1000 resultados para jurídicos
Este artículo busca mostrar cómo ocurrió el despojo y la concentración de tierras baldías, y el desarrollo del conflicto en Puerto Gaitán y Mapiripán entre 1980 y 2010. A partir del análisis de registros públicos, mapas y entrevistas realizadas en terreno, este trabajo concluyó que los mecanismos desarrollados por el gobierno para desarrollar una reforma agraria no garantizaron seguridad en los derechos de propiedad, desatando constantes ciclos de despojo.
The Colombian Constitution of 1991 as the Starting Point of a new Constitutionalism in Latin America
The objective of this article is to show that the Colombian Constitution of 1991 has certain traits that clearly differentiate it from Western constitutional tradition. Some of these traits would later be included in constitutional processes and constitutions in Venezuela (1999), Ecuador (1998 and 2008) and Bolivia (2009), in a process collectively known as Latin American Neo-Constitutionalism. This paper intends to demonstrate how the text of the Colombian Constitution represents a turning point that marks the beginning and establishes the foundations for the development of a home-grown constitutional form in Latin America over the last two decades.
La siguiente reflexión sobre el disfrute del derecho a la ciudad de las mujeres y de todos sus derechos humanos en los contextos urbanos se realiza a partir de las dimensiones propuestas por el enfoque de seguridad humana, en las cuales se establecen los mínimos que requieren las mujeres para gozar de una vida urbana renovada y superar las limitaciones existentes en la ciudad como espacio no neutral, que produce y reproduce inequidades entre hombres y mujeres, donde se feminiza la pobreza y se exterioriza la violencia basada en género. En este sentido, este artículo de reflexión, en el cual se presentan los resultados de la investigación “El derecho a la ciudad de las mujeres: una mirada a su goce y reconocimiento en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias”, retoma algunas ideas propuestas por el movimiento feminista y plasmadas en las Cartas del Derecho a la Ciudad, las cuales son leídas desde la definición hecha sobre derecho a la ciudad de las mujeres y las dimensiones de la seguridad humana, resaltando en ambas su carácter integrador, indivisible y necesario, para dejar a un lado las estructuras androcéntricas y patriarcales sobre la seguridad, la democracia y la ciudadanía.
The armed conflict in Colombia, which has generated over three million internally displaced persons, has dramatic humanitarian consequences and raises serious issues regarding the protection of displaced peoples’ rights. The underlying reasons for the displacement often lie in the dynamics associated with territorial control and land seizures undertaken for strategic, military or purely economic purposes. Domestic and international legal provisions have established the victims’ right to the restitution of their homes and property as the “preferred remedy” in cases of displacement. However, policies dealing with displacement, both those of the Colombian government and of several international institutions, fail to take this sufficiently into account. A comprehensive reparation policy for victims must necessarily entail the reversion of lands, territories and goods seized in Colombia under the pretext of the internal armed conflict.
Establishing the pattern of crime is fundamental for the successful investigation ofinternational crimes (genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity). A patternof crime is the aggregate of multiple incidents that share common features related tothe victims, the perpetrators, and the modus operandi. Pattern evidence and analysishave been used successfully, mainly in the investigation of large-scale killings, destruction,and displacement; the use for sexual violence charges has been remarkablymore limited. There is a need to overcome this gap by setting proper methods of datacollection and analysis. At the level of evidence collection, under-reporting should beaddressed through victimization surveys or secondary analysis of data available fromdifferent sources. At the level of analysis, the available evidence needs to be subject toimpartial examination beyond the pre-conceptions of the conflict parties and advocacygroups, in compliance with scientific standards for quantitative, qualitative, andGIS (Geographic Information Systems)methods. Reviewing the different investigativeexperiences and jurisprudence will help to set the right methodology and contribute mostefficiently to putting an end to the impunity regarding sexual crimes.
Right to Audience and Right to a Lawful Judge are presumed to be two of the most important guaranties for the rule of law. Both liberties are established in the Spanish Constitution of 1978 as “fundamental rights”, and they are included as a part of a most generic right: the right to due process of law. Along this text, I will try to show its content and significance, according to the sentences of the Spanish “Tribunal Constitucional”, passed through more than 25 years.
Este trabajo presenta una eximente de responsabilidad criminal recientemente incorporada en el Código Penal chileno basada en el estado de necesidad. Esta se agrega a partir de la discusión sobre la defensa de la mujer, que vive dentro de un contexto de violencia intrafamiliar por conductas no protegidas bajo la legítima defensa. A pesar de ello, el texto reformado terminó por incluir una eximente general que no se refiere a la mujer y que –sobre la base del conflicto de necesidad– contempla requisitos que van más allá de una causa de justificación basada en el mal menor, sin que sea clara la clase de defensa que establece. La definición de esta eximente de responsabilidad penal y la identificación de los problemas que provoca son los objetivos centrales de este estudio. En primer lugar, se nota que la norma pareciera aceptar ambas clases de defensa por necesidad: justificación y exculpación o excusa. La determinación exige un especial análisis de las bases de cada modalidad de defensa para distinguirlas y precisarlas en sus alcances y límites.
In trademark systems such as the Andean Community, a state authority verifiesthat the marks are distinctive, lawful and do not affect third parties, and after that,given their ownership. In this context, particular interest has sparked the possibilityof individuals by agreements or statements of co-existence, are who ensure that theirsigns meet the conditions for simultaneous registrations.Such agreements for the coexistence of marks are problematic if one thinks thatthe holders of interests that would be available also seem to matter to consumers,competitors and the market. Therefore, define the scope of contractual freedom inthe field of trademark law, whose rules are considered imperative, acquire practicaland theoretical importance because its realization i) recognizes the risks that maybe relevant to evaluating trade agreements and ii) contributes to debates on the roleof private autonomy in areas reserved for non-derogable norms. Thus, this researchputs the declarations of consent for the coexistence of registrations in Colombia, ina larger scope of the limits of freedom of contract.