992 resultados para óxidos de Fe e de Al
The as-cast three-dimensional morphologies of alpha-Al-15(Fe,Mn)(3)Si-2 and beta-Al5FeSi intermetallics were investigated by serial sectioning. Large beta-Al5FeSi intermetallics were observed to grow around pre-existing dendrite arms. The alpha-Al-15(Fe,Mn)(3)Si-2 intermetallic particle was observed to have a central polyhedral particle and an external highly convoluted three-dimensional structure. (c) 2005 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Iron is the most common and detrimental impurity in aluminum casting alloys and has long been associated with an increase in casting defects. While the negative effects of iron are clear, the mechanism involved is not fully understood. It is generally believed to be associated with the formation of Fe-rich intermetallic phases. Many factors, including alloy composition, melt superheating, Sr modification, cooling, rate, and oxide bifilms, could play a role. In the present investigation, the interactions between iron and each individual element commonly present in aluminum casting alloys, were investigated using a combination of thermal analysis and interrupted quenching tests. The Fe-rich intermetallic phases were characterized using optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), and the results were compared with the predictions by Thermocalc. It was found that increasing the iron content changes the precipitation sequence of the beta phase, leading to the precipitation of coarse binary beta platelets at a higher temperature. In contrast, manganese, silicon, and strontium appear to suppress the coarse binary beta platelets, and Mn further promotes the formation of a more compact and less harmful a phase. They are therefore expected to reduce the negative effects of the phase. While reported in the literature, no effect of P on the amount of beta platelets was observed. Finally, attempts are made to correlate the Fe-rich intermetallic phases to the formation of casting defects. The role of the beta phase as a nucleation site for eutectic Si and the role of the oxide bifilms and AIP as a heterogeneous substrate of Fe intermetallics are also discussed.
The effect of Ca addition on the microstructure, physical characteristics (density/porosity), and mechanical properties (tensile and impact strength) has been investigated in an Al-7Si-0.3Mg-xFe (x = 0.2, 0.4, and 0.7) alloy. The size of Al-Fe intermetallic platelets (beta-Al5FeSi) increased with increasing Fe content. The addition of Ca modified the eutectic microstructure and also reduced the size of intermetallic Fe-platelets, causing improved elongation and impact strengths. A low level of Ca addition (39 ppm) reduced the porosity of the alloys. The tensile strength was decreased marginally with Ca addition. However, Ca addition improved the ductility of the alloy by 18.3, 16.7, and 44 pet and the impact strength by 44, 48, and 15.8 pct for Fe contents of 0.2, 0.4, and 0.7 pct, respectively.
Sand-cast plates were used to determine the effect of iron and manganese concentrations on porosity levels in Al-9 pet Si-0.5 pet Mg alloys. Iron increased porosity levels. Manganese additions increased porosity levels in alloys with 0.1 pet Fe, but reduced porosity in alloys with 0.6 and I pet Fe. Thermal analysis and quenching were undertaken to determine the effect of iron and manganese on the solidification of the Al-Si eutectic. At high iron levels, the presence of large beta-Al5FeSi was found to reduce the number of eutectic nucleation events and increase the eutectic grain size. The preferential formation of alpha-Al15Mn3Si2 upon addition of manganese reversed these effects. It is proposed that this interaction is due to beta-Al5FeSi and the Al-Si eutectic having common nuclei. Porosity levels are proposed to be controlled by the eutectic grain size and the size of the iron-bearing intermetallic particles rather than the specific intermetallic phase that forms.
Recent research suggest that the iron-rich intermetallic phases, such as alpha-FeAl15(Fe,Mn)(3)Si-2 and beta-Fe Al5FeSi, nucleate on oxide films entrained in aluminum casting alloys. This is evidenced by the presence of crack-like defects within these iron-rich intermetallics. In an attempt to verify the role of oxides in nucleating iron-rich intermetallics, experiments have been conducted under conditions where in-situ entrained oxide films and deliberately added oxide particles were present. Iron-rich intermetallics are observed to be associated with the oxides in the final microstructure, and crack-like defects are often observed in the beta-Fe plates. The physical association of the Fe-rich intermetallic phases with these solid oxides, either formed in situ or added, is in accordance with the mechanism suggesting that iron-rich intermetallics nucleate upon the wetted sides of double oxide films.
We present an ESR study at excitation frequencies of 9.4 GHz and 222.4 GHz of powders and single crystals of a Prussian Blue analogue (PBA), RbMn[Fe(CN)6]*H2O in which Fe and Mn undergoes a charge transfer transition between 175 and 300 K. The ESR of PBA powders, also reported by Pregelj et al. (JMMM, 316, E680 (2007)) is assigned to cubic magnetic clusters of Mn2+ ions surrounding Fe(CN)6 vacancies. The clusters are well isolated from the bulk and are superparamagnetic below 50 K. In single crystals various defects with lower symmetry are also observed. Spin-lattice relaxation broadens the bulk ESR beyond observability. This strong spin relaxation is unexpected above the charge transfer transition and is attributed to a mixing of the Mn3+ - Fe2+ state into the prevalent Mn2+ - Fe3+ state.
The strength of the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during climatically highly variable Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 has attracted much attention in recent years. Here we present high-resolution Nd isotope compositions of past seawater derived from authigenic Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides recovered from drift sediments on the Blake Ridge in the deep western North Atlantic (ODP Leg 172, Site 1060, 3481 m water depth). The data cover the period from 45 to 35 ka BP, tracing circulation changes during major Heinrich iceberg discharge event 4 (H4, ~40-39 ka BP). The Nd isotope record suggests that there was no northern-source water (NSW) mass like modern NADW at the deeper part of Blake Ridge at any time between 45 and 35 ka. This is fundamentally different from the hydrographic situation during the Holocene where NADW extends below 4500 m at this location. The epsilon-Nd of past deep water recorded in the Blake Ridge sediments was least radiogenic during Dansgaard/Oeschger (D/O) Interstadial (IS) 8 (epsilon-Nd = -11.3) and most radiogenic immediately preceding IS 9 (epsilon-Nd = -9.8). More radiogenic compositions were also recorded during H4 (-10.2 <= epsilon-Nd <= -9.9). The Nd isotope variability in MIS 3 matches that of a physical bottom current strength reconstruction from the same location. Neither record follows the pattern of Northern Hemisphere D/O climatic cycles. In our record, reduced mixing with northern source waters started in stadial 12 and lasted until after H4 in stadial 9, followed by a rapid increase in NSW contribution thereafter. This major change in the Nd isotope record predates the iceberg discharge event Heinrich 4 by more than 3 ka indicating a shallowing of the water mass boundary between Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water and Southern Source Water beneath. This early change in bottom water properties at the deep Blake Ridge suggests that North Atlantic deep water advection may already have decreased several thousand years before the actual iceberg discharge event and associated freshening of the surface waters in the North Atlantic. The change can thus not be attributed to climatic events in the North Atlantic but may be related to changes in flux of deep water from the South.
Accurate age models are a tool of utmost important in paleoclimatology. Constraining the rate and pace of past climate change are at the core of paleoclimate research, as such knowledge is crucial to our understanding of the climate system. Indeed, it allows for the disentanglement of the various drivers of climate change. The scarcity of highly resolved sedimentary records from the middle Eocene (Bartonian - Lutetian Stages; 47.8 - 37.8 Ma) has led to the existence of the "Eocene astronomical time scale gap" and hindered the establishment of a comprehensive astronomical time scale (ATS) for the entire Cenozoic. Sediments from the Newfoundland Ridge drilled during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 342 span the Eocene gap at an unprecedented stratigraphic resolution with carbonate bearing sediments. Moreover, these sediments exhibit cyclic lithological changes that allow for an astronomical calibration of geologic time. In this study, we use the dominant obliquity imprint in XRF-derived calcium-iron ratio series (Ca/Fe) from three sites drilled during IODP Expedition 342 (U1408, U1409, U1410) to construct a floating astrochronology. We then anchor this chronology to numerical geological time by tuning 173-kyr cycles in the amplitude modulation pattern of obliquity to an astronomical solution. This study is one of the first to use the 173-kyr obliquity amplitude cycle for astrochronologic purposes, as previous studies primarily use the 405-kyr long eccentricity cycle as a tuning target to calibrate the Paleogene geologic time scale. We demonstrate that the 173-kyr cycles in obliquity's amplitude are stable between 40 and 50 Ma, which means that one can use the 173-kyr cycle for astrochronologic calibration in the Eocene. Our tuning provides new age estimates for magnetochron reversals C18n.1n - C21r and a stratigraphic framework for key sites from Expedition 342 for the Eocene. Some disagreements emerge when we compare our tuning for the interval between C19r and C20r with previous tuning attempts from the South Atlantic. We therefore present a revision of the original astronomical interpretations for the latter records, so that the various astrochronologic age models for the middle Eocene in the North- and South-Atlantic are consistent.
The Paleo- to Meso-Proterozoic Jabiluka unconformity related uranium mine is located within the Alligator River Uranium Field, found in the Northern Territories, Australia. The uranium ore is hosted in the late middle Paleoproterozoic Cahill Formation, which is unconformably overlain by a group of unmetamorphosed conglomerates known as the Kombolgie subgroup. The Kombolgie subgroup provided the source for oxidized basinal brines, carrying U as the mobile form U(VI), which interacted with reducing lithologies in the Cahill formation, thus reducing U(VI) to the solid U(IV), and leading to the precipitation of uraninite (UO2). In order to characterize fluid interaction with the ore body and compare that to areas without mineralization, several isotopic tracers were studied on a series of clay samples from drill core at Jabiluka as well as in barren areas throughout the ARUF. Among the potential tracers, three were selected: U (redox sensitive and recent fluid mobilization), Fe (redox sensitive), and Li (fractionated by hydrothermal fluids and adsorption reactions). δ238U values were found to be closely linked to the mineralogy, with samples with higher K/Al ratios (indicating high illite and low chlorite concentrations) having higher δ238U values. This demonstrates that 235U preferentially absorbs onto the surface of chlorite during hydrothermal circulation. In addition, δ234U values lie far from secular equilibrium (δ234U of 30‰), indicating there was addition or removal of 234U from the surface of the samples from recent (<2.5Ma) interactions of mobile fluids. δ57Fe values were found to be related to lithology and spatially to known uranium deposits. Decreasing δ57Fe values were found with increasing depth to the unconformity in a drill hole directly above the ore zone, but not in drill holes in the barren area. Similarly to δ238U, δ7Li is found to correlate with mineralogy, with higher δ7Li values associated with samples with more chlorite. In addition, higher δ7Li values are found at greater depth throughout the basin, indicating that the direction of the mineralizing fluid circulation was upwards from the Cahill formation to the Kombolgie subgroup.
Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary science that is having a boom today, providing new products with attractive physicochemical properties for many applications. In agri/feed/food sector, nanotechnology offers great opportunities for obtaining products and innovative applications for agriculture and livestock, water treatment and the production, processing, storage and packaging of food. To this end, a wide variety of nanomaterials, ranging from metals and inorganic metal oxides to organic nanomaterials carrying bioactive ingredients are applied. This review shows an overview of current and future applications of nanotechnology in the food industry. Food additives and materials in contact with food are now the main applications, while it is expected that in the future are in the field of nano-encapsulated and nanocomposites in applications as novel foods, additives, biocides, pesticides and materials food contact.
En el presente trabajo indagaremos sobre la reconfiguración de las dinámicas institucionales en dos cárceles de la provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina, tras la inserción del dispositivo religiosoevangélico- pentecostal. Los casos serán las penitenciarías n° 3 —mediana seguridad— y n° 11 — máxima seguridad—, y nos interrogaremos sobre las relaciones de reciprocidad que el dispositivo religioso configura en el encierro, en cómo dichas relaciones definen nuevas estrategias de gobierno por parte del servicio penitenciario y de qué manera se rediseñan las relaciones de poder en el dispositivo carcelario. Abordaje comparativo que responde a la hipótesis de que el dispositivo religioso-evangélicopentecostal construye matrices comunes de ordenamiento social, funcionamiento y reciprocidades en el encierro pero, al mismo tiempo, consolida su funcionamiento a raíz de una identificación precisa de las necesidades y oportunidades de los sujetos según atraviesen situaciones de ingreso o egreso carcelario.
Desde su nacimiento hasta la caída de la dictadura de Primo de Rivera, el ferrocarril se perfiló como una industria doblemente creadora de riqueza, estimulando por un lado la ya existente e impulsando el desarrollo económico por otro. Ante sus peculiaridades técnicas, económicas y de mercado, los distintos gobiernos adoptaron soluciones intervencionistas de mayor o menor grado. Simultáneamente, en su primer desarrollo, se produjo el abandono del paradigma clásico basado en la libre competencia, lo que derivó en la conversión del ferrocarril en foco de la retórica anti-competencia y de la práctica intervencionista. En este trabajo realizamos un seguimiento del nacimiento y desarrollo del ferrocarril, centrado exclusivamente en la evolución político-económica del sector dentro de la propia evolución histórica, paralela a la vía nacionalista del capitalismo español, y en la descriptiva teórica y práctica del desarrollo del intervencionismo y las restricciones al libre mercado.