586 resultados para labelling


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It is easy to get frustrated at spoken conversational agents (SCAs), perhaps because they seem to be callous. By and large, the quality of human-computer interaction is affected due to the inability of the SCAs to recognise and adapt to user emotional state. Now with the mass appeal of artificially-mediated communication, there has been an increasing need for SCAs to be socially and emotionally intelligent, that is, to infer and adapt to their human interlocutors’ emotions on the fly, in order to ascertain an affective, empathetic and naturalistic interaction. An enhanced quality of interaction would reduce users’ frustrations and consequently increase their satisfactions. These reasons have motivated the development of SCAs towards including socio-emotional elements, turning them into affective and socially-sensitive interfaces. One barrier to the creation of such interfaces has been the lack of methods for modelling emotions in a task-independent environment. Most emotion models for spoken dialog systems are task-dependent and thus cannot be used “as-is” in different applications. This Thesis focuses on improving this, in which it concerns computational modeling of emotion, personality and their interrelationship for task-independent autonomous SCAs. The generation of emotion is driven by needs, inspired by human’s motivational systems. The work in this Thesis is organised in three stages, each one with its own contribution. The first stage involved defining, integrating and quantifying the psychological-based motivational and emotional models sourced from. Later these were transformed into a computational model by implementing them into software entities. The computational model was then incorporated and put to test with an existing SCA host, a HiFi-control agent. The second stage concerned automatic prediction of affect, which has been the main challenge towards the greater aim of infusing social intelligence into the HiFi agent. In recent years, studies on affect detection from voice have moved on to using realistic, non-acted data, which is subtler. However, it is more challenging to perceive subtler emotions and this is demonstrated in tasks such as labelling and machine prediction. In this stage, we attempted to address part of this challenge by considering the roles of user satisfaction ratings and conversational/dialog features as the respective target and predictors in discriminating contentment and frustration, two types of emotions that are known to be prevalent within spoken human-computer interaction. The final stage concerned the evaluation of the emotional model through the HiFi agent. A series of user studies with 70 subjects were conducted in a real-time environment, each in a different phase and with its own conditions. All the studies involved the comparisons between the baseline non-modified and the modified agent. The findings have gone some way towards enhancing our understanding of the utility of emotion in spoken dialog systems in several ways; first, an SCA should not express its emotions blindly, albeit positive. Rather, it should adapt its emotions to user states. Second, low performance in an SCA may be compensated by the exploitation of emotion. Third, the expression of emotion through the exploitation of prosody could better improve users’ perceptions of an SCA compared to exploiting emotions through just lexical contents. Taken together, these findings not only support the success of the emotional model, but also provide substantial evidences with respect to the benefits of adding emotion in an SCA, especially in mitigating users’ frustrations and ultimately improving their satisfactions. Resumen Es relativamente fácil experimentar cierta frustración al interaccionar con agentes conversacionales (Spoken Conversational Agents, SCA), a menudo porque parecen ser un poco insensibles. En general, la calidad de la interacción persona-agente se ve en cierto modo afectada por la incapacidad de los SCAs para identificar y adaptarse al estado emocional de sus usuarios. Actualmente, y debido al creciente atractivo e interés de dichos agentes, surge la necesidad de hacer de los SCAs unos seres cada vez más sociales y emocionalmente inteligentes, es decir, con capacidad para inferir y adaptarse a las emociones de sus interlocutores humanos sobre la marcha, de modo que la interacción resulte más afectiva, empática y, en definitiva, natural. Una interacción mejorada en este sentido permitiría reducir la posible frustración de los usuarios y, en consecuencia, mejorar el nivel de satisfacción alcanzado por los mismos. Estos argumentos justifican y motivan el desarrollo de nuevos SCAs con capacidades socio-emocionales, dotados de interfaces afectivas y socialmente sensibles. Una de las barreras para la creación de tales interfaces ha sido la falta de métodos de modelado de emociones en entornos independientes de tarea. La mayoría de los modelos emocionales empleados por los sistemas de diálogo hablado actuales son dependientes de tarea y, por tanto, no pueden utilizarse "tal cual" en diferentes dominios o aplicaciones. Esta tesis se centra precisamente en la mejora de este aspecto, la definición de modelos computacionales de las emociones, la personalidad y su interrelación para SCAs autónomos e independientes de tarea. Inspirada en los sistemas motivacionales humanos en el ámbito de la psicología, la tesis propone un modelo de generación/producción de la emoción basado en necesidades. El trabajo realizado en la presente tesis está organizado en tres etapas diferenciadas, cada una con su propia contribución. La primera etapa incluyó la definición, integración y cuantificación de los modelos motivacionales de partida y de los modelos emocionales derivados a partir de éstos. Posteriormente, dichos modelos emocionales fueron plasmados en un modelo computacional mediante su implementación software. Este modelo computacional fue incorporado y probado en un SCA anfitrión ya existente, un agente con capacidad para controlar un equipo HiFi, de alta fidelidad. La segunda etapa se orientó hacia el reconocimiento automático de la emoción, aspecto que ha constituido el principal desafío en relación al objetivo mayor de infundir inteligencia social en el agente HiFi. En los últimos años, los estudios sobre reconocimiento de emociones a partir de la voz han pasado de emplear datos actuados a usar datos reales en los que la presencia u observación de emociones se produce de una manera mucho más sutil. El reconocimiento de emociones bajo estas condiciones resulta mucho más complicado y esta dificultad se pone de manifiesto en tareas tales como el etiquetado y el aprendizaje automático. En esta etapa, se abordó el problema del reconocimiento de las emociones del usuario a partir de características o métricas derivadas del propio diálogo usuario-agente. Gracias a dichas métricas, empleadas como predictores o indicadores del grado o nivel de satisfacción alcanzado por el usuario, fue posible discriminar entre satisfacción y frustración, las dos emociones prevalentes durante la interacción usuario-agente. La etapa final corresponde fundamentalmente a la evaluación del modelo emocional por medio del agente Hifi. Con ese propósito se llevó a cabo una serie de estudios con usuarios reales, 70 sujetos, interaccionando con diferentes versiones del agente Hifi en tiempo real, cada uno en una fase diferente y con sus propias características o capacidades emocionales. En particular, todos los estudios realizados han profundizado en la comparación entre una versión de referencia del agente no dotada de ningún comportamiento o característica emocional, y una versión del agente modificada convenientemente con el modelo emocional propuesto. Los resultados obtenidos nos han permitido comprender y valorar mejor la utilidad de las emociones en los sistemas de diálogo hablado. Dicha utilidad depende de varios aspectos. En primer lugar, un SCA no debe expresar sus emociones a ciegas o arbitrariamente, incluso aunque éstas sean positivas. Más bien, debe adaptar sus emociones a los diferentes estados de los usuarios. En segundo lugar, un funcionamiento relativamente pobre por parte de un SCA podría compensarse, en cierto modo, dotando al SCA de comportamiento y capacidades emocionales. En tercer lugar, aprovechar la prosodia como vehículo para expresar las emociones, de manera complementaria al empleo de mensajes con un contenido emocional específico tanto desde el punto de vista léxico como semántico, ayuda a mejorar la percepción por parte de los usuarios de un SCA. Tomados en conjunto, los resultados alcanzados no sólo confirman el éxito del modelo emocional, sino xv que constituyen además una evidencia decisiva con respecto a los beneficios de incorporar emociones en un SCA, especialmente en cuanto a reducir el nivel de frustración de los usuarios y, en última instancia, mejorar su satisfacción.


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Microbial corrected in situ estimatesof the ruminal undegraded fraction (RU) and intestinal effectivedigestibility (IED) of amino acids (AA), except tryptophan, of rye, wheat and corn grains, wheat bran, wheat and barley distilled dried grains and corn gluten feed were measured on three rumen- and duodenum-cannulated wethers using 15N-labelling techniques and considering ruminal rates of particle comminution and outflow.


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The Shopping centre is a long term investment in which Greenfield development decisions are often taken based on risks analysis regarding construction costs, location, competition, market and an expected DCF. Furthermore, integration between the building design, project planning, operational costs and investment analysis is not entirely considered by the investor at the decision making stage. The absence of such information tends to produce certain negative impacts on the future running costs and annual maintenance of the building, especially on energy demand and other occupancy expenses paid by the tenants to the landlord. From the investor´s point of view, this blind spot in strategy development will possibly decrease their profit margin as changes in the occupancy expenses[ ] have a direct outcome on the profit margin. In order to try to reduce some higher operating cost components such as energy use and other utility savings as well as their CO2 emissions, quite a few income properties worldwide have some type of environmental label such as BREEAM and LEED. The drawback identified in this labelling is that usually the investments required to get an ecolabel are high and the investor finds no direct evidence that it increases market value. However there is research on certified commercial properties (especially offices) that shows better performance in terms of occupancy rate and rental cost (Warren-Myers, 2012). Additionally, Sayce (2013) says that the certification only provides a quick reference point i.e. the lack of a certificate does not indicate that a building is not sustainable or efficient. Based on the issues described above, this research compares important components of the development stages such as investments costs, concept/ strategy development as well as the current investor income and property value. The subjects for this analysis are a shopping centre designed with passive cooling/bioclimatic strategies evaluated at the decision making stage, a certified regional shopping centre and a non-certified standard regional shopping centre. Moreover, the proposal intends to provide decision makers with some tools for linking green design features to the investment analysis in order to optimize the decision making process when looking into cost savings and design quality.


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In recent years, Independent Components Analysis (ICA) has proven itself to be a powerful signal-processing technique for solving the Blind-Source Separation (BSS) problems in different scientific domains. In the present work, an application of ICA for processing NIR hyperspectral images to detect traces of peanut in wheat flour is presented. Processing was performed without a priori knowledge of the chemical composition of the two food materials. The aim was to extract the source signals of the different chemical components from the initial data set and to use them in order to determine the distribution of peanut traces in the hyperspectral images. To determine the optimal number of independent component to be extracted, the Random ICA by blocks method was used. This method is based on the repeated calculation of several models using an increasing number of independent components after randomly segmenting the matrix data into two blocks and then calculating the correlations between the signals extracted from the two blocks. The extracted ICA signals were interpreted and their ability to classify peanut and wheat flour was studied. Finally, all the extracted ICs were used to construct a single synthetic signal that could be used directly with the hyperspectral images to enhance the contrast between the peanut and the wheat flours in a real multi-use industrial environment. Furthermore, feature extraction methods (connected components labelling algorithm followed by flood fill method to extract object contours) were applied in order to target the spatial location of the presence of peanut traces. A good visualization of the distributions of peanut traces was thus obtained


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La teoría de reconocimiento y clasificación de patrones y el aprendizaje automático son actualmente áreas de conocimiento en constante desarrollo y con aplicaciones prácticas en múltiples ámbitos de la industria. El propósito de este Proyecto de Fin de Grado es el estudio de las mismas así como la implementación de un sistema software que dé solución a un problema de clasificación de ruido impulsivo, concretamente mediante el desarrollo de un sistema de seguridad basado en la clasificación de eventos sonoros en tiempo real. La solución será integral, comprendiendo todas las fases del proceso, desde la captación de sonido hasta el etiquetado de los eventos registrados, pasando por el procesado digital de señal y la extracción de características. Para su desarrollo se han diferenciado dos partes fundamentales; una primera que comprende la interfaz de usuario y el procesado de la señal de audio donde se desarrollan las labores de monitorización y detección de ruido impulsivo y otra segunda centrada únicamente en la clasificación de los eventos sonoros detectados, definiendo una arquitectura de doble clasificador donde se determina si los eventos detectados son falsas alarmas o amenazas, etiquetándolos como de un tipo concreto en este segundo caso. Los resultados han sido satisfactorios, mostrando una fiabilidad global en el proceso de entorno al 90% a pesar de algunas limitaciones a la hora de construir la base de datos de archivos de audio, lo que prueba que un dispositivo de seguridad basado en el análisis de ruido ambiente podría incluirse en un sistema integral de alarma doméstico aumentando la protección del hogar. ABSTRACT. Pattern classification and machine learning are currently expertise areas under continuous development and also with extensive applications in many business sectors. The aim of this Final Degree Project is to study them as well as the implementation of software to carry on impulsive noise classification tasks, particularly through the development of a security system based on sound events classification. The solution will go over all process stages, from capturing sound to the labelling of the events recorded, without forgetting digital signal processing and feature extraction, everything in real time. In the development of the Project a distinction has been made between two main parts. The first one comprises the user’s interface and the audio signal processing module, where monitoring and impulsive noise detection tasks take place. The second one is focussed in sound events classification tasks, defining a double classifier architecture where it is determined whether detected events are false alarms or threats, labelling them from a concrete category in the latter case. The obtained results have been satisfactory, with an overall reliability of 90% despite some limitations when building the audio files database. This proves that a safety device based on the analysis of environmental noise could be included in a full alarm system increasing home protection standards.


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Introdução: Diante das mudanças nos hábitos de consumo alimentar da população brasileira, suplementos vitamínicos e alimentos enriquecidos são veículos comumente empregados para atender as necessidades de ingestão de micronutrientes. A diversidade de suplementos vitamínicos comercializados atualmente leva à necessidade de desenvolvimento de métodos analíticos de fácil execução e alta produtividade. Informações confiáveis sobre os teores de vitaminas poderão ser obtidas somente com métodos analíticos validados. Objetivos: Validar metodologias analíticas e avaliar o teor de vitaminas antioxidantes em suplementos adquiridos no comércio do município de São Paulo - Brasil, o efeito do armazenamento nestes compostos e confrontar os valores analisados com os valores declarados na rotulagem. Métodos: As metodologias analíticas para determinação de vitaminas antioxidantes por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detector de arranjo de diodos (CLAE-DAD) e de vitamina C por titulação potenciométrica foram validadas para as matrizes sólidas, oleosas e líquidas de suplementos vitamínicos. A estabilidade das vitaminas foi avaliada a cada 6 meses durante 12 meses de armazenamento e a avaliação da rotulagem foi realizada de acordo com as legislações vigentes no Brasil. Resultados: Para os métodos cromatográficos, os limites de detecção (LDs) e de quantificação (LQs) variaram entre 0,3 e 4,3 µg/mL, e entre 0,5 e 14,0 µg/mL respectivamente. As recuperações dos padrões adicionados nas matrizes variaram entre 92 por cento e 109 por cento e entre 86 por cento e 108 por cento no material de referência. A repetitividade foi calculada pelo desvio padrão relativo (RSD), apresentando valores entre 0,2 por cento e 9,6 por cento . Para a determinação de vitamina C pelo método potenciométrico, o LD e o LQ foram respectivamente 1 mg e 3 mg; a recuperação no material de referência foi de 99,8 por cento e a precisão variou entre 0,4 e 3,9 por cento . Das 57 amostras avaliadas, 59 por cento e 35 por cento apresentaram teores de vitaminas A e E respectivamente, abaixo dos valores declarados no rótulo; por outro lado, 20 por cento das amostras apresentaram teores de vitamina E acima dos valores declarados. Em relação aos teores de vitamina C, 60 por cento das amostras estavam de acordo com os valores declarados. O estudo da estabilidade demonstrou degradação significativa das vitaminas A, E e C em aproximadamente 90 por cento das amostras com 12 meses de armazenamento. Na avaliação da rotulagem dos suplementos vitamínicos, 47 das amostras apresentaram uma ou mais irregularidades. Conclusão: Os métodos propostos se mostraram adequados para análise de diferentes matrizes de suplementos vitamínicos. Os resultados das análises de vitaminas nestes produtos mostraram a necessidade urgente de monitoramento em conjunto com ações de fiscalização, pois verificou-se que a maioria das amostras não atenderam a legislação, principalmente quanto aos teores declarados na informação nutricional da rotulagem. A sobredosagem de vitaminas pode ser necessária para manter os teores declarados durante o armazenamento, porém, a quantidade adicional de vitamina a ser incluída no suplemento deve estar dentro de limites seguros e depende de cada amostra, pois além da matriz, diversos fatores relacionados aos compostos e à embalagem também podem influenciar na estabilidade das vitaminas.


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A galectina-4 humana (HGal-4), pertencente à família das galectinas, possui dois domínios de reconhecimento de carboidratos (CRDs) com alta afinidade para β-galactosídeos e se encontra amplamente distribuída em células normais e neoplásicas de diferentes organismos. Suas funções snglobam uma grande variedade de eventos celulares, tais como processos inflamatórios, neoplásicos, progressão tumoral e metástase. Entretanto, muitas perguntas sobre suas interações com diferentes carboidratos, a especificidade destas interações e o papel específico das galectinas permanecem ainda sem resposta. No presente trabalho, propomos a investigação das interações galectina-glicano da galectina-4 humana e de seus domínios CRDs independentes (CRD-I e CRD-II) através de um conjunto de métodos biofísicos. Através do método de dicroísmo circular (CD), usando várias regiões espectrais, e fluorescência fomos capazes de entender mudanças ocorrentes na estrutura secundária e terciária das protéinas quando da interação com lactose/sacarose. Estes dados, juntamente com testes de hemaglutinação, mostraram que a glectina-4 e os CRDs respondem de forma distinta à ligação com açúcar. Por diferentes técnicas (fluorescência, ITC e MST) determinamos as constantes de dissociação para os domínios CRDs (Kd ~0,5 mM) e para HGal-4 e, de forma qualitativa, os valores obtidos indicaram possíveis estados oligoméricos dessas proteínas. A investigação da interação proteína-membrana da HGal-4 foi feita, primeiramente, com miméticos de membranas e monitorada pela técnica de RPE em crescente complexidade de composição de tais miméticos, indo desde composições mais simples, passando por lipid rafts na presença de diferentes glicolipídeos (GM1, LPS) e chegando-se à interação com células tumorais (U87MG, T98G e HT-29). Tais experimentos mostraram que galectina-4 reconhece e se liga naqueles modelos onde existem glicanos complexos na superfície. Investigamos também a participação de HGal-4 endógena e exógena no tratamento quimioterápico de células tumorais e verificamos um papel importante de HGal-4 para células HT-29. Finalizando esta tese, apresentamos o trabalho realizado em um ano de estágio na University of Oxford, durante o qual, investigamos a estrutura da região C-terminal de um receptor da família GPCR, qual seja o receptor de neurotensina NTS1. Aqui, mais uma vez, foi empregada a técnica de RPE que aliada à produção/marcação de mutantes do receptor, permitiu determinar que a hélice H8 se estabiliza quando em proteolipossomos.


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OBJETIVO: Analizar la opinión que los usuarios tienen sobre alimentos genéticamente modificados y su información en el etiquetado. MÉTODOS: Realizada revisión sistemática de la literatura científica sobre los alimentos transgénicos y el etiquetado a partir de la consulta de las bases de datos bibliográficas: Medline (vía PubMed), EMBASE, ISIWeb of Knowledge, Cochrane Library Plus, FSTA, LILACS, CINAHL y AGRICOLA. Los descriptores seleccionados fueron: «organisms, genetically modified» y «food labeling». La búsqueda se realizó desde la primera fecha disponible hasta junio de 2012, seleccionando los artículos pertinentes escritos en inglés, portugués y castellano. RESULTADOS: Se seleccionaron 40 artículos. En todos ellos, se debía haber realizado una intervención poblacional enfocada al conocimiento de los consumidores sobre los alimentos genéticamente modificados y su necesidad, o no, de incluir información en el etiquetado. El consumidor expresa su preferencia por el producto no-genéticamente modificado, y apunta que está dispuesto a pagar algo más por él, pero, en definitiva compra el artículo que está a mejor precio en un mercado que acoge las nuevas tecnologías. En 18 artículos la población se mostraba favorable a su etiquetado obligatorio y seis al etiquetado voluntario; siete trabajos demostraban el poco conocimiento de la población sobre los transgénicos y, en tres, la población subestimó la cantidad que consumía. En todo caso, se observó la influencia del precio del producto genéticamente modificado. CONCLUSIONES: La etiqueta debe ser homogénea y aclarar el grado de tolerancia en humanos de alimentos genéticamente modificados en comparación con los no modificados. Asimismo, debe dejar claro su composición, o no, de alimento genéticamente modificado y la forma de producción de estos artículos de consumo. La etiqueta también debe ir acompañada de un sello de certificación de una agencia del estado y datos para contacto. El consumidor expresa su preferencia por el producto no-genéticamente modificado pero señaló que acaba comprando el artículo que está a mejor precio en un mercado que acoge las nuevas tecnologías.


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Background: Retinal ganglion cell death underlies the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative disorders such as glaucoma or optic nerve trauma. To assess the potential influence of photoreceptor degeneration on retinal ganglion cell survival, and to evaluate functionality, we took advantage of the optic nerve section mouse model. Methods: Surviving retinal ganglion cells were double-stained by exposing both superior colliculi to fluorogold, and by applying dextran-tetramethylrhodamine to the injured optic nerve stump. To assess retinal function in wild-type animals, electroretinograms were recorded on the injured eyes and compared with the contralateral. Similar labelling experiments were carried out on retinal degeneration 1 mice. Surviving retinal ganglion cells were counted 21 days after axotomy and compared with wild-type mice. No functional experiments were performed on retinal degeneration 1 animals because they do not develop normal electroretinographical responses. Results: A significant decrease in retinal ganglion cell density was observed 6 days after axotomy in the wild type. Functional studies revealed that, in scotopic conditions, axotomy induced a significant amplitude decrease in the positive scotopic threshold response component of the electroretinogram. Such decrease paralleled cell loss, suggesting it may be an appropriate technique to evaluate functionality. When comparing retinal ganglion cell densities in wild-type and retinal degeneration 1 mice, a significant greater survival was observed on the latter. Conclusions: After optic nerve section, electroretinographical recordings exhibited a progressive decrease in the amplitude of the positive scotopic threshold response wave, reflecting ganglion cell loss. Interestingly, rod degeneration seemed, at least initially, to protect from axotomy-driven damage.


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Feature selection is an important and active issue in clustering and classification problems. By choosing an adequate feature subset, a dataset dimensionality reduction is allowed, thus contributing to decreasing the classification computational complexity, and to improving the classifier performance by avoiding redundant or irrelevant features. Although feature selection can be formally defined as an optimisation problem with only one objective, that is, the classification accuracy obtained by using the selected feature subset, in recent years, some multi-objective approaches to this problem have been proposed. These either select features that not only improve the classification accuracy, but also the generalisation capability in case of supervised classifiers, or counterbalance the bias toward lower or higher numbers of features that present some methods used to validate the clustering/classification in case of unsupervised classifiers. The main contribution of this paper is a multi-objective approach for feature selection and its application to an unsupervised clustering procedure based on Growing Hierarchical Self-Organising Maps (GHSOMs) that includes a new method for unit labelling and efficient determination of the winning unit. In the network anomaly detection problem here considered, this multi-objective approach makes it possible not only to differentiate between normal and anomalous traffic but also among different anomalies. The efficiency of our proposals has been evaluated by using the well-known DARPA/NSL-KDD datasets that contain extracted features and labelled attacks from around 2 million connections. The selected feature sets computed in our experiments provide detection rates up to 99.8% with normal traffic and up to 99.6% with anomalous traffic, as well as accuracy values up to 99.12%.


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Pochonia chlamydosporia (Pc), a nematophagous fungus and root endophyte, uses appressoria and extracellular enzymes, principally proteases, to infect the eggs of plant parasitic nematodes (PPN). Unlike other fungi, Pc is resistant to chitosan, a deacetylated form of chitin, used in agriculture as a biopesticide to control plant pathogens. In the present work, we show that chitosan increases Meloidogyne javanica egg parasitism by P. chlamydosporia. Using antibodies specific to the Pc enzymes VCP1 (a subtilisin), and SCP1 (a serine carboxypeptidase), we demonstrate chitosan elicitation of the fungal proteases during the parasitic process. Chitosan increases VCP1 immuno-labelling in the cell wall of Pc conidia, hyphal tips of germinating spores, and in appressoria on infected M. javanica eggs. These results support the role of proteases in egg parasitism by the fungus and their activation by chitosan. Phylogenetic analysis of the Pc genome reveals a large diversity of subtilisins (S8) and serine carboxypeptidases (S10). The VCP1 group in the S8 tree shows evidence of gene duplication indicating recent adaptations to nutrient sources. Our results demonstrate that chitosan enhances Pc infectivity of nematode eggs through increased proteolytic activities and appressoria formation and might be used to improve the efficacy of M. javanica biocontrol.


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Le co-transporteur KCC2 spécifique au potassium et chlore a pour rôle principal de réduire la concentration intracellulaire de chlore, entraînant l’hyperpolarisation des courants GABAergic l’autorisant ainsi à devenir inhibiteur dans le cerveau mature. De plus, il est aussi impliqué dans le développement des synapses excitatrices, nommées aussi les épines dendritiques. Le but de notre projet est d’étudier l’effet des modifications concernant l'expression et la fonction de KCC2 dans le cortex du cerveau en développement dans un contexte de convulsions précoces. Les convulsions fébriles affectent environ 5% des enfants, et ce dès la première année de vie. Les enfants atteints de convulsions fébriles prolongées et atypiques sont plus susceptibles à développer l’épilepsie. De plus, la présence d’une malformation cérébrale prédispose au développement de convulsions fébriles atypiques, et d’épilepsie du lobe temporal. Ceci suggère que ces pathologies néonatales peuvent altérer le développement des circuits neuronaux irréversiblement. Cependant, les mécanismes qui sous-tendent ces effets ne sont pas encore compris. Nous avons pour but de comprendre l'impact des altérations de KCC2 sur la survenue des convulsions et dans la formation des épines dendritiques. Nous avons étudié KCC2 dans un modèle animal de convulsions précédemment validé, qui combine une lésion corticale à P1 (premier jour de vie postnatale), suivie d'une convulsion induite par hyperthermie à P10 (nommés rats LHS). À la suite de ces insultes, 86% des rats mâles LHS développent l’épilepsie à l’âge adulte, au même titre que des troubles d’apprentissage. À P20, ces animaux presentent une augmentation de l'expression de KCC2 associée à une hyperpolarisation du potentiel de réversion de GABA. De plus, nous avons observé des réductions dans la taille des épines dendritiques et l'amplitude des courants post-synaptiques excitateurs miniatures, ainsi qu’un déficit de mémoire spatial, et ce avant le développement des convulsions spontanées. Dans le but de rétablir les déficits observés chez les rats LHS, nous avons alors réalisé un knock-down de KCC2 par shARN spécifique par électroporation in utero. Nos résultats ont montré une diminution de la susceptibilité aux convulsions due à la lésion corticale, ainsi qu'une restauration de la taille des épines. Ainsi, l’augmentation de KCC2 à la suite d'une convulsion précoce, augmente la susceptibilité aux convulsions modifiant la morphologie des épines dendritiques, probable facteur contribuant à l’atrophie de l’hippocampe et l’occurrence des déficits cognitifs. Le deuxième objectif a été d'inspecter l’effet de la surexpression précoce de KCC2 dans le développement des épines dendritiques de l’hippocampe. Nous avons ainsi surexprimé KCC2 aussi bien in vitro dans des cultures organotypiques d’hippocampe, qu' in vivo par électroporation in utero. À l'inverse des résultats publiés dans le cortex, nous avons observé une diminution de la densité d’épines dendritiques et une augmentation de la taille des épines. Afin de confirmer la spécificité du rôle de KCC2 face à la région néocorticale étudiée, nous avons surexprimé KCC2 dans le cortex par électroporation in utero. Cette manipulation a eu pour conséquences d’augmenter la densité et la longueur des épines synaptiques de l’arbre dendritique des cellules glutamatergiques. En conséquent, ces résultats ont démontré pour la première fois, que les modifications de l’expression de KCC2 sont spécifiques à la région affectée. Ceci souligne les obstacles auxquels nous faisons face dans le développement de thérapie adéquat pour l’épilepsie ayant pour but de moduler l’expression de KCC2 de façon spécifique.


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In the overall negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), the digital chapter appears to be growing in importance. This is due to several factors, including the recent Datagate scandal that undermined trust between the negotiating parties and led to calls to suspend the US-EU Safe Harbour agreement as well as the furious debate currently ongoing in both legal systems on key issues such as policies to encourage broadband infrastructure deployment, network neutrality policies and the application of competition policy in cyberspace. This paper explores the current divergences between the two legal systems on these key issues and discusses possible scenarios for the ultimate agreement to be reached in the TTIP: from a basic, minimal agreement (which would essentially include e-labelling and e-accessibility measures) to more ambitious scenarios on network neutrality, competition rules, privacy and interoperability measures.


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To date, the negotiations over chemicals in the Translatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) have not shown sufficient ambition. The talks have focused too much on the differences in the two ‘systems’, rather than on the actual levels of health and environmental protection for substances regulated by both the US and the EU. Given the accomplishments within the OECD and the UN Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), the question is whether TTIP can be any more ambitious in the area of chemicals? We find that there is no detailed or systematic knowledge about how the two levels of protection in chemicals compare, although caricatures and stereotypes abound. This is partly due to an obsessive focus on a single US federal law, the Toxic Subtances Control Act (TSCA), whereas in practice US protection depends on many statutes and regulations, as well as on voluntary withdrawals (under pressure from the Environmental Protection Agency) and severe common law liability. This paper makes the economic case for firmly addressing the regulatory barriers, discusses the EU’s proposals, finds that the European Parliament’s Resolution on TTIP of July 2015 lacks a rationale (for chemicals), argues that both TSCA and REACH ought to be improved (based on ‘better regulation’), discusses the link with a global regime, advocates significant improvement of market access where equivalence of health and environmental objectives is agreed and, finally, proposes to lower the costs for companies selling in both markets by allowing them to opt into the other party’s more stringent rules, thereby avoiding duplication while racing-to-the-top. The ‘living agreement’ on chemicals ought to be led by a new TTIP institution authorised to establish the level of health and environmental protection on both sides of the Atlantic for substances regulated on both sides. These findings will lay the foundation for a highly beneficial lowering of trading costs without in any way affecting the level of protection. Indeed, this is exactly what TTIP is, or should be, all about.This paper is the 10th in a series produced in the context of the “TTIP in the Balance” project, jointly organised by CEPS and the Center for Transatlantic Relations (CTR) in Washington, D.C. It is published simultaneously on the CEPS (www.ceps.eu) and CTR websites (http://transatlantic.sais-jhu.edu).


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We describe the maize supply chain in Portugal for maize bread, a traditional bread type. As this bread is not labelled as ‘contains genetically modified organisms’ it should not contain more than 0.9 per cent genetically modified ingredients. On the basis of interviews we identify a general lack of documentation of the presence or absence of genetically modified ingredients along the complete supply chain (farmers, traders, mills and bakeries). Part of this deficiency is probably driven by a lack of awareness of the labelling rules at the end of the supply chain.