925 resultados para electricity portfolio
Sweden, together with Norway, Finland and Denmark, have created a multi-national electricity market called NordPool. In this market, producers and retailers of electricity can buy and sell electricity, and the retailers then offers this electricity to end consumers such as households and industries. Previous studies have shown that pricing at the NordPool market is functioning quite well, but no other study has to my knowledge studied if pricing in the retail market to consumers in Sweden is well functioning. If the market is well functioning, with competition and low transaction costs when changing electricity retailer, we would expect that a homogeneous good such as electricity would be sold at the approximately same price, and that price changes would be highly correlated, in this market. Thus, the aim of this study is to test whether the price of Vattenfall, the largest energy firm in the Swedish market, is highly correlated to the price of other firms in the Swedish retail market for electricity. Descriptive statistics indicate that the price offered by Vattenfall is quite similar to the price of other firms in the market. In addition, regression analysis show that the correlation between the price of Vattenfall and other firms is as high as 0.98.
At many institutions, program review is an underproductive exercise. Review of existing programs is often a check-the-box formality, with inconsistent criteria and little connection to institutional priorities or funding considerations. Decisions about where to concentrate resources across the portfolio can be highly politicized. This report profiles how academic planning exemplars use program review as a strategic tool, integrating data on academic quality, student demand, and resource utilization to improve the economics of challenged programs and prioritize programs for investment and expansion.
A indústria de alimentos está apresentando intensa movimentação nos últimos anos, direcionada a aquisições, concentração e crescimento das empresas. Seja pelas alterações econômicas, com menores taxas de crescimento, seja por alterações na demanda, as indústrias de arroz no Brasil vêm reestruturando suas estratégias de mercado. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo apresentar um estudo analítico sobre o ambiente no qual está inserida a empresa, bem como identificar o posicionamento do seu atual portfolio de produtos. O resultado deste trabalho visa a instrumentalizar os dirigentes nas decisões estratégicas de mercado.
In this paper we apply the theory of declsion making with expected utility and non-additive priors to the choice of optimal portfolio. This theory describes the behavior of a rational agent who i5 averse to pure 'uncertainty' (as well as, possibly, to 'risk'). We study the agent's optimal allocation of wealth between a safe and an uncertain asset. We show that there is a range of prices at which the agent neither buys not sells short the uncertain asset. In contrast the standard theory of expected utility predicts that there is exactly one such price. We also provide a definition of an increase in uncertainty aversion and show that it causes the range of prices to increase.
We present explicit formulas for evaluating the difference between Markowitz weights and those from optimal portfolios, with the same given return, considering either asymmetry or kurtosis. We prove that, whenever the higher moment constraint is not binding, the weights are never the same. If, due to special features of the first and second moments, the difference might be negligible, in quite many cases it will be very significant. An appealing illustration, when the designer wants to incorporate an asset with quite heavy tails, but wants to moderate this effect, further supports the argument.
The purpose of this article is to discuss the relations between regulation, competition policy and consumer protection these relations in three key sectors of Brazil’s infrastructure: telecommunications, electricity and water supply. A study of the literature points to two general principles. First, the need for consumer protection depends on the “degree of sovereignty” enjoyed by consumers, defined in terms of the cost of consumer organization, consumers’ ability to evaluate services, and the level of competition in each sector. Second, the less sovereignty consumers enjoy the more consumer protection institutions are involved with regulation agencies. The evidence for the Brazilian case apparently corroborates these points. In addition, it is important to stress that consumer complaints in regulated sectors seem to have increased more intensely than in others. The article is divided into three sections. Section 1 presents theoretical elements and aspects of the relations between regulation, competition policy and consumer protection evidenced by international experience. Section 2 analyzes the Brazilian experience and in particular the available statistics on consumer complaints about telecommunications, electricity and water supply, submitted to Fundação Procon-SP during the nineties. The last section points to possible configurations of the institutional relations between competition policy, regulation and consumer protection, showing how the existing configuration of these areas in the three infrastructure sectors discussed confirms that the theoretical framework proposed has reasonable predictive power.
Este estudo analisa se as vendas de carteiras de crédito são utilizadas por instituições financeiras para gestão de risco, de acordo com Stanton(1998) e Murray(2001) ou para captação recursos, como apontado em Cebenoyan e Strahan(2001) e Dionne e Harchaoui(2003). Duas hipóteses foram testadas quanto às vendas de carteira de crédito: 1) implicam em melhor rating na carteira remanescente; ou 2) promovem alavancagem financeira - com piora na carteira remanescente -, controlando para a existência de coobrigação e para quem esses ativos foram transferidos. A amostra inclui informações trimestrais de 145 instituições financeiras do primeiro trimestre de 2001 ao segundo trimestre de 2008. Os resultados oferecem evidências empíricas de que as instituições financeiras utilizam estas vendas para melhora do rating da carteira de crédito remanescente, ou seja, elas transferem, em sua maioria, ativos de baixa qualidade, garantindo bons ratings e melhorando a liquidez. Adicionalmente, seguindo a proposta Dionne e Harchaoui(2003) - que além de testar, evidenciam que exigências regulatórias promovem alavancagem em ativos de alto risco - foi observada a relação entre o Índice de Basiléia e rating da carteira de crédito. As conclusões foram semelhantes às encontradas por Dionne e Harchaoui(2003): quanto mais adequada – maior Índice de Basiléia - uma instituição financeira for, maiores as chances de ela possuir uma carteira de crédito com qualidade ruim.
We discuss geometric properties related to the minimisation of a portfolio kurtosis given its first two odd moments, considering a risk-less asset and allowing for short sales. The findings are generalised for the minimisation of any given even portfolio moment with fixed excess return and skewness, and then for the case in which only excess return is constrained. An example with two risky assets provides a better insight on the problems related to the solutions. The importance of the geometric properties and their use in the higher moments portfolio choice context is highlighted.
This paper studies the electricity hourly load demand in the area covered by a utility situated in the southeast of Brazil. We propose a stochastic model which employs generalized long memory (by means of Gegenbauer processes) to model the seasonal behavior of the load. The model is proposed for sectional data, that is, each hour’s load is studied separately as a single series. This approach avoids modeling the intricate intra-day pattern (load profile) displayed by the load, which varies throughout days of the week and seasons. The forecasting performance of the model is compared with a SARIMA benchmark using the years of 1999 and 2000 as the out-of-sample. The model clearly outperforms the benchmark. We conclude for general long memory in the series.
This paper studies the electricity load demand behavior during the 2001 rationing period, which was implemented because of the Brazilian energetic crisis. The hourly data refers to a utility situated in the southeast of the country. We use the model proposed by Soares and Souza (2003), making use of generalized long memory to model the seasonal behavior of the load. The rationing period is shown to have imposed a structural break in the series, decreasing the load at about 20%. Even so, the forecast accuracy is decreased only marginally, and the forecasts rapidly readapt to the new situation. The forecast errors from this model also permit verifying the public response to pieces of information released regarding the crisis.
Considering the three first moments and allowing short sales, the efficient portfolios set for n risky assets and a riskless one is found, supposing that agents like odd moments and dislike even ones. Analytical formulas for the solution surface are obtained and important geometric properties provide insights on its shape in the three dimensional space defined by the moments. A special duality result is needed and proved. The methodology is general, comprising situations in which, for instance, the investor trades a negative skewness for a higher expected return. Computation of the optimum portfolio weights is feasible in most cases.
Este trabalho estuda os efeitos do crescimento econômico e da taxas de juros sobre o desempenho de carteiras de empréstimo dos bancos comerciais brasileiros no período de 2000 a 2010. Os resultados empíricos mostram que o crescimento econômico é o principal "driver" para o desempenho da carteira de crédito. Não foram encontradas evidências estatísticas sginificativas de mudanças na taxa de juros sobre o desempenho das carteiras de empréstimos. Além disso, há evidências empíricas de que o impacto do crescimento econômico sobre o desempenho da carteria de crédito tem efeito defasado de 2 trimestres. Por fim, os resultados mostram que alterações de PIB impactam de forma mais significativa o desempenho da carteira de crédito dos bancos comerciais brasileiros maiores. Devido ao efeito multiplicador do mercado de crédito, quanto maior o banco, maior a expansão relativa de sua carteira de crédito e, conseqüentemente a taxa de inadimplência da carteira, que é agravada pela concentração do mercado de crédito no Brasil.
O documento analisa como investidores de impacto selecionar suas companhias de portfólio na América Latina e que critérios são avaliados no processo. Uma vez que praticamente ne-nhuma pesquisa sobre isso foi con conduzidos até à data, e desde que o modelo de processo de seleção aplicados em capital de risco não é dissemelhantes, foi adotado essa abordagem. Os resultados revelam que os investidores de impacto originar e avaliar negócios de uma for-ma semelhante a capitalistas de risco , mas que alguns critérios são ajustados e outros adicio-nados a fim de refletir o duplo objectivo de investimento de impacto. Os investidores de im-pacto podem originar ofertas passivamente, mas eles preferem procurar empreendimentos sociais de forma proativa: contatos pessoais, o acesso a redes e eventos do setor são cruciais neste contexto. Impacto Investidores considerando um investimento em pesquisa para a Amé-rica Latina inteira, empreendedores sociais honestos e confiáveis comprometidos com impacto social; empreendimentos sociais elegíveis devem ser rentáveis com potencial de escalabilidade; o produto deve ter um impacto social, ou seja, criar valor para o consumidor individual e para a comunidade em geral; tamanho do mercado e crescimento do mercado são fatores externos cruciais; e as características de negócio dependem de atitude de risco do investidor e as perspectivas de uma saída bem sucedida, tanto em termos financeiros e sociais. Os investi-dores de impacto também estão dispostos a dar apoio não financeiro antes de um investimen-to, se um empreendimento social, mostra alto potencial para atingir o seu objectivo dual.
We extend the static portfolio choice problem with a small background risk to the case of small partially correlated background risks. We show that respecting the theories under which risk substitution appears, except for the independence of background risk, it is perfectly rational for the individual to increase his optimal exposure to portfolio risk when risks are partially negatively correlated. Then, we test empirically the hypothesis of risk substitutability using INSEE data on French households. We find that households respond by increasing their stockholdings in response to the increase in future earnings uncertainty. This conclusion is in contradiction with results obtained in other countries. So, in light of these results, our model provides an explanation to account for the lack of empirical consensus on cross-country tests of risk substitution theory that encompasses and criticises all of them.