1000 resultados para ACTH receptor


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Hyaline Fibromatosis Syndrome (HFS) is a human genetic disease caused by mutations in the anthrax toxin receptor 2 (or cmg2) gene, which encodes a membrane protein thought to be involved in the homeostasis of the extracellular matrix. Little is known about the structure and function of the protein or the genotype-phenotype relationship of the disease. Through the analysis of four patients, we identify three novel mutants and determine their effects at the cellular level. Altogether, we show that missense mutations that map to the extracellular von Willebrand domain or the here characterized Ig-like domain of CMG2 lead to folding defects and thereby to retention of the mutated protein in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Mutations in the Ig-like domain prevent proper disulphide bond formation and are more efficiently targeted to ER-associated degradation. Finally, we show that mutant CMG2 can be rescued in fibroblasts of some patients by treatment with proteasome inhibitors and that CMG2 is then properly transported to the plasma membrane and signalling competent, identifying the ER folding and degradation pathway components as promising drug targets for HFS.


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Several pieces of evidence suggest that sleep deprivation causes marked alterations in neurotransmitter receptor function in diverse neuronal cell types. To date, this has been studied mainly in wake- and sleep-promoting areas of the brain and in the hippocampus, which is implicated in learning and memory. This article reviews findings linking sleep deprivation to modifications in neurotransmitter receptor function, including changes in receptor subunit expression, ligand affinity and signal transduction mechanisms. We focus on studies using sleep deprivation procedures that control for side-effects such as stress. We classify the changes with respect to their functional consequences on the activity of wake-promoting and/or sleep-promoting systems. We suggest that elucidation of how sleep deprivation affects neurotransmitter receptor function will provide functional insight into the detrimental effects of sleep loss.


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Retinoid-X-receptor alpha (RXRalpha), a member of the nuclear receptor (NR) superfamily, is a ligand-dependent transcriptional regulatory factor. It plays a crucial role in NR signalling through heterodimerization with some 15 NRs. We investigated the role of RXRalpha and its partners on mouse skin tumor formation and malignant progression upon topical DMBA/TPA treatment. In mutants selectively ablated for RXRalpha in keratinocytes, epidermal tumors increased in size and number, and frequently progressed to carcinomas. As keratinocyte-selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) ablation had similar effects, RXRalpha/PPARgamma heterodimers most probably mediate epidermal tumor suppression. Keratinocyte-selective RXRalpha-null and vitamin-D-receptor null mice also exhibited more numerous dermal melanocytic growths (nevi) than control mice, but only nevi from RXRalpha mutant mice progressed to invasive human-melanoma-like tumors. Distinct RXRalpha-mediated molecular events appear therefore to be involved, in keratinocytes, in cell-autonomous suppression of epidermal tumorigenesis and malignant progression, and in non-cell-autonomous suppression of nevi formation and progression. Our study emphasizes the crucial role of keratinocytes in chemically induced epidermal and melanocytic tumorigenesis, and raises the possibility that they could play a similar role in UV-induced tumorigenesis, notably in nevi formation and progression to melanoma.


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Recent data indicate that bradykinin participates in the regulation of neonatal glomerular function and also acts as a growth regulator during renal development. The aim of the present study was to investigate the involvement of bradykinin in the maturation of renal function. Bradykinin beta2-receptors of newborn rabbits were inhibited for 4 days by Hoe 140. The animals were treated with 300 microg/kg s.c. Hoe 140 (group Hoe, n = 8) or 0.9% NaCl (group control, n = 8) twice daily. Clearance studies were performed in anesthetized rabbits at the age of 8-9 days. Bradykinin receptor blockade did not impair kidney growth, as demonstrated by similar kidney weights in the two groups, nor did it influence blood pressure. Renal blood flow was higher, while renal vascular resistance and filtration fraction were lower in Hoe 140-treated rabbits. No difference in glomerular filtration rate was observed. The unexpectedly higher renal perfusion observed in group Hoe cannot be explained by the blockade of the known vasodilator and trophic effect of bradykinin. Our results indicate that in intact kallikrein-kinin system is necessary for the normal functional development of the kidney.


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Using autoradiographic techniques carried out under precise conditions we previously demonstrated that both sensory neurons and peripheral glial cells in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) or sciatic nerve, possess specific [125I]-labeled T3 binding sites. Thyroid hormone receptors (TR) include several isoforms (TR alpha(1), TR alpha(2), TR beta(1), TR beta(2...)) The present study demonstrates that while sensory neurons and peripheral glial cells both possess functional TR, they express a differential expression of TR isoforms. Using a panel of antisera to specific for the TR alpha-common (alpha(1) and alpha(2)), TR alpha-1 or TR beta-1 isoforms, we detected TRs isoform localization at the cellular level during DRG and sciatic nerve development and regeneration. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that during embryonic life, sensory neurons express TR alpha-common and TR beta-1 rather than TR alpha-1. The number of TR alpha-common and TR beta-1 positive neurons as well as the intensity of labeling increased during the first two postnatal weeks and remained more or less stable in adult life. TR alpha-1 immunoreactivity, which was undetectable in embryonic sensory neurons, became discreetly visible in neurons after birth. In developing DRG and sciatic nerves, Schwann cells exhibited TR alpha-common and TR alpha-1 rather than TR beta-1 immunolabeling. The appearance of TR alpha-common and alpha-1 isoform immunoreactivity in the sciatic nerve was restricted to a short period ranging from E17 up to two postnatal weeks. By comparing TR alpha-common and TR alpha-1 immunostaining we can deduce that Schwann cells primarily express TR alpha-1. Afterwards, in adult rat sciatic nerve TR alpha isoforms was no more detected. However transection of sciatic nerve caused a reexpression of TR alpha isoforms in degenerating nerve. The prevalence of TR alpha in Schwann cells in vivo was correlated with in vitro results. The differential expression of TR alpha and beta by sensory neurons and Schwann cells indicates that the feedback regulation of circulating thyroid hormone could occur by binding to either the alpha or beta TR isoforms. Moreover, the presence of multiple receptor isoforms in developing sensory neurons suggests that thyroid hormone uses multiple signaling pathways to regulate DRG and sciatic nerve development.


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Aim We report four cases of acquired severe encephalopathy with massive hyperkinesia, marked neurological and cognitive regression, sleep disturbance, prolonged mutism, and a remarkably delayed recovery (time to full recovery between 5 and 18mo) with an overall good outcome, and its association with anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate (anti-NMDA) receptor antibodies. Method We reviewed the four cases retrospectively and we also reviewed the literature. Results Anti-NMDA receptor antibodies (without ovarian teratoma detected so far) were found in the two children tested in this study. Interpretation The clinical features are similar to those first reported in 1992 by Sebire et al.,(1) and rarely recognized since. Sleep disturbance was not emphasized as part of the disorder, but appears to be an important feature, whereas coma is less certain and difficult to evaluate in this setting. The combination of symptoms, evolution (mainly seizures at onset), severity, paucity of abnormal laboratory findings, very slow recovery, and difficult management justify its recognition as a specific entity. The neuropathological substrate may be anatomically close to that involved in encephalitis lethargica, in which the same target functions (sleep and movement) are affected but in reverse, with hypersomnolence and bradykinesia. This syndrome closely resembles anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, which has been reported in adults and is often paraneoplastic.


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In mammals, many aspects of metabolism are under circadian control. At least in part, this regulation is achieved by core-clock or clock-controlled transcription factors whose abundance and/or activity oscillate during the day. The clock-controlled proline- and acidic amino acid-rich domain basic leucine zipper proteins D-site-binding protein, thyrotroph embryonic factor, and hepatic leukemia factor have previously been shown to participate in the circadian control of xenobiotic detoxification in liver and other peripheral organs. Here we present genetic and biochemical evidence that the three proline- and acidic amino acid-rich basic leucine zipper proteins also play a key role in circadian lipid metabolism by influencing the rhythmic expression and activity of the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα). Our results suggest that, in liver, D-site-binding protein, hepatic leukemia factor, and thyrotroph embryonic factor contribute to the circadian transcription of genes specifying acyl-CoA thioesterases, leading to a cyclic release of fatty acids from thioesters. In turn, the fatty acids act as ligands for PPARα, and the activated PPARα receptor then stimulates the transcription of genes encoding proteins involved in the uptake and/or metabolism of lipids, cholesterol, and glucose metabolism.


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Protein tyrosine kinases are pivotal in central nervous tissue development and maintenance. Here we focus on the expression of Ehk-1, a novel Elk-related receptor tyrosine kinase. Ehk-1 gene expression is observed in the developing and adult central nervous system and is highly regulated throughout development at both the messenger RNA and protein levels. Three messenger RNA transcripts of 8.5, 5.9 and 5.1 kb are detectable in the rat brain and a variety of splice possibilities have been identified. However, a major protein species of around M(r) 120,000 predominates throughout development. Ehk-1 messenger RNA and protein levels are highest in the first postnatal week. By in situ messenger RNA hybridization the gene is expressed by all neurons of the adult brain, but mostly in the hippocampus, cerebral cortex and large neurons of the deep cerebellar nuclei, as well as the Purkinje and granular cells of the cerebellum. At earlier stages of development, transcripts are most prominent in the periventricular germinal layers of the brain. Immunohistochemistry reveals a pronounced membrane associated protein expression in immature neurons. In the adult animal, peak reactivity was found in the neuropil with sparing of most perikarya. The spatial and temporal pattern of ehk-1 gene expression suggests a role in both the development and maintenance of differentiated neurons of the central nervous system.


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Glutamate was previously shown to enhance aerobic glycolysis i.e. increase glucose utilization and lactate production with no change in oxygen levels, in mouse cortical astrocytes by a mechanism involving glutamate uptake. It is reported here that a similar response is produced in both hippocampal and cerebellar astrocytes. Application of the cognitive-enhancing drug CX546 promoted further enhancement of glucose utilization by astrocytes from each brain area following glutamate exposure. alpha-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors represent the purported molecular target of cognitive-enhancing drugs such as CX546, and the presence of AMPA receptor subunits GluR1-4 was evidenced in astrocytes from all three regions by immunocytochemistry. AMPA itself did not stimulate aerobic glycolysis, but in the presence of CX546, a strong enhancement of glucose utilization and lactate production was obtained in cortical, hippocampal and cerebellar astrocytes. The effect of CX546 was concentration-dependent, with an EC(50) of 93.2 microm in cortical astrocytes. AMPA-induced glucose utilization in the presence of CX546 was prevented by the AMPA receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) and the negative modulator GYKI 52466. In addition, the metabolic effect of CX546 in the presence of AMPA was mimicked by the AMPA receptor modulator cyclothiazide. Our data suggest that astrocyte energetics represents a novel target for cognitive-enhancing drugs acting as AMPA receptor modulators.


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The two incretins, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), are insulinotropic factors released from the small intestine to the blood stream in response to oral glucose ingestion. The insulinotropic effect of GLP-1 is maintained in patients with Type II (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus, whereas, for unknown reasons, the effect of GIP is diminished or lacking. We defined the exon-intron boundaries of the human GIP receptor, made a mutational analysis of the gene and identified two amino acid substitutions, A207 V and E354Q. In an association study of 227 Caucasian Type II diabetic patients and 224 matched glucose tolerant control subjects, the allelic frequency of the A207 V polymorphism was 1.1% in Type II diabetic patients and 0.7% in control subjects (p = 0.48), whereas the allelic frequency of the codon 354 polymorphism was 24.9% in Type II diabetic patients versus 23.2% in control subjects. Interestingly, the glucose tolerant subjects (6% of the population) who were homozygous for the codon 354 variant had on average a 14% decrease in fasting serum C-peptide concentration (p = 0.01) and an 11% decrease in the same variable 30 min after an oral glucose load (p = 0.03) compared with subjects with the wild-type receptor. Investigation of the function of the two GIP receptor variants in Chinese hamster fibroblasts showed, however, that the GIP-induced cAMP formation and the binding of GIP to cells expressing the variant receptors were not different from the findings in cells expressing the wildtype GIP receptor. In conclusion, amino acid variants in the GIP receptor are not associated with random Type II diabetes in patients of Danish Caucasian origin or with altered GIP binding and GIP-induced cAMP production when stably transfected in Chinese hamster fibroblasts. The finding of an association between homozygosity for the codon 354 variant and reduced fasting and post oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) serum C-peptide concentrations, however, calls for further investigations and could suggest that GIP even in the fasting state regulates the beta-cell secretory response.


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Site-directed mutagenesis and molecular dynamics analysis of the 3-D model of the alpha1B-adrenergic receptor (AR) were combined to identify the molecular determinants of the receptor involved in catecholamine binding. Our results indicate that the three conserved serines in the fifth transmembrane domain (TMD) of the alpha1B-AR play a distinct role in catecholamine binding versus receptor activation. In addition to the amino acids D125 in TMDIII and S207 in TMDV directly involved in ligand binding, our findings identify a large number of polar residues playing an important role in the activation process of the alpha1B-AR thus providing new insights into the structure/function relationship of G protein-coupled receptors.


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Aims/Hypothesis: Glitazones are powerful insulin sensitisers prescribed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Their use is, however, associated with fluid retention and an increased risk of congestive heart failure. We previously demonstrated that pioglitazone increases proximal sodium reabsorption in healthy volunteers. This study examines the effects of pioglitazone on renal sodium handling in individuals prone to insulin resistance, i.e. those with diabetes and/or hypertension. Methods: In this double-blind randomised placebo-controlled four-way crossover study, we examined the effects of pioglitazone (45 mg daily during 6 weeks) or placebo on renal, systemic and hormonal responses to changes in sodium intake in 16 individuals, eight with type 2 diabetes and eight with hypertension. Results: Pioglitazone was associated with a rapid increase in body weight and an increase in diurnal proximal sodium reabsorption, without any change in renal haemodynamics or in the modulation of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system to changes in salt intake. A compensatory increase in brain natriuretic peptide levels was observed. In spite of sodium retention, pioglitazone dissociated the blood-pressure response to salt and abolished salt sensitivity in salt-sensitive individuals. Conclusions/Interpretation: Pioglitazone increases diurnal proximal sodium retention in diabetic and hypertensive individuals. These effects cause fluid retention and may contribute to the increased incidence of congestive heart failure with glitazones.


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The estrogen receptor (ER) stimulates transcription of target genes by means of its two transcriptional activation domains, AF-1 in the N-terminal part of the receptor and AF-2 in its ligand-binding domain. AF-2 activity is dependent upon a putative amphipathic alpha-helix between residues 538 and 552 in the mouse ER. Point mutagenesis of conserved hydrophobic residues within this region reduces estrogen-dependent transcriptional activation without affecting hormone and DNA binding significantly. Here we show that these mutations dramatically alter the pharmacology of estrogen antagonists. Both tamoxifen and ICI 164,384 behave as strong agonists in HeLa cells expressing the ER mutants. In contrast to the wild-type ER, the mutant receptors maintain nuclear localization and DNA-binding activity after ICI 164,384 treatment. Structural alterations in AF-2 caused by gene mutations such as those described herein or by estrogen-independent signaling pathways may account for the insensitivity of some breast cancers to tamoxifen treatment.