1000 resultados para educadoras leigas práticas pedagógicas sociais


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A presente investigao foi utilizada como suporte ao desenvolvimento das práticas pedagógicas desempenhadas pelo Mestrando Estagirio e comporta como problemtica central, no que se refere ao corpo da investigao cientfica, Anamorfoses e Anamorfismos: da perceo perceo visual. Nesta investigao, pretendeu-se analisar e fundamentar a componente histrica que enquadra o aparecimento e desenvolvimento da anamorfose, analisando-a de um ponto de vista crtico seletivo, desde os primrdios da sua origem, seguindo as fontes encontradas, at aos trabalhos anamrficos nas práticas artsticas contemporneas. A primeira parte da dissertao resulta da abordagem de um conjunto de artistas, em particular de Leonardo Da Vinci, Vexierbild Drchd Schon, Hans Holbein e, nas práticas artsticas contemporneas, Julian Beever, Felice Varine, Helly Houle, Kurt Wenner, Eduardo Kobra, Franois Ablanet. Numa segunda etapa, ensaia-se o desenvolvimento de uma reconceptualizao do conceito Anamorfismo na investigao, sendo o mesmo utilizado de modo a dar a conhecer ao leitor a verdadeira natureza das criaes neste mbito. O Anamorfismo, foi consequentemente aplicado poesia, literatura, pintura, arquitetura, s artes do corpo e a outras realidades artsticas. Estas aplicaes surgem da necessidade de se incentivar um fruidor perspicaz e capaz de descodificar, analisar, compreender e interagir com o meio envolvente atravs de uma prtica simultaneamente consciente e inconsciente do Anamorfismo. A prtica consciente cumprida pelo fruidor conhecedor dos meandros do processo anamrfico, levando-o descodificao do meio que o envolve de forma sistemtica, informada e cultivada, enquanto a prtica inconsciente fundamenta-se na intuio que convoca toda envolvncia do Anamorfismo, efetuando um conjunto de leituras do objeto criado partindo da profuso de associaes essencialmente automticas, logo muito ricas de sugestes criativas. Posteriormente, numa etapa mais prtica da investigao, passaremos aplicabilidade destes conceitos no contexto da prtica pedaggica inicial, onde procuraremos trabalhar com os alunos de um ponto de vista terico e seguidamente introduzindo os contedos desta investigao num conjunto de vrias atividades práticas.


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No novidade que o Dirio Grfico est conotado, desde sempre, com as artes e com as atividades criativas. Foi, e continua a ser, usado por artistas, como espao pessoal de ensaio, experimentao e liberdade. Recentemente, foi-lhe atribuda cada vez mais importncia como ferramenta pedaggica, essencial no ensino das artes plsticas. Este trabalho reflete o resultado de uma experincia de aplicao do Dirio Grfico no ensino. A partir da anlise, reflexo e debate das práticas pedagógicas implementadas na disciplina de Oficina de Artes com a turma 13 do 12 ano da escola secundria Francisco Franco, foi possvel criar uma reflexo, onde se procura estimular a utilizao do Dirio Grfico e demonstrar o seu potencial criativo, no papel de ferramenta didtica. Abordar o Dirio Grfico de um ponto de vista pedaggico-didtico, obriga a alguma particularizao dos mtodos e estratgias, este trabalho reflete esse processo, e apresenta de forma detalhada, um relato que poder de futuro servir de guia a propostas de trabalho semelhantes.


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SILVA, Dany Geraldo Kramer Cavalcanti e et al. Lixo hospitalar: na estrutura curricular de cursos superiores de saude na cidade de Imperatriz-MA. Educao Ambiental em Ao, v. 27, p. 00-10, 2009.


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ARAJO, Marta Maria de. Formao do educador no curso de pedagogia de Caic-RN: reproduo ou transformao social. Porto Alegre, 1985. Dissertao (Mestrado) - Curso de Ps-graduao em Educao. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto alegre, 1985


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The aim of this study is to understand the perception of medical students at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) about humanization in the context of their medical formation, using a qualitative approach. The focus group and participant observation techniques were used, involving a multidisciplinary team composed of professionals from the areas of anthropology and psychology, as well as professors from the medical course, who studied two groups of nine students in their final year. The data were analyzed using the categorical thematic content analysis technique, from which emerged three categories: student/patient relationship, teaching/learning and student/professor relationship. The first allows us to identify that student-patient contact is an essential experience for adopting a more humanized view of the disease process. The second category shows that unqualified professors in the pedagogic practices inherent to the teaching profession and the theory the practical dichotomy hinder the autonomous and holistic formation of knowledge. Similarly, the lack of practices outside the academic environment and the absence of multiprofessional stimulation interfere in the construction of an integral view of the individual. From the third category, the student/professor relationship, emerge two opposing subcategories (professor model and assymetric relationships), which reflect the importance of the professor`s ethical humanist position, as opposed to an authoritarian attitude, to form the professional attitude of the student. The results point important aspects of the medical formation that may open a discussion about humanization, in the context of new national curricular guidelines


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This research work deals with the compilation of a dictionary on clothing terminology intended to be used as a pedagogic tool as part of the teaching and learning process in the Textile Engineering Course at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The main terms were selected and assessed by a team of textile teachers and students with the objective to be structured as a conceptual body of information on the following sub-areas of clothing terminology: materials (fabrics and trimmings) and products (garments). This research comprises three main steps: (a) characterization and understanding of the technical vocabulary in the clothing area as well as the identification of a pedagogic demand for a dictionary on clothing terminology, clearly expressed by the textile lecturers and students involved in the assessment of the need and validation of this project development; (b) a proposal for a specific methodology for the compilation of the dictionary which could help the communication process in the lecturing of clothing terminology and (c) based on the terminological principles and the technique of focal groups the dictionary was assessed. The technique of focal groups was used in the first step. In the second step the technique used was that of the terminological methodology adapted to the teaching approach in the Textile Course. In the third step the technique of focal groups was again utilized. It was observed that the main concern of lecturers and students is the lack of a standardized vocabulary, which renders difficult the communication process in both the teaching and learning activities as well as the professional ones in the textile industries. Various aspects, which can overlap, cause this lack of standardization. The main ones pointed out by the study team in the focal groups are: usage of regional words or expressions, usage of foreign words or expressions, analogies, and the low level of formal education, mainly among the industry workers. Another aspect to be considered is the lack of textile literature written in the Portuguese language of Brazil. This evidence shows the importance of a clothing terminology dictionary which will benefit both the education and professional activties in this field of knowledge. This dictionary will also give a substantial contribution to terminological standardization in our research field. With view to fulfill this demand, a dictionary of clothing terminology was compiled with 760 main entries, according to the modern practice in terminology with the necessary modifications concerning our needs. The result of the dictionary assessment was very assertive regarding its structure, contents and possible use in various contexts. The team work emphasized their contribution to the standardization process of the terms that proved to be one of the most important and difficult aspects of this researh work. The significance of this structured terminological dictionary was confirmed by the focal group participants relating to its use for teaching and learning activities, as a reference book, as a source of technical information and also as a tool for pedagogic studies and planning, as well as a significant collaboration to the pedagogic practices in the textile engineering course at University or any other educational institution. Besides, this dictionary can also be used to supply information within the textile field. We are aware that the present work will not exhaust the objectives of this research due to its limitations in opposition to the vast complexity demanded by the compilation of a complete work including all the areas and sub-areas of textile engineering. However, it is an important source for dissemination of concepts on the field of clothing terminology and a tool to effective standardization of the terms used in this subject field


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Les proccupations gres par les changements de l ducation nationale pousss par les rformes mises en places par le gouvernement de Fernando Henrique Cardoso, notamment la politique nationale de formation de professeurs, et le besoin de connatre comment ces rformes ont t incorpores par l Universit Fdrale de Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN, constituent les questions centrales dveloppes par cette thse. Cette tude propose montrer, partir d une approche socio-historique, la faon comment la lgislation ducationnelle brsilienne sur la formation de professeurs pour l ducation basique expresse la politique de l tat brsilien et, en mme temps, comment le PROBSICA signifie une rponse de l UFRN cette politique. En ce sens, cette recherche, selon sa perspective exploratoire, descriptive et analytique a privilgi plusieurs techniques et procds de collectes des donnes conforme au modle de la recherche participative, savoir : enqute semi- structure, observations directes, contacts formels et informels; enregistrement des opinions de professeurs, coordinateurs pdagogiques et tudiants; reprage, systmatisation et analyses de plusieurs documents. L analyse des donnes, qui a t faite d une faon fondamentalement qualitative, a rvl que le PROBSICA a sa gense l intrieur de l UFRN et reprsente, en mme temps, une rponse de cette universit la demande de la catgorie et la politique de formation de professeurs. Nous esprons que cette tude suscite d autres recherches qui dveloppent des discussions sur les relations entre l tat brsilien, ses politiques ducationnelles et les pratiques pdagogiques de formation de professeurs


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The present work has as objective to reconstitute the biographical profile and pedagogical practices of the teacher Myriam Coeli de Arajo Dantas da Silveira, in the Professionalizing scholl of the Federal Net of the Rio Grande do Norte, in the 60 s years. The choice of the period is justified by being this the time of important changes in the Education, as an example we have the implementation of the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education, the 4.024/1961. This teacher contributed for the formation of the potiguar s society scholar, acting in the press, the journalism and the teaching, activity that I analyzed in this study. How the pedagogical practices of her had happened in the 60 s years? This question guided the research and, in the search to answer it I used as source the Public Archive of the Rio grande do Norte, the Historical and Geographic Institute of the Rio grande do Norte, the periodicals of the time, photographs, sketch books of Myriam Coeli and interviews with familiar, former-pupils and contemporaries of this master. I verified that her performance always was based in the educational changes lived deeply for her, carrying through a series of activities in the school as: elaboration of the annual program of Portuguese Language, organization of literary competitions and an practice based on the effective norms without leaving to unite respect and the understanding for the pupils. Of this form, the analysis is not summarized only to the practices of a teacher, but the configuration, in part, of the Rio Grande do Norte educational history in a determined period, the 60 s years


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The main objective of this research was studying the meanings of the freedom of expression and what professors of Journalism think about the way those meanings are used in pedagogical practices. The term freedom of expression is commonly used in journalism even though it is not so studied, consequently we don t have a word to define it. Therefore, we related the term freedom of expression in Journalism teaching to the condition as the object of this study, aiming to establish a connection among the term, the right, free expression and the endurance of the right. The theorical support to understand the dynamic of the meanings of the freedom of expression in the social practice of Journalism teaching was based in the Hegeliana dialetic theorical principles and in the language philosophy more specifically in Bakhtin s perspective from which we can mention the social auditorium, immediate conditions of production and a wider social horizon as the main categories of analysis. This study is a qualitative research with an interacionist perspective anchored in a semi-structured interview as a privileged method of data collecting made with ten professors from Journalism graduation. The analysis reveals that, in the interviewers perspective, there would be a deceiving practice from freedom of expression in the journalism teaching in which emerges either in speeches with handbills spreading the fear and/or under a stimulus form to concealment


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Les rcits sur les expriences de vie se constituent en apprentissages signifiants dans le processus d auto-formation des ducateurs. La formation est un phenomne qui extraple l ambiance scolaire, incluant les expriences qui servent de matrice pour la construction de la connaissance au long de la vie. Dans cette perspective, la connaissance de soi, telle quelle propose par SOUZA, NOVOA et JOSSO, est la notion centrale au tour de laquelle se dveloppe cette dissertation. La recherche a comme ide principale transposer pour la realit des professeurs lexercice reflexif de son enseignement, mdiant la redcouverte de ses expriences de vie, a travers des histoires de soi que, potentialiss, peuvent transformer ses pratiques dans la classe scolaire. Je prends comme point de dpart mes propres expriences comme ducatrice assumant la conviction de la indissociation entre sujet et objet de la connaissance, comme propose dgar Morin pour parler de la science de la complexit. Je fais aussi lusage des rcits de six professeurs du rseau publique de l enseigment, rvlateurs de la construction de la connaissance appuye dans la cohrence de la praxis pdagogique avec son mode de comprendre et sentir le monde. Les oeuvres Mes Dmons d dgar Morin, O Tempo e Eu de Luis da Cmara Cascudo et O Banquete dos Deuses de Daniel Munduruku, ont largit le champs des rcits d expriences que se constituent en matrices des processus de formation. Le travail avec les rcits de formation dmontrent qu partir de la rflection du sujet sur sa propre exprience, il est possible de se projter des nouvelles configurations de la connaissance tenant comme base, la reliaison entre vie, ides, et pratiques pdagogiques. partir de la mtaphore du bcher il est possible de se comprendre la force de combustion des expriences de vie dans la formation des enseignants