510 resultados para weapons


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From futures research, pattern recognition algorithms, nuclear waste disposal and surveillance technologies, to smart weapons systems, contemporary fiction and art, this book shows that we are now living in a world imagined and engineered during the Cold War. Drawing on theorists such as Jean Baudrillard, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Luce Irigaray, Friedrich Kittler, Michel Serres, Peter Sloterdijk, Carl Schmitt, Bernard Stiegler and Paul Virilio this collection makes connections between Cold War material and conceptual technologies, as they relate to the arts, society, and culture.


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A partir de los grabados publicados en las páginas de los periódicos que incluyeron humor gráfico en sus ediciones durante la Guerra del Pacífico (1879 - 1883), los caricaturistas chilenos desplegaron un discurso visual agresivo en clave patriótica y belicista, donde presentaron a sus lectores una imagen crítica y despectiva respecto de los adversarios de Chile. Recalcaron la supuesta falta de ánimo y valor combativo, ante la sola presencia de los efectivos militares chilenos tanto en el mar como en tierra. Así, la tinta y el papel, se transformaron en otra de las armas que intervinieron en el conflicto de Chile contra el Perú y Bolivia por la posesión de los ricos territorios salitreros de Tarapacá y Antofagasta. Las imágenes fueron interpretadas a partir de los postulados de la Escuela de Warburg, en especial los de Erwin Panofsky, que propone tres niveles de estudio del significado de cada obra, a saber, la “descripción preiconográfica”, luego el “estudio iconográfico” en cuanto tal y, finalmente, la “interpretación iconológica”.


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This article considers the opportunities of civilians to peacefully resist violent conflicts or civil wars. The argument developed here is based on a field-based research on the peace community San José de Apartadó in Colombia. The analytical and theoretical framework, which delimits the use of the term ‘resistance’ in this article, builds on the conceptual considerations of Hollander and Einwohner (2004) and on the theoretical concept of ‘rightful resistance’ developed by O’Brien (1996). Beginning with a conflict-analytical classification of the case study, we will describe the long-term socio-historical processes and the organizational experiences of the civilian population, which favoured the emergence of this resistance initiative. The analytical approach to the dimensions and aims of the resistance of this peace community leads to the differentiation of O`Brian’s concept of ‘rightful resistance’.


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Analysis of the word lancea, of Hispanic origin after Varro, and of place names, people´s names and personal names derived from it. It confirms that the spear was the most important weapon in the Bronze Age, belonging to the iuventus and used as heroic and divine symbol. This analysis confirms also the personality of the Lusitanians, a people related to the Celts but with more archaic archaeological, linguistic and cultural characteristics originated in the tradition of the Atlantic Bronze in the II millennium BC. It is also relevant to better know the organisation of Broze and Iron Age societies and the origin of Indo-Europeans peoples in Western Europe and of pre-Roman peoples of Iberia.


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El terrorismo es considerado en la Estrategia Global para la Política Exterior y de Seguridad de la UE como una de las principales amenazas a la seguridad de la Unión Europea. La lucha contra el terrorismo ha dado sus frutos en los últimos quince años, pero este artículo analiza la nueva Estrategia y se pregunta si será suficiente para responder con eficacia a esta amenaza y si se están empleando todos los medios necesarios para atajarla.


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This article deals with the encounters between a traditional Korean rural and island population and western military forces when the British navy occupied Geomundo, an archipelago known to them as Port Hamilton, for 22 months between 1885 and 1887. The paper first outlines the sometimes painful process of East Asian countries being opened up to trade and outside influences in the 19th century, a process sometimes urged upon them by naval weapons in this era of gunboat diplomacy. This provides the setting for the Port Hamilton Affair itself when in preparation for possible war with Russia, a British naval squadron steamed into Port Hamilton and took it without reference to the local people or their national government. After brief reference to the political consequences of this action, the focus is then on what the records from the occupation and earlier investigations by the British, who had long coveted the islands’ strategic harbour, reveal about the life of the islanders. The article considers both their traditional life, from a time rather before western travel accounts were written about the Korean mainland, and how the islanders fared under the British.


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Les élèves vivant dans la crainte d’être victimisés par leurs pairs peuvent se comporter de différentes façons, notamment en évitant de se rendre à l’école ou encore en imaginant différents moyens d’autoprotection (ex., apporter divers objets potentiellement dangereux à l’école). L’objectif de ce mémoire est de vérifier s’il existe des liens entre la victimisation par les pairs et le fait d’apporter des objets potentiellement dangereux et pouvant servir d’arme à l’école. L’échantillon est composé de 28 015 élèves de la première à la cinquième secondaire (12 à 17 ans) en provenance des écoles secondaires publiques du Québec. Les participants ont rempli le Questionnaire sur la Sécurité et la Violence à l’école Révisé (QSVE-R) visant à dresser le portrait de la violence dans les établissements scolaires du Québec. Les résultats démontrent que 5,1 % des élèves, davantage de garçons (8,2 %) que de filles (2,1 %) disent avoir déjà apporté un objet potentiellement dangereux à l’école. Le risque d’apporter ces objets augmente avec l’âge et c’est le couteau qui est l’objet le plus populaire auprès des répondants. L’étude confirme l’influence de la victimisation de type direct (insultes-menaces et agressions physiques), du sexe (garçons) et de l’âge (17 ans et plus) sur le fait d’apporter un objet pouvant servir d’arme à l’école. En plus de proposer des pistes d’études futures pour en connaître davantage sur ce que vivent les élèves victimisés à l’école, les conclusions de cette recherche soulèvent l’importance d’aider ces jeunes victimes à développer de meilleures stratégies afin de mieux gérer cette situation pénible, et amènent des réflexions pour orienter les interventions visant à créer des milieux scolaires sécurisants pour tous.


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The contamination of Japan after the Fukushima accident has been investigated mainly for volatile fission products, but only sparsely for actinides such as plutonium. Only small releases of actinides were estimated in Fukushima. Plutonium is still omnipresent in the environment from previous atmospheric nuclear weapons tests. We investigated soil and plants sampled at different hot spots in Japan, searching for reactor-borne plutonium using its isotopic ratio Pu-240/Pu-239. By using accelerator mass spectrometry, we clearly demonstrated the release of Pu from the Fukushima Daiichi power plant: While most samples contained only the radionuclide signature of fallout plutonium, there is at least one vegetation sample whose isotope ratio (0.381 +/- 0.046) evidences that the Pu originates from a nuclear reactor (Pu239+240 activity concentration 0.49 Bq/kg). Plutonium content and isotope ratios differ considerably even for very close sampling locations, e.g. the soil and the plants growing on it. This strong localization indicates a particulate Pu release, which is of high radiological risk if incorporated.


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"Sponsored mainly by the Bureau of Naval Weapons, through Contract NOw 62-0604-c under Brown University Subcontract No. 168319."


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O comércio de espécies selvagens tem crescido bastante ao longo das últimas décadas. Atualmente é considerado o quarto maior tráfico ilegal no mundo, logo seguido da transação de drogas, de armas e de humanos. Estima-se que o comércio de espécies selvagens pode ultrapassar os 12 milhões de euros por ano na UE. Abrange tanto as plantas como os animais vivos; mas, nestes últimos, incluem-se também os seus derivados, tais como sejam as peles, os ossos, alimento, entre outros. O uso das espécies selvagens é bastante vastos, as espécies são utilizadas para alimentação, uso medicinal, investigação científica, comércio de peles, alimentação e o mais comum é para animais de estimação. As espécies exóticas muitas vezes tornam-se espécies exóticas invasoras, começam a ser um perigo para a biodiversidade e para as espécies nativas. O processo de invasão apresenta-se por quatro fases: dispersão ou transporte, estabelecimento, naturalização e por fim dispersão geográfica e/ou invasão. Vários são os mecanismos para combater as espécies exóticas invasoras, sendo que o mecanismo mais radical a erradicação de espécimes. Em Lisboa, estão descritas três espécies exóticas invasoras: a tartaruga da Florida Trachemys scripta, a tartaruga de Nelson Pseudemys nelsoni e a tartaruga corcunda do Mississipi Graptemys pseudogeographica; ABSTRACT: The wildlife trade is growing fast over the last decades. It is now considered the fourth largest illegal trade in the world, followed by the drugs, weapons and humans. It is estimated that trade with species can exceed 12 million € per year in the EU. This trade comprises plants or live animals; but also is derivatives, such as skins, bones, food, and others. The use of wildlife is diverse, can be for food, medical, scientific research, trade of skins, but the most common is for pets. Alien species can become invasive alien species and so they become a threat to biodiversity and for native species. The process of invasion has four phases: dispersion or transport, establishment, naturalization and geographic dispersion and/or invasion. There are several mechanisms to combat such invasive alien species: the most radical mechanism is eradication of specimens. In Lisbon, are described three invasive alien species: the red-eared slider turtle Trachemys Florida, the Florida red-bellied turtle Pseudemys nelsoni and the false map turtle Graptemys psedogeographica.


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Turkey is a non-nuclear member of a nuclear alliance in a region where nuclear proliferation is of particular concern. As the only North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member that has a border with the Middle East, Turkish officials argue that Turkey cannot solely rely on NATO guarantees in addressing the regional security challenges. However, Turkey has not been able to formulate a security policy that reconciles its quest for independence, its NATO membership, the bilateral relationship with the United States, and regional engagement in the Middle East. This dissertation assesses the strategic implications of Turkey’s perceptions of the U.S./NATO nuclear and conventional deterrence on nuclear issues. It explores three case studies by the process tracing of Turkish policymakers’ nuclear-related decisions on U.S. tactical nuclear weapons deployed in Europe, national air and missile defense, and Iran’s nuclear program. The study finds that the principles of Turkish security policymaking do not incorporate a fundamentally different reasoning on nuclear issues than conventional deterrence. Nuclear weapons and their delivery systems do not have a defining role in Turkish security and defense strategy. The decisions are mainly guided by non-nuclear considerations such as Alliance politics, modernization of the domestic defense industry, and regional influence. The dissertation argues that Turkey could formulate more effective and less risky security policies on nuclear issues by emphasizing the cooperative security approaches within the NATO Alliance over confrontational measures. The findings of this dissertation reveal that a major transformation of Turkish security policymaking is required to end the crisis of confidence with NATO, redefinition of the strategic partnership with the US, and a more cautious approach toward the Middle East. The dissertation argues that Turkey should promote proactive measures to reduce, contain, and counter risks before they develop into real threats, as well as contribute to developing consensual confidence-building measures to reduce uncertainty.


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Thin commercial aluminum electrolytic and passed through reactions was obtained with anodic alumina membranes nanopores. These materials have applications in areas recognized electronic, biomedical, chemical and biological weapons, especially in obtaining nanostructures using these membranes as a substrate or template for processing nanowires, nanodots and nanofibers for applications noble. Previous studies showed that the membranes that have undergone heat treatment temperature to 1300° C underwent changes in morphology, crystal structure and optical properties. This aim, this thesis, a study of the heat treatment of porous anodic alumina membranes, in order to obtain and to characterize the behavior changes structures during the crystallization process of the membranes, at temperatures ranging between 300 and 1700° C. It was therefore necessary to mount a system formed by a tubular furnace resistive alumina tube and controlled environment, applying flux with special blend of Ag-87% and 13% N2, in which argon had the role of carrying out the oxygen nitrogen system and induce the closing of the pores during the densification of the membrane. The duration of heat treatment ranged from 60 to 15 minutes, at temperatures from 300 to 1700° C respectively. With the heat treatment occurred: a drastic reduction of porosity, grain growth and increased translucency of the membrane. For the characterization of the membranes were analyzed properties: Physical - thermogravimetric, X-ray diffraction, BET surface area; morphological - SEM, EDS through compositional and, optical absorbance, and transmittance in the UV-VIS, and FTIR. The results using the SEM showed that crystallization has occurred, densification and significant changes in membrane structure, as well as obtaining microtube, the BET analysis showed a decrease in specific surface area of the membranes has to 44.381 m2.g-1 to less than 1.8 m2.g-1 and in the analysis of transmittance and absorbance was found a value of 16.5% in the range of 800 nm, characteristic of the near infrared and FTIR have confirmed the molecular groups of the material. Thus, one can say that the membranes were mixed characteristics and properties which qualify for use in gas filtration system, as well as applications in the range of optical wavelength of the infra-red, and as a substrate of nanomaterials. This requires the continuation and deepening of additional study


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Os diagramas de impacto de missão, baseados nos limites de segurança para a realização de operações militares, tornaram-se uma ferramenta essencial no apoio às tomadas de decisão “go / no go” no âmbito militar. Estas ferramentas são vulgarmente utilizadas pelas forças armadas, tanto no planeamento estratégico como no emprego tático de meios, sistemas e armas. Para tal, estes critérios são confrontados com observações e previsões ambientais (meteo-oceanográficas) para produzir diagramas de impacto de missão, que antecipam em horas e dias, a existência de condições favoráveis ou desfavoráveis para a realização de uma determinada missão e para a execução de operações com o emprego de armas. Para uma utilização correta e eficiente destas ferramentas, por forma a revelarem-se um sistema de apoio à decisão útil e eficaz, torna-se necessário que os critérios a utilizar estejam em concordância com os meios e tarefas realizadas. Devendo para tal, traduzir a perceção dos militares relativa aos limites das condições ambientais no desempenho das plataformas, sensores e pessoal, conquistando dessa forma a sua confiança neste tipo de ferramentas. Pretende-se assim, com esta dissertação, analisar as atuais matrizes de critérios ambientais em uso na Marinha Portuguesa, no sentido de recolher a informação necessária, para elaborar uma proposta de novas tabelas mais adaptadas aos meios e missões da Marinha Portuguesa. Paralelamente, pretende-se também avaliar a opinião, dos principais utilizadores sobre a utilização destes instrumentos bem como, sobre a ferramenta que os disponibiliza na Marinha Portuguesa, o METOCMIL. Esta investigação foi desenvolvida a partir de questionários, submetidos à componente operacional da Marinha Portuguesa, permitindo a partir da sua análise estatística, propor uma nova matriz de critérios ambientais para a construção de MID. O produto desta dissertação, apresentado no capítulo três, demonstra as conclusões retiradas, apresentando os novos diagramas de impacto propostos.