974 resultados para mobile telefonia back-end
In a highly competitive market companies know that having quality products or provide good services is not enough to keep customers "faithful". Currently, quality of products/services, location and price are fundamental aspects customers expect to get on every purchase, so they look for ways to distinguish companies. This can happen either in a strictly materialistic way or by evaluation of intangible metrics such as having his opinion appreciated or being part of a selected group of "premium" customers. Therefore, companies must find ways to value and reward its customers in order to keep them "faithful" to their products or services. Loyalty systems are one means to achieve this goal, however, due to its nature and how they are implemented, often companies end up having low acceptance, without achieving intended objectives. In an era of technological revolution, where global average adoption of smartphones and tablets is 74% and 40% [Our Mobile Planet, 2014], the opportunity to reinvent loyalty systems reappears. Throughout this thesis a new tool, relying on the latest technologies and aiming to fulfill this market opportunity, will be presented. The main idea is to use ancient loyalty concepts, such as stamps or pointscards, and transforms them into digital cards, to be used in digital wallets, introducing an innovative technology component based on Apple's Passbook technology. The main goal is to create a platform for managing the card’s life cycle, allowing anyone to create, edit, distribute and analyze the data, and also create a new communication channel with customers, improving the customer-‐supplier relationship and enhancing the mobile-‐marketing.
2 Centre of Research, Education, Innovation and Intervention In Sport, Faculty of Sport, University of Porto, Portugal Background: Regarding children aged _10 years, only a few international studies were conducted to determine the prevalence of and risk factors for back pain. Although other studies on the older Portuguese children point to prevalence between 17% and 39%, none exists for this specific age-group. Thus, the aim of this study was conducted to establish the prevalence of and risk factors for back pain in schoolchildren aged 7–10 years. Methods: A cross-sectional survey among 637 children was conducted. A self-rating questionnaire was used to verify prevalence and duration of back pain, life habits, school absence, medical treatments or limitation of activities. For posture assessment, photographic records with a bio-photogrammetric analysis were used to obtain data about head, acromion and pelvic alignment, horizontal alignment of the scapulae, vertical alignment of the trunk and vertical body alignment. Results: Postural problems were found in 25.4% of the children, especially in the 8- and 9-year-old groups. Back pain occurs in 12.7% with the highest values among the 7- and 10-year-old children. The probability of back pain increased 7 times when the children presented a history of school absences, 4.3 times when they experienced sleeping difficulties, 4.4 times when school furniture was uncomfortable, 4.7 times if the children perceived an occurrence of parental back pain and 2.5 times when children presented incorrect posture. Conclusions: The combination of school absences, parental pain, sleeping difficulties, inappropriate school furniture and postural deviations at the sagittal and frontal planes seem to prove the multifactorial aetiology of back pain.
Low back problems are associated with decreased quality of life. Specific exercises can improve quality of life, resulting in better professional performance and functionality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of following a 21-month exercise program on the quality of life of warehouse workers. The population included 557 male warehouse workers from a food distribution company in Oporto, Portugal. Upon application of the selection criteria, 249 workers were deemed eligible, which were randomized into two groups (125 in the intervention group and 124 in the control group). Then, subjects were asked to volunteer for the study, the sample being formed by 229 workers (112 in the intervention group and 117 in the control group). All subjects completed the SF-36 questionnaire prior to beginning the program and on the 11th and 21st months following it. The exercises were executed in the company facilities once a day for 8 min. Data were analyzed using SPSS® 17.0 for Windows®. After 11 months of following the exercise program, there was an increase in all scores for the experimental group, with statistically significant differences in the dimensions physical functioning (0.019), bodily pain (0.010), general health (0.004), and rolephysical (0.037). The results obtained at the end of the study (21 months) showed significant improvements in the dimensions physical functioning (p = 0.002), rolephysical (p = 0.007), bodily pain (p = 0.001), social functioning (p = 0.015), role-emotional (p = 0.011), and mental health (p = 0.001). In the control group all dimensions showed a decrease in mean scores. It can be concluded that the implementation of a low back specific exercise program has changed positively the quality of life of warehouse workers.
PLos One, 4(11): ARTe7722
O presente documento de dissertação retrata o desenvolvimento do projeto PDS-Portal Institucional cujo cerne é um sistema para recolha, armazenamento e análise de dados (plataforma de Business Intelligence). Este portal está enquadrado na área da saúde e é uma peça fundamental no sistema da Plataforma de dados da Saúde, que é constituído por quatro portais distintos. Esta plataforma tem como base um sistema totalmente centrado no utente, que agrega dados de saúde dos utentes e distribui pelos diversos intervenientes: utente, profissionais de saúde nacionais e internacionais e organizações de saúde. O objetivo principal deste projeto é o desenvolvimento do PDS-Portal Institucional, recorrendo a uma plataforma de Business Intelligence, com o intuito de potenciar os utilizadores de uma ferramenta analítica para análise de dados. Estando a informação armazenada em dois dos portais da Plataforma de dados da Saúde (PDS-Portal Utente e PDS-Portal Profissional), é necessário modular um armazém de dados que agregue a informação de ambos e, através do PDS-PI, distribua um conjunto de análises ao utilizador final. Para tal este sistema comtempla um mecanismo totalmente automatizado para extração, tratamento e carregamento de dados para o armazém central, assim como uma plataforma de BI que disponibiliza os dados armazenados sobre a forma de análises específicas. Esta plataforma permite uma evolução constante e é extremamente flexível, pois fornece um mecanismo de gestão de utilizadores e perfis, assim como capacita o utilizador de um ambiente Web para análise de dados, permitindo a partilha e acesso a partir de dispositivos móveis. Após a implementação deste sistema foi possível explorar os dados e tirar diversas conclusões que são de extrema importância tanto para a evolução da PDS como para os métodos de praticar os cuidados de saúde em Portugal. Por fim são identificados alguns pontos de melhoria do sistema atual e delineada uma perspetiva de evolução futura. É certo que a partir do momento que este projeto seja lançado para produção, novas oportunidades surgirão e o contributo dos utilizadores será útil para evoluir o sistema progressivamente.
As distribuições de Lei de Potência (PL Power Laws), tais como a lei de Pareto e a lei de Zipf são distribuições estatísticas cujos tamanhos dos eventos são inversamente proporcionais à sua frequência. Estas leis de potência são caracterizadas pelas suas longas caudas. Segundo Vilfredo Pareto (1896), engenheiro, cientista, sociólogo e economista italiano, autor da Lei de Pareto, 80% das consequências advêm de 20% das causas. Segundo o mesmo, grande parte da economia mundial segue uma determinada distribuição, onde 80% da riqueza mundial é detida por 20% da população ou 80% da poluição mundial é feita por 20% dos países. Estas percentagens podem oscilar nos intervalos [75-85] e [15-25]. A mesma percentagem poderá ser aplicada à gestão de tempo, onde apenas 20% do tempo dedicado a determinado assunto produzirá cerca de 80% dos resultados obtidos. A lei de Pareto, também designada de regra 80/20, tem aplicações nas várias ciências e no mundo físico, nomeadamente na biodiversidade. O número de ocorrências de fenómenos extremos, aliados ao impacto nas redes de telecomunicações nas situações de catástrofe, no apoio imediato às populações e numa fase posterior de reconstrução, têm preocupado cada vez mais as autoridades oficiais de protecção civil e as operadoras de telecomunicações. O objectivo é o de preparar e adaptarem as suas estruturas para proporcionar uma resposta eficaz a estes episódios. Neste trabalho estuda-se o comportamento de vários fenómenos extremos (eventos críticos) e aproximam-se os dados por uma distribuição de Pareto (Lei de Pareto) ou lei de potência. No final, especula-se sobre a influência dos eventos críticos na utilização das redes móveis. É fundamental que as redes móveis estejam preparadas para lidar com as repercussões de fenómenos deste tipo.
The aim of this paper is to characterize complaints in the upper limbs, shoulders, neck and back- lumbar region directly related to musculo-skeletal disorders in a sampling of 114 cleaners from seven cleaning (janitor) companies, operating at eight client organizations. Complaints had been diagnosed as stiffness, any pain, numbness, paraesthesiae, tingling, cold feeling and blanching of at least one finger tip, according to a temporal criteria of symptoms were present now or have been present on at least 4 days during the last 7 days, or symptoms have been present on at least 4 days during at least one week in the last 12 months. It was analyzed the severity of the complaints (interference with current activities) and the simultaneous occurrence of multiple symptoms. The causes of medical consultation in the last year were analyzed (osteo-articular pathology of the vertebral spine, of the upper and lower limbs, depressive syndromes and other complaints of the lower limbs among others). In the end, the relation between persistent complaints and musculo- skeletal pathology related to work activities was analyzed, considering particularly the age of the workers and the existence of osteo-articular pathology.
The goal of this study was to propose a new functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) paradigm using a language-free adaptation of a 2-back working memory task to avoid cultural and educational bias. We additionally provide an index of the validity of the proposed paradigm and test whether the experimental task discriminates the behavioural performances of healthy participants from those of individuals with working memory deficits. Ten healthy participants and nine patients presenting working memory (WM) deficits due to acquired brain injury (ABI) performed the developed task. To inspect whether the paradigm activates brain areas typically involved in visual working memory (VWM), brain activation of the healthy participants was assessed with fMRIs. To examine the task's capacity to discriminate behavioural data, performances of the healthy participants in the task were compared with those of ABI patients. Data were analysed with GLM-based random effects procedures and t-tests. We found an increase of the BOLD signal in the specialized areas of VWM. Concerning behavioural performances, healthy participants showed the predicted pattern of more hits, less omissions and a tendency for fewer false alarms, more self-corrected responses, and faster reaction times, when compared with subjects presenting WM impairments. The results suggest that this task activates brain areas involved in VWM and discriminates behavioural performances of clinical and non-clinical groups. It can thus be used as a research methodology for behavioural and neuroimaging studies of VWM in block-design paradigms.
Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
Robotica 2012: 12th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions April 11, 2012, Guimarães, Portugal
On a mobile ad-hoc network environment, where the resources are scarce, the knowledge about the network's link state is essential to optimize the routing procedures. This paper presents a study about different pheromone evaluation models and how they react to possible changes in traffic rate. Observing how the pheromone value on a link changes, it could be possible to identify certain patterns which can indicate the path status. For this study, the behavior of the Ant System evaluation model was compared with a Temporal Active Pheromone model (a biological approach) and a Progressive Pheromone Reduction model with and without a maximum pheromone limit.
In this paper, a module for homograph disambiguation in Portuguese Text-to-Speech (TTS) is proposed. This module works with a part-of-speech (POS) parser, used to disambiguate homographs that belong to different parts-of-speech, and a semantic analyzer, used to disambiguate homographs which belong to the same part-of-speech. The proposed algorithms are meant to solve a significant part of homograph ambiguity in European Portuguese (EP) (106 homograph pairs so far). This system is ready to be integrated in a Letter-to-Sound (LTS) converter. The algorithms were trained and tested with different corpora. The obtained experimental results gave rise to 97.8% of accuracy rate. This methodology is also valid for Brazilian Portuguese (BP), since 95 homographs pairs are exactly the same as in EP. A comparison with a probabilistic approach was also done and results were discussed.