936 resultados para internal information flow
Preliminary version
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientador: Mestre Agostinho Sousa Pinto
Susceptibility Weighted Image (SWI) is a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique that combines high spatial resolution and sensitivity to provide magnetic susceptibility differences between tissues. It is extremely sensitive to venous blood due to its iron content of deoxyhemoglobin. The aim of this study was to evaluate, through the SWI technique, the differences in cerebral venous vasculature according to the variation of blood pressure values. 20 subjects divided in two groups (10 hypertensive and 10 normotensive patients) underwent a MRI system with a Siemens® scanner model Avanto of 1.5T using a synergy head coil (4 channels). The obtained sequences were T1w, T2w-FLAIR, T2* and SWI. The value of Contrast-to-Noise Ratio (CNR) was assessed in MinIP (Minimum Intensity Projection) and Magnitude images, through drawing free hand ROIs in venous structures: Superior Sagittal Sinus (SSS) Internal Cerebral Vein (ICV) and Sinus Confluence (SC). The obtained values were presented in descriptive statistics-quartiles and extremes diagrams. The results were compared between groups. CNR shown higher values for normotensive group in MinIP (108.89 ± 6.907) to ICV; (238.73 ± 18.556) to SC and (239.384 ± 52.303) to SSS. These values are bigger than images from Hypertensive group about 46 a.u. in average. Comparing the results of Magnitude and MinIP images, there were obtained lower CNR values for the hypertensive group. There were differences in the CNR values between both groups, being these values more expressive in the large vessels-SSS and SC. The SWI is a potential technique to evaluate and characterize the blood pressure variation in the studied vessels adding a physiological perspective to MRI and giving a new approach to the radiological vascular studies.
New PVC membrane electrodes for the determination of sulfadiazine (SDZ) are presented. The electrodes are fabricated with conventional and tubular configurations with a graphite-based electrical contact, and no internal reference solution. The selective membranes consist of bis(triphenylphosphoranilidene)ammonium·SDZ (electrode A), tetraoctylammonium bromide (electrode B), or iron(II)-phthalocyanine (FePC) (electrode C) electroactive materials dispersed in a PVC matrix of o-nitrophenyl octyl ether (o-NPOE) plasticizer. The sensors A, B, and C displayed linear responses over the concentration ranges 1.0*10-2 – 1.0*10–5, 1.0*10–2 – 7.5*10–6, and 3.2*10–2 – 7.0* 10–6 mol l–1 (detection limits of 1.09, 2.04 and 0.87 mg ml–1) with anionic slopes of –57.3 ± 0.1, –46.7 ± 0.5, and –65.1 ± 0.2 mV decade–1, respectively. No effect from pH was observed within 4.0 – 5.5, 4.8 – 10, and 4.5 – 8, respectively, and good selectivity was found. The sensors were applied to the analysis of pharmaceuticals and biological fluids in steady state and in flow conditions.
New chlorpromazine selective electrodes with a tubular arrangement and no internal reference solution are proposed. Selective membranes are of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) with the tetraphenylborate•chlorpromazine (TPB•CPZ) ion-exchanger dissolved in o-nitrophenyl octyl ether (oNPOE). Analytical features of the electrodes were evaluated on a single-channel flow assembly having 500 µl injection volumes and flow-rates of 4.5 ml min−1. For a carrier solution of 3.3×10−3Min sodium sulphate, Nernstian responsewas observed over the concentration range 1.0×10−5 to 1.0×10−2 M. Average slopes were about 59mVdecade−1 and squared correlation coefficients were >0.9984. Slight hiper-Nernstian behaviour was observed in buffer solutions of 4.4 pH; average slopes were of 62.06mVdecade−1. The electrode displayed a good selectivity for CPZ, with respect to, several foreign inorganic and organic species. The selective electrodes were successfully applied to the analysis of pure solutions and pharmaceutical preparations. Proposed method allows the analysis of 84 samples h−1, producing wastewaters of low toxicity. The proposed method offers the advantage of simplicity, accuracy, applicability to coloured and turbid samples, and automation feasibility.
This paper studies the information content of the chromosomes of twenty-three species. Several statistics considering different number of bases for alphabet character encoding are derived. Based on the resulting histograms, word delimiters and character relative frequencies are identified. The knowledge of this data allows moving along each chromosome while evaluating the flow of characters and words. The resulting flux of information is captured by means of Shannon entropy. The results are explored in the perspective of power law relationships allowing a quantitative evaluation of the DNA of the species.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To assess the internal consistency of the measurements of the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) in different occupational groups. METHODS A validation study was conducted with data from four surveys with groups of workers, using similar methods. A total of 9,959 workers were studied. In all surveys, the common mental disorders were assessed via SRQ-20. The internal consistency considered the items belonging to dimensions extracted by tetrachoric factor analysis for each study. Item homogeneity assessment compared estimates of Cronbach’s alpha (KD-20), the alpha applied to a tetrachoric correlation matrix and stratified Cronbach’s alpha. RESULTS The SRQ-20 dimensions showed adequate values, considering the reference parameters. The internal consistency of the instrument items, assessed by stratified Cronbach’s alpha, was high (> 0.80) in the four studies. CONCLUSIONS The SRQ-20 showed good internal consistency in the professional categories evaluated. However, there is still a need for studies using alternative methods and additional information able to refine the accuracy of latent variable measurement instruments, as in the case of common mental disorders.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Optimização Energética na Indústria Química
All every day activities take place in space. And it is upon this that all information and knowledge revolve. The latter are the key elements in the organisation of territories. Their creation, use and distribution should therefore occur in a balanced way throughout the whole territory in order to allow all individuals to participate in an egalitarian society, in which the flow of knowledge can take precedence over the flow of interests. The information society depends, to a large extent, on the technological capacity to disseminate information and, consequently, the knowledge throughout territory, thereby creating conditions which allow a more balanced development, from the both the social and economic points of view thus avoiding the existence of info-exclusion territories. Internet should therefore be considered more than a mere technology, given that its importance goes well beyond the frontiers of culture and society. It is already a part of daily life and of the new forms of thinking and transmitting information, thus making it a basic necessity essential, for a full socio-economic development. Its role as a platform of creation and distribution of content is regarded as an indispensable element for education in today’s society, since it makes information a much more easily acquired benefit.”…in the same way that the new technologies of generation and distribution of energy allowed factories and large companies to establish themselves as the organisational bases of industrial society, so the internet today constitutes the technological base of the organisational form that characterises the Information Era: the network” (CASTELLS, 2004:15). The changes taking place today in regional and urban structures are increasingly more evident due to a combination of factors such as faster means of transport, more efficient telecommunications and other cheaper and more advanced technologies of information and knowledge. Although their impact on society is obvious, society itself also has a strong influence on the evolution of these technologies. And although physical distance has lost much of the responsibility it had towards explaining particular phenomena of the economy and of society, other aspects such as telecommunications, new forms of mobility, the networks of innovation, the internet, cyberspace, etc., have become more important, and are the subject of study and profound analysis. The science of geographical information, allows, in a much more rigorous way, the analysis of problems thus integrating in a much more balanced way, the concepts of place, of space and of time. Among the traditional disciplines that have already found their place in this process of research and analysis, we can give special attention to a geography of new spaces, which, while not being a geography of ‘innovation’, nor of the ‘Internet’, nor even ‘virtual’, which can be defined as one of the ‘Information Society’, encompassing not only the technological aspects but also including a socio-economic approach. According to the last European statistical data, Portugal shows a deficit in terms of information and knowledge dissemination among its European partners. Some of the causes are very well identified - low levels of scholarship, weak investments on innovation and R&D (both private and public sector) - but others seem to be hidden behind socio-economical and technological factors. So, the justification of Portugal as the case study appeared naturally, on a difficult quest to find the major causes to territorial asymmetries. The substantial amount of data needed for this work was very difficult to obtain and for the islands of Madeira and Azores was insufficient, so only Continental Portugal was considered for this study. In an effort to understand the various aspects of the Geography of the Information Society and bearing in mind the increasing generalised use of information technologies together with the range of technologies available for the dissemination of information, it is important to: (i) Reflect on the geography of the new socio-technological spaces. (ii) Evaluate the potential for the dissemination of information and knowledge through the selection of variables that allow us to determine the dynamic of a given territory or region; (iii) Define a Geography of the Information Society in Continental Portugal.
Os programas de melhoria contínua dos processos são cada vez mais a aposta das empresas para fazer face ao mercado. Através da implementação destes programas é possível conferir simplicidade e padronização aos processos e consequentemente reduzir os custos com desperdícios internos relacionados com a qualidade dos mesmos. As ferramentas de melhoria da qualidade e as ferramentas associadas ao Lean Thinking representam um pilar importante no sucesso de qualquer programa de melhoria contínua dos processos. Estas ferramentas constituem meios úteis na análise, controlo, organização de dados importantes para a correta tomada de decisão nas organizações. O presente projeto tem como principal objetivo a conceção e implementação de um programa de melhoria da qualidade na Eurico Ferreira, S.A., tendo por base a avaliação da satisfação do cliente e a aplicação dos 5S. Neste contexto, o trabalho teve como fundamentação teórica a Gestão da Qualidade, Lean Thinking e algumas ferramentas de ambas as matérias. Posteriormente foi selecionada a área de negócio da empresa a abordar. Após a seleção, realizou-se um diagnóstico inicial do processo identificando os diversos pontos de melhoria onde foram aplicadas algumas ferramentas do Lean Thinking, nomeadamente o Value Stream Mapping e a metodologia 5S. Com a primeira foi possível construir um mapa do estado atual do processo, no qual estavam representados todos os intervenientes assim como o fluxo de materiais e de informação ao longo do processo. A metodologia 5S permitiu atuar sobre os desperdícios, identificando e implementando diversas melhorias no processo. Concluiu-se que a implementação das ferramentas contribuiu eficientemente para a melhoria contínua da qualidade nos processos, tendo sido decisão da coordenação alargar o âmbito do projeto aos restantes armazéns do centro logístico da empresa. Pode afirmar-se com recurso à satisfação do cliente expressa através da evolução favorável do Service-level agreement que as ferramentas implementadas têm gerado resultados muito positivos no curto prazo.
Topics regarding access to european information institutions: European Union so close and yet so far
From the 1990s, the Parliament, the Council and the European Commission adopted a new approach to disclosure of their working papers. Legal instruments to regulate and allow a fairly broad access to internal working documents of these institutions were created. European institutions also exploited the potential of Information and Communication Technologies, developing new instruments to register the documents produced and make them accessible to the public. The commitment to transparency sought to shows a more credible European government, and reduces the democratic deficit. However, the data analysis regarding access to EU institutions documents shows that general public is still far from direct contact with European bodies.
Accepted in 13th IEEE Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia (ESTIMedia 2015), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Sabbatical Studies Report
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Research literature and regulators are unconditional in pointing the disclosure of operating cash flow through direct method a section of unique information. Besides the intuitive facet, it is also consistent in forecasting future operating cash flows and a cohesive piece to financial statement puzzle. Bearing this in mind, I produce an analysis on the usefulness and predictive ability on the disclosure of gross cash receipts and payments over the disclosure of reconciliation between net income and accruals for two markets with special features, Portugal and Spain. Results validate the usefulness of direct method format in predicting future operating cash flow. Key