487 resultados para Venus de Milo.


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Ce travaille de dissertation (Master) est le résultat de trois ans de travaille auprès de Mirandas, endroit situé à 22 kilomètres de la ville de Caraúbas, région ouest de l Etat du Rio Grande do Norte. Pendant cette période, on a compris que les habitants de Mirandas se identifient et sont identifiés pour les autres comme des caboclos , catégorie de classification que dans le discours courant, soit à Mirandas ou dans la siège de la municipalité, a des rapports avec la vision que les tous premiers habitants de Mirandas sont venus de la ville du Cabo , dans l Etat de Pernambuco. Et pourtant ; l usage qu a été fait de cette version a fini pour cacher des éléments qui ont défini l identité de Mirandas, tel comme la probable descendance indigène que parfois est actionnée dans les narratives qui montrent des rapports entre les portugais et des femmes indiens qu ont été pris à casco de cavalo (cheval) . (MACÊDO, 2010; CAVIGNAC, 2003). Donc, cette ethnographie porte à la lumière des éléments que sont utilisés pour les mirandenses pour définir leur identité. Cette identité peut être bien visualisé a partir des éléments que les caboclos font des signes diacritiques (BARTH, 1998; OLIVEIRA, 1976), bien comme des rapports établis entre les habitants de Mirandas et ces de Caraúbas. Des rapports qui ont rendu possible les manifestations d affinité et de conflits et que, donc, nous aide à entendre comme cette identité se réactualise dans ces rapports d union et opposition que les mirandenses construisent avec les caraubenses. Cela arrive dans les rapports territoriaux, économiques et de façon plus marquante, dans les rapports religieux.


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There has been considerable interest in developing shape-changing soft materials for potential applications in drug delivery, microfluidics and biosensing. These shape- changing materials are inspired by the morphological changes exhibited by plants in nature, such as the Venus flytrap. One specific class of shape-change is that from a flat sheet to a folded structure (e.g., a tube). Such “self-folding” materials are usually composed of polymer hydrogels, and these typically fold in response to external stimuli such as pH and temperature. In order to develop these hydrogels for the previously described applications, it is necessary to expand the range of triggers. The focus of this dissertation is the advancement of shape-changing polymer hydrogels that are sensitive to uncommon cues such as specific biomolecules (enzymes), the substrates for such enzymes, or specific multivalent cations. First, we describe a hybrid gel that responds to the presence of low concentrations of a class of enzymes known as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). The hybrid gel was created by utilizing photolithographic techniques to combine two or more gels with distinct chemical composition into the same material. Certain portions of the hybrid gel are composed of a biopolymer derivative with crosslinkable groups. The hybrid gel is flat in water; however, in the presence of MMPs, the regions containing the biopolymer are degraded and the flat sheet folds to form a 3D structure. We demonstrate that hydrogels with different patterns can transform into different 3D structures such as tubes, helices and pancakes. Furthermore, this shape change can be made to occur at physiological concentrations of enzymes. Next, we report a gel with two layers that undergoes a shape change in the presence of glucose. The enzyme glucose oxidase (GOx) is immobilized in one of the layers. GOx catalyzes the conversion of glucose to gluconic acid. The production of gluconic acid decreases the local pH. The decrease in local pH causes one of the layers to swell. As a result, the flat sheet folds to form a tube. The tube unfolds to form a flat sheet when it is transferred to a solution with no glucose present. Therefore, this biomolecule- triggered shape transformation is reversible, meaning the glucose sensing gel is reusable. Furthermore, this shape change only occurs in the presence of glucose and it does not occur in the presence of other small sugars such as fructose. In our final study, we report the shape change of a gel with two layers in the presence of multivalent ions such as Ca2+ and Sr2+. The gel consists of a passive layer and an active layer. The passive layer is composed of dimethylyacrylamide (DMAA), which does not interact with multivalent ions. The active layer consists of DMAA and the biopolymer alginate. In the presence of Ca2+ ions, the alginate chains crosslink and the active layer shrinks. As a result, the gel converts from a flat sheet to a folded tube. What is particularly unusual is the direction of folding. In most cases, when flat rectangular gels fold, they do so about their short-side. However, our gels typically fold about their long-side. We hypothesize that non-homogeneous swelling determines the folding axis.


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Mestrado em Finanças


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The aim of this study was to apply indicators for monitoring the impacts of harvest in a recreational surf clam fishery. We investigated trends in abundance, biomass and size structure and proportion of sexual maturity for the pipi (Donax deltoides) in Venus Bay, Australia. The surf clam stock was sampled during the peak harvesting season in the Australian summer (November to February) at four sites exposed to varying degrees of recreational harvest. Sampling was based on three transects at each site; with 0.027 m3 (0.3 m × 0.3 m × 0.3 m) quadrats stratified within transects by tidal position. Restricted maximum likelihood mixed model analyses were used to examine fixed effect combinations after including a priori random effect for transect within site. Results demonstrated that relative abundance varied significantly (P = 0.0090) among sampling months but not among sites. Relative abundance declined across the peak summer harvest season. The proportion of maturity varied significantly (P = 0.00026) among sites whereas relative biomass varied significantly (P = 0.0043) among months by sites. Relative biomass and the proportion of maturity were considerably higher at the site exposed to minimal harvest compared to other sites. This study demonstrates that a suite of indictors including biomass, size–frequency and proportion of maturity are likely to provide a more accurate assessment of stock status in recreationally fished surf clam populations, than relative abundance. This highlights the need to develop methods to estimate relative biomass in surf clam populations that are not exploited commercially.


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Pervigilium Veneris, datado entre los siglos II y IV d.C., de autor anónimo, es un poema dedicado a la primavera como estación de Venus, al amor y a la deidad que lo patrocina. Describe el ritual de vigilia nocturna destinado a reactualizar el origen del mundo y su regeneración periódica, marcada por el devenir de las estaciones. El poema, dividido en dos grandes partes -canto a la llegada de la primavera y epílogo personal del autor- presenta dos escenarios construidos con diversos símbolos vinculados con la vegetación. Entre uno y otro hay un continuum espacial vinculado con la renovación-procreación y con la muerte-esterilidad. La diferencia entre ambos radica en el tipo de vegetación que acompaña a cada situación: el mirto (myrteo) y la rosa (rosa) en el escenario que narra la llegada de Venus y el álamo (p?p?lus) en el que se refiere al mito de Procne y Tereo. En esta ponencia analizaremos el simbolismo de las plantas antes mencionadas y de los términos utilizados para referirse al bosque -nemus, lucus, saltus y silva-, a las flores -flos, papilla y gemma purpura- y aquellos términos que los acompañan. Partimos de la propuesta de Mircea Elíade para la interpretación del simbolismo religioso en el marco procedimental de la ciencia de las religiones. Entendemos por símbolo una ?cifra? que conforma un ?sistema? y cuyo valor está relacionado con la existencia humana y la cósmica. Intentaremos demostrar que los escenarios creados por los símbolos de la vegetación coinciden con el tono de cada parte del poema, festivo o melancólico, respectivamente.


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Pervigilium Veneris, datado entre los siglos II y IV d.C., de autor anónimo, es un poema dedicado a la primavera como estación de Venus, al amor y a la deidad que lo patrocina. Describe el ritual de vigilia nocturna destinado a reactualizar el origen del mundo y su regeneración periódica, marcada por el devenir de las estaciones. El poema, dividido en dos grandes partes -canto a la llegada de la primavera y epílogo personal del autor- presenta dos escenarios construidos con diversos símbolos vinculados con la vegetación. Entre uno y otro hay un continuum espacial vinculado con la renovación-procreación y con la muerte-esterilidad. La diferencia entre ambos radica en el tipo de vegetación que acompaña a cada situación: el mirto (myrteo) y la rosa (rosa) en el escenario que narra la llegada de Venus y el álamo (p?p?lus) en el que se refiere al mito de Procne y Tereo. En esta ponencia analizaremos el simbolismo de las plantas antes mencionadas y de los términos utilizados para referirse al bosque -nemus, lucus, saltus y silva-, a las flores -flos, papilla y gemma purpura- y aquellos términos que los acompañan. Partimos de la propuesta de Mircea Elíade para la interpretación del simbolismo religioso en el marco procedimental de la ciencia de las religiones. Entendemos por símbolo una ?cifra? que conforma un ?sistema? y cuyo valor está relacionado con la existencia humana y la cósmica. Intentaremos demostrar que los escenarios creados por los símbolos de la vegetación coinciden con el tono de cada parte del poema, festivo o melancólico, respectivamente.


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The effects of commercial trawling on the malacological communities (except for the Cephalopoda) were examined, based on a study undertaken between 1996 and 2000 on the continental shelf and slope of southern Portugal. More than 50% of species caught by trawling in southern Portugal were discarded, with molluscs representing about 19%. Forty-four species of molluscs (15 bivalves, 28 gastropods and one polyplacophoran) were identified from the discarded specimens. Crustacean trawlers accounted for 34 molluscs species, and fish trawlers for 24. Twenty species were only caught by the crustacean trawl, compared with 10 species by the fish trawl, and 14 species were common to both trawls. The bivalve Venus nux Gmelin was the most numerous species discarded in the fish trawl, accounting for 42.0% of the total number of individuals, followed by the gastropods Ampulla priamus (Meuschen) (7.8%) and Ranella olearium (L.) (7.3%). In the crustacean trawl, the most numerous species discarded were the bivalve Anadara diluvii (Lamarck) (19.4%), the gastropod Calliostoma granulatum (Born) (15.5%), and the bivalve V. nux (15.1%). The third most discarded species from fish trawls in Algarve waters, the gastropod species R. olearium, is a species listed in Annex II of the Bern Convention. The difficulties of managing the real impact of fisheries on the molluscan populations and in defining a conservation strategy are discussed.