890 resultados para grammatical metaphor


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El presente ensayo de Gabriela Chauvin propone, a la vez que un tributo al poeta Jorgenrique Adoum –fallecido en julio de 2009–, un acercamiento a su libro Prepoemas en posespañol. Es una reflexión sobre la relación del exilio con la memoria, la muerte y la resistencia, tomando como eje dos poemas: «Good-Bye Lola» y «Epitafio del extranjero vivo». Desde un punto de vista sensible y particular se analiza el significado de la lucha en el exilio, si la mayoría de las veces ésta es el eslabón o el requisito de la derrota o la victoria, en la poesía de Adoum la lucha es la materia constante de la que están hechos los domingos y sus muertes: si hay una manera de no llegar a ninguna parte es manteniéndose en un combate inmóvil, sin descansos ni victorias ni derrotas, deambulando en el no-lugar que es el exilio. De esta manera, el epitafio se convierte en la metáfora de la lucha perenne entre la muerte y el nombre, entre la existencia a través del lenguaje y la tumba que la soporta. Prepoemas en posespañol se incluyó en el libro Informe personal sobre la situación, y se publicó por primera vez en 1973.


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Los escritores ecuatorianos han creado un rico legado de imaginarios que apuntan a una identidad nacional que es, en el fondo, plurinacional e intercultural. Si bien los autores de la Generación del 30 plantearon con su narrativa un proyecto de nación que incluía a las diferentes culturas que la habitan –proyecto mestizo fallido, sin embargo, en tanto anulaba las diferencias y consagraba las desigualdades–, el protagonismo social de estas culturas en la década de los 90 complementa la propuesta surgida desde lo literario en los años 30. Adicionalmente, la auto-representación política actual de dichos grupos pone en tela de juicio criterios del ámbito cultural contemporáneo, uno de ellos es el del llamado «Síndrome de Falcón», que pretende ser una metáfora de la carga de representar a sectores sociales desfavorecidos, que ha pesado sobre los narradores ecuatorianos durante el siglo XX. Todo ello empuja el proceso de reconfiguración del panorama de la cultura ecuatoriana: la creciente participación de estas voces antes silenciadas, así como la emergencia de otras formas de contemplar al mundo natural, que suscitan nuevas lecturas de novelas clásicas como Don Goyo o La isla virgen de Demetrio Aguilera-Malta.


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El autor revisa la manera en que se representa el discurso narrativo «a la manera del habla» en cuentos de Aguilera-Malta, Gallegos Lara, Gil Gilbert y De la Cuadra. Este «efecto de oralidad» se realiza mediante recursos diversos: con descripciones que apelan a mitos, o la presencia de refranes que transmiten la experiencia colectiva, con el uso de fórmulas del relato oral, como las equivalentes a aquella de «había una vez», a través de la prosopopeya (personificación, animación, metáfora sensibilizadora) y de la hipérbole, de la alternancia entre un narrador testigo y otro de carácter letrado, o la alternancia narrativo-conversacional en un mismo narrador. Por otro lado, también en ciertos motivos temáticos se encuentran rasgos de oralidad: en la recuperación del universo primigenio, en el que hombre y naturaleza eran uno solo, en el rol de los supuestos, sobreentendidos, habladurías o creencias (experiencia colectiva transmitida que, una vez que circula en la comunidad oral, adquiere el carácter de verdad). Todos estos recursos apuntan a redescubrir la riqueza expresiva del imaginario y los valores del mundo montuvio, en convivencia o disputa con aquellos de la cultura cristiana y de los entornos urbanos.


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La autora reflexiona sobre el relato “Ella”, del uruguayo Juan Carlos Onetti, y sobre otras representaciones de la muerte de Eva Perón, escritas por Jorge Luis Borges, David Viñas y Néstor Perlongher. Afirma que en la Argentina de Perón ya confluían realidad y ficción, y que las múltiples biografías de Eva serían “un duelo de versiones narrativas entre la ficción y la historia o, si se prefiere, una metáfora de la historia”. Rosano plantea que, en los textos revisados, es la realidad la que adopta contornos fantasmagóricos, disparados por motivos diversos: la descomposición y el tópico del mal olor, la impostura del cuerpo embalsamado y del mandatario, el entrelazamiento entre lo político y lo sexual en la escena del velorio, la imagen de Eva, “una diosa que muestra sus encajes de novia de suburbio” pero también una siniestra y doliente “zombi escarlata”. Señala, finalmente, que los textos muestran a los fieles, esos “miles de necrófilos murmurantes y enlutados”, sometidos a la potencia del mito.


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WF16 is a Pre-Pottery Neolithic site in the Southern Levant that has produced an important collection of ground stone artefacts. These include one explicit and one ambiguous representation of a phallus – the latter may be a human head and shoulders. The authors note the visual similarity of certain pestles from WF16 to phalli and suggest that such artefacts and their use may have been imbued with sexual metaphor. As such, the most potent references to sex, reproduction and fertility in the early Neolithic may not be the exotic figures claimed to be ‘Mother Goddesses’ but located in the most mundane of domestic artefacts.


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This study explores the way in which our picture of the Levantine Epipalaeolithic has been created, investigating the constructs that take us from found objects to coherent narrative about the world. Drawing on the treatment of chipped stone, the fundamental raw material of prehistoric narratives, it examines the use of figurative devices - of metaphor, metonymy, and synecdoche - to make the connection between the world and the words we need to describe it. The work of three researchers is explored in a case study of the Middle Epipalaeolithic with the aim of showing how different research goals and methodologies have created characteristics for the period that are so entrenched in discourse as to have become virtually invisible.Yet the definition of distinct cultures with long-lasting traditions, the identification of two separate ethnic trajectories linked to separate environmental zones, and the analysis of climate as the key driver of change all rest on analytical manoeuvres to transform objects into data.


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Children with English as a second language (L2) with exposure of 18 months or less exhibit similar difficulties to children with Specific Language Impairment in tense marking, a marker of language impairment for English. This paper examines whether L2 children with longer exposure converge with their monolingual peers in the production of tense marking. 38 Turkish-English L2 children with a mean age of 7;8 and 33 monolingual age-matched controls completed the screening test of the Test of Early Grammatical Impairment (TEGI). The L2 children as a group were as accurate as the controls in the production of -ed, but performed significantly lower than the controls in the production of third person –s. Age and YoE affected the children’s performance. The highest age-expected performance on the TEGI was attested in eight and nine year-old children who had 4-6 YoE. L1 and L2 children performed better in regular compared to irregular verbs, but L2 children overregularized more than L1 children and were less sensitive to the phonological properties of verbs. The results show that tense marking and the screening test of the TEGI may be promising for differential diagnosis in eight and nine year-old L2 children with at least four YoE.


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Two experiments examined the claim for distinct implicit and explicit learning modes in the artificial grammar-learning task (Reber, 1967, 1989). Subjects initially attempted to memorize strings of letters generated by a finite-state grammar and then classified new grammatical and nongrammatical strings. Experiment 1 showed that subjects' assessment of isolated parts of strings was sufficient to account for their classification performance but that the rules elicited in free report were not sufficient. Experiment 2 showed that performing a concurrent random number generation task under different priorities interfered with free report and classification performance equally. Furthermore, giving different groups of subjects incidental or intentional learning instructions did not affect classification or free report.


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The constructivist model of 'soft' value management (VM) is contrasted with the VM discourse appropriated by cost consultants who operate from within UK quantity surveying (QS) practices. The enactment of VM by cost consultants is shaped by the institutional context within which they operate and is not necessarily representative of VM practice per se. Opportunities to perform VM during the formative stages of design are further constrained by the positivistic rhetoric that such practitioners use to conceptualize and promote their services. The complex interplay between VM theory and practice is highlighted and analysed from a non-deterministic perspective. Codified models of 'best practice' are seen to be socially constructed and legitimized through human interaction in the context of interorganizational networks. Published methodologies are seen to inform practice in only a loose and indirect manner, with extensive scope for localized improvization. New insights into the relationship between VM theory and practice are derived from the dramaturgical metaphor. The social reality of VM is seen to be constituted through scripts and performances, both of which are continuously contested across organizational arenas. It is concluded that VM defies universal definition and is conceptualized and enacted differently across different localized contexts.


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This article describes the development and validation of a diagnostic test of German and its integration in a programme of formative assessment during a one-year initial teacher-training course. The test focuses on linguistic aspects that cause difficulty for trainee teachers of German as a foreign language and assesses implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge as well as students' confidence in this knowledge. Administration of the test to 57 German speakers in four groups (first-year undergraduates, fourth-year undergraduates, postgraduate trainees, and native speakers) provided evidence of its reliability and validity.


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Background: The computational grammatical complexity ( CGC) hypothesis claims that children with G(rammatical)-specific language impairment ( SLI) have a domain-specific deficit in the computational system affecting syntactic dependencies involving 'movement'. One type of such syntactic dependencies is filler-gap dependencies. In contrast, the Generalized Slowing Hypothesis claims that SLI children have a domain-general deficit affecting processing speed and capacity. Aims: To test contrasting accounts of SLI we investigate processing of syntactic (filler-gap) dependencies in wh-questions. Methods & Procedures: Fourteen 10; 2 - 17; 2 G-SLI children, 14 age- matched and 17 vocabulary-matched controls were studied using the cross- modal picturepriming paradigm. Outcomes & Results: G-SLI children's processing speed was significantly slower than the age controls, but not younger vocabulary controls. The G- SLI children and vocabulary controls did not differ on memory span. However, the typically developing and G-SLI children showed a qualitatively different processing pattern. The age and vocabulary controls showed priming at the gap, indicating that they process wh-questions through syntactic filler-gap dependencies. In contrast, G-SLI children showed priming only at the verb. Conclusions: The findings indicate that G-SLI children fail to establish reliably a syntactic filler- gap dependency and instead interpret wh-questions via lexical thematic information. These data challenge the Generalized Slowing Hypothesis account, but support the CGC hypothesis, according to which G-SLI children have a particular deficit in the computational system affecting syntactic dependencies involving 'movement'. As effective remediation often depends on aetiological insight, the discovery of the nature of the syntactic deficit, along side a possible compensatory use of semantics to facilitate sentence processing, can be used to direct therapy. However, the therapeutic strategy to be used, and whether such similar strengths and weaknesses within the language system are found in other SLI subgroups are empirical issues that warrant further research.


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The artificial grammar (AG) learning literature (see, e.g., Mathews et al., 1989; Reber, 1967) has relied heavily on a single measure of implicitly acquired knowledge. Recent work comparing this measure (string classification) with a more indirect measure in which participants make liking ratings of novel stimuli (e.g., Manza & Bornstein, 1995; Newell & Bright, 2001) has shown that string classification (which we argue can be thought of as an explicit, rather than an implicit, measure of memory) gives rise to more explicit knowledge of the grammatical structure in learning strings and is more resilient to changes in surface features and processing between encoding and retrieval. We report data from two experiments that extend these findings. In Experiment 1, we showed that a divided attention manipulation (at retrieval) interfered with explicit retrieval of AG knowledge but did not interfere with implicit retrieval. In Experiment 2, we showed that forcing participants to respond within a very tight deadline resulted in the same asymmetric interference pattern between the tasks. In both experiments, we also showed that the type of information being retrieved influenced whether interference was observed. The results are discussed in terms of the relatively automatic nature of implicit retrieval and also with respect to the differences between analytic and nonanalytic processing (Whittlesea Price, 2001).


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Syntactic theory provides a rich array of representational assumptions about linguistic knowledge and processes. Such detailed and independently motivated constraints on grammatical knowledge ought to play a role in sentence comprehension. However most grammar-based explanations of processing difficulty in the literature have attempted to use grammatical representations and processes per se to explain processing difficulty. They did not take into account that the description of higher cognition in mind and brain encompasses two levels: on the one hand, at the macrolevel, symbolic computation is performed, and on the other hand, at the microlevel, computation is achieved through processes within a dynamical system. One critical question is therefore how linguistic theory and dynamical systems can be unified to provide an explanation for processing effects. Here, we present such a unification for a particular account to syntactic theory: namely a parser for Stabler's Minimalist Grammars, in the framework of Smolensky's Integrated Connectionist/Symbolic architectures. In simulations we demonstrate that the connectionist minimalist parser produces predictions which mirror global empirical findings from psycholinguistic research.


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The study examined: (a) the role of phonological, grammatical, and rapid automatized naming (RAN) skills in reading and spelling development; and (b) the component processes of early narrative writing skills. Fifty-seven Turkish-speaking children were followed from Grade 1 to Grade 2. RAN was the most powerful longitudinal predictor of reading speed and its effect was evident even when previous reading skills were taken into account. Broadly, the phonological and grammatical skills made reliable contributions to spelling performance but their effects were completely mediated by previous spelling skills. Different aspects of the narrative writing skills were related to different processing skills. While handwriting speed predicted writing fluency, spelling accuracy predicted spelling error rate. Vocabulary and working memory were the only reliable longitudinal predictors of the quality of composition content. The overall model, however, failed to explain any reliable variance in the structural quality of the compositions


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In order to explore the impact of a degraded semantic system on the structure of language production, we analysed transcripts from autobiographical memory interviews to identify naturally-occurring speech errors by eight patients with semantic dementia (SD) and eight age-matched normal speakers. Relative to controls, patients were significantly more likely to (a) substitute and omit open class words, (b) substitute (but not omit) closed class words, (c) substitute incorrect complex morphological forms and (d) produce semantically and/or syntactically anomalous sentences. Phonological errors were scarce in both groups. The study confirms previous evidence of SD patients’ problems with open class content words which are replaced by higher frequency, less specific terms. It presents the first evidence that SD patients have problems with closed class items and make syntactic as well as semantic speech errors, although these grammatical abnormalities are mostly subtle rather than gross. The results can be explained by the semantic deficit which disrupts the representation of a pre-verbal message, lexical retrieval and the early stages of grammatical encoding.