947 resultados para ion-neutral reactions, astrochemistry, interstellar medium
We present observations of intense beams of energetic negative hydrogen ions and fast neutral hydrogen atoms in intense (5 × 10 W/cm) laser plasma interaction experiments, which were quantified in numerical calculations. Generation of negative ions and neutral atoms is ascribed to the processes of electron capture and loss by a laser accelerated positive ion in the collisions with a cloud of droplets. A comparison with a numerical model of charge exchange processes provides information on the cross section of the electron capture in the high energy domain.
Electron–positron pair plasmas represent a unique state of matter, whereby there exists an intrinsic and complete symmetry between negatively charged (matter) and positively charged (antimatter) particles. These plasmas play a fundamental role in the dynamics of ultra-massive astrophysical objects and are believed to be associated with the emission of ultra-bright gamma-ray bursts. Despite extensive theoretical modelling, our knowledge of this state of matter is still speculative, owing to the extreme difficulty in recreating neutral matter–antimatter plasmas in the laboratory. Here we show that, by using a compact laser-driven setup, ion-free electron–positron plasmas with unique characteristics can be produced. Their charge neutrality (same amount of matter and antimatter), high-density and small divergence finally open up the possibility of studying electron–positron plasmas in controlled laboratory experiments.
First principles calculations with molecular dynamics are
utilized to simulate a simplified electrical double layer formed in the
active electric potential region during the electrocatalytic oxidation of
ethanol on Pd electrodes running in an alkaline electrolyte. Our
simulations provide an atomic level insight into how ethanol oxidation
occurs in fuel cells: New mechanisms in the presence of the simplified
electrical double layer are found to be different from the traditional
ones; through concerted-like dehydrogenation paths, both acetaldehyde
and acetate are produced in such a way as to avoid a variety of
intermediates, which is consistent with the experimental data obtained
from in situ FTIR spectroscopy. Our work shows that adsorbed OH on
the Pd electrode rather than Pd atoms is the active center for the
reactions; the dissociation of the C−H bond is facilitated by the
adsorption of an OH− anion on the surface, resulting in the formation
of water. Our calculations demonstrate that water dissociation rather than H desorption is the main channel through which
electrical current is generated on the Pd electrode. The effects of the inner Helmholtz layer and the outer Helmholtz layer are
decoupled, with only the inner Helmholtz layer being found to have a significant impact on the mechanistics of the reaction. Our
results provide atomic level insight into the significance of the simplified electrical double layer in electrocatalysis, which may be
of general importance.
Context. Protoplanetary disks are vital objects in star and planet formation, possessing all the material, gas and dust, which may form a planetary system orbiting the new star. Small, simple molecules have traditionally been detected in protoplanetary disks; however, in the ALMA era, we expect the molecular inventory of protoplanetary disks to significantly increase.
Aims. We investigate the synthesis of complex organic molecules (COMs) in protoplanetary disks to put constraints on the achievable chemical complexity and to predict species and transitions which may be observable with ALMA.
Methods. We have coupled a 2D steady-state physical model of a protoplanetary disk around a typical T Tauri star with a large gas-grain chemical network including COMs. We compare the resulting column densities with those derived from observations and perform ray-tracing calculations to predict line spectra. We compare the synthesised line intensities with current observations and determine those COMs which may be observable in nearby objects. We also compare the predicted grain-surface abundances with those derived from cometary comae observations.
Results. We find COMs are efficiently formed in the disk midplane via grain-surface chemical reactions, reaching peak grain-surface fractional abundances similar to 10(-6)-10(-4) that of the H nuclei number density. COMs formed on grain surfaces are returned to the gas phase via non-thermal desorption; however, gas-phase species reach lower fractional abundances than their grain-surface equivalents, similar to 10(-12)-10(-7). Including the irradiation of grain mantle material helps build further complexity in the ice through the replenishment of grain-surface radicals which take part in further grain-surface reactions. There is reasonable agreement with several line transitions of H2CO observed towards T Tauri star-disk systems. There is poor agreement with HC3(N) lines observed towards LkCa 15 and GO Tau and we discuss possible explanations for these discrepancies. The synthesised line intensities for CH3OH are consistent with upper limits determined towards all sources. Our models suggest CH3OH should be readily observable in nearby protoplanetary disks with ALMA; however, detection of more complex species may prove challenging, even with ALMA "Full Science" capabilities. Our grain-surface abundances are consistent with those derived from cometary comae observations providing additional evidence for the hypothesis that comets (and other planetesimals) formed via the coagulation of icy grains in the Sun's natal disk.
We present a first principles molecular dynamics (FPMD) study of the interaction of low energy, positively charged, carbon (C+) projectiles with amorphous solid water clusters at 30 K. Reactions involving the carbon ion at an initial energy of 11 eV and 1.7 eV with 30-molecule clusters have been investigated. Simulations indicate that the neutral isoformyl radical, COH, and carbon monoxide, CO, are the dominant products of these reactions. All these reactions are accompanied by the transfer of a proton from the reacting water molecule to the ice, where it forms a hydronium ion. We find that COH is formed either via a direct, "knock-out", mechanism following the impact of the C+ projectile upon a water molecule or by creation of a COH_2^+ intermediate. The direct mechanism is more prominent at higher energies. CO is generally produced following the dissociation of COH. More frequent production of the formyl radical, HCO, is observed here than in gas phase calculations. A less commonly occurring product is the dihydroxymethyl, CH(OH)_2, radical. Although a minor result, its existence gives an indication of the increasing chemical complexity which is possible in such heterogeneous environments.
A revised water model intended for use in condensed phase simulations in the framework of the self consistent polarizable ion tight binding theory is constructed. The model is applied to water monomer, dimer, hexamers, ice, and liquid, where it demonstrates good agreement with theoretical results obtained by more accurate methods, such as DFT and CCSD(T), and with experiment. In particular, the temperature dependence of the self diffusion coefficient in liquid water predicted by the model, closely reproduces experimental curves in the temperature interval between 230 K and 350 K. In addition, and in contrast to standard DFT, the model properly orders the relative densities of liquid water and ice. A notable, but inevitable, shortcoming of the model is underestimation of the static dielectric constant by a factor of two. We demonstrate that the description of inter and intramolecular forces embodied in the tight binding approximation in quantum mechanics leads to a number of valuable insights which can be missing from ab initio quantum chemistry and classical force fields. These include a discussion of the origin of the enhanced molecular electric dipole moment in the condensed phases, and a detailed explanation for the increase of coordination number in liquid water as a function of temperature and compared with ice-leading to insights into the anomalous expansion on freezing. The theory holds out the prospect of an understanding of the currently unexplained density maximum of water near the freezing point.
We demonstrate a model for stoichiometric and reduced titanium dioxide intended for use in molecular dynamics and other atomistic simulations and based in the polarizable ion tight binding theory. This extends the model introduced in two previous papers from molecular and liquid applications into the solid state, thus completing the task of providing a comprehensive and unified scheme for studying chemical reactions, particularly aimed at problems in catalysis and electrochemistry. As before, experimental results are given priority over theoretical ones in selecting targets for model fitting, for which we used crystal parameters and band gaps of titania bulk polymorphs, rutile and anatase. The model is applied to six low index titania surfaces, with and without oxygen vacancies and adsorbed water molecules, both in dissociated and non-dissociated states. Finally, we present the results of molecular dynamics simulation of an anatase cluster with a number of adsorbed water molecules and discuss the role of edge and corner atoms of the cluster. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
A new, wide ranging, synthetically powerful, catalytic tandem cyclisation-anion capture process is proposed which depends on the rate of cyclisation of an organopalladium specifies (RPdX) onto a proximate alkene or diene being significantly faster than anion exchange and reductive elimination in the sequence RPdX --> RPdY --> RY + Pd(0). The catalytic cyclisation - anion capture sequence is illustrated for hydride capture by a wide variety of substrates giving rise to fused- and spiro-, carbo- and hetero-cyclic systems, regio- and stereo-specifically.
Context. The jets of compact accreting objects are composed of electrons and a mixture of positrons and ions. These outflows impinge on the interstellar or intergalactic medium and both plasmas interact via collisionless processes. Filamentation (beam-Weibel) instabilities give rise to the growth of strong electromagnetic fields. These fields thermalize the interpenetrating plasmas.
Aims. Hitherto, the effects imposed by a spatial non-uniformity on filamentation instabilities have remained unexplored. We examine the interaction between spatially uniform background electrons and a minuscule cloud of electrons and positrons. The cloud size is comparable to that created in recent laboratory experiments and such clouds may exist close to internal and external shocks of leptonic jets. The purpose of our study is to determine the prevalent instabilities, their ability to generate electromagnetic fields and the mechanism, by which the lepton micro-cloud transfers energy to the background plasma.
Methods. A square micro-cloud of equally dense electrons and positrons impinges in our particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation on a spatially uniform plasma at rest. The latter consists of electrons with a temperature of 1 keV and immobile ions. The initially charge- and current neutral micro-cloud has a temperature of 100 keV and a side length of 2.5 plasma skin depths of the micro-cloud. The side length is given in the reference frame of the background plasma. The mean speed of the micro-cloud corresponds to a relativistic factor of 15, which is relevant for laboratory experiments and for relativistic astrophysical outflows. The spatial distributions of the leptons and of the electromagnetic fields are examined at several times.
Results. A filamentation instability develops between the magnetic field carried by the micro-cloud and the background electrons. The electromagnetic fields, which grow from noise levels, redistribute the electrons and positrons within the cloud, which boosts the peak magnetic field amplitude. The current density and the moduli of the electromagnetic fields grow aperiodically in time and steadily along the direction that is anti-parallel to the cloud's velocity vector. The micro-cloud remains conjoined during the simulation. The instability induces an electrostatic wakefield in the background plasma.
Conclusions. Relativistic clouds of leptons can generate and amplify magnetic fields even if they have a microscopic size, which implies that the underlying processes can be studied in the laboratory. The interaction of the localized magnetic field and high-energy leptons will give rise to synchrotron jitter radiation. The wakefield in the background plasma dissipates the kinetic energy of the lepton cloud. Even the fastest lepton micro-clouds can be slowed down by this collisionless mechanism. Moderately fast charge- and current neutralized lepton micro-clouds will deposit their energy close to relativistic shocks and hence they do not constitute an energy loss mechanism for the shock.
A simple method to enhance ion generation with femtosecond ultraintense lasers is demonstrated experimentally by defocusing laser beams on target surface. When the laser is optimally defocused, we find that the population of medium and low energy protons from ultra-thin foils is increased significantly while the proton cutoff energy is almost unchanged. In this way, the total proton yield can be enhanced by more than 1 order, even though the peak laser intensity drops. The depression of the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) effect and the population increase of moderate-energy electrons are believed to be the main reasons for the effective enhancement. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.
O presente trabalho teve como principal objectivo estudar a modificação química heterogénea controlada de fibras de celulose com diferentes reagentes de modo a alterar as suas propriedades de superfície, em especial em termos da criação de um carácter hidrofóbico e lipofóbico, preservando, sempre que possível, as suas propriedades mecânicas e, consequentemente, abrindo novas perspectivas de aplicação. O desenvolvimento do trabalho envolveu três abordagens principais, envolvendo, em cada caso, o estudo de diferentes condições reaccionais. Na primeira abordagem foram utilizados como reagentes de modificação compostos perfluorados, nomeadamente o anidrido trifluoroacético (TFAA), o cloreto de 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzoílo (PFBz) e o cloreto de 3,3,3- trifluoropropanoílo (TFP), para promover a acilação heterogénea da superfície das fibras. A segunda estratégia usada consistiu na preparação de híbridos de celulose do tipo orgânico-inorgânico classe-II, através da modificação das fibras de celulose com o (3-isocianatopropil)trietoxissilano (ICPTEOS), um reagente organossilano bifuncional. A ligação às fibras de celulose foi efectuada através das funções isocianato e, posteriormente, os grupos etoxissilano foram sujeitos a tratamentos de hidrólise ácida, como tal ou na presença de outros siloxanos, nomeadamente o tetraetoxissilano (TEOS) e o 1H,1H,2H,2Hperfluorodeciltrietoxissilano (PFDTEOS). Finalmente, a última abordagem foi baseada na modificação das fibras com triclorometilssilano (TCMS), através de uma reacção gás-sólido, que dispensou assim o uso de solventes orgânicos. A ocorrência de modificação química foi em cada caso confirmada por Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier e Reflectância Total Atenuada (FTIR-ATR), Análise Elementar (EA) e determinação de ângulos de contacto. Adicionalmente, e dependendo de cada caso específico, diversas outras técnicas foram empregues na caracterização aprofundada dos materiais preparados, nomeadamente Ressonância Magnética Nuclear CPMAS no Estado Sólido (RMN), Espectroscopia de Difracção de Raios-X (XRD), Análise Termogravimétrica (TGA), Espectrometria de Massa de Iões Secundários com Análise de Tempo de Vôo (ToF-SIMS), Espectroscopia Fotoelectrónica de Raios-X (XPS) e Microscopia Electrónica de Varrimento (SEM). Relativamente à acilação das fibras de celulose com reagentes perfluorados, o sucesso da reacção foi comprovado por FTIR-ATR, EA, XPS e ToF-SIMS. Neste contexto, obtiveram-se fibras modificadas possuindo graus de substituição (DS) compreendidos entre 0.006 e 0.39. Verificou-se por XRD que, em geral, mesmo para os valores de DS mais elevados, a cristalinidade das fibras não foi afectada, indicando que a modificação foi limitada às camadas mais superficiais das mesmas ou a regiões amorfas das suas camadas mais internas. Adicionalmente, observou-se por ToF-SIMS que a distribuição dos grupos perfluorados à superfície das fibras foi, de facto, bastante heterogénea. Todos os derivados de celulose perfluorados apresentaram elevada hidrofobicidade e lipofobicidade, tendo-se atingido ângulos de contacto com água e diiodometano de 126º e 104º, respectivamente. Um aspecto interessante relativo a estes materiais é que a elevada omnifobicidade foi observada mesmo para valores de DS muito reduzidos, não se mostrando significativamente afectada pelo aumento dos mesmos. Em consonância, verificou-se por XPS que a cobertura da superfície das fibras de celulose com grupos perfluorados aumentou apenas ligeiramente com o aumento do DS, apontando para a esterificação de camadas mais internas das fibras, associada, neste caso, predominantemente aos seus domínios amorfos. No que diz respeito à estabilidade hidrolítica destes derivados, obtiveram-se dois tipos distintos de comportamento. Por um lado, as fibras de celulose trifluoroacetiladas são facilmente hidrolisáveis em meio neutro, e, por outro, as fibras pentafluorobenzoiladas e trifluoropropanoiladas mostram-se bastante resistentes face a condições de hidrólise em meio neutro e ácido (pH 4), podendo, contudo, ser facilmente hidrolisadas em meio alcalino (pH 9 e 12, para derivados do PFBz e do TFP, respectivamente). Na segunda abordagem verificou-se a ocorrência de reacção por FTIR-ATR e EA. Em geral, a modificação química com ICPTEOS ocorre predominantemente nas zonas mais superficiais das fibras de celulose ou em regiões amorfas. Contudo, em condições reaccionais mais severas (maior quantidade de reagente e tempo de reacção), esta atingiu também regiões cristalinas, afectando, consequentemente, a estrutura cristalina das fibras, como verificado por XRD. Por RMN de 29Si observou-se que após reacção com o ICPTEOS já existiam indícios de alguma hidrólise dos grupos etoxissilano, e que a sua subsequente condensação parcial tinha levado à formação de uma película inorgânica em redor das fibras (verificado por SEM), constituída maioritariamente por estruturas lineares, com uma contribuição mais modesta de estruturas “diméricas” e outras mais ramificadas. Consequentemente, este revestimento inorgânico transformou as fibras de celulose em materiais híbridos com elevada hidrofobicidade (ângulos de contacto com água entre 103-129º). A hidrólise ácida dos restantes grupos etoxissilano, como tal ou na presença de TEOS, originou híbridos de celulose com elevada hidrofilicidade, sendo impossível medirem-se os ângulos de contacto com água dos produtos finais, devido à presença maioritária de grupos silanol (Si-OH) e ligações Si-O-Si à superfície, os quais contribuíram para o consequente aumento de energia de superfície. No entanto, quando a hidrólise foi realizada na presença de PFDTEOS, obtiveram-se materiais híbridos com elevada hidrofobicidade e lipofobicidade (ângulos de contacto com água e diiodometano de 140º e 134º, respectivamente), devido à combinação da presença de grupos perfluorados e micro- e nano-rugosidades na superfície das fibras de celulose, conforme confirmado por SEM. Finalmente, a última abordagem permitiu preparar materiais derivados de celulose altamente hidrofóbicos e lipofóbicos (ângulos de contacto com água e diiodometano de 136º e 109º, respectivamente) por um processo simples, envolvendo tempos de tratamento tão curtos como 0.5 min. Este comportamento omnifóbico foi gerado pelo efeito sinergético entre a diminuição de energia de superfície das fibras, devido à presença de grupos metilo dos resíduos de TCMS ligados a estas, e a condensação dos resíduos de TCMS na forma de micro- e nano-partículas inorgânicas, que levou à criação de um revestimento rugoso à superfície das fibras, conforme observado por RMN de 29Si e SEM, respectivamente. A pré-humidificação das fibras de celulose demonstrou desempenhar um importante papel de “acelerador” dos processos de hidrólise e condensação das moléculas de TCMS. Nestas condições, o tempo de tratamento foi um dos parâmetros mais relevantes, pois para tempos de tratamento muito curtos (0.5 min) os materiais resultantes não apresentaram quaisquer diferenças a nível de propriedades físico-químicas em relação ao substrato de partida (a humidade em excesso consumiu todo o TCMS antes que este conseguisse reagir com os grupos hidroxilo das fibras de celulose), possuindo, por exemplo, valores de ângulos de contacto com água idênticos. Para tempos de tratamento mais longos, como 30 min, os materiais finais apresentaram a maior quantidade de componentes inorgânicos, tal como verificado por EA e TGA. Assim, o controlo da humidade das fibras é imperativo para se poder moldar as propriedades finais dos produtos. Esta última abordagem é particularmente promissora uma vez que tem como base um sistema simples e “verde” que pode ser facilmente implementado. Em conclusão, este trabalho permitiu demonstrar que a modificação química heterogénea controlada das fibras de celulose representa uma iniciativa promissora para a preparação de novos materiais obtidos a partir de recursos renováveis, com propriedades interessantes e passíveis de ser potencialmente aplicados em diferentes áreas. Para além do mais, as estratégias de modificação estudadas podem também ser precursoras de novos estudos que possam vir a ser desenvolvidos dentro do mesmo âmbito.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química, especialidade de Engenharia Bioquímica
In the work reported here, optically clear, ultrathin TEOS derived sol-gel slides which were suitable for studies of tryptophan (Trp) fluorescence from entrapped proteins were prepared by the sol-gel technique and characterized. The monitoring of intrinsic protein fluorescence provided information about the structure and environment of the entrapped protein, and about the kinetics of the interaction between the entrapped protein and extemal reagents. Initial studies concentrated on the single Trp protein monellin which was entrapped into the sol-gel matrices. Two types of sol-gel slides, termed "wet aged", in which the gels were aged in buffer and "dry-aged", in which the gels were aged in air , were studied in order to compare the effect of the sol-gel matrix on the structure of the protein at different aging stages. Fluorescence results suggested that the mobility of solvent inside the slides was substantially reduced. The interaction of the entrapped protein with both neutral and charged species was examined and indicated response times on the order of minutes. In the case of the neutral species the kinetics were diffusion limited in solution, but were best described by a sum of first order rate constants when the reactions occurred in the glass matrix. For charged species, interactions between the analytes and the negatively charged glass matrix caused the reaction kinetics to become complex, with the overall reaction rate depending on both the type of aging and the charge on the analyte. The stability and conformational flexibility of the entrapped monellin were also studied. These studies indicated that the encapsulation of monellin into dry-aged monoliths caused the thermal unfolding transition to broaden and shift upward by 14°C, and causedthe long-term stability to improve by 12-fold (compared to solution). Chemical stability studies also showed a broader transition for the unfolding of the protein in dry-aged monoliths, and suggested that the protein was present in a distribution of environments. Results indicated that the entrapped proteins had a smaller range of conformational motions compared to proteins in solution, and that entrapped proteins were not able to unfold completely. The restriction of conformational motion, along with the increased structural order of the internal environment of the gels, likely resulted in the improvements in themial and long-term stability that were observed. A second protein which was also studied in this work is the metal binding protein rat oncomodulin. Initially, the unfolding behavior of this protein in aqueous solution was examined. Several single tryptophan mutants of the metal-binding protein rat oncomodulin (OM) were examined; F102W, Y57W, Y65W and the engineered protein CDOM33 which had all 12 residues of the CD loop replaced with a higher affinity binding loop. Both the thermal and the chemical stability were improved upon binding of metal ions with the order apo < Ca^^ < Tb^"^. During thermal denaturation, the transition midpoints (Tun) of Y65W appeared to be the lowest, followed by Y57W and F102W. The placement of the Trp residue in the F-helix in F102W apparently made the protein slightly more thermostable, although the fluorescence response was readily affected by chemical denaturants, which probably acted through the disruption of hydrogen bonds at the Cterminal end of the F-helix. Under both thermal and chemical denaturation, the engineered protein showed the highest stability. This indicated that increasing the number of metal ligating oxygens in the binding site, either by using a metal ion with a higher coordinatenumber (i.e. Tb^*) which binds more carboxylate ligands, or by providing more ligating groups, as in the CDOM33 replacement, produces notable improvements in protein stability. Y57W and CE)OM33 OM were chosen for further studies when encapsulated into sol-gel derived matrices. The kinetics of interaction of terbium with the entrapped proteins, the ability of the entrapped protein to binding terbium, as well as thermal stability of these two entrapped protein were compared with different levels of Ca^"*^ present in the matrix and in solution. Results suggested that for both of the proteins, the response time and the ability to bind terbium could be adjusted by adding excess calcium to the matrix before gelation. However, the less stable protein Y57W only retained at most 45% of its binding ability in solution while the more stable protein CDOM33 was able to retain 100% binding ability. Themially induced denaturation also suggested that CDOM33 showed similar stability to the protein in solution while Y57W was destabilized. All these results suggested that "hard" proteins (i.e. very stable) can easily survive the sol-gel encapsulation process, but "soft" proteins with lower thermodynamic stability may not be able to withstand the sol-gel process. However, it is possible to control many parameters in order to successfully entrap biological molecules into the sol-gel matrices with maxunum retention of activity.
A Gram negative aerobic flagellated bacterium with fungal growth inhibitory properties was isolated from a culture of Trichoderma harzianum. According to its cultural characteristics and biochemical properties it was identified as a strain of Alcaligenes (aeca/is Castellani and Chalmers. Antisera prepared in Balbc mice injected with live and heat-killed bacterial cells gave strong reactions with the homologous immunogen and with ATCC 15554, the type strain of A. taeca/is, but not with Escherichia coli or Enterobacter aerogens in immunoprecipitation and dot immunobinding assays. Growth of Botrytis cinerea Pers. and several other fungi was significantly affected when co-cultured with A. taeca/is on solid media. Its detrimental effect on germination and growth of B. cinerea has been found to be associated with antifungal substances produced by the bacterium and released into the growth medium. A biotest for the antibiotic substances, based on their inhibitory effect on germination of B. cinerea conidia, was developed. This biotest was used to study the properties of these substances, the conditions in which they are produced, and to monitor the steps of their separation during extraction procedures. It has been found that at least two substances could be involved in the antagonistic interaction. One of these is a basic volatile substance and has been identified as ammonia. The other substance is a nonvolatile, dialysable, heat stable, polar compound released into the growth medium. After separation of growth medium samples by Sephadex G-10 column chromatography a single peak with a molecular weight below 700 Daltons exhibited inhibitory activity. From its behaviour in electrophoretic separation in agarose gels it seems that this is a neutral or slightly positively charged.
A method using L-cysteine for the determination of arsenous acid (As(III)), arsenic acid (As(V)), monomethylarsonic acid (MMAA), and dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA) by hydride generation was demonstrated. The instrument used was a d.c. plasma atomic emission spectrometer (OCP-AES). Complete recovery was reported for As(III), As(V), and DMAA while 86% recovery was reported for MMAA. Detection limits were determined, as arsenic for the species listed previously, to be 1.2, 0.8, 1.1, and 1.0 ngemL-l, respectively. Precision values, at 50 ngemL-1 arsenic concentration, were f.80/0, 2.50/0, 2.6% and 2.6% relative standard deviation, respectively. The L-cysteine reagent was compared directly with the conventional hydride generation technique which uses a potassium iodide-hydrochloric acid medium. Recoveries using L-cysteine when compared with the conventional method provided the following results: similar recoveries were obtained for As(III), slightly better recoveries were obtained for As(V) and MMAA, and significantly better recoveries for DMAA. In addition, tall and sharp peak shapes were observed for all four species when using L-cysteine. The arsenic speciation method involved separation by ion exchange .. high perfonnance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with on-line hydride generation using the L.. cysteine reagent and measurement byOCP-AES. Total analysis time per sample was 12 min while the time between the start of subsequent runs was approximately 20 min. A binary . gradient elution program, which incorporated the following two eluents: 0.01 and 0.5 mM tri.. sodium citrate both containing 5% methanol (v/v) and both at a pH of approximately 9, was used during the separation by HPLC. Recoveries of the four species which were measured as peak area, and were normalized against As(III), were 880/0, 290/0, and 40% for DMAA, MMAA and As(V), respectively. Resolution factors between adjacent analyte peaks of As(III) and DMAA was 1.1; DMAA and MMAA was 1.3; and MMAA and As(V) was 8.6. During the arsenic speciation study, signals from the d.c. plasma optical system were measured using a new photon-signal integrating device. The_new photon integrator developed and built in this laboratory was based on a previously published design which was further modified to reflect current available hardware. This photon integrator was interfaced to a personal computer through an AID convertor. The .photon integrator has adjustable threshold settings and an adjustable post-gain device.