564 resultados para diachronic totality


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La sociedad española aún no es igualitaria y, en materia de corresponsabilidad, queda mucho por hacer. Las campañas de sensibilización pueden y deben contribuir a mejorar la situación. El estudio describe y evalúa el esfuerzo publicitario de la Administración pública en campañas institucionales de igualdad de género entre 1999 y 2007. Este periodo es relevante en la promoción de la conciliación y corresponsabilidad por parte de los dos partidos que gobernaron durante estos años en legislaturas distintas (PP y PSOE). Se plantea un análisis diacrónico del esfuerzo publicitario realizado por la Administración en dichas campañas. El esfuerzo se observa mediante las inversiones publicitarias, proporcionadas por InfoAdex. Estos datos son comparados con la curva del esfuerzo de la categoría en la que se encuentran tales campañas (de interés público) y con la inversión que debía haberse realizado para mantenerlo, ambas curvas calculadas atendiendo a criterios de comunicación. Los resultados apuntan a que las campañas de igualdad de género se ubican en posiciones intermedias en la inversión en comparación con otro tipo de campañas institucionales. Sin embargo, la curva del esfuerzo de las campañas de igualdad de género es irregular y desvela intenciones políticas de las inversiones que, a priori, se realizaron con supuesta pretensión informativa o de sensibilización social.


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El artículo tiene como objetivo el análisis del proceso de construcción social del fenómeno de las adopciones en España, que tendrá mayor relevancia numérica e impacto social en la década de los noventa con el incremento de las adopciones internacionales. Las conclusiones que se presentan surgen de la investigación documental llevada a cabo en documentos oficiales y personales. Las leyes, normas y decretos que se revisan son examinados en su estructura social y al hilo de las ideologías dominantes sobre maternidad, crianza, infancia y familia. Se incluye el legado normativo que el movimiento por la recuperación de la memoria histórica ha dotado de contemporaneidad, al tiempo que nos sitúa en la construcción actual de la adopción. Esta visión diacrónica se completa con el análisis de documentos personales autobiográficos. Si significativo es el incremento de las adopciones internacionales en España, también lo es el importante número de documentos personales en los que madres y padres relatan en primera persona su experiencia con la adopción. Sus narraciones son críticas con la gestión del proceso de la adopción y con la ideología que subyace, basada en la construcción de la diferencia con fuerte sesgo a favor del modelo biológico y en la sacralización del niño adoptado. En sus relatos se sigue el proceso contemporáneo de construcción identitario, individual y social de la adopción en España.


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Aquest article presenta una mostra dels resultats de l’anàlisi detallada de locucions, col·locacions i altres elements fraseològics i d’ordre de mots significatius quant a la caracterització del cabal de llenguatge literari de Joan Roís de Corella. Aquesta anàlisi es fa amb metodologia interdisciplinar de base de lingüistica de corpus i de diacronia lingüistica, i amb el concurs de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (humanitats digitals), que s’apliquen a l’anàlisi de l’aportació lèxica i estilística d’un autor clau com és Roís de Corella a fide calibrar el grau de sintonia i, alhora, d’especificitat del seu llenguatge literari; en quin grau coincideix el seu llenguatge literari amb el d’altres grans clàssics culturals de la Corona d’Aragó, i en què basa, alhora, Roís de Corella la clau de la seua mestria estilística.


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Las transformaciones padecidas por los musulmanes de Granada a raíz de la conversión masiva de 1499-1500 se reflejan en el cambio antroponímico inicial y su evolución durante el siglo XVI. En este estudio se evalúa la autenticidad de los nombres árabes en los documentos castellanos y se propone una metodología onomástica que abarca dos sistemas diversos (el árabe y el castellano) y que permite un cierto grado de sincretismo. La onomástica comparativa (sincrónica y diacrónica) desde la Edad Media hasta la Moderna, con muestras de otros colectivos permite calibrar el grado de aculturación de los moriscos y descubrir patrones de comportamiento cultural que resultan difícilmente discernibles por otros medios.


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L’estudi de la neologia és indestriable de l’estudi del canvi lingüístic i, doncs, de la diacronia. Ens proposem ací descriure el procés de canvi semàntic que va experimentar el verb esmar, forma patrimonial del llatí *adaestimare, paral·lela del cultisme estimar. Aquesta recerca es fonamenta en l’aprofitament dels corpus textuals i altres materials despullats manualment. Sobre aquests materials, s’ha assajat l’anàlisi de la subjectivació i de les inferències que proposa la teoria de la inferència invitada del canvi semàntic (= TIICS).


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The reprise evidential conditional (REC) is nowadays not very usual in Catalan: it is restricted to journalistic language and to some very formal genres (such as academic or legal language), it is not present in spontaneous discourse. On the one hand, it has been described among the rather new modality values of the conditional. On the other, the normative tradition tended to reject it for being a gallicism, or to describe it as an unsuitable neologism. Thanks to the extraction from text corpora, we surprisingly find this REC in Catalan from the beginning of the fourteenth century to the contemporary age, with semantic and pragmatic nuances and different evidence of grammaticalization. Due to the current interest in evidentiality, the REC has been widely studied in French, Italian and Portuguese, focusing mainly on its contemporary uses and not so intensively on the diachronic process that could explain the origin of this value. In line with this research, that we initiated studying the epistemic and evidential future in Catalan, our aim is to describe: a) the pragmatic context that could have been the initial point of the REC in the thirteenth century, before we find indisputable attestations of this use; b) the path of semantic change followed by the conditional from a ‘future in the past’ tense to the acquisition of epistemic and evidential values; and c) the role played by invited inferences, subjectification and intersubjectification in this change.


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The general purpose of the two studies reported here was to examine perceptions of team cohesiveness in children aged 9 to 12 years. In Study 1, focus groups were used to examine individual perceptions of cohesion from the perspective of group integration – the group as a totality. In Study 2, open-ended questionnaires were used to examine individual perceptions of cohesion from the perspective of individual attractions to the group. The results showed that children as young as nine years understand the phenomenon known as cohesion. They can discuss the group as a totality, the characteristics of cohesive and non-cohesive teams, and identify the major factors attracting them to and maintaining their involvement in the group. Also, the ability to clearly distinguish between task and social cohesion is present. The results provide insight into the world of child sport and emphasise the importance of group cohesion, affiliation, and other social constructs in children’s involvement and adherence to sport groups


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This paper is a reconstruction of Levinas’ reading of Hegel and his understanding of violence (of the enemy and the war). Combining Franz Rosenzweig’s reflections which concern the sick philosopher and Hegel’s State, as well as Derrida’s interpretation of the different attributes of violence, our aim is also to give full evidence of Derrida’s critical reading of Levinas. The first part illustrates the various classifications of the figures of violence from the different periods of Hegel’s life and the traces that these figures have left in Levinas’ texts beginning with „Liberté et commandement” in 1953. In the second part we discuss Hegel’s well-known analogy from his Rechtsphilosophie on sovereignty and the organism – that is to say the parallel reading of some paragraphs of Naturphilosophie too – and the relation between totality and violence, in Levinas’ “ontology as allergy” and in Derrida’s autoimmunology.


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Tese de doutoramento, Sociologia (Sociologia da Cultura, Comunicação, e Estilos de Vida), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2016


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Introduction. The present overview covers the period starting from 2000 until the end of 2005.1 This is the follow-up to our overview covering the 1995-1999 period.2 The first striking feature of the present contribution is that it has to deal with almost 3,5 times as many cases as the previous one. Hence, the ECJ has gone from deciding 40 cases in the five year period between 1995- 1999 to deciding over 140 cases based on Art 49 between 2000-2005. This confirms, beyond any doubt, the tendency already observed in our previous overview, that a “third generation” case law on services is being developed at a very rapid pace by the ECJ. This third generation case law is based on the idea that Article 49 EC is not limited to striking down discriminatory measures but extends to the elimination of all hindrances to the free provision of services. This idea was first expressed in the Tourist Guide cases, the Greek and Dutch TV cases and most importantly in the Säger case.3 It has been confirmed ever since. As was to be expected, this broad brush approach of the Court’s has led to an ever-increasing amount of litigation reaching Luxemburg. It is clear that, if indicators were used to weight the importance of the Court’s case law during the relevant period, services would score much higher than goods, both from a quantitative and from a qualitative perspective.4 Hence, contrary to the previous overview, this one cannot deal in detail with any of the judgments delivered during the reference period. The aim of the present contribution is restricted to presenting the basic trends of the Court’s case law in the field of services Therefore, the analysis follows a fundamentally horizontal approach, fleetingly considering the facts of individual cases, with a view to identifying the conceptual premises of the Court’s approach to the free movement of services. Nonetheless, the substantial solutions adopted by the Court in some key topics, such as concession contracts, healthcare services, posted workers and gambling, are also presented as case studies. In this regard, the analysis is organized in four sections. First we explore the (ever expanding) scope of the freedom to provide services (Section 2), then we go on to identify the nature of the violations and of justifications thereto (Section 3), before carrying out some case studies to concretely illustrate the above (Section 4). Then, for the sake of completeness, we try to deduce the general principles running through the totality of the relevant case law (Section 5). Inevitably, some concluding remarks follow (Section 6).5


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From the Introduction. The study of the European Court of Justice’s (ECJ) case law of the regarding the Area of Freedom Security and Justice (AFSJ) is fascinating in many ways.1 First, almost the totality of the relevant case law is extremely recent, thereby marking the first ‘foundational’ steps in this field of law. This is the result of the fact that the AFSJ was set up by the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997 and only entered into force in May 1999.2 Second, as the AFSJ is a new field of EU competence, it sets afresh all the fundamental questions – both political and legal – triggered by European integration, namely in terms of: a) distribution of powers between the Union and its member states, b) attribution of competences between the various EU Institutions, c) direct effect and supremacy of EU rules, d) scope of competence of the ECJ, and e) measure of the protection given to fundamental rights. The above questions beg for answers which should take into account both the extremely sensible fields of law upon which the AFSJ is anchored, and the EU’s highly inconvenient three-pillar institutional framework.3 Third, and as a consequence of the above, the vast majority of the ECJ’s judgments relating to the AFSJ are a) delivered by the Full Court or, at least, the Grand Chamber, b) with the intervention of great many member states and c) often obscure in content. This is due to the fact that the Court is called upon to set the foundational rules in a new field of EU law, often trying to accommodate divergent considerations, not all of which are strictly legal.4 Fourth, the case law of the Court relating to the AFSJ, touches upon a vast variety of topics which are not necessarily related to one another. This is why it is essential to limit the scope of this study. The content of, and steering for, the AFSJ were given by the Tampere European Council, in October 1999. According to the Tampere Conclusions, the AFSJ should consist of four key elements: a) a common immigration and asylum policy, b) judicial cooperation in both civil and penal matters, c) action against criminality and d) external action of the EU in all the above fields. Moreover, the AFSJ is to a large extent based on the Schengen acquis. The latter has been ‘communautarised’5 by the Treaty of Amsterdam and further ‘ventilated’ between the first and third pillars by decisions 1999/435 and 1999/436.6 Judicial cooperation in civil matters, mainly by means of international conventions (such as the Rome Convention of 1981 on the law applicable to contractual obligations) and regulations (such as (EC) 44/20017 and (EC) 1348/20008) also form part of the AFSJ. However, the relevant case law of the ECJ will not be examined in the present contribution.9 Similarly, the judgments of the Court delivered in the course of Article 226 EC proceedings against member states, will be omitted.10 Even after setting aside the above case law and notwithstanding the fact that the AFSJ only dates as far back as May 1999, the judgments of the ECJ are numerous. A simple (if not simplistic) categorisation may be between, on the one hand, judgments which concern the institutional setting of the AFSJ (para. 2) and, on the other, judgments which are related to some substantive AFSJ policy (para. 3).


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The Court of Justice of the European Union is one of the institutions of the Union. Praised by some as the relentless and steady motor of European integration and attacked by others as an example of a clearly biased institution, more ink has perhaps been spilled over the years on discussing the (de)merits of the Court of Justice than any other Union institution. In face of such considerable literature coming from legal, political science, sociological, and more recently also historical quarters, this chapter cannot but scratch the surface of the vast topic by providing a concise introduction into selected institutional themes in a legal1 and, where possible, diachronic perspective: the structure of the Union courts located in Luxembourg; basic information about the type of judicial business the Court of Justice carries out; the composition of the Court of Justice, including the recent changes made to the way in which judges and advocates-general are selected; the often discussed style and structure of the judgments; and, finally, the even more frequently discussed and recurring question of the legitimacy of the Court of Justice.


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O presente trabalho teve por finalidade investigar a posição ocupada pela mulher dita de meia-idade nos meios de comunicação social. Para tanto, foram selecionadas cerca de quinze Revistas Femininas, editadas pela Bloch e Abril Cultural, tendo sido as fotos e ilustrações apresentadas em tais veículos de comunicação, submetidas ã Análise de Conteúdo, para a qual se contou com uma equipe formada por quatorze juízes, selecionados aleatoriamente. Os estímulos apresentados foram classificados em três categorias, quais sejam, "mulher jovem", "mulher de meia-idade" e "mulher idosa", e os resultados obtidos submetidos a uma análise lógica e estatística. Efetuou-se um estudo sobre a condição da mulher, segundo as dimensões biológica, social e psicológica, considerados aspectos relativos à mítica feminina, além de um-breve histórico sobre a situação da mulher no contexto social do País. Foram, também, observados dados referentes ã Psicologia do Consumidor. A partir dos resultados obtidos constatou-se que a incidência de estímulos classificados como sendo mulheres de meia-idade não foi significativa, alcançando, a figura da mulher jovem, a quase totalidade dos estímulos apresentados em todas as revistas examinadas, mantendo-se elevada mesmo naquelas dirigidas, segundo as Editoras, primordialmente, às mulheres de mais idade. Observou-se, também, uma tendência acentuada a se classificar na categoria "jovem" figuras femininas que se apresentassem como sexualmente atraentes, fisicamente belas e, ainda, a de artistas populares - esta, mesmo naqueles casos em que, reconhecidamente, se sabia possuidoras de idade superior aos 43 anos. Desse modo, concluiu-se que a figura feminina correspondente à mulher considerada de meia-idade, inexiste como forma de apelo social, o que contribuiu, sobremaneira, para tornar ainda mais conflitivo um período já crítico em si mesmo, como o é o climatério.


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Tras una revisión diacrónica del tratamiento del tema de la guerra civil en la narrativa gallega, el artículo analiza la función performativa que en ese contexto han desempeñado una serie de obras narrativas de Manuel Rivas y su eficacia como factores de legitimación y dinamización del proceso de recuperación de la memoria histórica. Como conclusión se propone considerar a Rivas como un emprendedor de la memoria (Jelin) y sus obras como 'lieux de memoire' (Nora) por su condición de artefactos culturales de integración social.


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This paper proposes a diachronic typology for the various patterns that have been referred to as Hierarchical Alignment or Inverse Alignment. Previous typological studies have tried to explain such patterns as grammatical reflections of a universal Referential Hierarchy, in which first person outranks second person outranks third person and humans outrank other animates outrank inanimates. However, our study shows that most of the formal properties of hierarchy-sensitive constructions are essentially predictable from their historical sources. We have identified three sources for hierarchical person marking, three for direction marking, two for obviative case marking, and one for hierarchical constituent ordering. These sources suggest that there is more than one explanation for hierarchical alignment: one is consistent with Givón’s claim that hierarchical patterns are a grammaticalization of generic topicality; another is consistent with DeLancey’s claim that hierarchies reflect the deictic distinction between present (1/2) and distant (3) participants; another is simply a new manifestation of a common asymmetrical pattern, the use of zero marking for third persons. More importantly, the evolution of hierarchical grammatical patterns does not reflect a consistent universal ranking of participants – at least in those cases where we can see (or infer) historical stages in the evolution of these properties, different historical stages appear to reflect different hierarchical rankings of participants, especially first and second person. This leads us to conclude that the diversity of hierarchical patterns is an artifact of grammatical change, and that in general, the presence of hierarchical patterns in synchronic grammars is not somehow conditioned by some more general universal hierarchy.