947 resultados para Vegetius, Renatus Flavius. Epitoma rei militaris


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Condition factor based on length-weight relationship and food and feeding habits of Arius dussumieri (Black lip sea catfish) and Osteogeneiosus militaris (Soldier catfish) from the Mumbai coast have been studied. Relative Condition Factor showed variations on a monthly basis, and appear to be influenced by feeding and breeding activities. Both the species studied are carnivorous bottom feeders, with crustaceans followed by other smaller fishes forming the major food item in the gut contents.


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The nucleoside analogue cordycepin (3'-deoxyodenosine, 3'-dA), one of the components of cordyceps militaris, has been shown to inhibit the growth of various tumor cells. However, the probable mechanism is still obscure. In this study, the inhibition of cell growth and changes in protein expression induced by cordycepin were investigated in BEL-7402 cells. Using the MTT assay and flow cytometry, we found that cordycepin inhibits cell viability and induces apoptosis in BEL 7402 cells. Additionally. the proteins were separated using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and eight proteins were found to be significantly, affected by cordycepin compared to untreated control; among them, two were downregulated and six were upregulated. Of the eight proteins, six were identified with peptide mass fingerprinting using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) after in-gel trypsin digestion. These proteins are involved in various aspects of cellular metabolism. It is suggested that the effect of cordycepin on the growth of tumor cells is significantly related to the metabolism-associated protein expression induced by cordycepin. Copyright 2008 Prous Science, S.A.U. or its licensors. All rights reserved.


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The alpine meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is characterized by low temperatures because of its high elevation. The low-temperature environment may limit both ecosystem photosynthetic CO2 uptake and ecosystem respiration, and thus affect the net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE). We clarified the low-temperature constraint on photosynthesis and respiration in an alpine meadow ecosystem on the northern edge of the plateau using flux measurements obtained by the eddy covariance technique in two growing seasons. When we compared NEE during the two periods, during which the leaf area index and other environmental parameters were similar but the mean temperature differed, we found that NEE from 9 August to 10 September 2001, when the average temperature was low, was greater than that during the same period in 2002, when the average temperature was high, but the ecosystem gross primary production was similar during the two periods. Further analysis showed that ecosystem respiration was significantly higher in 2002 than in 2001 during the study period, as estimated from the relationship between temperature and nighttime ecosystem respiration. The results suggest that low temperature controlled the NEE mainly through its influence on ecosystem respiration. The annual NEE, estimated from 15 January 2002 to 14 January 2003, was about 290 g CO2 m(-2) year(-1). The optimum temperature for ecosystem NEE under light-saturated conditions was estimated to be around 15 degrees C.


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We measured ecosystem CO2 fluxes for an alpine shrubland on the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau, Qinghai, China. The study is to understand (1) the seasonal variation of CO2 flux and (2) how environmental factors affect the seasonality of CO2 exchange in the alpine ecosystem. Daytime ecosystem respiration was extrapolated from the relationship between temperature and nighttime CO2 fluxes under high turbulent conditions.Seasonal patterns of gross ecosystem production, ecosystem respiration and net ecosystem CO2 exchange followed highly the seasonal change of aboveground biomass in the alpine shrubland. The net ecosystem CO2 exchange was mainly controlled by the variation of photosynthetic photon flux density, while the ecosystem respiration was closely correlated to the soil temperature at 5-cm depth. Integrated values of gross ecosystem production, ecosystem respiration and net ecosystem CO2 exchange for the period from November 1, 2002 to October 31 2003 were estimated to be 1418, 1155 and 222 g CO2 m(-2) yr(-1), respectively.


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Introduction: Brazil is experiencing a nutritional transition characterized by a reduction in the prevalence of nutritional deficits and an increase in overweight and obesity, not only in adults but also in children and adolescents.Objectives: This study was designed to evaluate the factors associated with overweight and obesity in Brazilian 5-year-old preschoolers.Methods: A cross-sectional study of a cohort of 232 preschoolers born in Diamantina/Minas Gerais, Brazil, was undertaken. the data, including socioeconomic status, anthropometry, diet, previous history of the preschoolers and family history, were collected between July of 2009 and July of 2010. To identify the factors associated with overweight and obesity, a logistic regression and a hierarchical model were undertaken.Results: Overweight and obesity occurred in 17.2% of the preschoolers. After adjusting for mother's obesity, per capita income, protective food intake, weight gain at age 0-4 months and time spent playing, the factors associated with overweight and obesity that reached statistical significance were mother's obesity [OR = 3.12 (95% CI 1.41-6.91), P = 0.01], weight gain of more than 0.85 kg/month in the first four months of life [OR = 2.16 (95% CI 1.01-4.64), P = 0.041 and lower per capita income [OR = 0.32 (95 %CI 0.13-0.79), P = 0.01].Conclusion: the results show that more weight gain during the first four months of life and being born of mothers with obesity increased the odds of overweight/obesity in the preschoolers, while lower per capita income was a protective factor.


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Summary: Herod the Great (73-4 B.C.E.) was a Roman client king of the small Jewish state Judaea in the last three decades before the common era. An essential aspect of Herod's reign was his role as a builder. Remarkably innovative, he created an astonishing record of architectural achievement, not only in Judaea but also throughout Greece and the Roman East. Herod’s own inclinations caused him to engage in a building program that paralleled that of his patron, Augustus. The most famous and ambitious project was the expansion of Jerusalem and rebuilding of the Second Temple. Josephus Flavius, a 1st-century Jewish historian, in his descriptions of the visual structure of Jerusalem delivers the picture of the Jewish society in the latter Second Temple Judaea, who were fundamentally antagonistic toward images. For Josephus, Roman iconography, such as Herod’s eagle from the Jerusalem Temple, represents not only political domination but also an unambiguous religious abomination. Visual conservatism in the public realm finds important verification in the excavated remains of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount and the Herodian Quarter (Upper City). Geometric patterns and forms predominate on the floor mosaic, stone furniture, in architectural detail and funerary remains. No human imagery is present in the Jewish context. However, Herodian structures in Jerusalem reflect the architectural and visual vocabulary of their time which contains popular elements of Roman domination in the ancient world.


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Tese de Doutoramento apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências da Informação.


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El Ebro (1917-1936) was a magazine published in Barcelona by Aragonese emigrants at the beginning of the 20th century. It was the first experience of coexistence of different dialectal varieties of the Aragonese language in the same media. El Ebro was an experience that has gone virtually unnoticed in the recent history of one of the most minority languages, and with minor media presence, of Western Europe. In its pages El Ebro mixed dialects spoken in different regions of linguistic Aragonese area together with transcripts of medieval documents. At the same time, this newspaper raised debates about the language issue that they were truncated due to disappearance of the publication and the lack of theoretical realization


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Throughout the reign of Elizabeth I, a steady stream of tracts appeared in English print to vindicate the succession of the most prominent contenders, Mary and James Stuart of Scotland. This article offers a comprehensive account of the polemical battle between the supporters and opponents of the Stuarts, and further identifies various theories of English kingship, most notably the theory of corporate kingship, developed by the Stuart polemicists to defend the Scottish succession. James's accession to the English throne in March 1603 marked the protracted end of the debate over the succession. The article concludes by suggesting that, while powerfully renouncing the opposition to his succession, over the course of his attempt to unify his two kingdoms, James and his supporters ultimately departed from the polemic of corporate kingship, for a more assertive language of kingship by natural and divine law.


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The large-scale persecution of Jews during World War II generated massive refugee movements. Using data from 20,441 predominantly Jewish passengers from 19 countries traveling from Lisbon to New York between 1940 and 1942, we analyze the last wave of refugees escaping the Holocaust and verify the validity of height as a proxy for human and health capital. We further show this episode of European migration displays well-known features of migrant self-selection: early migrants were taller than late migrants; a large migrant stock reduces migrant selectivity; and economic barriers to migration
apply. Our findings show that Europe experienced substantial losses in human and health capital while the US benefitted from the immigration of European refugees.


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A área de Aguiar da Beira está integrada nos terrenos autóctones da Zona Centro-ibérica e é constituída essencialmente por rochas granitóides variscas instaladas durante e após a terceira fase de deformação (D3). As relações de campo mostram que estes granitóides intruíram formações metassedimentares de idade proterozóica superior-câmbrica e as sequências do Ordovícico e do Carbónico do sinclinal Porto-Sátão, cujo extremo SE aflora na área de estudo. Com base na cartografia publicada e nos dados de campo colhidos no âmbito deste trabalho, foi possível individualizar oito intrusões distintas: o granodiorito -granito biotítico de Sernancelhe, o granito gnaissoso de duas micas, o granito moscovítico-biotítico de Vila Nova de Paiva, o granodiorito-granito biotítico-moscovítico de Lagares e os granitos de Touro (biotítico-moscovítico), Aguiar da Beira (moscovítico-biotítico), Pera Velha / Vila da Ponte (biotítico-moscovítico) e Rei Mouro (moscovítico-biotítico). A presença de encraves microgranulares em cinco dos granitóides estudados sugere que os processos de mistura de magmas desempenharam um papel importante na sua petrogénese. As datações U-Pb obtidas em zircões e monazites durante o presente estudo permitiram subdividir os granitóides de Aguiar da Beira em três grupos, de acordo com as suas relações com a terceira fase de deformação (D3): granitóides sin-tectónicos (Sernancelhe e granito gnaissoso; 322-317 Ma), tardi-tectónicos (Vila Nova de Paiva, Lagares e Touro; 308-306 Ma), e tardi- a pós-tectónicos (Aguiar da Beira, Pera Velha / Vila da Ponte e Rei Mouro; 303297 Ma). As assinaturas geoquímicas de elementos maiores e traço dos granitóides estudados, em conjunto com os dados isotópicos Sr-Nd e δ18 (rocha total e zircão) apontam para uma contribuição significativa de protólitos crustais na génese destes magmas. Á excepção do granito gnaissoso, todos os granitóides possuem um carácter transicional entre os granitos do tipo I e do tipo S, o que apoiado pelos dados de geoquímica de rocha total e isotópica, e pela presença de encraves microgranulares de composição mais máfica presentes em muitos deles, indicia uma forte intervenção de processos de hibridização de líquidos de proveniência distinta (crustais e mantélicos), em diferentes proporções, na sua origem. Pelo contrário, as características geoquímicas e isotópicas do granito gnaissoso revelam claras afinidades com os granitos do tipo S, e sugerem que tenha derivado da anatexia de fontes exclusivamente supracrustais. No entanto, parte da variabilidade geoquímica e isotópica observada em todos os granitóides estudados só poderá ser explicada pela actuação de processos de cristalização fraccionada, especialmente intensos no caso do granito gnaissoso e dos granitos tardi- a PÓS-D3.


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O presente trabalho de investigação apresenta um estudo que procurou observar comportamentos de literacia emergente numa língua estrangeira (Inglês) em contexto da educação pré-escolar. Procedeu-se à conceção e implementação de uma abordagem integrada ao ensino da língua inglesa, através numa abordagem metodológica inspirada no paradigma investigação-ação, percecionada como oportunidade de inovação pedagógica e de formação de professores. O estudo foi desenvolvido em simultâneo no 1ºCEB, tendo como principal objetivo comparar os comportamentos e atitudes dos alunos de outra faixa etária relativamente aos comportamentos de literacia em língua estrangeira. Os dados foram recolhidos através da observação, gravação de aulas, posteriormente transcritas, diários do investigador, questionários, portfolios dos alunos e entrevistas semi-estruturadas a especialistas na área da pedagogia de línguas estrangeiras, analisados através da aplicação de técnicas de análise de conteúdo como procedimento de análise do corpus. Os resultados demonstram a relevância de abordagens integradas de cariz lúdico na promoção de comportamentos de leitura e escrita emergente, estimulando assim motivação intrínseca nas crianças pela aprendizagem da língua e cultura-alvo. Por conseguinte, os comportamentos observados de literacia emergente em língua estrangeira permitem estabelecer uma analogia com as crianças bilingues, na medida em que ao aprenderem uma outra língua desenvolvem em sincronia a sua flexibilidade mental e estratégias de auto-regulação em diversas áreas de conhecimento. Os resultados permitem ainda concluir que estratégias promotoras de motivação intrínseca como o lúdico e o storytelling são vitais na sensibilização à diversidade linguística e cultural, por oposição aos resultados evidenciados pela estratégia nacional para o ensino de línguas estrangeiras no 1.ºCEB. As principais implicações deste estudo sugerem a possibilidade de generalização da língua estrangeira na educação pré-escolar, sendo esta etapa compreendida como um período privilegiado na prevenção de insucesso na leitura e escrita na aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira. Deste modo, a educação pré-escolar pode ser considerada como um tempo fundador do futuro linguístico das crianças, numa perspetiva de educação linguística ao longo da vida.


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Predictions which invoke evolutionary mechanisms ar e hard to test. Agent-based modeling in artificial life offers a way to simulate behaviors and interac tions in specific physical or social environments o ver many generations. The outcomes have implications fo r understanding adaptive value of behaviors in context. Pain-related behavior in animals is communicated to other animals that might protect or help, or might exploit or predate. An agent-based model simulated the effects of displaying or not displaying pain (expresser/non-expresser strategies) when injured, and of helping, ignoring or exploiting another in pain (altruistic/non-altruistic/selfish strategies) . Agents modeled in MATLAB interacted at random while foraging (gaining energy); random injury inte rrupted foraging for a fixed time unless help from an altruistic agent, who paid an energy cost, speeded recovery. Environmental and social conditions also varied, and each model ran for 10,000 iterations. Findings were meaningful in that, in general, conti ngencies evident from experimental work with a variety of mammals, over a few interactions, were r eplicated in the agent-based model after selection pressure over many generations. More energy-demandi ng expression of pain reduced its frequency in successive generations, and increasing injury frequ ency resulted in fewer expressers and altruists. Allowing exploitation of injured agents decreased e xpression of pain to near zero, but altruists remained. Decreasing costs or increasing benefits o f helping hardly changed its frequency, while increasing interaction rate between injured agents and helpers diminished the benefits to both. Agent- based modeling allows simulation of complex behavio urs and environmental pressures over evolutionary time.


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Dissertação de mest., Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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Dissertação mest., Gestão Empresarial, Universidade do Algarve, 2008