672 resultados para oclusão


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In malocclusion studies, may happen not only dental discrepancies but even skeletal discrepancies. In Class III malocclusion can be observed underdeveloped maxilla, mandible protraction or both of them, and, in most of the times associated with a narrow maxilla that causes anterior or posterior crossbites, in one side or in two sides. The aim of this case report is to evaluate the facial profile and occlusal effects of interceptive orthodontics therapy. The treatment with upper arch expansion and maxilla protraction was done in an early age to be effective in the circummaxillary sutural system and to make the orthopedic effect easier. The facial mask used is positioned on two facial points and allows an anterior maxillary replacement. Patients’ compliance is important to reach treatment success, this because using the mask still in this growth and development phase is essential to make the facial and occlusal effects happen. It is important to mention that patients with Angle Class III malocclusion need to be followed till the end of their growth.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A anemia falciforme (AF) é a doença hematológica hereditária crônica de maior prevalência no Brasil, causada por uma mutação pontual no gene da β-globina, levando as hemácias a adquirirem formato de foice quando em estado desoxigenado. Essa alteração estrutural causa aumento da adesão celular, hipóxia local, vaso-oclusão e alterações na coagulação. O quadro clínico dos pacientes é diversificado, predominando a dor causada pelo processo inflamatório agudo e crônico, além de complicações que podem ocasionar infarto de tecidos e órgãos, levando à morte. O único fármaco aprovado pelo FDA disponível para o tratamento da doença é a hidroxiuréia (HU), mas, devido a sua toxicidade, têm sido intensificadas as buscas por novas possibilidades terapêuticas. O fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-α) é uma citocina pró-inflamatória presente em grande quantidade nos pacientes portadores da doença, e o óxido nítrico pode contribuir para vasodilatação e proteção vascular. Assim, propôs-se a síntese e avaliação farmacológica de candidatos a fármacos para o tratamento da AF, desenhados com o propósito de apresentar propriedades inibidoras do TNF-α e doadoras de óxido nítrico (NO). Foi avaliada a estabilidade química dos compostos sintetizados, em água, pH 1,2 e pH 7,4, sendo o Composto II o mais estável tanto em pH ácido como em água. Em pH básico, todos os compostos se mostraram instáveis. Os compostos III e VI apresentaram uma maior inibição da agregação plaquetária, atividade também atribuída à capacidade de doação de NO. O composto III foi o único a mostrar-se inibidor de TNF-α e IL-1β, em todas as concentrações avaliadas, e, também, mostrou-se inibidor de NO, no teste induzido por LPS. Diante de todos os ensaios realizados, o composto III é o mais promissor candidato a fármaco, entre os compostos sintetizados, para o tratamento dos sintomas da anemia falciforme.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate in dental models the occlusal relationship of children treated or in orthodontic treatment of the Undergraduate Clinic of Araraquara Dental School – UNESP. It was analyzed the vertical, anteroposterior and transversal relationships of the casts models of 388 children by two previous calibrated examiners. The results were analyzed by descriptive statistics and it was found higher prevalence of occlusal deviations in the vertical direction, followed by the sagital dimension and in lower prevalence of the transverse direction.


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Permanent teeth impaction is highly prevalent among brazilian people. Its etiology is related to local and general factors association. Permanent teeth retention compromises dental occlusion and when anterior teeth are involved, it also brings esthetics impairments which lead to psychological disturbance. Early diagnosis and adequate treatment are extremely important to solve not only occlusal problems but also psychological aspects. Orthodontic traction of impacted teeth can be conducted by using fixed or removable appliances. Although it depends on patient compliance the use of removable appliances provides an anchorage based on the teeth and the palate reducing undesirable side effects. This paper describes the case of a fourteen years old female patient whose right maxillary central incisor was adequately tractioned with a removable orthodontic appliance. Removable orthodontic devices were used at first to reposition teeth in maxillary anterior area what provided adequate space to allow the placement of the impacted incisor and after were also used to traction and position this tooth. The procedure described seemed to be effective, non expensive and a viable treatment to be performed even on the scope of public health services, extending orthodontic treatment to a higher number of patients.


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Schwartz-Jampel syndrome (SJS) is a rare recessive disorder characterized mainly by myotonia. As the clinical signs and symptoms are manifested in the oromaxillofacial region, paediatric dentists may be first choice of parents that seek information and assistance to their children. A female patient diagnosed with SJS was brought to our clinic for dental treatment with main complain of difficulty on oral hygiene and mastication due to tooth crowding. The treatment included preventive measures, extraction of a supernumerary tooth and the maxillary primary second molars. Furthermore, the patient was referred to orthodontic treatment for correction of tooth crowding. When dealing with children with confirmed diagnosis of SSJ, paediatric dentists should be understand the need of planning the dental treatment considering the characteristics and possible complications associated with the syndrome in order to reduce the risks to patients, especially when surgical procedures are necessary.


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Objective – To correlate facial type measurements of Caucasian individuals with transverse dimensions of normal occlusion arches. Methods – Twenty-one pairs of dental models were selected according to the following inclusion criteria: presence of all permanent teeth from 1 st molar to 1 st molar; normal occlusion; no prosthetic crowns; no previous orthodontic treatment and 2 mm or less of crow- dings or spacings. The cephalometric measurements of lateral cephalometric X-ray of the same individuals were taken and tabulat ed. To evaluate the repetition of arch measurements, paired Student’s t-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient were used. The r elationship between the measurements was analysed by using the Pearson’s correlation. Results – The repetition of the measurements showed high correlation and no systematic error. In the comparison between the measurements, a moderate negative correlation was observed b et- ween facial axis angle and the measurements Upper and Lower 6-6, whereas a positive correlation was observed between dentition height and the latter. Conclusion – It was observed a negative correlation between facial axis angle and upper and lower inter-molar distance as well as a positive correlation between dentition height and upper and lower inter-molar distance.


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Two treatment options are available for adult patients with skeletal Class II malocclusion caused by mandibular deficiency: combined mandibular advancement surgery and orthodontic treatment or mandibular advancement appliance. This study aimed to analyze the effects of two therapeutic modalities of Class II malocclusion treatment with mandibular deficiency. Two distinct individuals with Class II malocclusion division 1 and mandibular deficiency were treated after growth spurt. The first individual used the Herbst appliance as a therapeutic option and the second individual was treated with bilateral sagittal osteotomy. The cephalometric, occlusion and face results were evaluated for both individuals. Correction of Class II malocclusion was observed on both Herbst and surgery patients resulting on a normal occlusal relationship with normal overjet and overbite. Therefore it was concluded that Herbst appliance can be used to treat borderline skeletal Class II in adult patients.


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The study aimed to assess the degree of dental crowding correction on the lower anterior region of patients treated with T4k functional appliance using Little’s irregularity index. Twenty caucasian patients of both gender (10 female and 10 male) were selected. They featured malocclusion Class I and II in mixed dentition, with chronological age between 5.7 and 11 years. The treatment lasted from 1 year and 11 months up to 3 years and 11 months. Lower anterior crowding was measured using Little’s irregularity index. Measurements were obtained on study models achieved before and after functional orthopedic therapy, using a digital caliper in millimeters and placed parallel to the occlusal plane. Overjet and overbite measurements were also performed using a caliper. Results demonstrated that the therapy provided significant decrease in overjet (average = 1.55 mm) and also in the irregularity index (average = 1.23 mm). There was a nonsignificant raise in overbite. There was no relation between the studied variables and the treatment period or even with the patient’s age in the beginning of the therapy. The treatment with T4k resulted on reduction and improvement of dental crowding.


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The current reports the case of a young patient with malocclusion Class II division 1 on permanent dentition treated in two stages, rthopedics and orthodontics, respectively. At first, the banded Herbst appliance was used duringa 7 months period, followed by a T4K appliance, Trainer for Kids used as retention, and on the second stage the corrective Orthodontics was performed. The results showed the acquirement of a Class I dental relationship, which was kept stable, with excellent intercuspation, even after 5 years of the removal of the Herbst appliance, as well as the correction of the overjet and the reduction of the facial profile convexity. It can be concluded that the Herbst appliance was very efficient in correcting the Class II malocclusion, long term, also providing a very favorable effect on the facial profile.


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The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate mandibular and maxillary changes induced by the use of Herbst applianceand by natural growth through oblique cephalometric radiographs in children with Class II division 1 malocclusion with mandibular retrusion. A sample of 49 individuals with age ranging from 8 to 10 years old (before growth peak) with Class II division 1, were into two groups: Herbst treated group (n=24) and control group (n=25). Both groups were paired for gender and chronological age. Statistical analysis was performed through Student’s t test. The Herbst appliance promoted the Class II correction in a 7 months period by mesialization of lower permanent first molars and distalization of upper permanent first molars. The Herbst appliance had no influence over the mandibular structure or the mandibular length. It was concluded that early treatment with Herbst appliance corrected the Class II malocclusion by means of dentoalveolar changes.


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Immediate reutilization of the expanding action in a case of rapid maxillary expansion surgically assisted. The orthopedic rapid maxillary expansion (RME) and rapid maxillary expansion surgically assisted (RMESA) are conducted with the aim of giving an appropriate jaw, capable of providing a normal occlusion. In extreme cases, where there is a severe atresia, it is necessary to perform an expansion beyond that allowed by the expander, followed by another conventional device or a butterfly expander, when the atresia is in the anterior maxillary region. In this situation, there are two options: wait about 90 days to allow intermaxillary suture restructuring and perform a new RME / RMESA or proceed immediately to the expansion process. Considering the biological cost, financial and clinical time, the procedure of reusing the immediate expander action becomes the technique of choice in these cases, been the operational procedure performed simplified and in just four steps. This work will show a case report where, after accomplishing the RMESA was observed that even after changing the shape of the maxillary arch, the severity of atresia could not be corrected, especially in the anterior region, and more expansion was needed. Aiming to correct the atresia in the anterior maxilla, the technique used was to reuse the immediate expander action through the change of an intraoral screw expander for a conventional butterfly type screw expander.