977 resultados para 13 kvinnoperspektiv på rätten
Alguns fatores podem influenciar a distribuição dos recursos florais e sistemas de polinização bióticos nos ecossistemas, como por exemplo, o clima, a altitude, a região geográfica, fragmentação de áreas naturais e as diferenças na composição florística na estratificação vertical. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a distribuição dos sistemas de polinização bióticos na estratificação vertical em fragmentos de cerrado sentido restrito no Triângulo Mineiro. Não houve diferença significativa (χ²0,05,9 =14,17; p = 0,12) na riqueza florística geral entre os fragmentos, nem quando comparada em separado para cada estrato (arbóreo, arbustivo, herbáceo e liana), estando o estrato arbustivo mais bem representado. Da mesma forma, não houve diferenças significativas entre fragmentos quanto aos sistemas de polinização (χ²0,05,21 =13,80; p = 0,8778), sendo a polinização por abelhas mais comum, correspondendo ao menos 85% das espécies de plantas em cada fragmento. Em termos relativos, as plantas polinizadas por abelhas foram dominantes em todos os estratos, chegando a 100% das lianas e herbáceas em alguns fragmentos. Neste estudo, com base na composição florística e distribuição dos sistemas de polinização na estratificação vertical, podemos caracterizar um mosaico vertical no cerrado sentido restrito, que tem implicações na sustentabilidade das comunidades no cerrado, assim como os mosaicos horizontais de fitofisionomias.
Previous microsatellite analyses of sympatric populations of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum in Brazil revealed higher diversity in the former species. However, it remains unclear whether regional species-specific differences in prevalence and transmission levels might account for these findings. Here, we examine sympatric populations of P. vivax (n = 87) and P. falciparum (n = 164) parasites from Pursat province, Western Cambodia, where both species are similarly prevalent. Using 10 genome-wide microsatellites for P. falciparum and 13 for P. vivax, we found that the P. vivax population was more diverse than the sympatric P. falciparum population (average virtual heterozygosity [HE], 0.87 vs. 0.66, P = 0.003), with more multiple-clone infections (89.6% vs. 47.6%) and larger mean number of alleles per marker (16.2 vs. 11.1, P = 0.07). Both populations showed significant multi-locus linkage disequilibrium suggestive of a predominantly clonal mode of parasite reproduction. The higher microsatellite diversity found in P. vivax isolates, compared to sympatric P. falciparum isolates, does not necessarily result from local differences in transmission level and may reflect differences in population history between species or increased mutation rates in P. vivax.
Experimental two-phase frictional pressure drop and flow boiling heat transfer results are presented for a horizontal 2.32-mm ID stainless-steel tube using R245fa as working fluid. The frictional pressure drop data was obtained under adiabatic and diabatic conditions. Experiments were performed for mass velocities ranging from 100 to 700 kg m−2 s−1 , heat flux from 0 to 55 kW m−2 , exit saturation temperatures of 31 and 41◦C, and vapor qualities from 0.10 to 0.99. Pressures drop gradients and heat transfer coefficients ranging from 1 to 70 kPa m−1 and from 1 to 7 kW m−2 K−1 were measured. It was found that the heat transfer coefficient is a strong function of the heat flux, mass velocity, and vapor quality. Five frictional pressure drop predictive methods were compared against the experimental database. The Cioncolini et al. (2009) method was found to work the best. Six flow boiling heat transfer predictive methods were also compared against the present database. Liu and Winterton (1991), Zhang et al. (2004), and Saitoh et al. (2007) were ranked as the best methods. They predicted the experimental flow boiling heat transfer data with an average error around 19%.
Considering the similarity between structural, hemodynamic, and functional changes of obesity-related renal disease and diabetic nephropathy, we hypothesized that renal glucose transporter changes occur in obesity as in diabetes. The aim of the work was to evaluate GLUT1 and GLUT2 in kidneys of an animal model of metabolic syndrome. Neonate spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), n=15/group, were treated with monosodium glutamate (5 mg/g) (MetS) for 9 days and compared with saline-treated Wistar-Kyoto (C) and SHR (H) rats. Lee index, systolic arterial pressure (SAP), glycemia, insulin resistance, triglycerides, and HDL cholesterol were evaluated at 3 and 6 months. Medullar GLUT1 and cortical GLUT2 were analyzed by Western blot. MetS vs. C and H rats had the highest Lee index (p<0.001) and insulin resistance (3-months C: 4.3±0.7, H: 3.9±0.9, MetS: 2.7±0.6; 6-months C: 4.2±0.6, H: 3.8±0.5, MetS: 2.4±0.6% • min−1, p<0.001), similar glycemia, and the lowest HDL-cholesterol at 6-months (p<0.001). In the MetS and H rats, SAP was higher vs. C at 3-months (p<0.001) and 6-months (C: 151±15, H: 190±11, MetS: 185±13 mm Hg, p<0.001) of age. GLUT1 was ̴ 13× lower (p<0.001) at 3-months, reestablishing its content at 6-months in MetS group, while GLUT2 was 2× higher (p<0.001) in this group at 6-months of age. Renal GLUT1 and GLUT2 are modulated in kidney of rats with metabolic syndrome, where obesity, insulin resistance and hypertension coexist, despite normoglycemia. Like in diabetes, cortical GLUT2 overexpression may contribute to the development of kidney disease