (11,8%) y grave (9,6%). CONCLUCIONES: La causa más frecuente de hemorragia uterina anormal fue hiperplasia endometrial y el tipo de tratamiento escogido fue el legrado intrauterino
À l’heure actuelle, au Canada, un détenu sous responsabilité fédérale sur cinq est âgé de plus de cinquante ans, ce qui représente une augmentation de 101% depuis le début des années 2000. Alors que tout semble indiquer qu’un nombre croissant de détenus âgés seront remis en liberté, très peu d’études se concentrent sur ce qu’ils vivent après la détention. Ce mémoire propose donc de comprendre leur expérience de retour en communauté et de faire ressortir le regard qu’ils posent sur celle-ci. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous nous sommes intéressées au vécu de dix-sept hommes âgés de cinquante ans et plus ayant purgé leur peine au sein d’établissements carcéraux québécois. Par l’entremise d’entrevues semi-dirigées, nous sommes parvenues à mettre en avant que le retour en communauté des détenus âgés est marqué par de multiples difficultés, exacerbées par leur âge, leur statut pénal et le cadre institutionnel dans lequel ils évoluent. Toutefois, cette expérience est vécue différemment selon la présence de solidarités familiales qui leur permettent d’accéder à un statut social valorisant et leur offrent la possibilité d’exister socialement.
Despite the well-known benefits of physical activity, in 2012, only 37.5% of older adults aged 60 years or older met recommended aerobic physical activity levels and 16.1% met muscle-strengthening guidelines. Effective exercise programs can help combat the problem of inactivity but 50% of those who start participating in an exercise program drop out within first few weeks, preventing them from gaining any health benefits. Since fall 2008, the Healthy Aging Regional Collaborative of South Florida has offered EnhanceFitness (EF), an evidence-based physical activity program to older adults. This dissertation compared EF effectiveness at 4-, 8-, and 12-months and examined the factors that were associated with program completion. A paired sample t-test identified changes at 4-months and repeated measures design was used to identify changes from baseline to 4-, 8-, and 12- months. Logistic regression was used to identify correlates associated with completion.^ Between October 1, 2008 and December 31, 2012, 4,531 older adults (>=60 years) attended one or more EF sessions. Participants showed significant improvement in the number of chair stands performed in 30-seconds with mean change of 1.7, 1.6, and 2.0 respectively at 4-,8-,and 12- months (p<0.001). Results suggest Black, non-Haitian men were less likely to complete the program when compared to white, non-Hispanic men (OR=0.41, p=0.02). Men who self-reported having at least one risk factor were more likely to complete the program (OR=1.81, p= 0.03). In addition, women who lived in Miami-Dade County (OR=2.13, p<0.001) and were 80 years or older (OR=1.46, p<0.05) were more likely to complete the program. When compared with non-Hispanic whites, Black women were less likely to complete the program (OR=0.613, p<0.01). Women who did not report depression were 1.6 times more likely to complete the program (OR=1.62, p<0.05). Absence of risk factors for chronic conditions increased completion rates among women (OR=1.63, p<0.01).^ Effectiveness results revealed that all participants significantly improved on all outcome measures. However, improvement is more than double for those who completed recommended sessions (p<0.01). Study findings reaffirm the successful translation of EF in community-based settings. Our findings suggest that participants should attend the minimum recommended sessions to attain greater health benefits.^
À l’heure actuelle, au Canada, un détenu sous responsabilité fédérale sur cinq est âgé de plus de cinquante ans, ce qui représente une augmentation de 101% depuis le début des années 2000. Alors que tout semble indiquer qu’un nombre croissant de détenus âgés seront remis en liberté, très peu d’études se concentrent sur ce qu’ils vivent après la détention. Ce mémoire propose donc de comprendre leur expérience de retour en communauté et de faire ressortir le regard qu’ils posent sur celle-ci. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous nous sommes intéressées au vécu de dix-sept hommes âgés de cinquante ans et plus ayant purgé leur peine au sein d’établissements carcéraux québécois. Par l’entremise d’entrevues semi-dirigées, nous sommes parvenues à mettre en avant que le retour en communauté des détenus âgés est marqué par de multiples difficultés, exacerbées par leur âge, leur statut pénal et le cadre institutionnel dans lequel ils évoluent. Toutefois, cette expérience est vécue différemment selon la présence de solidarités familiales qui leur permettent d’accéder à un statut social valorisant et leur offrent la possibilité d’exister socialement.
Background: Repeated self-harm represents the single strongest risk factor for suicide. To date no study with full national coverage has examined the pattern of hospital repeated presentations due to self-harm among young people. Methods: Data on consecutive self-harm presentations were obtained from the National Self-Harm Registry Ireland. Socio-demographic and behavioural characteristics of individuals aged 10–29 years who presented with self-harm to emergency departments in Ireland (2007–2014) were analysed. Risk of long-term repetition was assessed using survival analysis and time differences between the order of presentations using generalised estimating equation analysis. Results: The total sample comprised 28,700 individuals involving 42,642 presentations. Intentional drug overdose was the most prevalent method (57.9%). Repetition of self-harm occurred in 19.2% of individuals during the first year following a first presentation, of whom the majority (62.7%) engaged in one repeated act. Overall, the risk of repeated self-harm was similar between males and females. However, in the 20–24-year-old age group males were at higher risk than females. Those who used self-cutting were at higher risk for repetition than those who used intentional drug overdose, particularly among females. Age was associated with repetition only among females, in particular adolescents (15–19 years old) were at higher risk than young emerging adults (20–24 years old). Repeated self-harm risk increased significantly with the number of previous self-harm episodes. Time differences between first self-harm presentations were detected. Time between second and third presentation increased compared to time between first and second presentation among low frequency repeaters (patients with 3 presentations only within 1 year following a first presentation). The same time period decreased among high frequency repeaters (patients with at least 4 to more than 30 presentations). Conclusion: Young people with the highest risk for repeated self-harm were 15–19-year-old females and 20–24-year-old males. Self-cutting was the method associated with the highest risk of self-harm repetition. Time between first self-harm presentations represents an indicator of subsequent repetition. To prevent risk of repeated self-harm in young people, all individuals presenting at emergency departments due to self-harm should be provided with a risk assessment including psychosocial characteristics, history of self-harm and time between first presentations.
Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia
Introducción: El incremento de pacientes sintomáticos de rodilla y la osteoartrosis en jóvenes con limitadas posibilidades terapéuticas después de una meniscectomía, genera la búsqueda de alternativas terapéuticas. A pesar que es poco utilizado en Colombia, el trasplante meniscal es una propuesta para el manejo sintomático. Según cifras norteamericanas, se practican entre 700.000 a 1.500.000 artroscopias de rodilla anualmente, el 50% termina en meniscectomía y de este un 40% persisten sintomáticos. Métodos: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo, con el objetivo de evaluar dolor (Escala Visual Análoga-EVA) y funcionalidad (Escala de Tegner y Lysholm) en los pacientes a quienes se les realizó trasplante meniscal o meniscectomía por segunda vez, entre los años 2007 a 2015. Resultados: A partir de los 6 meses la EVA mostró una tendencia a la mejoría en el grupo de trasplante meniscal, pasando de Moderado a Leve (p: <0.000). La Escala de Tegner y Lysholm cambió de Pobre a Bueno en el grupo de segunda meniscectomía (p= 0.008) y de Bueno a Excelente en el grupo trasplantado (p=0.225). La calificación promedio de la EVA en el grupo de trasplante presentó mejoría (p=<0.000), a diferencia del grupo de segunda meniscectomía (p=0.591). La escala de Tegner y Lysholm, mostró significancia estadística con tendencia a la mejoría en el grupo de segunda meniscectomía. Discusión: Los resultados muestran que con trasplante meniscal hay mejoría del dolor y la funcionalidad versus un segunda meniscectomía. Para fortalecer la evidencia de este tratamiento son necesarios estudios prospectivos complementarios.