896 resultados para contrast enhancement
In wireless sensor networks, the routing algorithms currently available assume that the sensor nodes are stationary. Therefore when mobility modulation is applied to the wireless sensor networks, most of the current routing algorithms suffer from performance degradation. The path breaks in mobile wireless networks are due to the movement of mobile nodes, node failure, channel fading and shadowing. It is desirable to deal with dynamic topology changes with optimal effort in terms of resource and channel utilization. As the nodes in wireless sensor medium make use of wireless broadcast to communicate, it is possible to make use of neighboring node information to recover from path failure. Cooperation among the neighboring nodes plays an important role in the context of routing among the mobile nodes. This paper proposes an enhancement to an existing protocol for accommodating node mobility through neighboring node information while keeping the utilization of resources to a minimum.
An improved color video super-resolution technique using kernel regression and fuzzy enhancement is presented in this paper. A high resolution frame is computed from a set of low resolution video frames by kernel regression using an adaptive Gaussian kernel. A fuzzy smoothing filter is proposed to enhance the regression output. The proposed technique is a low cost software solution to resolution enhancement of color video in multimedia applications. The performance of the proposed technique is evaluated using several color videos and it is found to be better than other techniques in producing high quality high resolution color videos
In wireless sensor networks, the routing algorithms currently available assume that the sensor nodes are stationary. Therefore when mobility modulation is applied to the wireless sensor networks, most of the current routing algorithms suffer from performance degradation. The path breaks in mobile wireless networks are due to the movement of mobile nodes, node failure, channel fading and shadowing. It is desirable to deal with dynamic topology changes with optimal effort in terms of resource and channel utilization. As the nodes in wireless sensor medium make use of wireless broadcast to communicate, it is possible to make use of neighboring node information to recover from path failure. Cooperation among the neighboring nodes plays an important role in the context of routing among the mobile nodes. This paper proposes an enhancement to an existing protocol for accommodating node mobility through neighboring node information while keeping the utilization of resources to a minimum.
The present work derives motivation from the so called surface/interfacial magnetism in core shell structures and commercial samples of Fe3O4 and c Fe2O3 with sizes ranging from 20 to 30 nm were coated with polyaniline using plasma polymerization and studied. The High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy images indicate a core shell structure after polyaniline coating and exhibited an increase in saturation magnetization by 2 emu/g. For confirmation, plasma polymerization was performed on maghemite nanoparticles which also exhibited an increase in saturation magnetization. This enhanced magnetization is rather surprising and the reason is found to be an interfacial phenomenon resulting from a contact potential.
The paper summarizes the design and implementation of a quadratic edge detection filter, based on Volterra series, for enhancing calcifications in mammograms. The proposed filter can account for much of the polynomial nonlinearities inherent in the input mammogram image and can replace the conventional edge detectors like Laplacian, gaussian etc. The filter gives rise to improved visualization and early detection of microcalcifications, which if left undetected, can lead to breast cancer. The performance of the filter is analyzed and found superior to conventional spatial edge detectors
The Towed Array electronics is a multi-channel simultaneous real time high speed data acquisition system. Since its assembly is highly manpower intensive, the costs of arrays are prohibitive and therefore any attempt to reduce the manufacturing, assembly, testing and maintenance costs is a welcome proposition. The Network Based Towed Array is an innovative concept and its implementation has remarkably simplified the fabrication, assembly and testing and revolutionised the Towed Array scenario. The focus of this paper is to give a good insight into the Reliability aspects of Network Based Towed Array. A case study of the comparison between the conventional array and the network based towed array is also dealt with
In a leading service economy like India, services lie at the very center of economic activity. Competitive organizations now look not only at the skills and knowledge, but also at the behavior required by an employee to be successful on the job. Emotionally competent employees can effectively deal with occupational stress and maintain psychological well-being. This study explores the scope of the first two formants and jitter to assess seven common emotional states present in the natural speech in English. The k-means method was used to classify emotional speech as neutral, happy, surprised, angry, disgusted and sad. The accuracy of classification obtained using raw jitter was more than 65 percent for happy and sad but less accurate for the others. The overall classification accuracy was 72% in the case of preprocessed jitter. The experimental study was done on 1664 English utterances of 6 females. This is a simple, interesting and more proactive method for employees from varied backgrounds to become aware of their own communication styles as well as that of their colleagues' and customers and is therefore socially beneficial. It is a cheap method also as it requires only a computer. Since knowledge of sophisticated software or signal processing is not necessary, it is easy to analyze
Stimuli outside classical receptive fields significantly influence the neurons' activities in primary visual cortex. We propose that such contextual influences are used to segment regions by detecting the breakdown of homogeneity or translation invariance in the input, thus computing global region boundaries using local interactions. This is implemented in a biologically based model of V1, and demonstrated in examples of texture segmentation and figure-ground segregation. By contrast with traditional approaches, segmentation occurs without classification or comparison of features within or between regions and is performed by exactly the same neural circuit responsible for the dual problem of the grouping and enhancement of contours.
Baylis & Driver (Nature Neuroscience, 2001) have recently presented data on the response of neurons in macaque inferotemporal cortex (IT) to various stimulus transformations. They report that neurons can generalize over contrast and mirror reversal, but not over figure-ground reversal. This finding is taken to demonstrate that ``the selectivity of IT neurons is not determined simply by the distinctive contours in a display, contrary to simple edge-based models of shape recognition'', citing our recently presented model of object recognition in cortex (Riesenhuber & Poggio, Nature Neuroscience, 1999). In this memo, I show that the main effects of the experiment can be obtained by performing the appropriate simulations in our simple feedforward model. This suggests for IT cell tuning that the possible contributions of explicit edge assignment processes postulated in (Baylis & Driver, 2001) might be smaller than expected.
We enhance photographs shot in dark environments by combining a picture taken with the available light and one taken with the flash. We preserve the ambiance of the original lighting and insert the sharpness from the flash image. We use the bilateral filter to decompose the images into detail and large scale. We reconstruct the image using the large scale of the available lighting and the detail of the flash. We detect and correct flash shadows. This combines the advantages of available illumination and flash photography.
Llapis i retoladors sobre paper 12 x 12 cm. Treball realitzat en els tallers de l'assignatura troncal d'educació artística de 2n de Mestres d'Educació Infantil durant el curs 2007-08. Ha estat proposat, dirigit i fotografiat o escanejat per la professora Muntsa Calbó, amb l'ajut de Dayan Castañeda
The anxiolytic properties of ethanol (1 g/kg, 15% dose, i.p.) were studied in two experiments with rats involving incentive downshifts from a 32% to a 4% sucrose solution. In Experiment 1, alcohol administration before a downshift from 32% to 4% sucrose prevented the development of consummatory suppression (consummatory successive negative contrast, cSNC). In Experiment 2, ethanol prevented the attenuating effects of partial reinforcement (random sequence of 32% sucrose and nothing) on cSNC, causing a retardation of recovery from contrast. These effects of ethanol on cSNC are analogous to those described for the benzodiazepine anxiolytic chlordiazepoxide, suggesting that at least some of its anxiolytic effects are mediated by the same mechanisms.
Demostrar que la creatividad, en tanto que componente de la inteligencia, no se puede enseñar, pero si que se puede interactuar para estimularla, como para reprimirla, especialmente en el entorno escolar. Corroborar que la evolución de la creatividad es diferente en función del sistema educativo que siguen los alumnos. 125 alumnos de centros públicos de la misma edad y condiciones sociofamiliares, 62 escolarizados en un IES cursando 2õ de ESO y 63 en dos escuelas de primaria cursando 8õ de EGB. En la primera parte del trabajo se estudia el marco teórico, dónde se describe el concepto de creatividad y como inciden ciertos factores sobre ella. Después se habla de los objetivos y del diseño del estudio. Se pasa una primera vez el Test del Factor G de Cattell y el Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, y se vuelve a repetir el test al cabo de dos años. Los resultados demostraron que no era el sistema educativo en sí el que estimulava la creatividad, sino el cambio de un tipo de enseñanza al otro, que también va asociado a un cambio de entorno, por el hecho de pasar de una escuela de primaria a un IES de secundaria. Las puntuaciones máximas en creatividad se observaron cuando los alumnos cambiaban de centro y de sistema educativo, por eso se dieron en momentos y edades diferentes en cada uno de los dos grupos de la muestra. Para aquellos que estaban escolarizados en el IES el incremento más importante fue sobre los 13 años, después de iniciar la ESO, en cambio, para los que procedían de las escuelas de primaria fue dos años más tarde, cuando se integraron en el segundo ciclo de la ESO. Al mismo tiempo se comprobó que a pesar de la implantación generalizada de la Reforma los alumnos con creatividad elevada y QI normal o normal bajo continúan abandonando los estudios por dificultades de integración en el entorno escolar. Especialmente por lo que respecta al sexo masculino, dado que en este grupo predomina el pensamiento divergente muy por encima del razonamiento lógico y los intereses creativos por sobre de los académicos; todo esto genera conflictos permanentes en el aula y acelera el abandono del centro tal y com venía pasando antes del cambio de sistema educativo. En las chicas, que generalmente toleran mejor las limitaciones y la estructura educativa, solo se suele producir el abandono cuando el QI es francamente bajo. Tal y como preconizaban autores como Goertzel y Goertzel, Simonton y otros queda claro que la creatividad se puede desarrollar no sólo en un ambiente libre de presiones y que facilite la elaboración y el planteamiento de nuevas alternativas, sinó que un ambiente más represivo también puede ser un estímulo para incrementarla.
Oxidation of amorphous silicon (a-Si) nanoparticles grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition were investigated. Their hydrogen content has a great influence on the oxidation rate at low temperature. When the mass gain is recorded during a heating ramp in dry air, an oxidation process at low temperature is identified with an onset around 250°C. This temperature onset is similar to that of hydrogen desorption. It is shown that the oxygen uptake during this process almost equals the number of hydrogen atoms present in the nanoparticles. To explain this correlation, we propose that oxidation at low temperature is triggered by the process of hydrogen desorption
This paper discusses a study to investigate the effectiveness of collagen splints for the enhancement of regeneration of the peripheral portion of the eighth nerve.