803 resultados para modes of assessment
Water withdrawal from Mediterranean reservoirs in summer is usually very high. Because of this, stratification is often continuous and far from the typical two-layered structure, favoring the excitation of higher vertical modes. The analysis of wind, temperature, and current data from Sau reservoir (Spain) shows that the third vertical mode of the internal seiche (baroclinic mode) dominated the internal wave field at the beginning of September 2003. We used a continuous stratification two-dimensional model to calculate the period and velocity distribution of the various modes of the internal seiche, and we calculated that the period of the third vertical mode is ;24 h, which coincides with the period of the dominating winds. As a result of the resonance between the third mode and the wind, the other oscillation modes were not excited during this period
The causal mechanism and seasonal evolution of the internal wave field in a deep, warm, monomictic reservoirare examined through the analysis of field observations and numerical techniques. The study period extends fromthe onset of thermal stratification in the spring until midsummer in 2005. During this time, wind forcing wasperiodic, with a period of 24 h (typical of land–sea breezes), and the thermal structure in the lake wascharacterized by the presence of a shallow surface layer overlying a thick metalimnion, typical of small to mediumsized reservoirs with deep outtakes. Basin-scale internal seiches of high vertical mode (ranging from mode V3 toV5) were observed in the metalimnion. The structure of the dominant modes of oscillation changed asstratification evolved on seasonal timescales, but in all cases, their periods were close to that of the local windforcing (i.e., 24 h), suggesting a resonant response. Nonresonant oscillatory modes of type V1 and V2 becamedominant after large frontal events, which disrupted the diurnal periodicity of the wind forcing
Scientific studies regarding specifically references do not seem to exist. However, the utilization of references is an important practice for many companies involved in industrial marketing. The purpose of the study is to increase the understanding about the utilization of references in international industrial marketing in order to contribute to the development of a theory of reference behavior. Specifically, the modes of reference usage in industry, the factors affecting a supplier's reference behavior, and the question how references are actually utilized, are explored in the study. Due to the explorative nature of the study, a research design was followed where theory and empirical studies alternated. An Exploratory Framework was developed to guide a pilot case study that resulted in Framework 1. Results of the pilot study guided an expanded literature review that was used to develop first a Structural Framework and a Process Framework which were combined in Framework 2. Then, the second empirical phase of the case study was conducted in the same (pilot) case company. In this phase, Decision Systems Analysis (DSA) was used as the analysis method. The DSA procedure consists of three interviewing waves: initial interviews, reinterviews, and validating interviews. Four reference decision processes were identified, described and analyzed in the form of flowchart descriptions. The flowchart descriptions were used to explore new constructs and to develop new propositions to develop Framework 2 further. The quality of the study was ascertained by many actions in both empirical parts of the study. The construct validity of the study was ascertained by using multiple sources of evidence and by asking the key informant to review the pilot case report. The DSA method itself includes procedures assuring validity. Because of the choice to conduct a single case study, external validity was not even pursued. High reliability was pursued through detailed documentation and thorough reporting of evidence. It was concluded that the core of the concept of reference is a customer relationship regardless of the concrete forms a reference might take in its utilization. Depending on various contingencies, references might have various tasks inside the four roles of increasing 1) efficiency of sales and sales management, 2) efficiency of the business, 3) effectiveness of marketing activities, and 4) effectiveness in establishing, maintaining and enhancing customer relationships. Thus, references have not only external but internal tasks as well. A supplier's reference behavior might be affected by many hierarchical conditions. Additionally, the empirical study showed that the supplier can utilize its references as a continuous, all pervasive decision making process through various practices. The process includes both individual and unstructured decision making subprocesses. The proposed concept of reference can be used to guide a reference policy recommendable for companies for which the utilization of references is important. The significance of the study is threefold: proposing the concept of reference, developing a framework of a supplier's reference behavior and its short term process of utilizing references, and conceptual structuring of an unstructured and in industrial marketing important phenomenon to four roles.
Molecular modelling using semiempirical methods AM1, PM3, PM5 and, MINDO as well as the Density Functional Theory method BLYP/DZVP respectively were used to calculate the structure and vibrational spectra of d-glucose and d-fructose in their open chain, alpha-anomer and beta-anomer monohydrate forms. The calculated data show that both molecules are not linear; ground state and the number for the point-group C is equal to 1. Generally, the results indicate that there are similarities in bond lengths and vibrational modes of both molecules. It is concluded that DFT could be used to study both the structural and vibrational spectra of glucose and fructose.
Aqueous extracts of the leaves of Ocimum gratissimum at 10, 25, 40 and 50% (w/v) concentrations induced the production of phytoalexins in soybean cotyledons and sorghum mesocotyls. The aqueous extracts also induced systemic resistance in cucumber to Colletotrichum lagenarium, reflected by reduction in disease incidence and an increase in chitinase production. Modes of action and the existence of possible elicitors of defense response in O. gratissimum leaf extracts are discussed.
The computer is a useful tool in the teaching of upper secondary school physics, and should not have a subordinate role in students' learning process. However, computers and computer-based tools are often not available when they could serve their purpose best in the ongoing teaching. Another problem is the fact that commercially available tools are not usable in the way the teacher wants. The aim of this thesis was to try out a novel teaching scenario in a complicated subject in physics, electrodynamics. The didactic engineering of the thesis consisted of developing a computer-based simulation and training material, implementing the tool in physics teaching and investigating its effectiveness in the learning process. The design-based research method, didactic engineering (Artigue, 1994), which is based on the theoryof didactical situations (Brousseau, 1997), was used as a frame of reference for the design of this type of teaching product. In designing the simulation tool a general spreadsheet program was used. The design was based on parallel, dynamic representations of the physics behind the function of an AC series circuit in both graphical and numerical form. The tool, which was furnished with possibilities to control the representations in an interactive way, was hypothesized to activate the students and promote the effectiveness of their learning. An effect variable was constructed in order to measure the students' and teachers' conceptions of learning effectiveness. The empirical study was twofold. Twelve physics students, who attended a course in electrodynamics in an upper secondary school, participated in a class experiment with the computer-based tool implemented in three modes of didactical situations: practice, concept introduction and assessment. The main goal of the didactical situations was to have students solve problems and study the function of AC series circuits, taking responsibility for theirown learning process. In the teacher study eighteen Swedish speaking physics teachers evaluated the didactic potential of the computer-based tool and the accompanying paper-based material without using them in their physics teaching. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected using questionnaires, observations and interviews. The result of the studies showed that both the group of students and the teachers had generally positive conceptions of learning effectiveness. The students' conceptions were more positive in the practice situation than in the concept introduction situation, a setting that was more explorative. However, it turned out that the students' conceptions were also positive in the more complex assessment situation. This had not been hypothesized. A deeper analysis of data from observations and interviews showed that one of the students in each pair was more active than the other, taking more initiative and more responsibilityfor the student-student and student-computer interaction. These active studentshad strong, positive conceptions of learning effectiveness in each of the threedidactical situations. The group of less active students had a weak but positive conception in the first iv two situations, but a negative conception in the assessment situation, thus corroborating the hypothesis ad hoc. The teacher study revealed that computers were seldom used in physics teaching and that computer programs were in short supply. The use of a computer was considered time-consuming. As long as physics teaching with computer-based tools has to take place in special computer rooms, the use of such tools will remain limited. The affordance is enhanced when the physical dimensions as well as the performance of the computer are optimised. As a consequence, the computer then becomes a real learning tool for each pair of students, smoothly integrated into the ongoing teaching in the same space where teaching normally takes place. With more interactive support from the teacher, the computer-based parallel, dynamic representations will be efficient in promoting the learning process of the students with focus on qualitative reasoning - an often neglected part of the learning process of the students in upper secondary school physics.
Turun seudun turvallisen ja kestävän liikkumisen suunnitelma on laadittu seudun kuntien ja Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskuksen yhteistyönä. Suunnitelmassa on selvitetty liikenneturvallisuuden, liikkumisen, toimintaympäristön ja liikennejärjestelmän nykytilaa sekä kartoitettu liikenneturvallisuusongelmia erilaisten analyysien ja kyselyiden avulla. Nykytila-analyysin pohjalta on asetettu liikenneturvallisuustyön visio ja tavoitteet sekä määritetty toimenpide-ehdotukset. Tavoitteisiin pääsemistä tukevat liikenneympäristön parantamistoimenpiteiden ohjelma, liikkumisen ohjauksen toimintaohjelma sekä hallintokuntien liikenneturvallisuustyön toimenpiteistä kootut toimintasuunnitelmat. Onnettomuusanalyysin perusteella liikenneturvallisuuden tila oli Turun seudulla hieman koko Suomen keskiarvoa heikompi. Seudulla tapahtui vuosina 2001-2010 henkilövahinkoon johtaneita onnettomuuksia keskimäärin 132 / 100 000 asukasta, kun vastaava luku oli 126 koko maan osalta. Kuolemaan johtaneita onnettomuuksia tapahtui seudulla vähemmän, mutta loukkaantumiseen johtaneita onnettomuuksia koko maan keskiarvoa enemmän. Onnettomuuksissa kuoli tai loukkaantui koko maan keskiarvoa enemmän jalankulkijoita ja polkupyöräilijöitä. Lukumäärällisesti eniten onnettomuuksia tapahtui 18–19-vuotiaille, mutta henkilövahinkoon johtaneita onnettomuuksia tapahtui selvästi eniten 15–16-vuotiaille. Seudulla tapahtuneista liikenneonnettomuuksista aiheutui vuosittain keskimäärin 127,2 miljoonan euron kustannukset, josta kuntien osuus oli vuosittain noin 22,3 miljoonaa euroa. Asukkaille suunnatun kyselyn mukaan sekä työmatkat että lyhyet vapaa-ajan matkat tehtiin useimmiten henkilöautolla. Koululaisia pidettiin turvattomimpana tienkäyttäjäryhmänä, ja kävelyä sekä pyöräilyä turvattomimpina kulkutapoina. Välinpitämättömyyttä pidettiin merkittävimpänä syynä erilaisiin liikennerikkomuksiin ja tärkeimmäksi kehittämistarpeeksi nousi liikennekäyttäytyminen. Yhdyskuntarakenteen ja toimintaympäristön analyysin perusteella seudulla on hyvät edellytykset kestävien kulkumuotojen kuten joukkoliikenteen houkuttelevuuden lisäämiselle sekä kävelyn ja pyöräilyn verkoston kehittämiselle. Onnettomuusanalyysin ja valtakunnallisten tavoitteiden pohjalta Turun seudulle asetettiin liikenneturvallisuustyön tavoitteet. Tavoitelaskelman mukaan liikennekuolemien ja loukkaantuneiden määrä tulee puolittaa vuosien 2006-2010 keskiarvosta vuoteen 2020 mennessä. Tavoitteen mukaan liikenteessä kuolee enintään 6 (lähtötaso 12) ja loukkaantuu 236 (lähtötaso 471) vuonna 2020. Vaikutusarvion perusteella voidaan arvioida päästävän tavoitteeseen suunnitelmakauden aikana. Tavoitteiden saavuttaminen on kuitenkin haasteellista ja edellyttää tehokasta yhteistyötä eri tahojen välillä. Tavoitteeseen tulee pyrkiä laajaa keinovalikoimaa käyttäen. Suunnitelmatyön aikana aktivoitiin kuntien turvallisen ja kestävän liikkumisen ryhmät, joiden toiminnan tueksi laadittiin toimintasuunnitelmat sekä vuosikello työn eri vaiheista. Ryhmät vastaavat suunnitelman toteuttamisesta, toteutumisen seurannasta ja tarvittaessa päivittämisestä.
Objective:To analyze the genetic polymorphisms of the cytochrome P450 family and their relationship with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx.Methods: We present a narrative literature review, conducted in Pubmed, Lilacs and Cochrane Databases of articles published in the last five years correlating genetic polymorphisms of the cytochrome P450 family and cancer risk in different populations worldwide.Results: We initially found 65 articles and, after selection criteria, 20 case-control studies with various populations worldwide were eligible. The most studied polymorphisms were those of CYP2E1 and CYP1A1 subfamilies. There is little about the other subfamilies. The association found between polymorphisms and cancer risk amounted to a countless number of variables, amongst them: population, selection methods, racial factors and different modes of exposure to carcinogens, genotyping methods, and nomenclature of the polymorphisms.Conclusion: so far, there is no proven link between genetic polymorphisms of cytochrome P450 family and squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx relationship.
The flow structure of cold and ignited jets issuing into a co-flowing air stream was experimentally studied using a laser Doppler velocimeter. Methane was employed as the jet fluid discharging from circular and elliptic nozzles with aspect ratios varying from 1.29 to 1.60. The diameter of the circular nozzle was 4.6 mm and the elliptic nozzles had approximately the same exit area as that of the circular nozzle. These non-circular nozzles were employed in order to increase the stability of attached jet diffusion flames. The time-averaged velocity and r.m.s. value of the velocity fluctuation in the streamwise and transverse directions were measured over the range of co-flowing stream velocities corresponding to different modes of flame blowout that are identified as either lifted or attached flames. On the basis of these measurements, attempts were made to explain the existence of an apparent optimum aspect ratio for the blowout of attached flames observed at higher values of co-flowing stream velocities. The insensitivity of the blowout limits of lifted flames to nozzle geometry observed in our previous work at low co-flowing stream velocities was also explained. Measurements of the fuel concentration at the jet centerline indicated that the mixing process was enhanced with the 1.38 aspect ratio jet compared with the 1.60 aspect ratio jet. On the basis of the obtained experimental data, it was suggested that the higher blowout limits of attached flames for an elliptic jet of 1.38 aspect ratio was due to higher entrainment rates.
Food industry in Finland has a long tradition and the new trends and the future of Finnish food industry is going towards functional and healthy food for the consumers in and outside Finland. Small companies operating in this industry face many difficulties in trying to compete and expand to new markets, that is why these companies are the key of innovation and they have done many breakthroughs in the food industry as well. It is therefore important to understand the internationalization process these companies follow and entry strategies they use, and moreover how they use their limited resources in order to be successful in international markets. This thesis via a case study approach deals with the issue of internationalization of SMEs and Finnish food industry. This study supports earlier theories of internationalization, primarily the Uppsala model and acknowledges internationalization as an incremental process. Meaning that psychic distance is indeed the major barrier of internationalization, and acquisition of international knowledge requires significant amount of time which influences the level of resource-commitment in foreign markets. It follows that due to the risks involved in foreign markets, the least resource-intensive modes of market entry such as direct and indirect exports are generally preferred at the start of internationalization process. As of what explains the non-conventional rapid internationalization process, we conclude that in an internationalized industry and country with established trade flows like Finland, the context in which firms operate may be less significant than the varying level of entrepreneurial skills and confidence present therein.
This study discusses the importance of diasporas’ knowledge with regard to the national competitive advantage of Finland. The purpose of this study is to suggest an interaction framework, which illustrates how diasporas can benefit the host country via intentional knowledge spillovers, with two sub-objectives: to seek which features are crucial for productive interaction between a host government and diasporas, and to scrutinize the modes of interaction currently effective in Finland. The theoretical background of the study consists of literature relating to the concepts of diaspora and knowledge. The empirical research conducted for this study is based on expert interviews. The interview data was collected between September and November 2013. Eight interviews were made; five with representatives of expert organizations, and three with immigrants. Thematic analysis was used to categorize and interpret the interview data. In addition, thematic networks were built to act as a basis of analysis. This study finds that knowledge, especially new combinations of knowledge, is a significant input in innovation. Innovation is found to be the basis of national competitive advantage. Thus the means through which knowledge is transferred are of key importance. Diasporas are found a good source of new knowledge, and thus may aid the innovative process. Host country stance and policy are found to have a major impact on the ability of the host country to benefit from diasporas’ knowledge. As a host country, this study finds Finland to have a very fragmented strategy field and a prejudiced attitude, which currently make it difficult to utilize the potential of diasporas. The interaction framework based on these findings suggests ways in which Finland can improve its national competitive advantage through acquiring the innovative potential of diasporas. Strategy revision and increased promotion are discussed as means towards improved interaction. In addition, the importance of learning is emphasized. The findings of this study enhance understanding of the relationship between the concepts of diaspora and knowledge. In addition, this study ties the relationship to economic benefit. Future research is, however, necessary in order to fully understand the meaning of the relationship, as well as to increase understanding of the generalizability of the interaction framework.
The sorghum is a kind of prominence before the cultures used in succession in the Brazil. However, little information concerning the effects of residual activity of herbicides on the crop in this region are known. The objective of this study was to evaluate the residual activity of herbicides used in weed management in soybeans as well as check their effects on grain sorghum grown in succession. For the field experiment, we used a randomized block design with four replications. Eight herbicide treatments were evaluated: imazaquin (0,161 kg ha-1), diclosulam (0,035 kg ha-1), sulfentrazone (0,600 kg ha-1) and flumioxazin (0,05 kg ha-1) in applications made before emergency and chlorimuron-ethyl (0,015 kg ha-1), imazethapyr (0,060 kg ha-1), imazethapyr (0,100 kg ha-1) and fomesafen (0,250 kg ha-1) applied post-emergence soybean (V3 stadium, 18 DAE), and a control without herbicide application. The grain sorghum (cv. AG-1040) was sown after the harvest of soybeans. The residual activity of these herbicides was determined by bioassay, using the same sorghum cultivars evaluated in the field during the period from 0 to 200days after application the treatments. The sorghum crop showed high sensitivity to residual activity of the herbicide sulfentrazone, diclosulam and imazethapyr dose of 0,100 kg ha-1, even when grown after soybean harvest. Furthermore, the residual activity of sulfentrazone exceeded the range of assessment of bioassay, and more than 200 days.
In crop production, weeds must be controlled so as not to adversely affect crop yield and crop quality. Thus, a low level of weeds infesting a field, in most instances, is not a problem. Except in sod or seed production, turfgrass does not have a yield component. The value of turfgrass is its inherent aesthetic quality and usability. Aesthetic quality is the beauty and value that turfgrass adds to a managed landscape. Usability can be the durability of a sport field, trueness of golf putting green roll, or reduction in soil loss from water runoff or wind. Any weed presence in turfgrass can decrease the aesthetic quality and usability of turfgrass. Utilizing herbicides is the only way to completely control weeds in a turfgrass stand. While it is possible to reduce weed populations using cultural or mechanical management practices, it is impossible to completely eliminate weeds as can be accomplished with herbicides. This manuscript will review the major herbicides used in turfgrass in the United States with respect to their modes of action, herbicide family, and primary use in turfgrass.
ALS-inhibiting herbicides usually provide adequate weed control in irrigated rice fields. After consecutive years of use, the Cyperaceae species, globe fringerush (Fimbristylis miliacea) began to show resistance to ALS (acetolactate synthase) inhibitors. Globe fringerush is one of the most problematic herbicide-resistant weeds in irrigated rice in the state of Santa Catarina in the South of Brazil. The objective of this research was to examine cross resistance of globe fringerush to ALS inhibitors, under field conditions. Two experiments were conducted in a rice field naturally infested with ALS-resistant globe fringerush in Santa Catarina, in the 2008/09 and 2009/10 cropping seasons. The experimental units were arranged in randomized complete block design, with five replicates, consisting of two factors (herbicide and dose) in a 4 x 5 factorial arrangement. ALS herbicides included bispyribac-sodium, ethoxysulfuron, pyrazosulfuron-ethyl and penoxsulam. Six-leaf globe fringerush was sprayed with herbicide doses of 0, 0.5, 1, 2 and 4X the recommended doses in a spray volume of 200 L ha-1. The number of rice culm, filled and sterile grains, plant height, dry shoot biomass and grain yield were recorded. Globe fringerush control was evaluated 28 and 70 days after herbicide application (DAA); shoots were harvested at 13 weeks after herbicide application and dry weight recorded. Competition with globe fringerush reduced the number of culm and rice grain yield. The globe fringerush biotype in this field was resistant to all ALS herbicides tested. Penoxsulam had the highest level of activity among treatments at 28 and 70 DAA, but the control level was only 50% and 42%, respectively, in the second year of assessment. This was not enough to prevent rice yield loss. Alternative herbicides and weed control strategies are necessary to avoid yield losses in rice fields infested with ALS-resistant biotypes of globe fringerush.
Soil is a very heterogeneous environment that allows the establishment of wide range of microorganisms populations, whose balance is affected by biotic and abiotic factors. This study has aimed to assess the effect of doses of mesotrione and fluazifop-p-butyl herbicides and two assessment periods on microbial activity and biomass of soil cultivated with cassava Cacau-UFV cultivar, besides the root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Two trials were conducted in a protected environment where was realized post-emergence application of mesotrione in the doses of 72, 108, 144 and 216 g ha-1 and fluazifop-p-butyl in the doses of 100, 150, 200 and 300 g ha-1, besides a control without application. Soil samples were collected for determination of soil respiratory rate (RR), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), metabolic quotient (qCO2), and colonization of roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi at the 30 and 60 days after applications (DAA) of the herbicides. Fluazifop-p-butyl increased the RR, MBC and the percentage of cassava roots colonized by mycorrhizal fungi in the assessment performed at 60 DAA. The larger effects of mesotrione on soil microbial indicators were up to 30 DAA, being the changes minimized at 60 DAA. It is concluded that the herbicides alter the soil microbial indicators, with effects dependent of the product, of dose applied and also of the period of assessment.