872 resultados para Urban Policy Making
En América Latina, y en Brasil en particular, las ocupaciones informales de la tierra urbana se tornaran un fenómeno generalizado en todas las ciudades, hecho que evidencio una serie de problemas urbanos y de ineficiencia en el proveimiento de los derechos básicos de los ciudadanos, principalmente el derecho a la morada digna, con eso, trajo la necesidad de priorización de política publicas curativas, como los programas de regularización urbana, cuyo objetivo es la inserción de las ocupaciones informales en la ciudad formal, con todos los impactos que eso genera: urbanísticos, legales, sociales y económicos. La ley federal intitulado Estatuto da Cidade (EC), reglamentada en 2001, es entendida como un avanzo jurídico por justamente intentar contrabalancear ese contexto, trayendo una serie de principios e instrumentos que buscan garantizar la función social de la propiedad y de la ciudad. Esa nueva lógica, en la teoría, tiene que ser la base de todas las políticas urbanas del país. Con eso, esa tesis tiene como objetivo evaluar si, realmente, los programas de regularización urbana desarrollados en Brasil cumplen con los dictámenes de dicha legislación. Para eso, fue elegido la metodología del estudio de caso, que fue desarrollado en la ciudad de Porto Alegre, capital del Rio Grande do Sul. Primero fue analizado el Estatuto da Cidade, para la definición de los principios de evaluación, luego, fue propuesto un sistema de evaluación, que fue aplicado en los dos casos estudiados: un anterior a la promulgación del EC, el Condominio dos Anjos, que serbio como parámetro referencial, y otro desarrollado tras la promulgación de dicha legislación, el Programa Integrado Entrada da Cidade (PIEC). Tras los análisis, se puede concluir que la legislación federal efectivamente no ha tenido el reflejo necesario, como conclusiones principales se puede citar: que la legislación municipal de Porto Alegre desde la década 90 ya tenía avances considerables, incluso algunos sirvieron de ejemplo en la elaboración del EC, luego, eso puede explicar el bajo impacto percibido; y que el principal fiscalizador y delineador de la política urbana es el financiador del programa, luego, muchas estrategias y dibujos proyectuales dependen de la línea de dicha financiación. ABSTRACT In Latin America, and Brazil in particular, informal urban land occupations pervasive be turned into all cities, a fact evidenced a series of urban problems and inefficiency to provide the basic rights of citizens, mainly the right to a decent housing, with that, brought the need for prioritization of public policy, such as urban regularization programs, aimed at the inclusion of informal occupations in the formal city, with all the impacts that generates: urban, legal, social and economic. Federal law entitled Estatuto da Cidade (EC), regulated in 2001, is understood as a legal advanced for just try to counterbalance this context, bringing a number of principles and instruments that seek to guarantee the social function of property and the city. This new logic, in theory, has to be the basis of all urban policies of the country. With that, this thesis aims to assess whether urban regularization programs developed in Brazil, actually, comply with the dictates of that legislation. For that, it was elected the methodology of the case study, which was developed in the city of Porto Alegre, capital of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. It was first analyzed the EC, for defining the principles for evaluation, then, was proposed an evaluation system, which was applied in two case studies: one before the promulgation of the EC, the Condominio dos Anjos, which used as a reference parameter, and another developed following the enactment of this legislation, the Program Integrate Entrada da Cidade (PIEC). After the analysis, it can be concluded that the federal legislation has not actually had the reflection necessary, main conclusions can be cited: the municipal legislation in Porto Alegre, since the early 90s, had considerable progress, including some served as an example in developing the EC, then, that may explain the low perceived impact; the principal auditor and eyeliner urban policy is the founder of the program, of course, many strategies and project drawings depend on the line of financing.
O papel desempenhado pelo Poder Judiciário nos mais diversos Estados passa por sensível evolução ao longo do século XX, à medida que se desenvolveram os sistemas de controle de constitucionalidade. De um lado, os atores políticos assumem especial importância nesse processo. Os modelos de revisão judicial foram reforçados, no mais das vezes, em paralelo à positivação, em âmbito constitucional, de um amplo rol de direitos fundamentais e de princípios balizadores e limitadores do poder estatal. Com isso, os elementos cotejados no processo legislativo de tomada de decisões políticas são revestidos de status constitucional e transportados para o discurso argumentativo do Direito, o que leva a um processo de judicialização da Política que permite que a atividade legiferante seja passível de confronto perante instâncias judiciárias. Os instrumentos de controle de constitucionalidade assumem, assim, novos contornos, permitindo que o Judiciário interfira no conteúdo das escolhas políticas feitas pela maioria governante. De outro lado, o Poder Judiciário particularmente as Cortes Constitucionais passa a assumir a corresponsabilidade na efetivação das metas e compromissos estatais, com o que desenvolve uma política institucional mais proativa e comprometida com a concretização substancial de valores democráticos, interferindo, assim, de maneira mais incisiva e rígida no controle do processo político. A definição de políticas fundamentais e o processo legiferante passam a contar com constante participação do Judiciário. Na realidade brasileira, a Constituição de 1988 amplia as competência do Supremo Tribunal Federal em sede de controle de constitucionalidade, inserindo o órgão de maneira efetiva nesse contexto de intervenção judicial na Política. A última década, por sua vez, marcou uma perceptível mudança em sua atividade e em sua interferência no processo de tomada de decisões políticas pelos demais Poderes. Valendo-se dos diversos instrumentos de controle que lhe são disponibilizados, assumiu o compromisso de participar na efetivação dos preceitos constitucionais pátrios mediante a revisão do conteúdo normativo decorrente das escolhas políticas tomadas em outras instâncias. Desse modo, tornou-se verdadeiro copartícipe do processo de definição de políticas legislativas nacionais, seja rechaçando normas que repute inconstitucionais, seja proferindo decisões com claros efeitos normativos que buscam readequar e conformar as escolhas dos atores políticos. Nesse processo decisório, entra em jogo a intensidade com que a Corte busca impor sua visão e suas concepções no tocante à efetivação e concretização dos compromissos constitucionais. A sobreposição de ponderações judiciais e legislativas acarreta, a seu turno, importantes efeitos sistêmicos ao diálogo interinstitucional que se desenvolve entre os Poderes, em especial no que concerne à distribuição das funções estatais dentro das premissas democráticas e ao dimensionamento do papel que compete a cada um dos Poderes no processo de efetivação e proteção da Constituição.
Presentation to the Disability Studies Conference, Lancaster University, September 7-9, 2010.
This paper presents a new approach to the delineation of local labor markets based on evolutionary computation. The aim of the exercise is the division of a given territory into functional regions based on travel-to-work flows. Such regions are defined so that a high degree of inter-regional separation and of intra-regional integration in both cases in terms of commuting flows is guaranteed. Additional requirements include the absence of overlap between delineated regions and the exhaustive coverage of the whole territory. The procedure is based on the maximization of a fitness function that measures aggregate intra-region interaction under constraints of inter-region separation and minimum size. In the experimentation stage, two variations of the fitness function are used, and the process is also applied as a final stage for the optimization of the results from one of the most successful existing methods, which are used by the British authorities for the delineation of travel-to-work areas (TTWAs). The empirical exercise is conducted using real data for a sufficiently large territory that is considered to be representative given the density and variety of travel-to-work patterns that it embraces. The paper includes the quantitative comparison with alternative traditional methods, the assessment of the performance of the set of operators which has been specifically designed to handle the regionalization problem and the evaluation of the convergence process. The robustness of the solutions, something crucial in a research and policy-making context, is also discussed in the paper.
Objetivo: Valorar la política de nutrición formulada en el Plan Nacional de Alimentación y Nutrición (PNAN) colombiano, 1996-2005, a partir de informantes clave (IC), planificadores y técnicos. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo mediante encuesta transversal estructurada a 77 IC: 17 planificadores y 60 técnicos del PNAN. Variables: factores determinantes del problema alimentario, existencia de una política nutricional, valoración de políticas involucradas con seguridad alimentaria y, variables organizativas de la política. Se construyó un Índice de Posición (IP) que cuantificó las opiniones aportadas por los IC (0-0,33=valoración positiva; 0,34-0,67parcialmente/reajustarse; 0,68-1valoración negativa). Resultados: El 79 % de informantes clave coinciden en que existe una Política de Nutrición, pero debe reajustarse (IP=0,50 planificadores, IP=0,54 técnicos). Falta acuerdo entre IC sobre la coordinación institucional, mientras que los planificadores opinan que hay coordinación entre un grupo reducido de entidades incluyendo la suya (IP=0,33); los técnicos opinan que no hay coordinación entre todas las instituciones (IP=0,75), además opinan que la estrategia de investigación no ha tenido éxito (IP=0,73). Conclusiones: Diez años después de la Política de Nutrición en Colombia, los IC opinan que debe reajustarse. Estrategias como la coordinación e investigación pueden optimizarse para alcanzar sus objetivos.
The delineation of functional economic areas, or market areas, is a problem of high practical relevance, since the delineation of functional sets such as economic areas in the US, Travel-to-Work Areas in the United Kingdom, and their counterparts in other OECD countries are the basis of many statistical operations and policy making decisions at local level. This is a combinatorial optimisation problem defined as the partition of a given set of indivisible spatial units (covering a territory) into regions characterised by being (a) self-contained and (b) cohesive, in terms of spatial interaction data (flows, relationships). Usually, each region must reach a minimum size and self-containment level, and must be continuous. Although these optimisation problems have been typically solved through greedy methods, a recent strand of the literature in this field has been concerned with the use of evolutionary algorithms with ad hoc operators. Although these algorithms have proved to be successful in improving the results of some of the more widely applied official procedures, they are so time consuming that cannot be applied directly to solve real-world problems. In this paper we propose a new set of group-based mutation operators, featuring general operations over disjoint groups, tailored to ensure that all the constraints are respected during the operation to improve efficiency. A comparative analysis of our results with those from previous approaches shows that the proposed algorithm systematically improves them in terms of both quality and processing time, something of crucial relevance since it allows dealing with most large, real-world problems in reasonable time.
El proceso de publicación de un artículo debe basarse en la credibilidad, la verdad y la autenticidad. La inclusión de normas éticas en la política editorial científica se concibe como una medida preventiva y disuasoria de conductas inapropiadas. Dada la escasez de estudios sobre ética y publicación científica en Ciencias Sociales y, en particular, en España e Iberoamérica, esta investigación analiza la política editorial antifraude de las revistas españolas y latinoamericanas indexadas en el JCR en Ciencias Sociales (2014). Para cumplir nuestro objetivo, se utilizaron como muestra objeto de estudio 104 revistas y en las instrucciones a autores se examinaron una serie de principios de actuación ética: 1) Derechos de las personas que participan en la investigación; 2) Protección del bienestar de los animales objeto de experimentación; 3) Conflicto de interés; 4) Envío y publicación de manuscritos. Nuestros resultados apuntan que el carácter inédito de la investigación, así como la prohibición del envío simultáneo de los trabajos a otras revistas son los temas que aparecen con más frecuencia. Pese al intento de sociedades de edición científica como ICMJE y COPE por estandarizar los asuntos que afectan al fraude en la ciencia, su incidencia es exigua en las publicaciones objeto de estudio. Dada la dispersión normativa analizada, se retoma la necesidad detectada por otros autores de desarrollar un código ético uniforme para las disciplinas de Ciencias Sociales.
O crescimento espraiado e periférico das cidades nos países dependentes, tal qual o Brasil, tem reproduzido um movimento de segregação socioespacial das classes de baixos rendimentos, as quais são relegadas a condições ambientais insalubres. Nos países centrais do capitalismo, sob formas distintas, se observa também desde os anos 1960 discussões com respeito à expansão urbana para áreas cada vez maiores, seja por fenômenos como o urban sprawl anglo-saxão, ou a urbanização difusa, dos países da Europa latina. Diante desse quadro, com a publicação do Livro Verde sobre o Ambiente Urbano, documento elaborado em 1990 pela Comissão das Comunidades Européias para fornecer subsídios à elaboração das políticas urbano-ambientais, tem se propagado a ideia de que a promoção de “cidades compactas” seria uma solução adequada para reverter o atual estágio de expansão urbana para novas áreas, aumentando as densidades demográficas em áreas infraestruturadas, sobretudo por meio da reabilitação de edificações e terrenos ociosos localizados nos centros tradicionais, os quais tem passado por processos de abandono, perda de população e deterioração física do patrimônio edificado. Tendo isso em vista, na presente comunicação temos por objetivo analisar como a temática ambiental tem se inserido no contexto das discussões sobre a requalificação de centros antigos com foco na promoção de habitações para as classes populares. Para tal realizamos revisão da literatura sobre o tema proposto bem como procuramos identificar os princípios que tem regido tais políticas com relação ao tema ambiental. A relevância do tema encontra-se na necessidade de buscar caminhos alternativos a política habitacional e urbana brasileira, a qual tem reproduzido um modelo predatório de reprodução do espaço urbano.
[Introduction.] Over the last two years, not only inside but also outside the framework of the EU treaties, far reaching measures have been taken at the highest political level in order to address the financial and economic crisis in Europe and in particular the sovereign debt crisis in the Euro area. This has triggered debates forecasting the “renationalisation of European politics.” Herman Van Rompuy, the President of the European Council, countered the prediction that Europe is doomed because of such a renationalisation: “If national politics have a prominent place in our Union, why would this not strengthen it?” He took the view that not a renationalisation of European politics was at stake, but an Europeanization of national politics emphasising that post war Europe was never developed in contradiction with nation states.1 Indeed, the European project is based on a mobilisation of bundled, national forces which are of vital importance to a democratically structured and robust Union that is capable of acting in a globalised world. To that end, the Treaty of Lisbon created a legal basis. The new legal framework redefines the balance between the Union institutions and confirms the central role of the Community method in the EU legislative and judiciary process. This contribution critically discusses the development of the EU's institutional balance after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, with a particular emphasis on the use of the Community Method and the current interplay between national constitutional courts and the Court of Justice. This interplay has to date been characterised by suspicion and mistrust, rather than by a genuine dialogue between the pertinent judicial actors.
No abstract.
With the introduction of the Treaty of Lisbon came the possibility for Member States to launch an initiative under the Ordinary Legislative Procedure. This came into being as the scope of co-decision was expanded to cover the more sensitive issues of the third pillar (such as judicial cooperation in criminal matters and police cooperation). It was considered necessary that Member States have a shared right of initiative with the European Commission. One case in which the right of initiative was invoked was the Initiative for a European Protection Order (EPO). This dossier is one of the first and few cases in which the Member States’ Initiative after the Treaty of Lisbon was used. It resulted in a turf war between the Presidency and the Commission regarding the scope of the Member States’ Initiatives. This article looks into the Member States’ Initiative as it was introduced after the Treaty of Lisbon and the debate that took place on the EPO.
Summary. Negotiating in the Council of the European Union poses some challenges that are common to most international negotiations but there are other dimensions that are a lot more specific. In order to understand better the specific nature of negotiations on a European level and to develop some practical guidelines for European negotiators, it is important to situate European negotiations in the more general context of the theory on international relations and to remember that European negotiations are governed by the general principles which characterise the negotiation theory. This working document has three objectives; after having reminded ourselves of the fundamental principles that govern European negotiations, it aims to provide a general foundation, which in turn will be useful for preparing most negotiations within the Council. A series of practical recommendations will then be made in order to contribute to the strategic thinking of the negotiator responsible for defending the interests of his or her Member State within the Council.
This paper examines the performance of the European Parliament in EU AFSJ law and policy-making from the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty until the end of the first half of 2013. The paper situates the EP in the new post-Lisbon institutional setting, documenting its transition to ‘AFSJ decision-maker’, and its new powers to shape and make policy covering the EU’s internal and external security agenda. While the paper finds that the EP has become an active co-owner of the EU AFSJ post-Lisbon, with the Parliament demonstrating a dynamic adjustment to its new post-Lisbon role and powers, the authors identify a set of new developments and challenges that have arisen in the conduct of democratic accountability by the EP in the AFSJ since 2009, which call for critical reflection ahead of the new parliamentary term 2014-2019 and the post-2014 phase of the EU’s AFSJ.
From the Introduction. The aim of the present “letter” is to provoke, rather than to prove. It is intended to further stimulate the – already well engaged – scientific dialogue on the open method of coordination (OMC).1 This explains why some of the arguments put forward are not entirely new, while others are overstretched. This contribution, belated as it is entering into the debate, has the benefit of some hindsight. This hindsight is based on three factors (in chronological order): a) the fact that the author has participated himself as a member of a national delegation in one of the OMC-induced benchmarking exercises (only to see the final evaluation report getting lost in the Labyrinth of the national bureaucracy, despite the fact that it contained an overall favorable assessment), as well as in a OECD led exercise of coordination, concerning regulatory reform; b) the extremely rich and knowledgeable academic input, offering a very promising theoretical background for the OMC; and c) some recent empirical research as to the efficiency of the OMC, the accounts of which are, to say the least, ambiguous. This recent empirical research grounds the basic assumption of the present paper: that the OMC has only restricted, if not negligible, direct effects in the short term, while it may have some indirect effects in the medium-long term (2). On the basis of this assumption a series of arguments against the current “spread” of the OMC will be put forward (3). Some proposals on how to neutralize some of the shortfalls of the OMC will follow (4).
From the Introduction. The main difficulty of Theology lies in the fact that the very existence of its subject-matter, God, may be put into question. Talking about Social Europe has something of a theological dimension. The aim of this article is to contribute into the debate, by putting into perspective some of the latest manifestations of social Europe. The need for the pursuance of social policies at the European level is now more pressing than ever (para 2). The EU, however, as it now stands, is the direct evolutionary result of the predominantly economic entity created back in 1957. This explains that the social policies pursued at the European level are piecemeal and often impregnated with market concerns (para. 3). From an instrumental point of view, EU social policy is being pursued concomitantly by secondary legislation (hard law) in the fields where the EU does have the relevant competences and by softer means of cooperation (soft law) in several other fields. Hard law has given the occasion to the European Court of Justice (ECJ), in a series of recent judgments, of putting to the fore the concept of a ‘social market’ (para. 4). Soft cooperation has been formalised into the infamous Lisbon Strategy and has been the main object of experimentation with the open method of coordination (OMC) (para. 5). The advances achieved in the above ways, however, do not offer firm answers to basic questions concerning the future development of the European social identity (para. 6)