991 resultados para 10 specimens 250-350 µm
L’idrogeno è un elemento di elevato interesse economico, con una produzione industriale che supera i 55 x 1010 m3/anno e notevoli prospettive di sviluppo delle sue applicazioni. Attualmente l’idrogeno è prodotto principalmente in impianti di larga scala (circa 1000 m3/h) da combustibili fossili attraverso processi di steam reforming ed ossidazione parziale catalitica. Per aumentare la produzione di idrogeno un ruolo fondamentale è svolto dalla reazione di water gas shift (WGS) che abbatte il contenuto di CO, massimizzando la produzione di idrogeno. La reazione è condotta industrialmente in due stadi, operanti ad alta temperatura (HTS, circa 350 °C) e bassa temperatura (LTS, circa 250 °C), utilizzando rispettivamente catalizzatori a base di ferro o rame. Tuttavia, è evidente l’interesse per nuove formulazioni in grado di operare in un unico stadio a temperatura intermedia (MTS), mantenendo le caratteristiche ottimali di attività e stabilità. In questo lavoro di tesi, condotto in collaborazione con AIR LIQUIDE (F), è stato affrontato uno studio della reazione di WGS finalizzato allo sviluppo di nuove formulazioni attive e stabili nell’MTS. In particolare, sono stati sintetizzati precursori idrotalcitici Cu/Zn/Al (contenenti carbonati o silicati), con bassi contenuti di rame (diversamente da quanto riportato in letteratura), modulandone le proprietà chimico-fisiche, l’attività catalitica e la stabilità con il tempo di reazione. Si è osservato come i catalizzatori con minori contenuti di rame ed ottenuti da precursori contenenti carbonati mostrassero un’elevata attività e selettività nell’MTS, raggiungendo valori di conversione del CO analoghi a quelli all’equilibrio termodinamico già a 300 °C, indipendentemente dai valori del rapporto S/DG e del tempo di contatto. Tutti i catalizzatori mostrano un’elevata stabilità con il tempo di reazione, con incrementi del quantitativo del CO in uscita dopo 100h di circa lo 0,7 % v/v. I catalizzatori scaricati dopo le prove catalitiche evidenziano gli effetti dei processi di sinterizzazione (diminuzione dell’area superficiale ed incremento delle dimensioni dei cristalliti), la cui entità diminuisce al diminuire del contenuto di rame. Infine, confrontando l’attività dei migliori catalizzatori preparati in questo lavoro di tesi con quella di uno dei più utilizzati catalizzatori commerciali per la reazione di WGS a bassa temperatura, si sono osservati valori di attività analoghi, raggiungendo quelli di equilibrio per temperature 300°C, ma con una attività significativamente superiore nelle condizioni LTS, soprattutto considerando il valore del tempo di contatto inferiore a quelli comunemente utilizzati negli impianti industriali.
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde im Rahmen des Deutschen Humangenomprojektes ein 243 966 bp grosser genomischer Bereich um das humane Gen WEE1 in der Chromsomenregion 11p15.3 und der 192 519 bp lange orthologe Bereich auf dem murinen Chromosom 7 anhand von PAC-Klonen sequenziert. Der Sequenzierung ging die Erstellung von PAC-Klon-Contigs voraus, welche die zu untersuchenden genomischen Regionen in Mensch und Maus lückenlos abdecken. Nach der Etablierung von Hochdurchsatzmethoden zur Probenherstellung und verarbeitung wurden die Konsensussequenzen in Mensch und Maus ermittelt. Zur Identifizierung aller Gene wurde die Sequenz einer Kombination von Datenbanksuchen, computergestützten Exonvorhersageprogrammen und der komparativen Sequenzanalyse mit Hilfe von Dotplot- und PIP-Darstellungen unterzogen. In den untersuchten genomischen Regionen der beiden Spezies konnten insgesamt drei orthologe Genpaare (WEE1, ZNF143 und RanBP7) und ein humanes Pseudogen (Pseudogen L23a) lokalisiert werden.Das am Zellzyklus beteiligte WEE1-Gen, das auch als Ausgangspunkt für die Isolierung der PAC-Klone zur Erstellung der genomischen Contigs diente, ist sowohl in der humanen als auch in der murinen Sequenz vollständig enthalten. Hierbei konnte die publizierte mRNA-Sequenz des murinen Wee1-Gens, unterstützt von EST-Daten, korrigiert werden. Sowohl das ZNF143-Gen als auch sein murines Orthologes, mStaf, sind in den genomischen Sequenzen vollständig enthalten. Somit muss die in 11p15.4 publizierte Lokalisation des ZNF143-Gens in die Region 11p15.3 berichtigt werden. Weiterhin wurde die cDNA-Sequenz des humanen ZNF143-Gens um ein bisher noch nicht beschriebenes Exon im 5´-Bereich und die des murinen mStaf-Gens um knapp 170 bp im 3´-Bereich verlängert. Der in der ZNF143-mRNA-Sequenz publizierte 3´-UTR konnte in der vorliegenden genomischen Sequenz nicht lokalisiert werden. Es scheint sich hierbei um ein von Chromosom 14 stammendes Klonierungsartefakt zu handeln. Das im Menschen beschriebene RanBP7-Gen wurde mit Ausnahme des Exons 1 vollständig in der untersuchten genomischen Sequenz lokalisiert. Über Datenbank-Suchen konnte ein EST-Klon identifiziert werden, der die bisher bekannte RanBP7-mRNA um knapp 2,4 kb in den 3´-Bereich hinein verlängert. Eine Bestätigung der Transkriptlänge erfolgte über Northern Blot-Analyse. Das bisher unbekannte murine Orthologe, mRanBP7, konnte aufgrund komparativer Sequenzanalyse und Datenbanksuchen in der vorliegenden genomischen Maus-Sequenz ermittelt werden, wobei die Sequenz über RT-PCR-Experimente generiert und die Transkriptlänge durch Northern Blot-Analyse bestätigt werden konnte. Neben den drei bekannten Genen konnte in der humanen Sequenz darüber hinaus ein Pseudogen (Pseudogen L23a) identifiziert werden, welches über einen Bereich von 549 bp eine 92%-ige Sequenzidentität zu dem humanen ribosomalen Protein L23a aufweist und die typischen, 13 bp langen direkten Sequenzwiederholungen besitzt. Acht der insgesamt 10 Nukleotidaustausche führen im Vergleich zu L23a zu einem Aminosäureaustausch, wodurch u. a. ein vorzeitiger Translations-Stop bedingt ist. Die komparative Sequenzanalyse deckte neben den konservierten Gen-Bereichen zwischen Mensch und Maus insgesamt vier konservierte Bereiche auf. Bei der Analyse dieser Regionen mit Hilfe von EST-Daten bzw. Exonvorhersageprogrammen konnte jedoch keiner dieser vier konservierten Regionen eine eindeutige kodierende Funktion nachgewiesen werden. Es könnte sich hierbei somit um funktionell bedeutsame regulatorische Regionen handeln. Die Analysen der ermittelten genomischen Sequenzen zeigten, dass der Anteil an repetitiven Elementen mit 55,26% in der untersuchten humanengenomischen Region gegenüber der murinen Sequenz (41,87%) deutlich erhöht ist. Durch die vergleichende Sequenzanalyse können Artefakte in den EST-analysiert und somit die Zuverlässigkeit der verwendeten Exonvorhersage-Programme optimiert werden.Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen, dass die Kombination von komparativer Sequenzanalyse, Datenbank-Suchen und Exonvorhersageprogrammen die Sicherheit bei der Identifikation von kodierenden Sequenzen stark verbessert.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the remineralization potential of five dentifrices with different fluoride concentrations. Initial caries lesions were created in 72 cylindrical enamel blocks from deciduous teeth. The specimens were randomly distributed among six experimental groups corresponding to six experimental periods. Each of the six volunteers carried two deciduous enamel specimens fixed in an intraoral appliance for a period of 4 weeks. They brushed their teeth and the enamel blocks at least two times a day with dentifrices containing 0 ppm (period 1), 250 ppm (period 2), and 500 ppm fluoride (period 3), respectively. A second group of volunteers (n = 6) used dentifrices with a fluoride content of 0 ppm (period 4), 1,000 ppm (period 5), or 1,500 ppm (period 6). At the end of the respective period, the mineral content was determined by transversal microradiography (TMR). The use of dentifrices containing 500 ppm fluoride (38% MR), 1,000 ppm fluoride (42% MR), and 1,500 ppm fluoride (42% MR) resulted in a statistically significant higher mineral recovery compared to the control group (0 ppm fluoride). Mineral recovery was similar after use of dentifrices containing 0 and 250 ppm fluoride (24%; 25%). It is concluded that it is possible to remineralize initial carious lesions in deciduous enamel in a similar way as it has been described for enamel of permanent teeth.
In most pathology laboratories worldwide, formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) samples are the only tissue specimens available for routine diagnostics. Although commercial kits for diagnostic molecular pathology testing are becoming available, most of the current diagnostic tests are laboratory-based assays. Thus, there is a need for standardized procedures in molecular pathology, starting from the extraction of nucleic acids. To evaluate the current methods for extracting nucleic acids from FFPE tissues, 13 European laboratories, participating to the European FP6 program IMPACTS (www.impactsnetwork.eu), isolated nucleic acids from four diagnostic FFPE tissues using their routine methods, followed by quality assessment. The DNA-extraction protocols ranged from homemade protocols to commercial kits. Except for one homemade protocol, the majority gave comparable results in terms of the quality of the extracted DNA measured by the ability to amplify differently sized control gene fragments by PCR. For array-applications or tests that require an accurately determined DNA-input, we recommend using silica based adsorption columns for DNA recovery. For RNA extractions, the best results were obtained using chromatography column based commercial kits, which resulted in the highest quantity and best assayable RNA. Quality testing using RT-PCR gave successful amplification of 200 bp-250 bp PCR products from most tested tissues. Modifications of the proteinase-K digestion time led to better results, even when commercial kits were applied. The results of the study emphasize the need for quality control of the nucleic acid extracts with standardised methods to prevent false negative results and to allow data comparison among different diagnostic laboratories.
To assess the prognostic significance of apoptosis related markers in bladder cancer.
Purpose:To determine the potential of minimally invasive postmortem computed tomographic (CT) angiography combined with image-guided tissue biopsy of the myocardium and lungs in decedents who were thought to have died of acute chest disease and to compare this method with conventional autopsy as the reference standard.Materials and Methods:The responsible justice department and ethics committee approved this study. Twenty corpses (four female corpses and 16 male corpses; age range, 15-80 years), all of whom were reported to have had antemortem acute chest pain, were imaged with postmortem whole-body CT angiography and underwent standardized image-guided biopsy. The standard included three biopsies of the myocardium and a single biopsy of bilateral central lung tissue. Additional biopsies of pulmonary clots for differentiation of pulmonary embolism and postmortem organized thrombus were performed after initial analysis of the cross-sectional images. Subsequent traditional autopsy with sampling of histologic specimens was performed in all cases. Thereafter, conventional histologic and autopsy reports were compared with postmortem CT angiography and CT-guided biopsy findings. A Cohen k coefficient analysis was performed to explore the effect of the clustered nature of the data.Results:In 19 of the 20 cadavers, findings at postmortem CT angiography in combination with CT-guided biopsy validated the cause of death found at traditional autopsy. In one cadaver, early myocardial infarction of the papillary muscles had been missed. The Cohen κ coefficient was 0.94. There were four instances of pulmonary embolism, three aortic dissections (Stanford type A), three myocardial infarctions, three instances of fresh coronary thrombosis, three cases of obstructive coronary artery disease, one ruptured ulcer of the ascending aorta, one ruptured aneurysm of the right subclavian artery, one case of myocarditis, and one pulmonary malignancy with pulmonary artery erosion. In seven of 20 cadavers, CT-guided biopsy provided additional histopathologic information that substantiated the final diagnosis of the cause of death.Conclusion:Postmortem CT angiography combined with image-guided biopsy, because of their minimally invasive nature, have a potential role in the detection of the cause of death after acute chest pain.© RSNA, 2012.
Tumor budding, a histological hallmark of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in colorectal cancer, is a parameter of tumor progression and according to the International Union Against Cancer/American Joint Committee on Cancer an 'additional' prognostic factor. The current definition of tumor budding is reserved for the invasive tumor front of colorectal cancer (so called peri-tumoral budding), but tumor buds can also be observed in small preoperative biopsy specimens. Whereas the prognostic value of peri-tumoral budding assessed in resection specimens has found wide acceptance, the value of budding in preoperative biopsies, which normally do not encompass the invasive tumor margin and hence can be called intra-tumoral budding, has not been systematically investigated yet. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess the predictive value of intra-tumoral budding for lymph node and distant metastasis in preoperative biopsies. Preoperative biopsy samples and consecutive resection specimens from 72 patients with pathological information on TNM stage, vascular, lymphatic and perineural invasion, and tumor border configuration were used to evaluate intra-tumoral budding and peri-tumoral budding. Both parameters were scored semiquantitatively as 'high' (detectable at low power magnification × 2.5) and 'low' (occasional budding at intermediate magnification × 10, difficult to find or absent). In biopsy samples high intra-tumoral budding was observed in 12/72 patients (17%) and associated with high peri-tumoral budding in the corresponding resection specimens (P=0.008). Additionally, there was a correlation between high intra-tumoral budding and lymph node metastasis (P=0.034), distant metastasis (P=0.007) and higher tumor grade (P=0.025). Peri-tumoral budding was associated with higher N stage (P=0.004), vascular (P=0.046) and lymphatic invasion (P=0.019) as well as with an infiltrating tumor border (P<0.001), reflecting the predictive power of peri-tumoral budding for tumor progression. High intra-tumoral budding in preoperative biopsy samples of colorectal cancer patients predicts high peri-tumoral budding at the invasive margin and lymph node metastasis in the corresponding resection specimens as well as distant metastasis.