982 resultados para applied physics
The nonlinear (NL) response of lead-germanium oxide amorphous films was investigated using a Ti:saphire laser delivering pulses of approximate to 150 fs at 800 nm. The Kerr shutter technique was employed to reveal the time response of the nonlinearity that is smaller than 150 fs. The sign and magnitude of the nonlinearity were obtained using a novel technique called thermally managed eclipse Z scan which allows the simultaneous characterization of cumulative and noncumulative NL effects. The NL refractive index of electronic origin, n(2)approximate to 2x10(-17) m(2)/W, and the NL absorption coefficient, alpha(2)approximate to 3x10(3) cm/GW, were determined. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
This paper reports on the exposure of superhydrophobic polytetrafluoroethylene ( PTFE) coatings to common aqueous solutions which are used in biology, biotechnology and chemical sensor applications. Advancing contact angles as high as 173 degrees for aqueous solutions were measured on the PTFE surface. Water drop sliding angles at 2 degrees show a very low contact angle hysteresis. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements confirm that aqueous solutions can move or stay on the superhydrophobic surface without contamination. Owing to the chemical inertness of the polymer, these results indicate that superhydrophobic PTFE can be used in lab-on-a-chip and multi-sensor devices as well as in biological cultures, where aqueous solutions meet solid surfaces, without contaminating the interface.
The secondary electron emission of dielectrics usually is measured by the pulse method, in which the dielectric is irradiated with short pulses of electrons. Attempts to use a dynamic method, in which the dielectric is irradiated continuously, have failed because the dielectric becomes charged and this charge interferes with the emission process. The dynamic method can, however, be applied to metals where volume charges are prevented. This article reports dynamic measurements of the total secondary emission yield from stainless steel, platinum, and aluminum and compares them with results from the current pulse method. In order to apply the dynamic method to metals a simple but important change in the setup was introduced: a dielectric slab was placed between the electrode and the metallic sample, which permitted the sample surface potential and therefore the energy of the incident electrons to change continuously. Unlike for dielectrics, the emission curves for metals are identical when obtained by the two methods. However, for a sample with deliberately oxidized surfaces the total secondary emission yield is smaller when measured with the dynamic method as compared with the pulse method, just as happens for dielectrics. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)03413-7].
This letter reports on a process to prepare nanostructured PbTiO3 (PT) at room temperature with photoluminescence (PL) emission in the visible range. This process is based on the high-energy mechanical milling of ultrafine PbTiO3 powder. The results suggest that high-energy mechanical milling modifies the particle's structure, resulting in localized states in an interfacial region between the crystalline PT and the amorphous PT. These localized states are believed to be responsible for the PL obtained with short milling times. When long milling times are employed, the amorphous phase that is formed causes PL behavior. An alternative method to process nanostructured wide-band-gap semiconductors with active optical properties such as PL is described in this letter. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.
CaBi4Ti4O15 (CBTi144) thin films were evaluated for use as lead-free thin-film piezoelectrics in microelectromechanical systems. The films were grown by the polymeric precursor method on (100)Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates. The a/b-axis orientation of the ferroelectric film is considered to be associated with the preferred orientation of the Pt bottom electrode. The P-r and E-c were 14 mu C/cm(2) and 64 kV/cm, respectively, for a maximum applied field of 400 kV/cm. The domain structure was investigated by piezoresponse force microscopy. The film has a piezoelectric coefficient, d(33), equal to 60 pm/V and a current density of 0.7 mA/cm(2).
A new approach for studying photorefractive gratings in two-wave mixing experiments by a phase modulation technique is presented. The introduction of a large-amplitude, high-frequency sinusoidal phase modulation in one of the input beams blurs the interference pattern and provides powerful harmonic signals for accurate measurements of the grating diffraction efficiency eta and the output phase shift rho between the transmitted and diffracted waves. The blurring of the light fringes can be used to suppress the higher spatial harmonics of the grating, allowing a space-charge field with sinusoidal profile to be recorded. Although the presence of such a strong phase modulation affects the beam coupling in a rather complicated way, it is shown that for the special case of equal intensity input beams, the effect of the phase modulation on eta and rho is reduced to a weakening of the coupling strength. The potentialities of the technique are illustrated in a study of refractive-index waves excited by running interference patterns in a Bi12TiO20 crystal. Expressions for the diffraction efficiency and the output phase shift are derived and used to match numerically calculated curves to the experimental data. The theoretical model is supported by the very good data fitting and allows the computation of important material parameters.
Intense and broad visible photoluminescent (PL) band in structurally disordered SrWO4 compounds was observed at room temperature. The polycrystalline scheelite strontium tungstate (SrWO4) samples prepared by the polymeric precursor method at different temperatures of annealing were structurally characterized by x-ray diffraction and Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy measurements. Quantum-mechanical calculations showed that the local disorder in the cluster of the network modifiers Sr has a very important role in the charge transfer. The experimental and theoretical results are in good agreement, indicating that the generation of the intense visible PL band can be related to short-range order-disorder degree in the scheelite structure. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) were produced by chemical vapor deposition using yttria-stabilized zirconia/nickel (YSZ/Ni) catalysts. The catalysts were obtained by a liquid mixture technique that resulted in fine dispersed nanoparticles of NiO supported in the YSZ matrix. High quality MWNT having smooth walls, few defects, and low amounts of by-products such as amorphous carbon were obtained, even from catalysts with large Ni concentrations (> 50 wt.%). By adjusting the experimental parameters, such as flux of the carbon precursor (ethylene) and Ni concentration, both the MWNT morphology and the process yield could be controlled. The resulting YSZ/Ni/MWNT composites can be interesting due to their mixed ionic-electronic transport properties, which could be useful in electrochemical applications.
We investigate the linear optical properties and energy transfer processes in tungstate fluorophosphate glass doped with thulium (Tm3+) and neodymium (Nd3+) ions. The linear absorption spectra from 370 to 3000 nm were obtained. Transitions probabilities, radiative lifetimes, and transition branching ratios were determined using the Judd-Ofelt [Phys. Rev. 127, 750 (1962); J. Chem. Phys. 37, 511 (1962)] theory. Frequency up-conversion to the blue region and fluorescence in the infrared were observed upon pulsed excitation in the range of 630-700 nm. The excitation spectra of the luminescence were obtained to understand the origin of the signals. The temporal decay of the fluorescence was measured for different concentrations of the doping ions. Energy transfer rates among the Tm3+ and Nd3+ ions were also determined.
Violet-blue photoluminescence was produced at room temperature in a structurally disordered SrZrO3 perovskite structure with a 350.7 nm excitation line. The intensity of this emission was higher than that of any other perovskites previously studied. The authors discuss the role of structural order-disorder that favors the self-trapping of electrons and charge transference, as well as a model to elucidate the mechanism that triggers photoluminescence. In this model the wide band model, the most important events occur before excitation. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
A combined experimental and theoretical study was conducted to analyze the photoluminescence (PL) properties of ordered and disordered CaWO4 (CW) and CaMoO4 (CM) powders. Two mechanisms were found to be responsible for photoluminescence emission in CW and CM powders. The first one, in the disordered powders, was caused by oxygen complex vacancies [MO3 center dot V-O(x)], [MO3 center dot V-O(center dot)] and [MO3 center dot V-O(center dot center dot)], where M=W or Mo, which leads to additional levels in the band gap. The second mechanism, in ordered powders, was caused by an intrinsic slight distortion of the [WO4] or [MoO4] tetrahedral in the short range. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Photoluminescence (PL) behavior of SrBi2Nb2O9 (SBN) powders was explained by means of beta-Bi2O3 phase on the SBN lattice. Oxygen vacancies and recombination of electrons holes in the valence band lead to the formation of [NbO5 center dot V-O(x)], [NbO5 center dot V-O(center dot)] and [NbO5 center dot V-O(center dot center dot)] complex clusters which are the main reason for the PL at room temperature. X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy were used as tools to investigate the structural changes in SBN lattice allowing to correlate [NbO5 center dot V-O(center dot)]/[NbO6](') ratio with the evolution of the visible PL emission in the SBN powders. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
The electrical properties of tin oxide varistors doped with CoO, Nb2O5 and Cr2O3, were investigated using the impedance spectroscopy technique with the temperature ranging from 25 to 400 degrees C. The impedance data, represented by means of Nyquist diagrams, show two time constants with different activation energies, one at low frequencies and the other at high frequencies. These activation energies were associated with the adsorption and reaction of O-2 species at the grain boundary interface. The Arrhenius plots show two slopes with a turnover at 200 degrees C for both the higher and lower frequency time constants. This behavior can be related with the decrease of minor charge carrier density. The barrier formation mechanism was associated with the presence of Cr-Sn at the surface, which promotes the adsorption of the O' and O species which are in turn proposed as being responsible for the barrier formation. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(98)04719-7]
Polymer films were grown in rf discharges containing different proportions of C2H2 and SF6. Quantitative optical emission spectrometry (actinometry) was used to follow the trends in the plasma concentrations of the species H and F, and more tentatively, of CH, CF, and CF2, as a function of the feed composition. Infrared spectroscopy revealed the density of CH and CF bonds in the deposited material. As the partial pressure of SF6 in the feed was increased, the degree of fluorination of the polymer also rose. The form of the dependency of the deposition rate on the proportion of SF6 in the feed was in good qualitative agreement with the activated growth model. From transmission ultraviolet visible spectroscopy data the refractive index and the absorption coefficient of the polymers were calculated as a function of the deposition parameters. Since the optical gap depended to some extent upon the degree of fluorination, it could, within limits, be determined by a suitable choice of the proportion of SF6 in the feed. A qualitative explanation of this relationship is given.
We report for the first time the thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) spectrum for a direct band-gap AlGaAs sample, where the presence of DX centers is clearly observed by photoconductivity measurements. A TSDC band is obtained, revealing the presence of dipoles, which could be attributed to DX--d+ pairs as indeed predicted by O'Reilly [Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 1409 (1989)]. The data are fitted by relaxation time distribution approach yielding an average activation energy of 0.108 eV. This is the most striking feature of our data, since this energy has approximately the same value of the DX center binding energy.