959 resultados para dissociation constants


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Compressional and shear wave velocities at confining pressures to 6 kb, densities, and porosities were measured for 32 samples obtained from 836 to 1350 m below seafloor (BSF) in Hole 504B, the section drilled on Leg 83 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. These data in combination with similar measurements on 28 basalt samples from the section from 274.5 to 836 m, drilled on Legs 69 and 70, provide a comprehensive set of physical property data for over 1000 m of oceanic crust. The velocities, densities, and porosities measured in the laboratory exhibit greater variability in the upper portion of the hole. In general, compressional and shear wave velocities and densities increase with depth, reaching average values at 1 kbar of Vp = 6.45 km/s, Ks = 3.45 km/s and p = 2.94 g/cm3 within the sheeted dike section. Porosities decrease with depth to values generally less than 1% near the bottom of the hole


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AnewRelativisticScreenedHydrogenicModel has been developed to calculate atomic data needed to compute the optical and thermodynamic properties of high energy density plasmas. The model is based on anewset of universal screeningconstants, including nlj-splitting that has been obtained by fitting to a large database of ionization potentials and excitation energies. This database was built with energies compiled from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) database of experimental atomic energy levels, and energies calculated with the Flexible Atomic Code (FAC). The screeningconstants have been computed up to the 5p3/2 subshell using a Genetic Algorithm technique with an objective function designed to minimize both the relative error and the maximum error. To select the best set of screeningconstants some additional physical criteria has been applied, which are based on the reproduction of the filling order of the shells and on obtaining the best ground state configuration. A statistical error analysis has been performed to test the model, which indicated that approximately 88% of the data lie within a ±10% error interval. We validate the model by comparing the results with ionization energies, transition energies, and wave functions computed using sophisticated self-consistent codes and experimental data.


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Experimental methods based on single particle tracking (SPT) are being increasingly employed in the physical and biological sciences, where nanoscale objects are visualized with high temporal and spatial resolution. SPT can probe interactions between a particle and its environment but the price to be paid is the absence of ensemble averaging and a consequent lack of statistics. Here we address the benchmark question of how to accurately extract the diffusion constant of one single Brownian trajectory. We analyze a class of estimators based on weighted functionals of the square displacement. For a certain choice of the weight function these functionals provide the true ensemble averaged diffusion coefficient, with a precision that increases with the trajectory resolution.


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The Jones-Wilkins-Lee (JWL) equation of state parameters for ANFO and emulsion-type explosives have been obtained from cylinder test expansion measurements. The calculation method comprises a new radial expansion function, with a non-zero initial velocity at the onset of the expansion in order to comply with a positive Gurney energy at unit relative volume, as the isentropic expansion from the CJ state predicts. The equations reflecting the CJ state conditions and the measured expansion energy were solved for the JWL parameters by a non-linear least squares scheme. The JWL parameters of thirteen ANFO and emulsion type explosives have been determined in this way from their cylinder test expansion data. The results were evaluated through numerical modelling of the tests with the LS-DYNA hydrocode; the expansion histories from the modelling were compared with the measured ones, and excellent agreement was found.


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The actin cytoskeleton plays a key role in the deformability of the cell and in mechanosensing. Here we analyze the contributions of three major actin cross-linking proteins, myosin II, a-actinin and filamin, to cell deformability, by using micropipette aspiration of Dictyostelium cells. We examine the applicability of three simple mechanical models: for small deformation, linear viscoelasticity and drop of liquid with a tense cortex; and for large deformation, a Newtonian viscous fluid. For these models, we have derived linearized equations and we provide a novel, straightforward methodology to analyze the experiments. This methodology allowed us to differentiate the effects of the cross-linking proteins in the different regimes of deformation. Our results confirm some previous observations and suggest important relations between the molecular characteristics of the actin-binding proteins and the cell behavior: the effect of myosin is explained in terms of the relation between the lifetime of the bond to actin and the resistive force; the presence of a-actinin obstructs the deformation of the cytoskeleton, presumably mainly due to the higher molecular stiffness and to the lower dissociation rate constants; and filamin contributes critically to the global connectivity of the network, possibly by rapidly turning over crosslinks during the remodeling of the cytoskeletal network, thanks to the higher rate constants, flexibility and larger size. The results suggest a sophisticated relationship between the expression levels of actinbinding proteins, deformability and mechanosensing.


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A Mindlin plate with periodically distributed ribs patterns is analyzed by using homogenization techniques based on asymptotic expansion methods. The stiffness matrix of the homogenized plate is found to be dependent on the geometrical characteristics of the periodical cell, i.e. its skewness, plan shape, thickness variation etc. and on the plate material elastic constants. The computation of this plate stiffness matrix is carried out by averaging over the cell domain some solutions of different periodical boundary value problems. These boundary value problems are defined in variational form by linear first order differential operators on the cell domain and the boundary conditions of the variational equation correspond to a periodic structural problem. The elements of the stiffness matrix of homogenized plate are obtained by linear combinations of the averaged solution functions of the above mentioned boundary value problems. Finally, an illustrative example of application of this homogenization technique to hollowed plates and plate structures with ribs patterns regularly arranged over its area is shown. The possibility of using in the profesional practice the present procedure to the actual analysis of floors of typical buildings is also emphasized.


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We present a helical unwinding assay for reversibly binding DNA ligands that uses closed circular DNA, topoisomerase I (Topo I), and two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis. Serially diluted Topo I relaxation reactions at constant DNA/ligand ratio are performed, and the resulting apparent unwinding of the closed circular DNA is used to calculate both ligand unwinding angle (φ) and intrinsic association constant (Ka). Mathematical treatment of apparent unwinding is formally analogous to that of apparent extinction coefficient data for optical binding titrations. Extrapolation to infinite DNA concentration yields the true unwinding angle of a given ligand and its association constant under Topo I relaxation conditions. Thus this assay delivers simultaneous structural and thermodynamic information describing the ligand–DNA complex. The utility of this assay has been demonstrated by using calichearubicin B (CRB), a synthetic hybrid molecule containing the anthraquinone chromophore of (DA) and the carbohydrate domain of calicheamicin γ1I. The unwinding angle for CRB calculated by this method is −5.3 ± 0.5°. Its Ka value is 0.20 × 106 M−1. For comparison, the unwinding angles of ethidium bromide and DA have been independently calculated, and the results are in agreement with canonical values for these compounds. Although a stronger binder to selected sites, CRB is a less potent unwinder than its parent compound DA. The assay requires only small amounts of ligand and offers an attractive option for analysis of DNA binding by synthetic and natural compounds.


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The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-signaling pathway has emerged as an important component of cytokine-mediated survival of hemopoietic cells. Recently, the protein kinase PKB/akt (referred to here as PKB) has been identified as a downstream target of PI3K necessary for survival. PKB has also been implicated in the phosphorylation of Bad, potentially linking the survival effects of cytokines with the Bcl-2 family. We have shown that granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) maintains survival in the absence of PI3K activity, and we now show that when PKB activation is also completely blocked, GM-CSF is still able to stimulate phosphorylation of Bad. Interleukin 3 (IL-3), on the other hand, requires PI3K for survival, and blocking PI3K partially inhibited Bad phosphorylation. IL-4, unique among the cytokines in that it lacks the ability to activate the p21ras–mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade, was found to activate PKB and promote cell survival, but it did not stimulate Bad phosphorylation. Finally, although our data suggest that the MAPK pathway is not required for inhibition of apoptosis, we provide evidence that phosphorylation of Bad may be occurring via a MAPK/ERK kinase (MEK)-dependent pathway. Together, these results demonstrate that although PI3K may contribute to phosphorylation of Bad in some instances, there is at least one other PI3K-independent pathway involved, possibly via activation of MEK. Our data also suggest that although phosphorylation of Bad may be one means by which cytokines can inhibit apoptosis, it may be neither sufficient nor necessary for the survival effect.


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Leukocytes roll along the endothelium of postcapillary venules in response to inflammatory signals. Rolling under the hydrodynamic drag forces of blood flow is mediated by the interaction between selectins and their ligands across the leukocyte and endothelial cell surfaces. Here we present force-spectroscopy experiments on single complexes of P-selectin and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 by atomic force microscopy to determine the intrinsic molecular properties of this dynamic adhesion process. By modeling intermolecular and intramolecular forces as well as the adhesion probability in atomic force microscopy experiments we gain information on rupture forces, elasticity, and kinetics of the P-selectin/P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 interaction. The complexes are able to withstand forces up to 165 pN and show a chain-like elasticity with a molecular spring constant of 5.3 pN nm−1 and a persistence length of 0.35 nm. The dissociation constant (off-rate) varies over three orders of magnitude from 0.02 s−1 under zero force up to 15 s−1 under external applied forces. Rupture force and lifetime of the complexes are not constant, but directly depend on the applied force per unit time, which is a product of the intrinsic molecular elasticity and the external pulling velocity. The high strength of binding combined with force-dependent rate constants and high molecular elasticity are tailored to support physiological leukocyte rolling.


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We used event-related functional MRI to investigate the neural bases of two categories of mental processes believed to contribute to performance of an alphabetization working memory task: memory storage and memory manipulation. Our delayed-response tasks required memory for the identity and position-in-the-display of items in two- or five-letter memory sets (to identify load-sensitive regions) or memory for the identity and relative position-in-the-alphabet of items in five-letter memory sets (to identify manipulation-sensitive regions). Results revealed voxels in the left perisylvian cortex of five of five subjects showing load sensitivity (as contrasted with alphabetization-sensitive voxels in this region in only one subject) and voxels of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in all subjects showing alphabetization sensitivity (as contrasted with load-sensitive voxels in this region in two subjects). This double dissociation was reliable at the group level. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the nonmnemonic executive control processes that can contribute to working memory function are primarily prefrontal cortex-mediated whereas mnemonic processes necessary for working memory storage are primarily posteriorly mediated. More broadly, they support the view that working memory is a faculty that arises from the coordinated interaction of computationally and neuroanatomically dissociable processes.


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The association of the TATA binding protein (TBP) to eukaryotic promoters is a possible rate-limiting step in gene expression. Slow promoter binding might be related to TBP’s ability to occlude its DNA binding domain through dimerization. Using a “pull-down” based assay, we find that TBP dimers dissociate slowly (t½ = 6–10 min), and thus present a formidable kinetic barrier to TATA binding. At 10 nM, TBP appears to exist as a mixed population of monomers and dimers. In this state, TATA binding displays burst kinetics that appears to reflect rapid binding of monomers and slow dissociation of dimers. The kinetics of the slow phase is in excellent agreement with direct measurements of the kinetics of dimer dissociation.