823 resultados para bull shark


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Bovine genital campylobacteriosis is a common venereal disease of cattle; the prevalence of this disease can be underestimated mostly because of the nature of the etiological agent, the microaerobic Campylobacter fetus subspecies venerealis. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the utilization of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the diagnosis of genital campylobacteriosis in samples obtained from bull prepuce aspirate, cow cervical mucus, and abomasum contents of aborted fetuses, collected into enrichment medium. Five different DNA extraction protocols were tested: thermal extraction, lysis with proteinase K, lysis with guanidine isothiocyanate, lysis with DNAzol, and lysis with hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). The specificity, sensitivity, and technical application of the PCR assay were also evaluated with clinical samples and compared to bacterial isolation by standard culture. DNA extraction by the CTAB protocol provided better results in PCR, and it was able to detect 63 colony-forming units per ml of C. fetus. Out of 277 clinical samples tested, 68 (24%) were positive for Campylobacter fetus using PCR, while only 8 (2.8%) of the samples were positive by bacterial isolation in solid medium, proving the superiority of the PCR technique when compared to the standard isolation method, and providing evidence for its usefulness as a better screening test in cattle for the diagnosis of bovine genital campylobacteriosis.


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As enfermidades do sistema nervoso central (SNC) são frequentemente relatadas em bovinos no Brasil. Apesar de Minas Gerais ter o segundo maior rebanho bovino do país, há escassez de informações referentes às doenças neurológicas que acometem esses animais. O Laboratório de Saúde Animal do Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária (LSA/IMA) é o responsável pelo diagnóstico das enfermidades neurológicas dos animais de produção no Estado, com ênfase para a raiva e as encefalopatias espongiformes transmissíveis. Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo dos dados referentes às amostras de SNC de bovinos com síndrome neurológica avaliadas pelo LSA/IMA de janeiro/2003 a junho/2010, com o objetivo de determinar o perfil das amostras encaminhadas para análise no serviço de defesa sanitária animal, com ênfase no diagnóstico da raiva bovina. Foram consideradas características do animal (sexo, idade, raça e tipo de morte) e da amostra (método de conservação e responsável pela coleta), sendo nas positivas para raiva, avaliada sua composição, assim como as alterações histopatológicas encontradas. Os dados relacionados à frequência de positividade nas diferentes categorias foram submetidos à análise pelo Teste Exato de Fisher. Durante o período avaliado, foram analisadas 3.731 amostras de bovinos com doença neurológica, havendo predomínio de fêmeas e mestiços, o que reflete a composição do rebanho do Estado. O método de conservação foi o principal problema encontrado, sendo apenas 25,89% das amostras encaminhadas em gelo e formol a 10%. Verificou-se uma diminuição gradativa no envio de material para análise. Quanto a raiva bovina diagnosticada no Estado, foram avaliadas 3.703 amostras pela imunofluorescência direta (IFD) e prova biológica (PB), com 41,58% de positividade, sendo dessas 282 submetidas a histopatologia. A frequência de positividade foi influenciada pela raça, idade e tipo de morte do animal. A composição da amostra alterou significativamente o resultado das análises, havendo maior frequência de positividade naquelas compostas por três ou mais fragmentos de SNC, tanto na IFD/PB, quanto na histopatologia. O bulbo, fragmento de eleição para o diagnóstico da EEB, tem sido erroneamente enviado refrigerado e não em formol a 10%. Cerebelo, tálamo, tronco encefálico e medula apresentaram maior frequência de corpúsculos de Negri que cérebro e gânglio trigeminal. O infiltrado inflamatório não supurado foi menos frequente no cérebro, que nos demais fragmentos avaliados. Conclui-se que as amostras de bovinos com síndrome neurológica enviadas ao serviço de defesa sanitária animal de Minas Gerais apresentam características distintas, sendo o método de conservação o principal problema encontrado. Além disso, a raiva bovina diagnosticada na população estudada é influenciada pelas características do animal e da amostra, sendo indicado o envio de diferentes fragmentos do SNC para análise, conservados adequadamente, o que contribui para um diagnóstico mais preciso.


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Actinobacillosis is a common cause of sporadic infection in cattle. It was mostly characterized as a pyogranulomatous inflammation of the tongue, but also soft tissues as lymph nodes, other digestive tract localization and skin. The aim of this study was to describe an episode of granulomatous dermatitis and lymphadenitis affecting a bull herd in Argentina during 2010. Actinobacillus lignieresii was isolated from samples collected from one of the affected bulls, and characteristic lesions were observed. Lesions other than 'wooden tongue' are usually uncommon; however, actinobacillosis should be included as a differential diagnosis for cutaneous diseases.


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O método de eletrocardiografia computadorizada (ECG-C) vem sendo crescentemente difundido na medicina veterinária, havendo atualmente diversas marcas e modelos de eletrocardiógrafos disponíveis no mercado. Diante da possibilidade de diferenças na sensibilidade e na reprodutibilidade das medidas obtidas nos traçados, o presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar os parâmetros eletrocardiográficos de cães, obtidos por dois sistemas. Foram avaliados dois diferentes softwares computadorizados, o Wincardio Micromed® (WIN) e o modelo TEB ECGPC® (TEB). Quarenta e dois cães hígidos, de diferentes raças (Cocker Spaniel, Daschund, Labrador, Pinscher, Pit Bull Terrier Poodle, Schnauzer, Shit Tzu, Yorkshire e sem raça definida), machos e fêmeas e com idade entre 4 meses e 16 anos foram agrupados segundo o peso e examinados pelos dois sistemas. As medidas eletrocardiográficas dos diferentes traçados foram analisadas na derivação DII. Os resultados indicaram que o sistema TEB apresentou maior sensibilidade na obtenção das medidas de duração da onda P e do complexo QRS, enquanto o sistema WIN foi mais sensível para determinar as medidas de amplitude dos mesmos parâmetros. Os animais de maior porte (26-37kg) apresentaram maior variância nas medidas de duração e amplitude de onda P e duração do complexo QRS em comparação aos cães de médio (14-25kg) e pequeno (1-13kg) porte. O achado de diferenças entre os sistemas testados deve ser levado em consideração ao se empregar os diversos equipamentos para diagnóstico por meio de ECG-C na rotina clínica, de modo a evitarem-se divergências na interpretação dos exames entre diferentes prestadores de serviços veterinários.


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The electrocardiography (ECG) QT interval is influenced by fluctuations in heart rate (HR) what may lead to misinterpretation of its length. Considering that alterations in QT interval length reflect abnormalities of the ventricular repolarisation which predispose to occurrence of arrhythmias, this variable must be properly evaluated. The aim of this work is to determine which method of correcting the QT interval is the most appropriate for dogs regarding different ranges of normal HR (different breeds). Healthy adult dogs (n=130; German Shepherd, Boxer, Pit Bull Terrier, and Poodle) were submitted to ECG examination and QT intervals were determined in triplicates from the bipolar limb II lead and corrected for the effects of HR through the application of three published formulae involving quadratic, cubic or linear regression. The mean corrected QT values (QTc) obtained using the diverse formulae were significantly different (ρ<0.05), while those derived according to the equation QTcV = QT + 0.087(1- RR) were the most consistent (linear regression). QTcV values were strongly correlated (r=0.83) with the QT interval and showed a coefficient of variation of 8.37% and a 95% confidence interval of 0.22-0.23 s. Owing to its simplicity and reliability, the QTcV was considered the most appropriate to be used for the correction of QT interval in dogs.


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A number of studies has shown that antioxidants, fatty acids and trace minerals may modulate different immune cell activities, and that their deficiency may be associated with diseases and impaired immune responses. In innate immunity, natural killer (NK) cells have a central role, killing virally infected and cancerous cells, and also secreting cytokines that shape adaptive immune responses. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of enriched diets in selenium plus vitamin E and/or canola oil on complete blood count and on NK cell cytotoxicity from blood lymphocytes of Nellore bulls. Bulls that received selenium plus vitamin E had (P=0.0091) higher NK cell cytotoxicity than control bulls. This result positively correlated with serum selenium levels. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that showed immunostimulatory effects of selenium plus vitamin E on NK cell cytotoxicity of Nellore bulls.


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A ocorrência de Myxomycetes sobre plantas vivas de Hedychium coronarium Koenig foi registrada nos Municípios de Botucatu (22o52’ S e 48o26’ W) e Itatinga (23o08’ S e 48o38’ W), São Paulo, região Sudeste do Brasil. Foram encontrados esporóforos sobre brácteas florais, restos de flores e sobre folhas adjacentes às inflorescências em plantas vivas, evidenciando ser este um ambiente favorável ao desenvolvimento de Myxomycetes. Cinco espécies foram encontradas: Didymium bahiense Gottsb., D. nigripes (Link) Fr. (Didymiaceae), Physarum compressum Alb. & Schwein., P. pusillum (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) G. Lister (Physaraceae) e Arcyria cinerea (Bull.) Pers. (Arcyriaceae). Todas podem ser consideradas espécies florícolas, embora haja registros mais freqüentes de sua ocorrência sobre componentes da serapilheira. Este é o primeiro relato da ocorrência de Myxomycetes neste tipo de microhabitat para o Brasil.


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The purpose of the thesis is to examine the long-term performance persistence and relative performance of hedge funds during bear and bull market periods. Performance metrics applied for fund rankings are raw return, Sharpe ratio, mean variance ratio and strategy distinctiveness index calculated of the original and clustered data correspondingly. Four different length combinations for selection and holding periods are employed. The persistence is examined using decile and quartile portfolio formatting approach and on the basis of Sharpe ratio and SKASR as performance metrics. The relative performance persistence is examined by comparing hedge portfolio returns during varying stock market conditions. The data is gathered from a private database covering 10,789 hedge funds and time horizon is set from January 1990 to December 2012. The results of this thesis suggest that long-term performance persistence of the hedge funds exists. The degree of persistence also depends on the performance metrics employed and length combination of selection and holding periods. The best results of performance persistence were obtained in the decile portfolio analysis on the basis of Sharpe ratio rankings for combination of 12-month selection period and the holding period of equal length. The results also suggest that the best performance persistence occurs in the Event Driven and Multi strategies. Dummy regression analysis shows that a relationship between hedge funds and stock market returns exists. Based on the results, Dedicated Short Bias, Global Macro, Managed Futures and Other strategies perform well during bear market periods. The results also indicate that the Market Neutral strategy is not absolutely market neutral and the Event Driven strategy has the best performance among all hedge strategies.


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(Mixobiota de Floresta Atlântica: novas referências de Physarales para o Estado da Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil). A ordem Physarales engloba as famílias Elaeomyxaceae, Didymiaceae e Physaraceae, reunindo 16 gêneros e aproximadamente 371 espécies, muitas bem representadas nos Neotrópicos. Um estudo sobre a presença de representantes desta ordem na mixobiota da Floresta Atlântica foi desenvolvido na Área de Preservação Permanente Mata do Pau Ferro, localizada na Mesorregião do Brejo Paraibano (6°58'12' S e 35°42'15' W, 400-650 m.s.m., 600 ha). As coletas foram realizadas entre junho e dezembro de 2005, abrangendo o período chuvoso e o de estiagem, explorando diferentes substratos. Exsicatas representativas do material estudado estão depositadas no Herbário UFP. Dentre as Physarales assinaladas, constituem nova referência para a Paraíba o gênero Fuligo e as seguintes espécies: Diderma hemisphaericum (Bull.) Hornem., Didymium clavus (Alb. & Schwein.) Rabenh., D. nigripes (Link) Fr. (Didymiaceae), Fuligo septica (L.) F. H. Wigg., Physarum echinosporum Lister, P. pulcherrimum Berk. & Ravenel e P. viride (Bull.) Pers. (Physaraceae). São apresentadas descrições de cada espécie, baseadas no material estudado, acompanhadas de comentários e distribuição geográfica no Brasil.


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Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää ja analysoida tunnuslukuihin perustuvien sijoitusstrategioiden tuottoja voimakkailla lasku- ja nousumarkkinoilla finanssikriisin aikana. Säilyttääkö arvostrategian alhaisten tunnuslukujen portfolio arvonsa laskukausilla parhaiten tai tuottaako kasvustrategia vahvalla nousukaudella parhaan tuoton? Miten yhtiöiden taloudellinen asema vaikuttaa tuottoihin jyrkillä laskukausilla ja nousukaudella? Tutkimusaineistona ovat julkisesti noteeratut Helsingin pörssin yhtiöt aikavälillä 13.7.2007 - 4.10.2011. Ajanjaksoon mahtuu kaksi laskukautta ja nousukausi. Yhtiöt on jaettu tunnuslukujen arvostuksen mukaan viiteen portfolioon. Tutkittavat tunnusluvut ovat P/E-luku, P/B-luku, EV/Ebit-luku, oman pääoman tuotto, omavaraisuusaste, current ratio ja Grahamin luku. Tulosten perusteella arvostrategia menestyi hyvin nousukaudella niin P/E-luvun kuin P/B-luvun kategorian tuotoissa, mutta ei erottunut edukseen laskukausilla. Huomattavaa oli myös korkean omavaraisuuden yhtiöiden voimakas defensiivisyys molemmilla laskukausilla. Toisaalta ne olivat myös nousukaudella vähätuottoisia.


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The objective of this study was to analyze retinol equivalent and iron content in different food composition tables and nutritional evaluation software programs. A literature search was conduct to identify tables and software available in Brazil containing information about retinol equivalent and iron content that are currently used by nutritionists. Ten tables and five software programs were selected for this study. The methodology used to present the retinol equivalent and iron content was evaluated and no pattern to obtain such content was found in the tables and software programs analyzed. Only one of the tables had enough information for the calculation of retinol equivalents; this table is recommended to all Latin America As for the iron content, three of the tables analyzed stand out and therefore should be used; two of them are based on national foods and the other is recommended for use in all Latin America countries. None of the software programs evaluated use the conversion factors suggested by IVACG to assess the vitamin A content in foods. Special attention should be given to the content of iron provided in the software programs since they use tables as international sources and fortified foods.


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Financial time series have a tendency of abruptly changing their behavior and maintain this behavior for several consecutive periods, and commodity futures returns are not an exception. This quality proposes that nonlinear models, as opposed to linear models, can more accurately describe returns and volatility. Markov regime switching models are able to match this behavior and have become a popular way to model financial time series. This study uses Markov regime switching model to describe the behavior of energy futures returns on a commodity level, because studies show that commodity futures are a heterogeneous asset class. The purpose of this thesis is twofold. First, determine how many regimes characterize individual energy commodities’ returns in different return frequencies. Second, study the characteristics of these regimes. We extent the previous studies on the subject in two ways: We allow for the possibility that the number of regimes may exceed two, as well as conduct the research on individual commodities rather than on commodity indices or subgroups of these indices. We use daily, weekly and monthly time series of Brent crude oil, WTI crude oil, natural gas, heating oil and gasoil futures returns over 1994–2014, where available, to carry out the study. We apply the likelihood ratio test to determine the sufficient number of regimes for each commodity and data frequency. Then the time series are modeled with Markov regime switching model to obtain the return distribution characteristics of each regime, as well as the transition probabilities of moving between regimes. The results for the number of regimes suggest that daily energy futures return series consist of three to six regimes, whereas weekly and monthly returns for all energy commodities display only two regimes. When the number of regimes exceeds two, there is a tendency for the time series of energy commodities to form groups of regimes. These groups are usually quite persistent as a whole because probability of a regime switch inside the group is high. However, individual regimes in these groups are not persistent and the process oscillates between these regimes frequently. Regimes that are not part of any group are generally persistent, but show low ergodic probability, i.e. rarely prevail in the market. This study also suggests that energy futures return series characterized with two regimes do not necessarily display persistent bull and bear regimes. In fact, for the majority of time series, bearish regime is considerably less persistent. Rahoituksen aikasarjoilla on taipumus arvaamattomasti muuttaa käyttäytymistään ja jatkaa tätä uutta käyttäytymistä useiden periodien ajan, eivätkä hyödykefutuurien tuotot tee tähän poikkeusta. Tämän ominaisuuden johdosta lineaaristen mallien sijasta epälineaariset mallit pystyvät tarkemmin kuvailemaan esimerkiksi tuottojen jakauman parametreja. Markov regiiminvaihtomallit pystyvät vangitsemaan tämän ominaisuuden ja siksi niistä on tullut suosittuja rahoituksen aikasarjojen mallintamisessa. Tämä tutkimus käyttää Markov regiiminvaihtomallia kuvaamaan yksittäisten energiafutuurien tuottojen käyttäytymistä, sillä tutkimukset osoittavat hyödykefutuurien olevan hyvin heterogeeninen omaisuusluokka. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää, kuinka monta regiimiä tarvitaan kuvaamaan energiafutuurien tuottoja eri tuottofrekvensseillä ja mitkä ovat näiden regiimien ominaisuudet. Aiempaa tutkimusta aiheesta laajennetaan määrittämällä regiimien lukumäärä tilastotieteellisen testauksen menetelmin sekä tutkimalla energiafutuureja yksittäin; ei indeksi- tai alaindeksitasolla. Tutkimuksessa käytetään päivä-, viikko- ja kuukausiaikasarjoja Brent-raakaöljyn, WTI-raakaöljyn, maakaasun, lämmitysöljyn ja polttoöljyn tuotoista aikaväliltä 1994–2014, siltä osin kuin aineistoa on saatavilla. Likelihood ratio -testin avulla estimoidaan kaikille aikasarjoille regiimien määrä,jonka jälkeen Markov regiiminvaihtomallia hyödyntäen määritetään yksittäisten regiimientuottojakaumien ominaisuudet sekä regiimien välinen transitiomatriisi. Tulokset regiimien lukumäärän osalta osoittavat, että energiafutuurien päiväkohtaisten tuottojen aikasarjoissa regiimien lukumäärä vaihtelee kolmen ja kuuden välillä. Viikko- ja kuukausituottojen kohdalla kaikkien energiafutuurien prosesseissa regiimien lukumäärä on kaksi. Kun regiimejä on enemmän kuin kaksi, on prosessilla taipumus muodostaa regiimeistä koostuvia ryhmiä. Prosessi pysyy ryhmän sisällä yleensä pitkään, koska todennäköisyys siirtyä ryhmään kuuluvien regiimien välillä on suuri. Yksittäiset regiimit ryhmän sisällä eivät kuitenkaan ole kovin pysyviä. Näin ollen prosessi vaihtelee ryhmän sisäisten regiimien välillä tiuhaan. Regiimit, jotka eivät kuulu ryhmään, ovat yleensä pysyviä, mutta prosessi ajautuu niihin vain harvoin, sillä todennäköisyys siirtyä muista regiimeistä niihin on pieni. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat myös, että prosesseissa, joita ohjaa kaksi regiimiä, nämä regiimit eivät välttämättä ole pysyvät bull- ja bear-markkinatilanteet. Tulokset osoittavat sen sijaan, että bear-markkinatilanne on energiafutuureissa selvästi vähemmän pysyvä.


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Avec prologues, arguments et « capitula ». « Capitulare Evangeliorum de circulo anni » (1) ; Evang. Matthaei (18v), Marci I,1-XV,39 (62v), Lucae (88v), Johannis (128).


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Avec prologues. Evang. Matthaei (2), Marci (45v), Lucae (72v), Johannis (116) ; Actus Apost. (148v) ; Apocalypsis (186v) ; VII Epist. canon. (205) ; XIV Epist. Pauli (222). F. 1v Addition : Ezechiel, XXXV, 1-5 et Jeremias, IV, 7. F. 305 Calendrier de Florence, avec des additions (dans le sens dominicain).


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F. 3 Calendrier de Senlis. Cf. Morel, dans Bull. Soc. hist. Compiègne, XIV (1911), 353-399. F. 9 Psautier, litanies de Senlis et « preces ». F. 102 Bénédictions pour les leçons de matines. F. 103-173 Temporal : — De Trinitate (170). F. 173-307v Sanctoral : — s. Frambourg (234v) ; — s. Vigor (286) ; — ss. Agricole et Vital (307). F. 307v Commun des saints. F. 1-2v et 335-336v Fragments d'offices notés des XIe, XIIe et XVe dim. après la Pentecôte (début XIIIe s.).