976 resultados para random copolymers overall crystallization rate crystal growth rate isothermal crystallization kinetics poly (L-lactide)


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Background: Changes in heart rate during rest-exercise transition can be characterized by the application of mathematical calculations, such as deltas 0-10 and 0-30 seconds to infer on the parasympathetic nervous system and linear regression and delta applied to data range from 60 to 240 seconds to infer on the sympathetic nervous system. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that young and middle-aged subjects have different heart rate responses in exercise of moderate and intense intensity, with different mathematical calculations. Methods: Seven middle-aged men and ten young men apparently healthy were subject to constant load tests (intense and moderate) in cycle ergometer. The heart rate data were submitted to analysis of deltas (0-10, 0-30 and 60-240 seconds) and simple linear regression (60-240 seconds). The parameters obtained from simple linear regression analysis were: intercept and slope angle. We used the Shapiro-Wilk test to check the distribution of data and the "t" test for unpaired comparisons between groups. The level of statistical significance was 5%. Results: The value of the intercept and delta 0-10 seconds was lower in middle age in two loads tested and the inclination angle was lower in moderate exercise in middle age. Conclusion: The young subjects present greater magnitude of vagal withdrawal in the initial stage of the HR response during constant load exercise and higher speed of adjustment of sympathetic response in moderate exercise.


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Introduction. Craniopharyngioma (CF) is a malformation of the hypothalamicpituitary region and it is the most common nonglial cerebral tumor in children with an high overall survival rate. In some case severe endocrinologic and metabolic sequelae may occur during follow up. 50% of patients (pts), in particular those with radical removal of suprasellar lesions, develop intractable hyperphagia and morbid obesity, with dyslypidemia and high cardiovascular risk. We studied the auxological and metabolic features of a series of 29 patients (18 males) treated at a mean age of 7,6 years, followed up in our Centre from 1973 to 2008 with a mean follow up of 8,3 years. Patients features at the onset. 62% of pts showed as first symptoms of disease visual impairment and neurological disturbancies (headache); 34% growth arrest; 24% signs of raised intracranial pressure and 7% diabetes insipidus. Diagnosis. Diagnosis of CF was reached finally by TC or MRI scans which showed endo-suprasellar lesion in 23 cases and endosellar tumour in 6 cases. Treatment and outcome. 25/29 pts underwent surgical removal of CF (19 by transcranial approach and 6 by endoscopic surgery); 4 pts underwent stereotactic surgery as first line therapy. 3 pts underwent local irradiation with yttrium-90, 5 pts post surgery radiotherapy. 45% of pts needed more than one treatment procedure. Results. After CF treatment all patients suffered from 3 or more pituitary hormone deficiencies and diabetes insipidus. They underwent promptly substitutive therapy with corticosteroids, l-thyroxine and desmopressin. In 28/29 pts we found growth hormone (GH) deficiency. 20/28 pts started GH substitutive therapy and 15 pts reached final height(FH) near target height(TH). 8 pts were not GH treated for good growth velocity, even without GH, or for tumour residual. They reached in 2 cases FH over TH showing the already known phenomenon of growth without GH. 38% of patients showed BMI SDS >2 SDS at last assessment, in particular pts not GH treated (BMI 2,5 SDS) are more obese than GH treated (BMI 1,2 SDS). Lipid panel of 16 examined pts showed significative differencies among GH treated (9 pts) and not treated (7 pts) with better profile in GH treated ones for Total Cholesterol/C-HDL and C-LDL/C-HDL. We examined intima media thickness of common carotid arteries in 11 pts. 3/4 not GH treated pts showed ultrasonographic abnormalities: calcifications in 2 and plaque in 1 case. Of them 1 pt was only 12,6 years old and already showed hypothalamic obesity with hyperphagia, high HOMA index and dyslipidemia. In the GH treated group (7) we found calcifications in 1 case and a plaque in another one. GH therapy was started in the young pt with carotid calcifications, with good improvement within 6 months of treatment. 5/29 pts showed hypothalamic obesity, related to hypothalamic damage (type of surgical treatment, endo-suprasellar primitive lesion, recurrences). 48% of patients recurred during follow up ( mean time from treatment: 3 years) and underwent, in some cases up to 4 transcranial surgical treatments. GH seems not to increase recurrence rate since 40% of GH treated recurred vs 66,6% of not GH treated pts. Discussion. Our data show the extereme difficulties that occur during follow up of craniopharyngioma treated patients. GH therapy should be offered to all patients even with good growth velocity after CF treatment, to avoid dislypidemia and reduce cardiovascular risk. The optimal therapy is not completely understood and whether gross tumor removal or partial surgery is the best option remains to be decided only on one patient tumour features and hypothalamic involvement. In conclusion the gold standard treatment of CF remains complete tumour removal, when feasible, or partial resection to preserve hypothalamic function in endosuprasellar large neoplasms.


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The idea was to obtain nanowires in a chemical laboratory under convenient and simple conditions by employing templates. Thus it was possible to produce nanochains by interlinking of gold colloids synthesized by the two-phase-method of M. Brust with by making use of vanadiumoxide nanotubes as template. The length of the resulting nanowires is varying between 1100 nm and 200 nm with a diameter of about 16 nm. Due to a flexible linker the obtained nanowires are not completely rigid. These unique structural features could make them interesting objects for structuring and assembling in the nanoscale range. Another way to produce gold nanowires was realized by a two-step surface metallization procedure, using type I collagen fibres as a template. Gold colloids were used to label the collagen fibres by direct electrostatic interaction, followed by growth steps to enhance the size of the adsorbed colloidal gold crystals, resulting in a complete metallization of the template surface. The length of the resulting gold nanowires reaches several micrometers, with a diameter ~ 100 to 120 nm. To gain a deeper insight into the process of biomineralization the cooperative effect of self-assembled monolayers as substrate and a soluble counterpart on the nucleation and crystal growth of calcium phosphate was studied by diffusion techniques with a pH switch as initiator. As soluble component Perlucin and Nacrein were used. Both are proteins originally extracted from marine organisms, the first one from the Abalone shell and the second one from oyster pearls. Both are supposed to facilitate the calcium carbonate formation in vivo. Studies with Perlucin revealed that this protein shows a clear cooperative effect at a very low concentration with a hydrophobic surface promoting the calcium phosphate precipitation resulting in a sponge like structure of hydroxyapatite. The Perlucin molecule is very flexible and is unfolded by adsorbing to the hydrophobic surface and uncovers its active side. Hydrophilic surfaces did not have a deeper impact. Studies with Nacrein as additive have shown that the protein stabilizes octacalcium phosphate at room temperature on carboxylic self-assembled monolayer and at 34 °C on all other employed surfaces by interaction with the mineral. On the hydroxyl-, alkyl-, and amin-terminated self-assembled monolayers at room temperature the octacalcium phosphate get transformed to hydroxyapatite. Main analytical techniques which are used in this work are transmission electron microscopy, high resolution scanning electron microscopy, surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, Raman micro-spectroscopy and quartz crystal microbalance.


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This work of thesis involves various aspects of crystal engineering. Chapter 1 focuses on crystals containing crown ether complexes. Aspects such as the possibility of preparing these materials by non-solution methods, i.e. by direct reaction of the solid components, thermal behavior and also isomorphism and interconversion between hydrates are taken into account. In chapter 2 a study is presented aimed to understanding the relationship between hydrogen bonding capability and shape of the building blocks chosen to construct crystals. The focus is on the control exerted by shape on the organization of sandwich cations such as cobalticinium, decamethylcobalticinium and bisbenzenchromium(I) and on the aggregation of monoanions all containing carboxylic and carboxylate groups, into 0-D, 1-D, 2-D and 3-D networks. Reactions conducted in multi-component molecular assemblies or co-crystals have been recognized as a way to control reactivity in the solid state. The [2+2] photodimerization of olefins is a successful demonstration of how templated solid state synthesis can efficiently synthesize unique materials with remarkable stereoselectivity and under environment-friendly conditions. A demonstration of this synthetic strategy is given in chapter 3. The combination of various types of intermolecular linkages, leading to formation of high order aggregation and crystalline materials or to a random aggregation resulting in an amorphous precipitate, may not go to completeness. In such rare cases an aggregation process intermediate between crystalline and amorphous materials is observed, resulting in the formation of a gel, i.e. a viscoelastic solid-like or liquid-like material. In chapter 4 design of new Low Molecular Weight Gelators is presented. Aspects such as the relationships between molecular structure, crystal packing and gelation properties and the application of this kind of gels as a medium for crystal growth of organic molecules, such as APIs, are also discussed.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt den fluid-kristallinen Phasenübergang sowie den Glasübergang anhand von kolloidalen Hart-Kugel(HK)-Modellsystemen. Die Untersuchungen erfolgen dabei im Wesentlichen mit unterschiedlichen Lichtstreumethoden und daher im reziproken Raum. rnDie Analyse der Kristallisationskinetik zeigt, dass es bei der Kristallisation zu signifikanten Abweichungen vom Bild der klassischen Nukleationstheorie (CNT) kommt. Diese geht von einem einstufigen Nukleationsprozess aus, wohingegen bei den hier durchgeführten Experimenten ein mehrstufiger Prozess beobachtet wird. Vor der eigentlichen Kristallisation kommt es zunächst zur Nukleation einer metastabilen Zwischenphase, sogenannter Precursor. In einer zweiten Stufe erfolgt innerhalb der Precursor die eigentliche Nukleation der Kristallite. rnDurch weitere Analyse und den Vergleich des Kristallisations- und Verglasungsszenarios konnte das Konzept der Precursornukleation auf den Vorgang der Verglasung erweitert werden. Während die Kristallnukleation oberhalb des Glasübergangspunktes zum Erliegen kommt, bleibt der Prozess der Precursornukleation auch bei verglasenden Proben erhalten. Ein Glas erstarrt somit in einem amorphen Zustand mit lokalen Precursorstrukturen. Die Korrelation der gemessenen zeitlichen Entwicklung der strukturellen sowie der dynamischen Eigenschaften zeigt darüber hinaus, dass das bisher unverstandene Ageing-Phänomen von HK-Gläsern mit der Nukleation von Precursorn zusammenhängt.rnEin solches mehrstufiges Szenario wurde bereits in früheren Veröffentlichungen beobachtet. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Messungen ermöglichten erstmals die Bestimmung von Kristallnukleationsratendichten (Kristall-NRD) und Ratendichten für die Precursornukleation bis über den Glasübergangspunkt hinaus. Die Kristall-NRD bestätigen die Resultate aus anderen experimentellen Arbeiten. Die weiteren Analysen der Kristall-NRD belegen, dass die fluid-kristalline Grenzflächenspannung bei der Nukleation entgegen den Annahmen der CNT nicht konstant ist, sondern mit ansteigendem Volumenbruch linear zunimmt. Die Erweiterung der CNT um eine linear zunehmende Grenzflächenspannung ermöglichte eine quantitative Beschreibung der gemessenen Kristall- sowie der Precursor-NRD, was den Schluss zulässt, dass es sich in beiden Fällen um einen Boltzmann-aktivierten Prozess handelt. rnUm die beobachteten Abweichungen des Nukleationsprozesses vom Bild der CNT näher zu untersuchen, wurden die kollektiven Partikeldynamiken in stabilen Fluiden und metastabilen Schmelzen analysiert. Im klassischen Bild wird angenommen, dass die kollektive Partikeldynamik beim Vorgang der Nukleation keine Rolle spielt. Anhand der Resultate zeigen sich Abweichungen in der Dynamik stabiler Fluide und metastabiler Schmelzen. Während die kollektive Partikeldynamik in der stabilen Schmelze von der Struktur entkoppelt ist, tritt oberhalb des Phasenübergangspunktes eine Kopplung von Struktur und Dynamik auf. Dabei treten die Abweichungen zunächst in der Umgebung des ersten Strukturfaktormaximums und somit bei den am stärksten besetzten Moden auf. Mit steigender Unterkühlung nehmen die Anzahl der abweichenden Moden sowie die Stärke der Abweichungen zu. Dieses Phänomen könnte einen signifikanten Einfluss auf den Nukleationsprozess und somit auf die Kristallisationskinetik haben. Die Analyse der Dynamik im stabilen Fluid zeigt darüber hinaus Hinweise auf eine Singularität bei Annäherung an den fluid-kristallinen Phasenübergangspunkt.rnDes Weiteren wurden im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit erstmals Ratendichten für die heterogene Nukleation eines HK-Systems an einer flachen Wand mittels statischer Lichtstreuung (SLS) bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse der Messung zeigen, dass die Nukleationsbarriere der heterogenen Nukleation annähernd Null ist und folglich eine vollständige Benetzung der Wand mit einer kristallinen Monolage vorliegt. Die Erweiterung der Untersuchungen auf gekrümmte Oberflächen in Form von sphärischen Partikeln (Seeds) stellt die erste experimentelle Arbeit dar, die den Einfluss eines Ensembles von Seeds auf die Kristallisationskinetik in HK-Systemen untersucht. Die Kristallisationskinetik und die Mikrostruktur werden abhängig von Größe und Anzahldichte der Seed-Partikel signifikant beeinflusst. In Übereinstimmung mit konfokalmikroskopischen Experimenten und Simulationen spielt dabei das Radienverhältnis der Majoritäts- zur Minoritätskomponente eine entscheidende Rolle.


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A recombinant metal-dependent phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) from Streptomyces antibioticus has been crystallized by the hanging-drop method with and without heavy metals. The native crystals belonged to the orthorhombic space group P222, with unit-cell parameters a = 41.26, b = 51.86, c= 154.78 A. The X-ray diffraction results showed significant differences in the crystal quality of samples soaked with heavy atoms. Additionally, drop pinning, which increases the surface area of the drops, was also used to improve crystal growth and quality. The combination of heavy-metal soaks and drop pinning was found to be critical for producing high-quality crystals that diffracted to 1.23 A resolution.


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Surgical repair of the rotator cuff repair is one of the most common procedures in orthopedic surgery. Despite it being the focus of much research, the physiological tendon-bone insertion is not recreated following repair and there is an anatomic non-healing rate of up to 94%. During the healing phase, several growth factors are upregulated that induce cellular proliferation and matrix deposition. Subsequently, this provisional matrix is replaced by the definitive matrix. Leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) contain growth factors and has a stable dense fibrin matrix. Therefore, use of LPRF in rotator cuff repair is theoretically attractive. The aim of the present study was to determine 1) the optimal protocol to achieve the highest leukocyte content; 2) whether L-PRF releases growth factors in a sustained manner over 28 days; 3) whether standard/gelatinous or dry/compressed matrix preparation methods result in higher growth factor concentrations. 1) The standard L-PRF centrifugation protocol with 400 x g showed the highest concentration of platelets and leukocytes. 2) The L-PRF clots cultured in medium showed a continuous slow release with an increase in the absolute release of growth factors TGF-β1, VEGF and MPO in the first 7 days, and for IGF1, PDGF-AB and platelet activity (PF4=CXCL4) in the first 8 hours, followed by a decrease to close to zero at 28 days. Significantly higher levels of growth factor were expressed relative to the control values of normal blood at each culture time point. 3) Except for MPO and the TGFβ-1, there was always a tendency towards higher release of growth factors (i.e., CXCL4, IGF-1, PDGF-AB, and VEGF) in the standard/gelatinous- compared to the dry/compressed group. L-PRF in its optimal standard/gelatinous-type matrix can store and deliver locally specific healing growth factors for up to 28 days and may be a useful adjunct in rotator cuff repair.


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Many industrial solids processes require the production of disperse particles. In industries such as food, personal care, and pharmaceuticals, particle formation is widely used to produce solid products or to separate substances in intermediate process steps. The most important characteristics known to impact the effectiveness of a solid product are purity, size, internal structure, and morphology. These characteristics are essential to maintain optimal operation of subsequent process steps and for obtaining the desired high quality product. This thesis aims to aid in the advancement of particle production technology by (1) investigating the use of a vibrating orifice aerosol generator (VOAG) for collecting data to predict particle attributes including morphology, size, and internal structure as a function of processing parameters such as solvent, solution concentration, air flow rate, and initial droplet size, as well as to (2) determine the extent to which uniform droplet evaporation can be a tool to achieve novel particle morphologies, controlled sizes, or internal structures (crystallinity and crystal form). Experimental results for succinic acid, L-serine, and L-glutamic acid suggest that particles of controlled characteristics can indeed be produced by this method. Analysis by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), nanoindentation, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) shows that various sizes, internal structures, and morphologies can be obtained using the VOAG. Furthermore, unique morphologies and unexpected internal structures were able to be achieved for succinic acid, providing an added benefit to particle formation by this method.


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Due to their relatively high calcium oxide content, industrial mineral oxide wastes are potential candidates for mineral sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2). Cement kiln dust (CKD), a byproduct of cement manufacturing contains 20-60% CaO making it a possible candidate for CO2 sequestration. In this study, three types of CKD are characterized, before and after carbonation, using environmental scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis to determine the mineralogical and morphological changes occurring due to carbonation. The reactants, products, and precipitation mechanisms were investigated to enhance understanding of the governing processes and allow better utilization of CKD for CO2 sequestration. The results of multiple independent analyses confirmed the formation of CaCO3 during carbonation. Examinations of the reaction pathways found that CaO and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) were the major reactants. Three types of CaCO3 precipitation mechanisms were observed: (1) diffusion of CO2 into Ca(OH)2 particles causing precipitation in the pores of the particle and the growth of a CaCO3 ring from the outside inward, (2) precipitation onto existing particles, and (3) precipitation from aqueous solution. The growth of a CaCO3 ring on the outside of a particle may slow further diffusion of CO2 into a particle slowing iv the overall sequestration rate. Additionally, changes caused by carbonation in the solubility of trace metals were studied by mixing pre- and post-carbonated CKD with water and analyzing the solution using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Decreases in the leaching of chromium, lead, and copper were observed, and is an incentive for use of CKD for CO2 sequestration. Equilibrium modeling using PHREEQC confirmed that CaO and Ca(OH)2 would carbonate readily and form CaCO3.


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PURPOSE: This systematic review sought to determine the long-term clinical survival rates of single-tooth restorations fabricated with computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacture (CAD/CAM) technology, as well as the frequency of failures depending on the CAD/CAM system, the type of restoration, the selected material, and the luting agent. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An electronic search from 1985 to 2007 was performed using two databases: Medline/PubMed and Embase. Selected keywords and well-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria guided the search. All articles were first reviewed by title, then by abstract, and subsequently by a full text reading. Data were assessed and extracted by two independent examiners. The pooled results were statistically analyzed and the overall failure rate was calculated by assuming a Poisson-distributed number of events. In addition, reported failures were analyzed by CAD/CAM system, type of restoration, restorative material, and luting agent. RESULTS: From a total of 1,957 single-tooth restorations with a mean exposure time of 7.9 years and 170 failures, the failure rate was 1.75% per year, estimated per 100 restoration years (95% CI: 1.22% to 2.52%). The estimated total survival rate after 5 years of 91.6% (95% CI: 88.2% to 94.1%) was based on random-effects Poisson regression analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term survival rates for CAD/CAM single-tooth Cerec 1, Cerec 2, and Celay restorations appear to be similar to conventional ones. No clinical studies or randomized clinical trials reporting on other CAD/CAM systems currently used in clinical practice and with follow-up reports of 3 or more years were found at the time of the search.


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BACKGROUND: The single-use supraglottic airway devices LMA-Supreme (LMA-S; Laryngeal Mask Company, Henley-on-Thames, United Kingdom) and i-gel (Intersurgical Ltd, Wokingham, Berkshire, United Kingdom) have a second tube for gastric tube insertion. Only the LMA-S has an inflatable cuff. They have the same clinical indications and might be useful for difficult airway management. This prospective, crossover, randomized controlled trial was performed in a simulated difficult airway scenario using an extrication collar limiting mouth opening and neck movement. METHODS: Sixty patients were included. Both devices were placed in random order in each patient. Primary outcome was overall success rate. Other measurements were time to successful ventilation, airway leak pressure, fiberoptic glottic view, and adverse events. RESULTS: Success rate for the LMA-S was 95% versus 93% for the i-gel (P = 1.000). LMA-S needed shorter insertion time (34 +/- 12 s vs. 42 +/- 23 s, P = 0.024). Tidal volumes and airway leak pressure were similar (LMA-S 26 +/- 8 cm H20; i-gel 27 +/- 9 cm H20; P = 0.441). Fiberoptic view through the i-gel showed less epiglottic downfolding. Overall agreement in insertion outcome was 54 (successes) and 1 (failure) or 55 (92%) of 60 patients. The difference in success rate was 1.7% (95% CI -11.3% to 7.6%). CONCLUSIONS: Both airway devices had similar insertion success and clinical performance in the simulated difficult airway situation. The authors found less epiglottic downfolding and better fiberoptic view but longer insertion time with the i-gel. Our study shows that both devices are feasible for emergency airway management in patients with reduced neck movement and limited mouth opening.


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INTRODUCTION The objective of this trial was to compare the survival rates of mandibular lingual retainers bonded with either chemically cured or light-cured adhesive after orthodontic treatment. METHODS Patients having undergone orthodontic treatment at a private orthodontic office were randomly allocated to fixed retainers placed with chemically cured composite or light-cured composite. Eligibility criteria included no active caries, restorations, or fractures on the mandibular anterior teeth, and adequate oral hygiene. The main outcome was any type of first-time lingual retainer breakage; pattern of failure (adapted adhesive remnant index scores) was a secondary outcome. Randomization was accomplished with random permuted blocks of 20 patients with allocation concealed in sequentially numbered, opaque, sealed envelopes. Blinding was applicable for outcome assessment only. Patients were reviewed at 1, 3, and 6 months and then every 6 months after placement of the retainer until completion of the study. Data were analyzed using survival analysis including Cox regression; sensitivity analysis was carried out after data imputation for subjects lost to follow-up. RESULTS Two hundred twenty patients (median age, 16 years; interquartile range, 2; range, 12-47 years) were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to either chemical or light curing. Baseline characteristics were similar between groups, the median follow-up period was 2.19 years (range, 0.003-3.64 years), and 16 patients were lost to follow-up. At a minimum follow-up of 2 years, 47 of 110 (42.7%) and 55 of 110 (50.0%) retainers had some type of failure with chemically cured and light-cured adhesive, respectively (log-rank test, P = 0.35). Data were analyzed on an intention-to-treat basis, and the hazard ratio (HR) was 1.15 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.88-1.70; P = 0.47). There was weak evidence that age is a significant predictor for lingual retainer failures (HR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.93-1.00; P = 0.08). Adhesive remnant index scoring was possible for only 66 of the 102 (64.7%) failures and did not differ between composites (Fisher exact test, P = 0.16). No serious harm was observed other than gingivitis associated with plaque accumulation. CONCLUSIONS The results of this study indicated no evidence that survival of mandibular lingual retainers differs between chemically and light-cured adhesives. The overall failure rate was 46.4%; however, this included any type of failure, which may have exaggerated the overall failure rate.


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INTRODUCTION: Once metastasis has occurred, the possibility of completely curing breast cancer is unlikely, particularly for the 30 to 40% of cancers overexpressing the gene for HER2/neu. A vaccine targeting p185, the protein product of the HER2/neu gene, could have therapeutic application by controlling the growth and metastasis of highly aggressive HER2/neu+ cells. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of two gene vaccines targeting HER2/neu in preventive and therapeutic tumor models. METHODS: The mouse breast cancer cell line A2L2, which expresses the gene for rat HER2/neu and hence p185, was injected into the mammary fat pad of mice as a model of solid tumor growth or was injected intravenously as a model of lung metastasis. SINCP-neu, a plasmid containing Sindbis virus genes and the gene for rat HER2/neu, and Adeno-neu, an E1,E2a-deleted adenovirus also containing the gene for rat HER2/neu, were tested as preventive and therapeutic vaccines. RESULTS: Vaccination with SINCP-neu or Adeno-neu before tumor challenge with A2L2 cells significantly inhibited the growth of the cells injected into the mammary fat or intravenously. Vaccination 2 days after tumor challenge with either vaccine was ineffective in both tumor models. However, therapeutic vaccination in a prime-boost protocol with SINCP-neu followed by Adeno-neu significantly prolonged the overall survival rate of mice injected intravenously with the tumor cells. Naive mice vaccinated using the same prime-boost protocol demonstrated a strong serum immunoglobulin G response and p185-specific cellular immunity, as shown by the results of ELISPOT (enzyme-linked immunospot) analysis for IFNgamma. CONCLUSION: We report herein that vaccination of mice with a plasmid gene vaccine and an adenovirus gene vaccine, each containing the gene for HER2/neu, prevented growth of a HER2/neu-expressing breast cancer cell line injected into the mammary fat pad or intravenously. Sequential administration of the vaccines in a prime-boost protocol was therapeutically effective when tumor cells were injected intravenously before the vaccination. The vaccines induced high levels of both cellular and humoral immunity as determined by in vitro assessment. These findings indicate that clinical evaluation of these vaccines, particularly when used sequentially in a prime-boost protocol, is justified.


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Metastasis, the major cause of morbidity and mortality in most cancers, is a highly organized and organ-selective process. The receptor tyrosine kinase HER2 enhances tumor metastasis, however, its role in homing to metastatic organs is poorly understood. The chemokine receptor CXCR4 has recently been shown to mediate the malignant cancer cells to specific organs. Here we show that HER2 enhances the expression of CXCR4 by increasing CXCR4 protein synthesis and inhibiting its degradation. We also observed significant correlation between HER2 and CXCR4 expression in human breast tumor tissues, and an association between CXCR4 expression and a poor overall survival rate in patients with breast cancer. Furthermore, we found that CXCR4 is required for HER2-induced invasion, migration, and adhesion activities in vitro . Finally we established stable transfectants using retroviral RNA interference to inhibit CXCR4 expression and showed that the CXCR4 is required for HER2-mediated lung metastasis in vivo. These results provide a plausible mechanism for HER2-mediated breast tumor metastasis and homing to metastatic organs, and establish a functional link between the receptor tyrosine kinase HER2 and the chemokine receptor CXCR4 signaling pathways. ^ The HER2 overexpression activates PI-3K/Akt pathways and plays an important role in mediating cell survival and tumor development. Hypoxia inducible factors (HIF) are the key regulator for angiogenesis and energy metabolism, and thereby enhance tumor growth and metastasis. HIF activation occurs in the majority of human cancers, including the HER2 overexpressing cancer cells. Previous reports suggested that increased PI-3K/Akt may activate HIF pathway in various tumors, but the detail mechanism is still not completely understood. Here we found that HER2/PI-3K/Akt pathway induces HIF-1α activation, which is independent of hypoxia, but relatively weaker than hypoxic stimulation. This phenomenon was further observed in Akt knock out mouse embryonic fibroblast cells. The PI-3K/Akt pathway does not affect HIF-1α binding with its E3 ligase VHL, but enhances the binding affinity between HIF-1α and β unit. Furthermore, we found Akt phosphorylates HIF-1β at serine 271 and further regulated HIF transcriptional activity. Our findings provided one mechanism that HER2 induce HIF activation via Akt to promote angiogenesis, and this process is independent on hypoxia, which may have implications in the oncogenic activity of HER2 and PI-3K/Akt pathway. ^


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Background: Incidence of C. difficile infection (CDI) has increased dramatically in the past decade and is the most frequent cause of nosocomial infectious diarrhea. The outcome of infection may range from mild diarrhea to life-threatening pseudomembranous colitis depending on the immunological response of the host, which is highly compromised in this special population that includes bone marrow transplant (BMT), solid organ transplant (SOT) and cancer patients on cytotoxic chemotherapy. ^ Objectives: We conducted a meta-analysis to assess the incidence rates of CDI and the time to onset of infection in patients with iatrogenic immune suppression. ^ Methods: Original studies were identified through an extensive search of electronic databases including PubMed, Ovid Medline (R), RefWorks and Biological Abstracts and their references. The overall incidence rate of CDI in the immune suppressed population was calculated using random effects model and their 95% confidence interval was derived. Differences in the incidence of CDI and time to onset of infection were calculated between the groups and within the groups. Publication bias was assessed using a funnel plot. Results: Twenty nine published articles involving 7,424 patients met the eligibility requirements. The overall incidence of CDI in the immune suppressed population is 11.1% (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 9.2–13.4%). The incidence of CDI was higher in SOT patients (14.2%, 95% CI: 6.8–21.5%); (p-value-0.022) and in cancer patients on cytotoxic chemotherapy (11.4%, 95% CI: 8.4–15.4%); (p = 0.042) than in BMT patients (10.5%, 95% CI: 7.9–13.1%). In a subgroup analysis of BMT population, the incidence of CDI is significantly higher in patients who received allogeneic BMT (15.1%, 95% CI: 11.2–20.0%; p value <0.0001). Similarly, in the SOT population, the incidence of CDI was higher in patients who underwent liver transplantation (11.0%, 95% CI: 5.6–20.3%); (p= 0.0672). The median time to onset of infection was shorter in BMT patients (p=0.0025). ^ Conclusions: It is evident from the combined analysis of these 29 published studies that the incidence of CDI in the immune suppressed population is higher. However, early diagnosis and treatment of CDI will help reduce the morbidity and mortality due to CDI in this special population.^