984 resultados para Zoilus, fl. 4th century B.C.
Il lungo processo che avrebbe portato Ottaviano alla conquista del potere e alla fondazione del principato è scandito da alcuni momenti chiave e da diversi personaggi che ne accompagnarono l'ascesa. Prima ancora che sul campo di battaglia, il figlio adottivo di Cesare riuscì a primeggiare per la grande capacità di gestire alleanze e rapporti personali, per la grande maestria con la quale riuscì a passare da capo rivoluzionario a rappresentante e membro dell'aristocrazia tradizionale. Non fu un cammino facile e lineare e forse il compito più difficile non fu sbaragliare gli avversari ad Azio, ma conservare un potere che gli fu costantemente contestato. Ancora dopo il 31 a.C., infatti, in più di un'occasione, Augusto fu chiamato a difendere la sua creatura (il principato) e a procedere a modificarne costantemente base di potere e struttura: solamente attraverso questa fondamentale, minuziosa, ma nascosta opera, egli riuscì a porre le basi per una struttura di potere destinata a durare immutata almeno per un secolo. In base a queste premesse, la ricerca è organizzata secondo un duplice criterio cronologico, inserendo -all'interno della cornice rappresentata dagli eventi- una partizione che tenga presente ulteriori cesure e momenti determinanti. Il proposito è quello di sottolineare come all'interno di un regno unitario, caratterizzato dalla permanenza di un unico sovrano, sia possibile intravedere l'alternarsi di situazioni storiche diverse, di rapporti di forze, alleanze e unioni in virtù delle quali si determinino orientamenti differenti nell'ambito tanto della politica interna quanto di quella esterna.
$\rm Ca\sp{2+}$-dependent exposure of an N-terminal hydrophobic region in troponin C (TnC) is thought to be important for the regulation of contraction in striated muscle. To study these conformational changes in cardiac troponin (cTnC), the $\varepsilon$C and $\varepsilon$H chemical shifts for all 10 Met residues in cTnC were sequence-specific assigned on NMR spectra using a combination of two dimensional NMR techniques and site-directed mutagenesis. The assigned methyl-Met chemical shifts were used as structural markers to monitor conformational changes induced by $\rm Ca\sp{2+}.$ The results showed that binding of $\rm Ca\sp{2+}$ to the regulatory site in the N-domain induced large changes in the $\varepsilon$H and $\varepsilon$C chemical shifts of Met 45, Met 80, Met 81 in the predicted N-terminal hydrophobic region, but had no effect on the chemical shifts of Met residues located in the C-domain. These results suggest that the $\rm Ca\sp{2+}$-dependent functions of cTnC are mainly through N-terminal domain of cTnC.^ To further define the molecular mechanism by which TnC regulates muscle contraction, single Cys residues were engineered at positions 45, 81, 84 or 85 in the N-terminal hydrophobic region of cTnC to provide sites for attachment of specific blocking groups. Blocking groups were coupled to these Cys residues in cTnC mutants and the covalent adducts were tested for activity in TnC-extracted myofibrils. Covalent modification of cTnC(C45) had no effect on maximal myofibril ATPase activity. Greatly decreased myofibril ATPase activity resulted when the peptide or biotin was conjugated to residue 81 in cTnC(C81), while less inhibition resulted from covalent modification of cTnC(C84) or cTnC(C85). The results suggest that limited sites of the N-terminal hydrophobic region in cTnC are important for transducing the $\rm Ca\sp{2+}$ signal to troponin I (TnI) and are sensitive to modification, while other regions are less important or can adapt to steric hindrances introduced by bulky blocking groups.^ Although the exposed TnI interaction site in the N-terminal hydrophobic region of TnC is crucial for function of TnC, other regions in the N-domain of TnC may also participate in transducing the $\rm Ca\sp{2+}$ signal and conferring the maximal activation of actomyosin ATPase. The interactions between the B-/C-helices of cTnC and cTnI were characterized using a combination of site-directed mutagenesis, fluorescence and covalent modification. The results suggest that the $\rm Ca\sp{2+}$-dependent interactions of the B-/C-helices of cTnC with TnI may be required for the maximal activation of muscle contraction. ^
Sirkeli Höyük is an ancient settlement located 40 km east of Adana on the left bank of the Ceyhan River in Plain Cilicia. The main mound covers an area of approximately 300×400 m and rises to a height of ca. 30 m above the level of the surrounding plain. Due to its strategic location overlooking a road that crosses the Misis mountains, Sirkeli Höyük always played an important role within Plain Cilicia. J. Garstang’s (1936-1937), B. Hrouda’s (1992-1996) and H. Ehringhaus’ (1997) excavations have shown that the site was occupied from the 4th to late 1st millennium B.C. Since 2006, a new Swiss-Turkish team is investigating Sirkeli Höyük again. Due to modern excavation techniques and an interdisciplinary approach, the architectural and material remains that have been uncovered by the new excavations have yielded much new information. Apart from a more precise pottery sequence, the new project has discovered an extensive lower town surrounded by an elaborate double city wall. The paper will summarize the results that have been gathered since 2006, with particular focus on the campaigns 2012-2013, and aims to show how they may contribute to the understanding of the cultural developments in this region.
Vegetation history for the study region is reconstructed on the basis of pollen, charcoal and AMS14C investigations of lake sediments from Lago del Segrino (calcareous bedrock) and Lago di Muzzano (siliceous bedrock). Late-glacial forests were characterised byBetula andPinus sylvestris. At the beginning of the Holocene they were replaced by temperate continental forest and shrub communities. A special type of temperate lowland forest, withAbies alba as the most important tree, was present in the period 8300 to 4500 B.P. Subsequently,Fagus, Quercus andAlnus glutinosa were the main forest components andA. alba ceased to be of importance.Castanea sativa andJuglans regia were probably introduced after forest clearance by fire during the first century A.D. On soils derived from siliceous bedrock,C. sativa was already dominant at ca. A.D. 200 (A.D. dates are in calendar years). In limestone areas, however,C. sativa failed to achieve a dominant role. After the introduction ofC. sativa, the main trees were initially oak (Quercus spp.) and later the walnut (Juglans regia). Ostrya carpinifolia became the dominant tree around Lago del Segrino only in the last 100–200 years though it had spread into the area at ca. 5000 cal. B.C. This recent expansion ofOstrya is confirmed at other sites and appears to be controlled by human disturbances involving especially clearance. It is argued that these forests should not be regarded as climax communities. It is suggested that under undisturbed succession they would develop into mixed deciduous forests consisting ofFraxinus excelsior, Tilia, Ulmus, Quercus and Acer.
Viral hepatitis is a significant public health problem worldwide and is due to viral infections that are classified as Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Hepatitis B is one of the five known hepatic viruses. A safe and effective vaccine for Hepatitis B was first developed in 1981, and became adopted into national immunization programs targeting infants since 1990 and adolescents since 1995. In the U.S., this vaccination schedule has led to an 82% reduction in incidence from 8.5 cases per 100,000 in 1990 to 1.5 cases per 100,000 in 2007. Although there has been a decline in infection among adolescents, there is still a large burden of hepatitis B infection among adults and minorities. There is very little research in regards to vaccination gaps among adults. Using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) question "{Have you/Has SP (Study Participant)} ever received the 3-dose series of the hepatitis B vaccine?" the existence of racial/ethnic gaps using a cross-sectional study design was explored. In this study, other variables such as age, gender, socioeconomic variables (federal poverty line, educational attainment), and behavioral factors (sexual practices, self-report of men having sex with men, and intravenous drug use) were examined. We found that the current vaccination programs and policies for Hepatitis B had eliminated racial and ethnic disparities in Hepatitis B vaccination, but that a low coverage exists particularly for adults who engage in high risk behaviors. This study found a statistically significant 10% gap in Hepatitis B vaccination between those who have and those who do not have access to health insurance.^
El estudio de los vínculos entre distintas comunidades generó diversos modelos teóricos e interpretaciones que fueron desarrollados para el estudio de las relaciones de intercambio existentes entre las poblaciones antiguas. En general, estas posturas teóricas se pueden diferenciar entre las que se concentran específicamente en los vínculos de intercambio establecidos entre distintas comunidades y diferentes áreas, y las que analizan el efecto de ellos en los procesos internos de una comunidad. En este trabajo nos enfocamos en el primer aspecto, ya que nuestro objeto es abordar las relaciones de intercambio existentes desde la Alta Nubia hasta el Levante, atravesando Baja Nubia, Alto Egipto y Bajo Egipto durante el período que se extiende desde el 3400 a.C al 3000 a.C., aplicando la teoría sistema-mundo y los análisis de los sistemas-mundo
Filón de Alejandría (30?a. C.-50? d. C.) es una figura clave para conocer la profunda relación entre Judaísmo y Helenismo en el siglo I d. C. Judío practicante, su profundo dominio de la lengua, la literatura y, de modo especial, la retórica griegas lo convierten en una personalidad extraordinaria de su tiempo, tanto por su exégesis de la Torá (o Pentateuco) como por sus escritos apologéticos, históricos y filosóficos. Su testimonio es de gran valor para todo estudioso de la Antigüedad clásica por los muchos datos que aporta acerca de la filosofía, el pensamiento, la educación y la tradición clásica en el momento histórico que le tocó vivir, precisamente en un centro cultural de excepcional importancia dentro del Imperio romano
A pollen diagram from the Ahlequellmoor in the Solling area shows the history of vegetation and settlement over the last 7,800 years. In the early Atlantic period mixed deciduous forest with mainly Tilia together with Ulmus and Quercus grew in the area. In the late Atlantic period Quercus became most abundant. Fagus spread in the Sub-boreal period at about 2700 B.C. Since ca. 900 B.C. the Solling was covered by beech forests with some oak. In prehistoric times woodland grazing is indicated. Only in Medieval times are two settlements in the vicinity of the Ahlequellmoor reflected in the pollen diagram. The earlier one is dated to about A.D. 750-1020, and may be connected with the former Monastery of Hethis, which is thought to have existed close to the fen from A.D. 815 to 822. The second Medieval settlement dates to the 11th-12th century. The large-scale woodland destruction of late Medieval and modern times is not clearly visible. The silvicultural measures of the last 200 years are reflected by increasing values of spruce and grassland taxa.
El estudio de los vínculos entre distintas comunidades generó diversos modelos teóricos e interpretaciones que fueron desarrollados para el estudio de las relaciones de intercambio existentes entre las poblaciones antiguas. En general, estas posturas teóricas se pueden diferenciar entre las que se concentran específicamente en los vínculos de intercambio establecidos entre distintas comunidades y diferentes áreas, y las que analizan el efecto de ellos en los procesos internos de una comunidad. En este trabajo nos enfocamos en el primer aspecto, ya que nuestro objeto es abordar las relaciones de intercambio existentes desde la Alta Nubia hasta el Levante, atravesando Baja Nubia, Alto Egipto y Bajo Egipto durante el período que se extiende desde el 3400 a.C al 3000 a.C., aplicando la teoría sistema-mundo y los análisis de los sistemas-mundo
Filón de Alejandría (30?a. C.-50? d. C.) es una figura clave para conocer la profunda relación entre Judaísmo y Helenismo en el siglo I d. C. Judío practicante, su profundo dominio de la lengua, la literatura y, de modo especial, la retórica griegas lo convierten en una personalidad extraordinaria de su tiempo, tanto por su exégesis de la Torá (o Pentateuco) como por sus escritos apologéticos, históricos y filosóficos. Su testimonio es de gran valor para todo estudioso de la Antigüedad clásica por los muchos datos que aporta acerca de la filosofía, el pensamiento, la educación y la tradición clásica en el momento histórico que le tocó vivir, precisamente en un centro cultural de excepcional importancia dentro del Imperio romano
El estudio de los vínculos entre distintas comunidades generó diversos modelos teóricos e interpretaciones que fueron desarrollados para el estudio de las relaciones de intercambio existentes entre las poblaciones antiguas. En general, estas posturas teóricas se pueden diferenciar entre las que se concentran específicamente en los vínculos de intercambio establecidos entre distintas comunidades y diferentes áreas, y las que analizan el efecto de ellos en los procesos internos de una comunidad. En este trabajo nos enfocamos en el primer aspecto, ya que nuestro objeto es abordar las relaciones de intercambio existentes desde la Alta Nubia hasta el Levante, atravesando Baja Nubia, Alto Egipto y Bajo Egipto durante el período que se extiende desde el 3400 a.C al 3000 a.C., aplicando la teoría sistema-mundo y los análisis de los sistemas-mundo
Filón de Alejandría (30?a. C.-50? d. C.) es una figura clave para conocer la profunda relación entre Judaísmo y Helenismo en el siglo I d. C. Judío practicante, su profundo dominio de la lengua, la literatura y, de modo especial, la retórica griegas lo convierten en una personalidad extraordinaria de su tiempo, tanto por su exégesis de la Torá (o Pentateuco) como por sus escritos apologéticos, históricos y filosóficos. Su testimonio es de gran valor para todo estudioso de la Antigüedad clásica por los muchos datos que aporta acerca de la filosofía, el pensamiento, la educación y la tradición clásica en el momento histórico que le tocó vivir, precisamente en un centro cultural de excepcional importancia dentro del Imperio romano
Según Palau, J.B.C.S. es Juan Bautista Company
Según Palau, J.B.C.S. es Juan Bautista Company
Según Palau, J.B.C.S. es Juan Bautista Company